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Traditionally, species richness, species diversity, total count, biomass, energy consumption and the Ramsar ‘1% threshold’ have been used to assess the importance of wetlands for waterbirds. Designation of wetlands of international importance (Ramsar sites) based on waterbirds has focused on those species meeting the Ramsar 1% population threshold levels. These levels prioritise a subset of species as being important, with little or no consideration to the contributions of the remaining species’ populations. In this paper, we evaluate and further describe a quantitative method to assess wetland avifaunal importance. Termed the Waterbird Conservation Value (WCV), this index sums the ratio of each species’ abundance to its published 1% threshold across all species to give an overall measure of the ‘value’ of the waterbirds at a wetland. Large values indicate that large proportions of the total populations of waterbird species are present at the wetland. Indices can be evaluated at site and species levels. The WCV is a more nuanced approach, sensitive to actual species’ abundance rather than counts of ‘1% threshold’ species and considers all species in the assessment. The outputs of the WCV index are demonstrated and discussed using a case study from three regions within the East Atlantic flyway.  相似文献   
There is a need to increase people’s engagement with and connection to nature, both for human well-being and the conservation of nature itself. In order to suggest ways for people to engage with nature and create a wider social context to normalise nature engagement, The Wildlife Trusts developed a mass engagement campaign, 30 Days Wild. The campaign asked people to engage with nature every day for a month. 12,400 people signed up for 30 Days Wild via an online sign-up with an estimated 18,500 taking part overall, resulting in an estimated 300,000 engagements with nature by participants. Samples of those taking part were found to have sustained increases in happiness, health, connection to nature and pro-nature behaviours. With the improvement in health being predicted by the improvement in happiness, this relationship was mediated by the change in connection to nature.  相似文献   
Genome sequencing of the 5,300-year-old mummy of the Tyrolean Iceman, found in 1991 on a glacier near the border of Italy and Austria, has yielded new insights into his origin and relationship to modern European populations. A key finding of that study was an apparent recent common ancestry with individuals from Sardinia, based largely on the Y chromosome haplogroup and common autosomal SNP variation. Here, we compiled and analyzed genomic datasets from both modern and ancient Europeans, including genome sequence data from over 400 Sardinians and two ancient Thracians from Bulgaria, to investigate this result in greater detail and determine its implications for the genetic structure of Neolithic Europe. Using whole-genome sequencing data, we confirm that the Iceman is, indeed, most closely related to Sardinians. Furthermore, we show that this relationship extends to other individuals from cultural contexts associated with the spread of agriculture during the Neolithic transition, in contrast to individuals from a hunter-gatherer context. We hypothesize that this genetic affinity of ancient samples from different parts of Europe with Sardinians represents a common genetic component that was geographically widespread across Europe during the Neolithic, likely related to migrations and population expansions associated with the spread of agriculture.  相似文献   
Following tendon injury, cartilage, bone and fat metaplasia are often observed, making the optimization of tenocyte differentiation an important clinical goal. In this study we examined the effect of static and cyclic mechanical loading on the expression of genes which play a role in tenocyte differentiation and function, namely scleraxis (Scx) and Type I collagen (Col1a1), and determined the effect of varying mechanical parameters including (1) static vs dynamic load, (2) increasing strain magnitude, (3) inclusion of 10 s rest periods, and (4) increasing cycle number. Cyclic loading resulted in a greater increase of tenocyte gene expression than static loading over 3 weeks in culture. Increasing strain levels potentiated the induction of tenocyte genes. The insertion of a 10 s rest periods further enhanced tenocyte gene expression, as did increasing repetition numbers. These results suggest that mechanical signaling exerts an important influence on the expression of genes which play a role in determining the tendon phenotype. Further work is required to confirm and extend these findings in primary cells such as resident tendon progenitor/stem cells, in order to provide an improved understanding of biology from which optimized rehabilitation programs can be developed.  相似文献   
L. G. Underhill 《Ostrich》2013,84(4):145-155

Underhill, L. G. 1987. Waders (Charadrii) and other waterbirds at Langebaan Lagoon, South Africa, 1975–1986. Osrrich 58: 145–155.

Langebaan Lagoon was surveyed for waterbirds at midsummer and midwinter between 1975 and 1986. The median number of birds counted in summer was 37 500, of which 34 500 were waders (93% of the waders being Palaearctic migrants). Curlew Sandpiper (59,2%), Grey Plover (10,5%), Sanderling (8,3%), Knot (8,1%) and Turnstone (5,7%) were the major components of the summer wader population. The median number of birds in winter was 10 500, of which 4500 were flamingos and 4000 waders. For Palaearctic waders, the median winter population was 11,5% of the median summer population, but varied between 2,5% and 30,1%. For species of wader which breed in the Taimyr Peninsula, Siberia, a three-year cycle in the numbers of birds overwintering was detected, with large numbers in 1977, 1980, 1983 and 1986. Birds feeding on invertebrates consumed 126,9 kJ m?2 yr?1, or 24% of the total production of invertebrates. Greater Flamingos have a major impact on energy cycling at Langebaan Lagoon, accounting for 73,3% of the winter energy consumption by the avifauna. Langebaan Lagoon is the most important wetland for waders in South Africa, accounting for about 10% of the coastal wader population of South Africa. At midsummer, about 0,5% of the total wader population of the East Atlantic Flyway is at Langebaan Lagoon, which ranks about 20th in importance for waders on the flyway.  相似文献   
Spearpoint, J. A., Every, B. & Underhill, L. G. 1988. Waders (Charadrii) and other shorebirds at Cape Recife, Algoa Bay, South Africa: seasonality, trends, conservation, and reliability of surveys. Ostrich 59: 166–177.

A total of 126 surveys of waders (Charadrii) and other shorebirds were made along 4 km of shore northwest of Cape Recife. The surveys were conducted bv two observers who counted independently of each other. The variability between observers was least for conspicuous species such as Whitefronted Plover, Blacksmith Plover, African Black Oystercatcher, Whimbrel and Grey Plover, but greatest for cryptic species such as Ringed Plover and for species which formed a minority in mixed flocks such as Curlew Sandpiper and Little Stint. Variability of surveys within years and between years is also considered. Turnstones and Sanderlings were the most abundant waders in summer. Of the Palaearctic waders, Turnstones, Grey Plovers, Sanderlings, Greenshanks and Whimbrels overwintered. In contrast, Ringed Plovers, Curlew Sandpipers, and Little Stints rarely overwintered. Little Egrets, Threebanded Plovers and Water Dikkops occurred mainly in winter. It is recommended that surveys to estimate numbers of Palaearctic waders in summer and winter should be conducted in December, January or February and June or July, respectively. Because of three-year cycles in breeding productivity of certain waders, surveys should be extended over at least three years. There was evidence that waders associated with rocky shores increased in numbers during the study period: this coincided with the erosion of sandy beaches near Cape Recife. Density, biomass and daily field metabolic rates, expressed on an area basis, were similar to those in eastern Scotland. Nine species of tern utilized Cape Recife. It is recommended that the bait-collecting regulations be enforced, that vehicles be prohibited on the beach, and that the tern roost and breeding site be fenced off to create a sanctuary.  相似文献   

Amphetamines and amphetamine-derivatives elevate neurotransmitter concentrations by competing with endogenous biogenic amines for reuptake. In addition, AMPHs have been shown to activate endocytosis of the dopamine transporter (DAT) which further elevates extracellular dopamine (DA). We previously found that the biochemical cascade leading to this cellular process involves entry of AMPH into the cell through the DAT, stimulation of an intracellular trace amine-associated receptor, TAAR1, and activation of the small GTPase, RhoA. We also showed that the neuronal glutamate transporter, EAAT3, undergoes endocytosis via the same cascade in DA neurons, leading to potentiation of glutamatergic inputs. Since AMPH is a transported inhibitor of both DAT and the norepinephrine transporter (NET), and EAAT3 is also expressed in norepinephrine (NE) neurons, we explored the possibility that this signaling cascade occurs in NE neurons. We found that AMPH can cause endocytosis of NET as well as EAAT3 in NE neurons. NET endocytosis is dependent on TAAR1, RhoA, intracellular calcium and CaMKII activation, similar to DAT. However, EAAT3 endocytosis is similar in all regards except its dependence upon CaMKII activation. RhoA activation is dependent on calcium, but not CaMKII, explaining a divergence in AMPH-mediated endocytosis of DAT and NET from that of EAAT3. These data indicate that AMPHs and other TAAR1 agonists can affect glutamate signaling through internalization of EAAT3 in NE as well as DA neurons.

(Arene)dichloridoruthenium(II) complexes with N-coordinated isonicotinates of androgens (6) and estrogens (9) were prepared and tested for affinity to the estrogen receptor (ERα) and sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), as well as for cytotoxicity in cancer cells. None of the new complexes bound noticeably to the ER and most of them also bound less strongly to SHBG than the corresponding unmetallated steroids 7. In MTT assays the Ru(p-cymene) complexes 9 of 2-substituted estrones were equally or even more cytotoxic than the metal-free steroids against hormone-dependent (MCF-7 breast and KB-V1 cervix carcinomas) and hormone-independent (518A2 melanoma) cells. The addition of external SHBG to MTT assays lowered the cytotoxicities of the complexes 9 and distinctly more so those of some steroids 7, probably by the way of sequestration and reduction of the cellular uptake. In the absence of SHBG the estrogen complexes 9 were internalized by 518A2 melanoma cells and ruthenated their DNA as quantified by ICP-OES. They also ruthenated salmon sperm DNA but did not change the topology of plasmid DNA in EMSA experiments. In addition, the Ru(p-cymene) complex of 2-ethoxyestrone (9c) was shown to reduce the motility of 518A2 melanoma cells in a wound-healing assay.  相似文献   
Sensory‐independent Ca2+ spiking regulates the development of mammalian sensory systems. In the immature cochlea, inner hair cells (IHCs) fire spontaneous Ca2+ action potentials (APs) that are generated either intrinsically or by intercellular Ca2+ waves in the nonsensory cells. The extent to which either or both of these Ca2+ signalling mechansims are required for IHC maturation is unknown. We find that intrinsic Ca2+ APs in IHCs, but not those elicited by Ca2+ waves, regulate the maturation and maintenance of the stereociliary hair bundles. Using a mouse model in which the potassium channel Kir2.1 is reversibly overexpressed in IHCs (Kir2.1‐OE), we find that IHC membrane hyperpolarization prevents IHCs from generating intrinsic Ca2+ APs but not APs induced by Ca2+ waves. Absence of intrinsic Ca2+ APs leads to the loss of mechanoelectrical transduction in IHCs prior to hearing onset due to progressive loss or fusion of stereocilia. RNA‐sequencing data show that pathways involved in morphogenesis, actin filament‐based processes, and Rho‐GTPase signaling are upregulated in Kir2.1‐OE mice. By manipulating in vivo expression of Kir2.1 channels, we identify a “critical time period” during which intrinsic Ca2+ APs in IHCs regulate hair‐bundle function.  相似文献   
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