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Gallagher SC  Gao ZH  Li S  Dyer RB  Trewhella J  Klee CB 《Biochemistry》2001,40(40):12094-12102
We have used site-directed mutagenesis, flow dialysis, and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy to study Ca(2+)-binding to the regulatory component of calcineurin. Single Glu-Gln(E --> Q) mutations were used to inactivate each of the four Ca(2+)-binding sites of CnB in turn, generating mutants Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4, with the number indicating which Ca(2+) site is inactivated. The binding data derived from flow dialysis reveal two pairs of sites in the wild-type protein, one pair with very high affinity and the other with lower affinity Ca(2+)-binding sites. Also, only three sites are titratable in the wild-type protein because one site cannot be decalcified. Mutation of site 2 leaves the protein with only two titratable sites, while mutation of sites 1, 3, or 4 leave three titratable sites that are mostly filled with 3 Ca(2+) equiv added. The binding data further show that each of the single-site mutations Q2, Q3, and Q4 affects the affinities of at least one of the remaining sites. Mutation in either of sites 3 or 4 results in a protein with no high-affinity sites, indicating communication between the two high-affinity sites, most likely sites 3 and 4. Mutation in site 2 decreases the affinity of all three remaining sites, though still leaving two relatively high-affinity sites. The FTIR data support the conclusions from the binding data with respect to the number of titratable sites as well as the impact of each mutation on the affinities of the remaining sites. We conclude therefore that there is communication between all four Ca(2+)-binding sites. In addition, the Ca(2+) induced changes in the FTIR spectra for the wild-type and Q4 mutant are most similar, suggesting that the same three Ca(2+)-binding sites are being titrated, i.e., site 4 is the very high-affinity site under the conditions of the FTIR experiments.  相似文献   
Identifying secretomes in people, pufferfish and pigs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Late Holocene climatic changes caused a large scale regression of the Lake Chad shoreline followed by an expansion of settlements into previously unexplored territories. Numerous Final Stone Age sites of the Gajiganna Culture (1,800 to 800 b.c.) in the Lake Chad Basin (northeast Nigeria) yielded plant impressions in potsherds. The ceramics of Phase I (1,800–1,400 b.c.) were mineral tempered, and plant impressions, mainly of Paniceae, were caused only by incidental inclusion. In contrast, a considerable number of the sherds from Phase II (1,500–800 b.c.) were intentionally tempered with chaff derived from domesticated pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum), wild Paniceae and wild rice species (Oryza cf. barthii and O. cf. longistaminata). This plant spectrum suggests the exploitation of the wet wild areas, and also the cultivation of pearl millet on sandy soils. The evidence suggests that agricultural practices were established late and were introduced from elsewhere. During the time of seasonally occupied sites in Phase I, the subsistence strategy was based on herding, fishing, and gathering, while in Phase II there are signs of permanent settlements and agriculture. The evidence from the plant impressions indicates that in the Final Stone Age Gajiganna Culture around 1,000–800 b.c., pearl millet became well established while the gathering of wild millets and rice was still practised.*Klee et al. (2000), Zach and Klee (2003)  相似文献   
Control of ethylene-mediated processes in tomato at the level of receptors   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
The plant hormone ethylene controls many aspects of development and response to the environment. In tomato, ethylene is an essential component of flower senescence, organ abscission, adventitious root initiation, and fruit ripening. Responses to ethylene are also critical for aspects of biotic and abiotic stress responses. Clearly, much of the control of these events occurs at the level of hormone synthesis. However, it is becoming apparent that levels of the ethylene receptors are also highly regulated. The tomato ethylene receptors are encoded by a family of six genes. Levels of expression of these genes are spatially and temporally controlled throughout development. Further, a subset of the receptor genes respond to external stimuli. Genetic and biochemical evidence supports a model in which the ethylene receptors act as negative regulators of downstream responses; in the absence of ethylene, receptors actively suppress expression of ethylene responsive genes. Consistent with this model, a reduction in the overall level of receptor increases ethylene responsiveness of a tissue while higher expression of receptor decreases ethylene sensitivity. Evidence to support this model will be presented.  相似文献   
A key transition in the evolution of the insect suborder Caelifera (Orthoptera; Insecta) was from predominantly non-angiosperm-feeding basal lineages to the modern acridomorph fauna (grasshoppers and related insects). However, because of conflicts in the distribution of several complex morphological characters, the relationships of the presumed intermediates, and in particular of the superfamily Pneumoroidea, are presently unclear. We undertook a phylogenetic study of representatives of all of the transitional acridomorph families using mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences. No support for pneumoroid monophyly was obtained from nonparametric bootstrap analysis. Furthermore, adopting a maximum-likelihood approach, specific hypotheses of relationships within the Pneumoroidea were firmly rejected using parametric bootstrapping and Kishino-Hasegawa tests. The results indicate that the Pneumoroidea are at best a grade. This distinction implies that the evolution of the proposed pneumoroid synapomorphies, femoro-abdominal stridulation and simple male genital structure, might previously have been misinterpreted as cases of single character gains or losses within lineages. Reconstructions of character states for the femoro-abdominal stridulation indicate that, in fact, multiple losses or gains are equally likely. An important implication of our findings is that, in grasshoppers, auditory tympana may have evolved before stridulation, supporting the argument that the original function of tympana may have been related not to conspecific communication but to predator detection. Overall, the results of this study emphasize the high information content of these minor groups (in this case, the four intermediate families under consideration contain only 0.2% of extant orthopteran species diversity). Our analyses also demonstrate the advantages of model-based methods in analyzing systematic problems and, in particular, of the importance of testing specific phylogenetic hypotheses when a priori support for groupings (e.g., from nonparametric bootstrapping) is marginal.  相似文献   
The aim of the present study was to determine whether specific surface modifications are capable of improving the biocompatibility of a titanium surface, and whether there is a correlation between the physico-chemical properties of the implant material and its biocompatibility. To this end, the properties of titanium surfaces were modified using various methods or the latter were coated with various materials. Plasma treatments under different atmospheric conditions (N2-plasma, SO2-plasma, acetylene plasma) as well as plasma polymerization were used to affect the biological response. Characterization of the physico-chemical surface properties by means of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), contact angle measurements and the calculation of surface tensions or surface energy provided important information on the interactions at the interface between the implant material and the aqueous environment. The influence of the respective surface modification on cell proliferation, cell viability and the activity of mitochondrial dehydrogenases was evaluated in specific in vitro tests with human gingiva fibroblasts. It was show that different modifications of the titanium samples induce different biological responses of the gingiva fibroblasts. The results confirm the existence of correlations between thermodynamic surface properties and cellular reactions under in vitro conditions.  相似文献   
The yeast Ca2+ adenosine triphosphatase Pmr1, located in medial-Golgi, has been implicated in intracellular transport of Ca2+ and Mn2+ ions. We show here that addition of Mn2+ greatly alleviates defects of pmr1 mutants in N-linked and O-linked protein glycosylation. In contrast, accurate sorting of carboxypeptidase Y (CpY) to the vacuole requires a sufficient supply of intralumenal Ca2+. Most remarkably, pmr1 mutants are also unable to degrade CpY*, a misfolded soluble endoplasmic reticulum protein, and display phenotypes similar to mutants defective in the stress response to malfolded endoplasmic reticulum proteins. Growth inhibition of pmr1 mutants on Ca2+-deficient media is overcome by expression of other Ca2+ pumps, including a SERCA-type Ca2+ adenosine triphosphatase from rabbit, or by Vps10, a sorting receptor guiding non-native luminal proteins to the vacuole. Our analysis corroborates the dual function of Pmr1 in Ca2+ and Mn2+ transport and establishes a novel role of this secretory pathway pump in endoplasmic reticulum-associated processes.  相似文献   
Summary Cloning of genes by transformation with genomic banks and rescue of a phenotype has been extensively used in bacterial systems. This approach has not been possible in plant systems because of the large genome sizes and poor transformation frequencies of most plant species. Recent advances in plant transformation permit the generation of large numbers of transformants in petunia. We have used this system to rescue a model gene encoding resistance to kanamycin by shotgun cloning. The gene encoding neomycin phosphotransferase (NPTII) was introduced into the genome of Arabidopsis thaliana by Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. A genomic bank of DNA from this tissue was constructed in a cosmid vector containing features which would allow its use in plant transformation. The unselected genomic bank was mobilized from Escherichia coli to A. tumefaciens and used to retransform petunia leaf discs. The rescued gene was identified by its ability to confer a kanamycin-resistant phenotype in petunia tissue. The presence of the NPTII gene was confirmed by nopaline assay and Southern blot analysis. This experiment demonstrates the feasibility of gene rescue, in certain circumstances, in plants.  相似文献   
Summary The fine structure of seminiferous tubules from 5 crabeater, 2 leopard and 2 Ross seals showed that during the nonbreeding season the tubules were essentially similar in possessing spermatogenic and Sertoli cells. However, the tubules of leopard and Ross seals had more primary and secondary spermatocytes and spermatids than the crabeater seals. In general, the tubules were devoid of spermatozoa. The spermatids showed stages of maturation such as Golgi phase of acrosome formation, acrosomal cap formation and condensation of nuclei. Some spermatids degenerated in tubules. Both maturing and degenerating spermatids were closely associated with Sertoli cells. Junctional complexes with plaques of filaments were observed between Sertoli cells and the spermatogenic cells. Sertoli cells, irregular and polygonal, contained highly convoluted nuclei, strands of rough endoplasmic reticulum, smooth endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complexes, small mitochondria, variable amounts of lipid droplets, lysosomes, lipofuscin granules and highly plicated plasma membranes. In brief, the spermatogenic activity had practically ceased in the testes and the animals probably secreted low levels of testosterone during the nonbreeding season.This research was supported in part by National Science Foundation Grants G.U. 30270 and G.U. 29829X from the Office of Polar Program and by NIH Grant 5 R01 AM11-376  相似文献   
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