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Sucrose (Suc) transporters belong to a large gene family. The physiological role of SUT1 proteins has been intensively investigated in higher plants, whereas that of SUT4 proteins is so far unknown. All three known Suc transporters from potato (Solanum tuberosum), SUT1, SUT2, and SUT4, are colocalized and their RNA levels not only follow a diurnal rhythm, but also oscillate in constant light. Here, we examined the physiological effects of transgenic potato plants on RNA interference (RNAi)-inactivated StSUT4 expression. The phenotype of StSUT4-RNAi plants includes early flowering, higher tuber production, and reduced sensitivity toward light enriched in far-red wavelength (i.e. in canopy shade). Inhibition of StSUT4 led to tuber production of the strict photoperiodic potato subsp. andigena even under noninductive long-day conditions. Accumulation of soluble sugars and Suc efflux from leaves of transgenic plants are modified in StSUT4-RNAi plants, leading to modified Suc levels in sink organs. StSUT4 expression of wild-type plants is induced by gibberellins and ethephon, and external supply of gibberellic acid leads to even more pronounced differences between wild-type and StSUT4-RNAi plants regarding tuber yield and internode elongation, indicating a reciprocal regulation of StSUT4 and gibberellins.  相似文献   
The community composition of epiphytic heterotrophic bacteria on leaves of beech and oak, which were either damaged by lepidopterous larvae or remained undamaged, was investigated. In addition, the ability of these bacteria to utilize inorganic nitrogen was studied. The bacteria were isolated on nutrient agar and systematically identified with biochemical and physiological tests. Rarefaction plots and the Shannon-Wiener function revealed that species diversity was significantly higher on leaves of damaged beech compared to undamaged leaves, but no differences were found on leaves of oak. The portion of bacterial isolates showing a strong response to ammonia and nitrate was significantly larger on leaves of oak than on those of beech. Furthermore, significantly more isolates with a high capability to assimilate both nitrogen compounds were found on leaves attacked by the folivorous larvae compared to those not attacked on oak. It is suggested that the changes in the microbial community in response to folivorous insects might affect the extent of nutrient cycling exceeding eventually the scale of a leaf.  相似文献   
Transgenic tomato plants with reduced expression of the sucrose transporter SlSUT2 showed higher efficiency of mycorrhization suggesting a sucrose retrieval function of SlSUT2 from the peri-arbuscular space back into the cell cytoplasm plant cytoplasm thereby limiting mycorrhiza fungal development. Sucrose uptake in colonized root cells requires efficient plasma membrane-targeting of SlSUT2 which is often retained intracellularly in vacuolar vesicles. Protein-protein interaction studies suggested a link between SISUT2 function and components of brassinosteroid biosynthesis and signaling. Indeed, the tomato DWARF mutant dx defective in BR synthesis1 showed significantly reduced mycorrhization parameters.2 The question has been raised whether the impact of brassinosteroids on mycorrhization is a general phenomenon. Here, we include a rice mutant defective in DIM1/DWARF1 involved in BR biosynthesis to investigate the effects on mycorrhization. A model is presented where brassinolides are able to impact mycorrhization by activating SUT2 internalization and inhibiting its role in sucrose retrieval.  相似文献   
Cyclic di-AMP is a recently discovered signaling molecule which regulates various aspects of bacterial physiology and virulence. Here we report the characterization of c-di-AMP synthesizing and hydrolyzing proteins from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Recombinant Rv3586 (MtbDisA) can synthesize c-di-AMP from ATP through the diadenylate cyclase activity. Detailed biochemical characterization of the protein revealed that the diadenylate cyclase (DAC) activity is allosterically regulated by ATP. We have identified the intermediates of the DAC reaction and propose a two-step synthesis of c-di-AMP from ATP/ADP. MtbDisA also possesses ATPase activity which is suppressed in the presence of the DAC activity. Investigations by liquid chromatography -electrospray ionization mass spectrometry have detected multimeric forms of c-di-AMP which have implications for the regulation of c-di-AMP cellular concentration and various pathways regulated by the dinucleotide. We have identified Rv2837c (MtbPDE) to have c-di-AMP specific phosphodiesterase activity. It hydrolyzes c-di-AMP to 5′-AMP in two steps. First, it linearizes c-di-AMP into pApA which is further hydrolyzed to 5′-AMP. MtbPDE is novel compared to c-di-AMP specific phosphodiesterase, YybT (or GdpP) in being a soluble protein and hydrolyzing c-di-AMP to 5′-AMP. Our results suggest that the cellular concentration of c-di-AMP can be regulated by ATP concentration as well as the hydrolysis by MtbPDE.  相似文献   
Ecosystem engineers are organisms that directly or indirectly control the availability of resources to other organisms by causing physical state changes in biotic or abiotic materials. Termites (Insecta, Isoptera) are among the most important ecosystem engineers in tropical ecosystems. We used a field experiment in the tall grasslands of Serengeti National Park, Tanzania, to investigate 1) the consumption by termites of grass litter and dung baits along the landscape gradient of catena position, and 2) seasonal variation in litter and dung removal. Our maps of termitaria and patterns of bait removal revealed clear spatial and temporal hotspots of termite activity. In the dry season termites removed more baits at the top‐catena positions than at the bottom positions, but there was no effect of catena position in the wet season. Spatial hotspots of termite activity overlapped with those of both mammalian herbivores and predators. Within the framework of ecosystem engineering, this study suggests that intraspecific aspects of spatial heterogeneity and temporal variability deserve much greater consideration.  相似文献   
We describe a modification of the tandem affinity purification method for purification and analysis of multiprotein complexes, termed here DEF‐TAP (for differential elution fractionation after tandem affinity purification). Its essential new feature is the use for last purification step of 6×His‐Ni++ interaction, which is resistant to a variety of harsh washing conditions, including high ionic strength and the presence of organic solvents. This allows us to use various fractionation schemes before the protease digestion, which is expected to improve the coverage of the analyzed protein mixture and also to provide an additional insight into the structure of the purified macromolecular complex and the nature of protein–protein interactions involved. We illustrate our new approach by analysis of soluble nuclear complexes containing histone H4 purified from HeLa cells. In particular, we observed different fractionation patterns of HAT1 and RbAp46 proteins as compared with RbAp48 protein, all identified as interaction partners of H4 histone. In addition, we report all components of the licensing MCM2‐7 complex and the apoptosis‐related DAXX protein among the interaction partners of the soluble H4. Finally, we show that HAT1 requires N‐terminal tail of H4 for its stable association with this histone.  相似文献   
Structure of the phylogenetically most conserved domain of SRP RNA   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The signal recognition particle (SRP) is a phylogenetically conserved ribonucleoprotein required for cotranslational targeting of proteins to the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum of the bacterial plasma membrane. Domain IV of SRP RNA consists of a short stem-loop structure with two internal loops that contain the most conserved nucleotides of the molecule. All known essential interactions of SRP occur in that moiety containing domain IV. The solution structure of a 43-nt RNA comprising the complete Escherichia coli domain IV was determined by multidimensional NMR and restrained molecular dynamics refinement. Our data confirm the previously determined rigid structure of a smaller subfragment containing the most conserved, symmetric internal loop A (Schmitz et al., Nat Struct Biol, 1999, 6:634-638), where all conserved nucleotides are involved in nucleotide-specific structural interactions. Asymmetric internal loop B provides a hinge in the RNA molecule; it is partially flexible, yet also uniquely structured. The longer strand of internal loop B extends the major groove by creating a ledge-like arrangement; for loop B however, there is no obvious structural role for the conserved nucleotides. The structure of domain IV suggests that loop A is the initial site for the RNA/protein interaction creating specificity, whereas loop B provides a secondary interaction site.  相似文献   
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