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An activity gel procedure is described to identify functional polypeptides of human poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase. Purified or crude enzyme preparations from HeLa cells were electrophoresed in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels containing gapped DNA. After renaturation of the peptides in situ, the intact gel was incubated in a poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase reaction mixture containing [32P]NAD. Autoradiograms of the gels consistently exhibited a major activity band at Mr = 116,000-120,000; in many runs, three minor distinct bands at Mr = 125,000, 135,000, and 145,000 were also seen. [32P]NAD appeared to be incorporated into poly(ADP-ribose) since: (i) the activity bands were not detectable when the enzyme-inhibitor 3-aminobenzamide was added to the gel incubation mixture; and (ii) the radioactive polymer, electroeluted from the bands, was completely digested by phosphodiesterase I. Preliminary activity gel analysis of extracts of HeLa cells treated with different DNA-damaging agents revealed that the apparent activity of the Mr = 116,000 form increased by about 10-fold in cells treated with 1 mM dimethyl sulfate and 10-20-fold in cells treated with 10 microM mitomycin C. Only a small increase was obtained in cells treated with 1 mM methyl methanesulfonate, and no change in the activity band pattern was observed after 50 and 100 J/m-2 of UV irradiation.  相似文献   
The blue-gum chalcid Leptocybe invasa Fisher & LaSalle (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) is a gall wasp pest of Eucalyptus species, likely native to Australia. Over the past 15 years it has invaded 39 countries on all continents where eucalypts are grown. The worldwide invasion of the blue gum chalcid was attributed to a single thelytokous morphospecies formally described in 2004. Subsequently, however, males have been recorded in several countries and the sex ratio of field populations has been found to be highly variable in different areas. In order to find an explanation for such sex ratio differences, populations of L. invasa from a broad geographical area were screened for the symbionts currently known as reproductive manipulators, and both wasps and symbionts were genetically characterized using multiple genes. Molecular analyses suggested that L. invasa is in fact a complex of two cryptic species involved in the rapid and efficient spread of the wasp, the first recovered from the Mediterranean region and South America, the latter from China. All screened specimens were infected by endosymbiotic bacteria belonging to the genus Rickettsia. Two closely related Rickettsia strains were found, each infecting one of the two putative cryptic species of L. invasa and associated with different average sex ratios. Rickettsia were found to be localized in the female reproductive tissues and transovarially transmitted, suggesting a possible role of Rickettsia as the causal agent of thelytokous parthenogenesis in L. invasa. Implications for the variation of sex ratio and for the management of L. invasa are discussed.  相似文献   
Egg parasitoids of the genus Anagrus Haliday (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) are natural enemies of many pests around the world. We used an integrative approach to characterize some species belonging to the Anagrus atomus group, using specimens reared from leafhoppers infesting some Lamiaceae. Starting from morphological identifications based on available keys, we carried out a multi-locus genetic characterization using phylogenetic and species delimitation analyses, and integrated it with biological and morphometric evidence. This approach revealed the existence of a new species, A. nepetellae sp. nov., here described along with its phenological traits. The approach also allowed us to characterize the expected taxonomic stability of other putative species within the group. We propose two new species groups called the atomus group sensu stricto and the vilis group, with the goal of streamlining the taxonomy of the atomus group. We also present a key for the identification of females of the European species of the atomus group sensu stricto. Some specimens show heterozygosity in 28S-D2 sequences, suggesting hybridization between A. atomus and A. nepetellae, which, if it is common between other species as well, could partly explain the taxonomic problems in the genus Anagrus. DNA sequencing of specimens reared by the same biofactory at different times suggests involuntary contamination leading to the displacement of a laboratory strain of A. atomus by A. nepetellae, which may have resulted from undetected partial reproductive compatibility.http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:DFCD7654-5AA5-4E4F-AE48-24377BAACEFE  相似文献   

A general, selective and efficient synthesis of N,N-dialkyl-cytosine derivatives bearing a vinyl moiety on the C-6 side chain is reported.  相似文献   
Apoptosis can occur throughout the life span of osteoblasts (OBs), beginning from the early stages of differentiation and continuing throughout all stages of their working life. Here, we investigated the effects of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) on normal human OBs showing for the first time that the expression of TRAIL receptors is modulated during OB differentiation. In particular, the TRAIL receptor ratio was in favor of the deaths because of the low expression of DcR2 in undifferentiated OBs, differently it was shifted toward the decoys in differentiated ones. Undifferentiated OBs treated with TRAIL showed reduced cell viability, whereas differentiated OBs displayed TRAIL resistance. The OB sensitiveness to TRAIL was due to the up-regulation of DR5 and the down-regulation of DcR2. The main death receptor involved in TRAIL-reduced OB viability was DR5 as demonstrated by the rescue of cell viability observed in the presence of anti-DR5 neutralizing antibody. Besides the ratio of TRAIL receptors, the sensitivity of undifferentiated OBs to TRAIL-cytotoxic effect was also associated with low mRNA levels of intracellular anti-apoptotic proteins, such as cFLIP, the activation of caspase-8 and -3, as well as the DNA fragmentation. This study suggests that apoptotic effect exerted by TRAIL/TRAIL-receptor system on normal human OB is strictly dependent upon cell differentiation status.  相似文献   
Some maternal infections, contracted before or during pregnancy, can be transmitted to the fetus, during gestation (congenital infection), during labor and childbirth (perinatal infection) and through breastfeeding (postnatal infection). The agents responsible for these infections can be viruses, bacteria, protozoa, fungi. Among the viruses most frequently responsible for congenital infections are Cytomegalovirus (CMV), Herpes simplex 1–2, Herpes virus 6, Varicella zoster. Moreover Hepatitis B and C virus, HIV, Parvovirus B19 and non-polio Enteroviruses when contracted during pregnancy may involve the fetus or newborn at birth. Recently, new viruses have emerged, SARS-Cov-2 and Zika virus, of which we do not yet fully know the characteristics and pathogenic power when contracted during pregnancy.Viral infections in pregnancy can damage the fetus (spontaneous abortion, fetal death, intrauterine growth retardation) or the newborn (congenital anomalies, organ diseases with sequelae of different severity). Some risk factors specifically influence the incidence of transmission to the fetus: the timing of the infection in pregnancy, the order of the infection, primary or reinfection or chronic, the duration of membrane rupture, type of delivery, socio-economic conditions and breastfeeding. Frequently infected neonates, symptomatic at birth, have worse outcomes than asymptomatic. Many asymptomatic babies develop long term neurosensory outcomes.The way in which the virus interacts with the maternal immune system, the maternal-fetal interface and the placenta explain these results and also the differences that are observed from time to time in the fetal?neonatal outcomes of maternal infections. The maternal immune system undergoes functional adaptation during pregnancy, once thought as physiological immunosuppression. This adaptation, crucial for generating a balance between maternal immunity and fetus, is necessary to promote and support the pregnancy itself and the growth of the fetus. When this adaptation is upset by the viral infection, the balance is broken, and the infection can spread and lead to the adverse outcomes previously described. In this review we will describe the main viral harmful infections in pregnancy and the potential mechanisms of the damages on the fetus and newborn.  相似文献   
Neuroblastoma is a type of pediatric cancer. The sensitivity of neuroblastoma (NB) cancer cells to chemotherapy and radiation is inhibited by the presence of antioxidants, such as glutathione (GSH), which is crucial in counteracting the endogenous production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). We have previously demonstrated that cells depleted of GSH undergo apoptosis via oxidative stress and Protein kinase C (PKC) δ activation. In the present study, we transfected PKCδ in NB cells resistant to oxidative death induced by L-buthionine-S,R-sulfoximine (BSO), a GSH-depleting agent. Cell responses, in terms of ROS production, apoptosis and DNA damage were evaluated. Moreover, PKCδ activation was monitored by analyzing the phosphorylation status of threonine 505 residue, carrying out PKC activity assay and investigating the subcellular localization of the kinase. The cell responses obtained in BSO-resistant cells were also compared with those obtained in BSO-sensitive cells subjected to the same experimental protocol. Our results demonstrate, for the first time, that PKCδ induces DNA oxidation and ROS overproduction leading to apoptosis of BSO-resistant NB cells and potentiates the cytotoxic effects induced by BSO in sensitive cells. Moreover, PKCδ overexpression enhances the sensitivity of NB cells to etoposide, a well-characterised drug, commonly used in neuroblastoma therapy. Altogether our data provide evidence of a pro-oxidant role of PKCδ that might be exploited to design new therapeutic strategies aimed at selective killing of cancer cells and overcoming drug resistance. However, it becomes evident that a more detailed understanding of ROS-mediated signaling in cancer cells is necessary for the development of redox-modulated therapeutic approaches.  相似文献   


VEGF and AFP mRNA determinations in the blood are promising prognostic factors for patients with HCC. This study explores their potential prognostic synergy in a cohort of HCC patients evaluated for potentially curative therapies.


One hundred twenty-four patients with a diagnosis of HCC were prospectively enrolled in the study. Inclusion criteria were: (a) histological diagnosis of HCC and assessment of tumour grade and (b) determination of AFP mRNA status and VEGF levels in the blood before therapy.


At baseline evaluation, 40% of the study group had AFP mRNA in the blood (AFP mRNA positive), and 35% had VEGF23 pg ml−1 (VEGF positive). Surgery was performed in 58 patients (47%), 54 (43%) had tumour ablation, and 12 had chemoembolisation (10%). Median follow-up and survival of the study group were 19 and 26 months (range, 1 to 60), respectively. The association of AFP mRNA and VEGF proved to be prognostically more accurate than their single use in discriminating the risk of death (ROC curve analysis) and survival probability (Cox analysis). In particular, we identified 3 main molecular stages (0,0001): both negative (3-year survival = 63%), one positive (3-year survival = 40%), both positive (3-year survival = 16%). Multivariate analysis identified BCLC staging, surgery, and molecular staging as the most significant survival variables.


The preoperative determination of AFP mRNA status and VEGF may potentially refine the prognostic evaluation of HCC patients and improve the selection process for potentially curative therapies.  相似文献   
Research on stem cells has developed as one of the most promising areas of neurobiology. In the beginning of the 1990s, neurogenesis in the adult brain was indisputably accepted, eliciting great research efforts. Neural stem cells in the adult mammalian brain are located in the ‘neurogenic’ areas of the subventricular and subgranular zones. Nevertheless, many reports indicate that they subsist in other regions of the adult brain. Adult neural stem cells have arisen considerable interest as these studies can be useful to develop new methods to replace damaged neurons and treat severe neurological diseases such as neurodegeneration, stroke or spinal cord lesions. In particular, a promising field is aimed at stimulating or trigger a self‐repair system in the diseased brain driven by its own stem cell population. Here, we will revise the latest findings on the characterization of active and quiescent adult neural stem cells in the main regions of neurogenesis and the factors necessary to maintain their active and resting states, stimulate migration and homing in diseased areas, hoping to outline the emerging knowledge for the promotion of regeneration in the brain based on endogenous stem cells.  相似文献   
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