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The recent discoveries of the pRF and pRM plasmids of Rickettsia felis and R. monacensis have contravened the long-held dogma that plasmids are not present in the bacterial genus Rickettsia (Rickettsiales; Rickettsiaceae). We report the existence of plasmids in R. helvetica, R. peacockii, R. amblyommii, and R. massiliae isolates from ixodid ticks and in an R. hoogstraalii isolate from an argasid tick. R. peacockii and four isolates of R. amblyommii from widely separated geographic locations contained plasmids that comigrated with pRM during pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and larger plasmids with mobilities similar to that of pRF. The R. peacockii plasmids were lost during long-term serial passage in cultured cells. R. montanensis did not contain a plasmid. Southern blots showed that sequences similar to those of a DnaA-like replication initiator protein, a small heat shock protein 2, and the Sca12 cell surface antigen genes on pRM and pRF were present on all of the plasmids except for that of R. massiliae, which lacked the heat shock gene and was the smallest of the plasmids. The R. hoogstraalii plasmid was most similar to pRM and contained apparent homologs of proline/betaine transporter and SpoT stringent response genes on pRM and pRF that were absent from the other plasmids. The R. hoogstraalii, R. helvetica, and R. amblyommii plasmids contained homologs of a pRM-carried gene similar to a Nitrobacter sp. helicase RecD/TraA gene, but none of the plasmids hybridized with a probe derived from a pRM-encoded gene similar to a Burkholderia sp. transposon resolvase gene.  相似文献   
PrrC is a Sco homologue in Rhodobacter sphaeroides that is associated with PrrBA, a two-component signal transduction system that induces photosynthesis gene expression in response to a decrease in oxygen tension. Although Sco proteins have been shown to bind copper the observation that they are structurally-related to thioredoxins suggested that they might possess thiol-disulfide oxidoreductase activity. Our results show that PrrC reduces Cu(2+) to Cu(+) and possesses disulfide reductase activity. These results indicate that some bacterial Sco proteins may have biochemical properties that are distinct from those of mitochondrial Sco proteins.  相似文献   
Nuclease A (NucA) from Anabaena sp. is a non-specific endonuclease able to degrade single and double-stranded DNA and RNA. The endonucleolytic activity is inhibited by the nuclease A inhibitor (NuiA), which binds to NucA with 1:1 stoichiometry and picomolar affinity. In order to better understand the mechanism of inhibition, the solution structure of NuiA was determined by NMR methods. The fold of NuiA is an alpha-beta-alpha sandwich but standard database searches by DALI and TOP revealed no structural homologies. A visual inspection of alpha-beta-alpha folds in the CATH database revealed similarities to the PR-1-like fold (SCOP nomenclature). The similarities include the ordering of secondary structural elements, a single helix on one face of the alpha-beta-alpha sandwich, and three helices on the other face. However, a major difference is in the IV helix, which in the PR-1 fold is short and perpendicular to the I and III helices, but in NuiA is long and parallel to the I and III helices. Additionally, a strand insertion in the beta-sheet makes the NuiA beta-sheet completely antiparallel in organization. The fast time-scale motions of NuiA, characterized by enhanced flexibility of the extended loop between helices III and IV, also show similarities to P14a, which is a PR-1 fold. We propose that the purpose of the PR-1 fold is to form a stable scaffold to present this extended structure for biological interactions with other proteins. This hypothesis is supported by data that show that when NuiA is bound to NucA significant changes in chemical shift occur in the extended loop between helices III and IV.  相似文献   
Upon infection with the obligate intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii, fast replicating tachyzoites infect a broad spectrum of host cells including neurons. Under the pressure of the immune response, tachyzoites convert into slow-replicating bradyzoites, which persist as cysts in neurons. Currently, it is unclear whether T. gondii alters the functional activity of neurons, which may contribute to altered behaviour of T. gondii-infected mice and men. In the present study we demonstrate that upon oral infection with T. gondii cysts, chronically infected BALB/c mice lost over time their natural fear against cat urine which was paralleled by the persistence of the parasite in brain regions affecting behaviour and odor perception. Detailed immunohistochemistry showed that in infected neurons not only parasitic cysts but also the host cell cytoplasm and some axons stained positive for Toxoplasma antigen suggesting that parasitic proteins might directly interfere with neuronal function. In fact, in vitro live cell calcium (Ca(2+)) imaging studies revealed that tachyzoites actively manipulated Ca(2+) signalling upon glutamate stimulation leading either to hyper- or hypo-responsive neurons. Experiments with the endoplasmatic reticulum Ca(2+) uptake inhibitor thapsigargin indicate that tachyzoites deplete Ca(2+) stores in the endoplasmatic reticulum. Furthermore in vivo studies revealed that the activity-dependent uptake of the potassium analogue thallium was reduced in cyst harbouring neurons indicating their functional impairment. The percentage of non-functional neurons increased over time In conclusion, both bradyzoites and tachyzoites functionally silence infected neurons, which may significantly contribute to the altered behaviour of the host.  相似文献   
Group III capsular polysaccharides (e.g., K54) of extraintestinal isolates of Escherichia coli, similar to group II capsules (e.g., K1), are important virulence traits that confer resistance to selected host defense components in vitro and potentiate systemic infection in vivo. The genomic organization of group II capsule gene clusters has been established as a serotype-specific region 2 flanked by regions 1 and 3, which contain transport genes that are highly homologous between serotypes. In contrast, the organization of group III capsule gene clusters is not well understood. However, they are defined in part by an absence of genes with significant nucleotide homology to group II capsule transport genes in regions 1 and 3. Evaluation of isogenic, TnphoA-generated, group III capsule-minus derivatives of a clinical blood isolate (CP9, O4/K54/H5) has led to the identification of homologs of the group II capsule transport genes kpsDMTE. These genes and their surrounding regions were sequenced and analyzed. The genomic organization of these genes is distinctly different from that of their group II counterparts. Although kpsK54DMTE are significantly divergent from their group II homologs at both the DNA and protein levels phoA fusions and computer-assisted analyses suggest that their structures and functions are similar. The putative proteins KpsK54M and KpsK54T appear to be the integral membrane component and the peripheral ATP-binding component of the ABC-2 transporter family, respectively. The putative KpsK54E possesses features similar to those of the membrane fusion protein family that facilitates the passage of large molecules across the periplasm. At one boundary of the capsule gene cluster, a truncated kpsM (kpsMtruncated) and its 5′ noncoding regulatory sequence were identified. In contrast to the complete kpsK54M, this region was highly homologous to the group II kpsM. Fifty-three base pairs 3′ from the end of kpsMtruncated was a sequence 75% homologous to the 39-bp inverted repeat in the IS110 insertion element from Streptomyces coelicolor. Southern analysis established that two copies of this element are present in CP9. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that CP9 previously possessed group II capsule genes and acquired group III capsule genes via IS110-mediated horizontal transfer.  相似文献   
In contrast to the static snapshots provided by protein crystallography, G protein-coupled receptors constitute a group of proteins with highly dynamic properties, which are required in the receptors’ function as signaling molecule. Here, the human neuropeptide Y2 receptor was reconstituted into a model membrane composed of monounsaturated phospholipids and solid-state NMR was used to characterize its dynamics. Qualitative static 15N NMR spectra and quantitative determination of 1H–13C order parameters through measurement of the 1H–13C dipolar couplings of the CH, CH2 and CH3 groups revealed axially symmetric motions of the whole molecule in the membrane and molecular fluctuations of varying amplitude from all molecular segments. The molecular order parameters (Sbackbone = 0.59–0.67, SCH2 = 0.41–0.51 and SCH3 = 0.22) obtained in directly polarized 13C NMR experiments demonstrate that the Y2 receptor is highly mobile in the native-like membrane. Interestingly, according to these results the receptor was found to be slightly more rigid in the membranes formed by the monounsaturated phospholipids than by saturated phospholipids as investigated previously. This could be caused by an increased chain length of the monounsaturated lipids, which may result in a higher helical content of the receptor. Furthermore, the incorporation of cholesterol, phosphatidylethanolamine, or negatively charged phosphatidylserine into the membrane did not have a significant influence on the molecular mobility of the Y2 receptor.  相似文献   
We report the isolation of the murine ortholog of AIM1, a human gene whose expression is associated with the reversal of tumorigenicity in an experimental model of melanoma. Mouse and human AIM1 are more than 90% identical in amino acid sequence in the βγ-crystallin repeats and the C-terminal domain, and more than 75% identical in the extended N-terminal domain. Consistent with the isolated cDNA representing the authentic AIM1 ortholog, linkage analysis localized mouse Aim1 to proximal mouse Chromosome (Chr) 10 in a conserved linkage group with genes localized to human Chr band 6q21. Searches of EST databases identified a second AIM1-like gene in both mouse and human, suggesting the existence of a gene family. Northern analysis demonstrates Aim1 is expressed most abundantly in adult skin, lung, heart, liver, and kidney and is temporally regulated during embryogenesis. Aim1 is expressed highly in the shaft region of the hair follicles and the presumptive ectoderm, but not at detectable levels in melanocytes or melanocyte precursor cells. Received: 18 February 1998 / Accepted: 8 May 1998  相似文献   
Chloroplasts of land plants characteristically contain grana, cylindrical stacks of thylakoid membranes. A granum consists of a core of appressed membranes, two stroma-exposed end membranes, and margins, which connect pairs of grana membranes at their lumenal sides. Multiple forces contribute to grana stacking, but it is not known how the extreme curvature at margins is generated and maintained. We report the identification of the CURVATURE THYLAKOID1 (CURT1) protein family, conserved in plants and cyanobacteria. The four Arabidopsis thaliana CURT1 proteins (CURT1A, B, C, and D) oligomerize and are highly enriched at grana margins. Grana architecture is correlated with the CURT1 protein level, ranging from flat lobe-like thylakoids with considerably fewer grana margins in plants without CURT1 proteins to an increased number of membrane layers (and margins) in grana at the expense of grana diameter in overexpressors of CURT1A. The endogenous CURT1 protein in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp PCC6803 can be partially replaced by its Arabidopsis counterpart, indicating that the function of CURT1 proteins is evolutionary conserved. In vitro, Arabidopsis CURT1A proteins oligomerize and induce tubulation of liposomes, implying that CURT1 proteins suffice to induce membrane curvature. We therefore propose that CURT1 proteins modify thylakoid architecture by inducing membrane curvature at grana margins.  相似文献   
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