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Pep5 is a cationic pore-forming lantibiotic produced by Staphylococcus epidermidis strain 5. The producer strain protects itself from the lethal action of its own bacteriocin through the 69-amino-acid immunity peptide PepI. The N-terminal segment of PepI contains a 20-amino-acid stretch of apolar residues, whereas the C terminus is very hydrophilic, with a net positive charge. We used green fluorescent protein (GFP)-PepI fusions to obtain information on its localization in vivo. PepI was found to occur outside the cytoplasm and to accumulate at the membrane-cell wall interface. The extracellular localization appeared essential for conferring immunity. We analyzed the functional role of the specific segments by constructing various mutant peptides, which were also fused to GFP. When the hydrophobic N-terminal segment of PepI was disrupted by introducing charged amino acids, the export of PepI was blocked and clones expressing such mutant peptides were Pep5 sensitive. When PepI was successively shortened at the C terminus, in contrast, its export properties remained unchanged whereas its ability to confer immunity was gradually reduced. The results show that the N-terminal part is required for the transport of PepI and that the C-terminal part is important for conferring the immunity phenotype. A concept based on target shielding is proposed for the PepI immunity mechanism.  相似文献   
The interpretation of experiments involving the overexpression of a recombinant cDNA is often hampered by the interference of mRNA expression from the endogenous gene locus. Unless cell lines from naturally occurring mutations or knockout mice are available, difficult and time-consuming gene targeting techniques are required to inhibit endogenous gene expression. Using a method we refer to as "differential RNA interference" we demonstrate that RNA interference can be used to selectively suppress endogenous gene expression without affecting the expression of a co-transfected recombinant version of the same protein. Functional analyses of recombinant low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP) to study its involvement in lipid metabolism have been shown to be extremely difficult due to its large cDNA and the unavailability of suitable LRP-deficient cell lines. We constructed an expression vector containing the full-length coding sequence of human LRP fused to EGFP and a vector expressing small hairpin RNA directed against the 3'-untranslated region of the wild-type human LRP mRNA (LRP-shRNA). When overexpressed, EGFP-tagged LRP colocalizes with endogenous LRP and stimulates the uptake of LRP ligands. Overexpression of LRP-shRNA vectors significantly inhibits LRP expression, as judged by quantitative RT-PCR, Western blot and immunofluorescence analysis, and it dramatically decreases receptor-associated protein (RAP) uptake. Finally, co-transfection of EGFP-LRP and LRP-shRNA vectors demonstrates selective inhibition of endogenous LRP expression without affecting simultaneous expression of recombinant LRP protein. Thus, utilization of "differential RNA interference" provides a new experimental approach to selectively study the function of any recombinant protein in any given cell line without interference of endogenous protein expression.  相似文献   
CRM1/Exportin1 mediates the nuclear export of proteins bearing a leucine-rich nuclear export signal (NES) by forming a cooperative ternary complex with the NES-bearing substrate and the small GTPase Ran. We present a structural model of human CRM1 based on a combination of X-ray crystallography, homology modeling, and electron microscopy. The architecture of CRM1 resembles that of the import receptor transportin1, with 19 HEAT repeats and a large loop implicated in Ran binding. Residues critical for NES recognition are identified adjacent to the cysteine residue targeted by leptomycin B (LMB), a specific CRM1 inhibitor. We present evidence that a conformational change of the Ran binding loop accounts for the cooperativity of Ran- and substrate binding and for the selective enhancement of CRM1-mediated export by the cofactor RanBP3. Our findings indicate that a single architectural and mechanistic framework can explain the divergent effects of RanGTP on substrate binding by many import and export receptors.  相似文献   
This review is based on pediatric reports (- January 2004) on the presence of symptomatic thrombosis in children with hematologic malignancies, mainly acute lymphoblastic leukemia, treated with different treatment protocols and associated with acquired and inherited prothrombotic risk factors (factor V G1691A, factor G20210A, MTHFR C677T genotypes, protein C, protein S, antithrombin, elevated levels of lipoprotein(a), and homocysteine). The interactions of treatment modalities, study designs, ethnical backgrounds and associated central lines are discussed. Based on the data presented here, we suggest the use of prednisone and E. coli asparaginase concomitantly administered in a leukemic patient suffering a prothrombotic risk factor to be responsible for the onset of venous thrombosis in the majority of cases. In addition, primary preventive anticoagulant/antithrombotic strategies are discussed.  相似文献   
Recently, the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster has been introducedas a model system to study the molecular bases of a varietyof ethanol-induced behaviors. It became immediately apparentthat the behavioral changes elicited by acute ethanol exposureare remarkably similar in flies and mammals. Flies show signsof acute intoxication, which range from locomotor stimulationat low doses to complete sedation at higher doses and they developtolerance upon intermittent ethanol exposure. Genetic screensfor mutants with altered responsiveness to ethanol have beencarried out and a few of the disrupted genes have been identified.This analysis, while still in its early stages, has alreadyrevealed some surprising molecular parallels with mammals. Theavailability of powerful tools for genetic manipulation in Drosophila,together with the high degree of conservation at the genomiclevel, make Drosophila a promising model organism to study themechanism by which ethanol regulates behavior and the mechanismsunderlying the organism's adaptation to long-term ethanol exposure.  相似文献   
Cytokinesis involves temporally and spatially coordinated action of the cell cycle and cytoskeletal and membrane systems to achieve separation of daughter cells. To dissect cytokinesis mechanisms it would be useful to have a complete catalog of the proteins involved, and small molecule tools for specifically inhibiting them with tight temporal control. Finding active small molecules by cell-based screening entails the difficult step of identifying their targets. We performed parallel chemical genetic and genome-wide RNA interference screens in Drosophila cells, identifying 50 small molecule inhibitors of cytokinesis and 214 genes important for cytokinesis, including a new protein in the Aurora B pathway (Borr). By comparing small molecule and RNAi phenotypes, we identified a small molecule that inhibits the Aurora B kinase pathway. Our protein list provides a starting point for systematic dissection of cytokinesis, a direction that will be greatly facilitated by also having diverse small molecule inhibitors, which we have identified. Dissection of the Aurora B pathway, where we found a new gene and a specific small molecule inhibitor, should benefit particularly. Our study shows that parallel RNA interference and small molecule screening is a generally useful approach to identifying active small molecules and their target pathways.  相似文献   
During screening of seaweeds from different places in Europe for antimicrobial activities against human and fish pathogenic bacteria, Laurencia chondrioides was identified as a promising species. By bioassay-guided isolation, followed by structure elucidation by mass spectrometry and 1H- and 13C-NMR spectrometry, two sesquiterpenoides of the chamigrene-type from the selected red seaweed Laurencia chondrioides were identified. Both compounds inhibit the growth of some fish and human pathogenic bacteria.  相似文献   
Design and mechanical properties of insect cuticle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Since nearly all adult insects fly, the cuticle has to provide a very efficient and lightweight skeleton. Information is available about the mechanical properties of cuticle-Young's modulus of resilin is about 1 MPa, of soft cuticles about 1 kPa to 50 MPa, of sclerotised cuticles 1-20 GPa; Vicker's Hardness of sclerotised cuticle ranges between 25 and 80 kgf mm(-2); density is 1-1.3 kg m(-3)-and one of its components, chitin nanofibres, the Young's modulus of which is more than 150 GPa. Experiments based on fracture mechanics have not been performed although the layered structure probably provides some toughening. The structural performance of wings and legs has been measured, but our understanding of the importance of buckling is lacking: it can stiffen the structure (by elastic postbuckling in wings, for example) or be a failure mode. We know nothing of fatigue properties (yet, for instance, the insect wing must undergo millions of cycles, flexing or buckling on each cycle). The remarkable mechanical performance and efficiency of cuticle can be analysed and compared with those of other materials using material property charts and material indices. Presented in this paper are four: Young's modulus-density (stiffness per unit weight), specific Young's modulus-specific strength (elastic hinges, elastic energy storage per unit weight), toughness-Young's modulus (fracture resistance under various loading conditions), and hardness (wear resistance). In conjunction with a structural analysis of cuticle these charts help to understand the relevance of microstructure (fibre orientation effects in tendons, joints and sense organs, for example) and shape (including surface structure) of this fibrous composite for a given function. With modern techniques for analysis of structure and material, and emphasis on nanocomposites and self-assembly, insect cuticle should be the archetype for composites at all levels of scale.  相似文献   
Peptide methionine sulfoxide reductase (PMSR) is a ubiquitous enzyme that repairs oxidatively damaged proteins. In Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), a null mutation in PMSR2 (pmsr2-1), encoding a cytosolic isoform of the enzyme, exhibited reduced growth in short-day conditions. In wild-type plants, a diurnally regulated peak of total PMSR activity occurred at the end of the 16-h dark period that was absent in pmsr2-1 plants. This PMSR activity peak in the wild-type plant coincided with increased oxidative stress late in the dark period in the mutant. In pmsr2-1, the inability to repair proteins resulted in higher levels of their turnover, which in turn placed an increased burden on cellular metabolism. This caused increased respiration rates, leading to the observed higher levels of oxidative stress. In wild-type plants, the repair of damaged proteins by PMSR2 at the end of the night in a short-day diurnal cycle alleviates this potential burden on metabolism. Although PMSR2 is not absolutely required for viability of plants, the observation of increased damage to proteins in these long nights suggests the timing of expression of PMSR2 is an important adaptation for conservation of their resources.  相似文献   
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