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The IR6 gene of equine herpesvirus 1 (EHV-1) is a novel gene that maps within each inverted repeat (IR), encodes a potential protein of 272 amino acids, and is expressed as a 1.2-kb RNA whose synthesis begins at very early times (1.5 h) after infection and continues throughout the infection cycle (C. A. Breeden, R. R. Yalamanchili, C.F. Colle, and D.J. O'Callaghan, Virology 191:649-660,1992). To identify the IR6 protein and ascertain its properties, we generated an IR6-specific polyclonal antiserum to a TrpE/IR6 fusion protein containing 129 amino acids (residues 134 to 262) of the IR6 protein. This antiserum immunoprecipitated a 33-kDa protein generated by in vitro translation of mRNA transcribed from a pGEM construct (IR6/pGEM-3Z) that contains the entire IR6 open reading frame. The anti-IR6 antibody also recognized an infected-cell protein of approximately 33 kDa that was expressed as early as 1 to 2 h postinfection and was synthesized throughout the infection cycle. A variety of biochemical analyses including radiolabeling the IR6 protein with oligosaccharide precursors, translation of IR6 mRNA in the presence of canine pancreatic microsomes, radiolabeling the IR6 protein in the presence of tunicamycin, and pulse-chase labeling experiments indicated that the two potential sites for N-linked glycosylation were not used and that the IR6 protein does not enter the secretory pathway. To address the possibility that the unique IR6 gene encodes a novel regulatory protein, we transiently transfected an IR6 expression construct into L-M fibroblasts alone or with an immediate-early gene expression construct along with a representative EHV-1 immediate-early, early, or late promoter-chloramphenicol acetyltransferase reporter construct. The results indicated that the IR6 protein does not affect the expression of these representative promoter constructs. Interestingly, the IR6 protein was shown to be phosphorylated and to associate with purified EHV-1 virions and nucleocapsids. Lastly, immunofluorescence and laser-scanning confocal microscopic analyses revealed that the IR6 protein is distributed throughout the cytoplasm at early times postinfection and that by 4 to 6 h it appears as "dash-shaped" structures that localize to the perinuclear region. At late times after infection (8 to 12 h), these structures assemble around the nucleus, and three-dimensional image analyses reveal that the IR6 protein forms a crown-like structure that surrounds the nucleus as a perinuclear network.  相似文献   
The effect of the cassava green mite Mononychellus tanajoa on the growth and yield of cassava Manihot esculenta was studied over a 10-month period in two field trials near Lake Victoria in Kenya. One plot was maintained free of mites by means of acaricide, while the other was artificially infested.The highest population density of M. tanajoa occurred during the dry season. A maximum leaf area index (LAI) of about 2 was reached at the onset of the dry season. The total leaf area of mite infested plants was reduced compared with uninfested plants during the dry spell. During the following rainy season infested plants recovered and attained the same leaf area as uninfested plants. A multiple regression model predicting the leaf area showed that 58% of the seasonal variation could be explained by plant age, soil water, and leaf injury.The net growth rate of infested plants was lower than that of uninfested plants. Maximum values of 21 (infested plants) and 49 (uninfested plants) g m-2 week-1 were attained at the onset of the second rainy season. No difference was found between uninfested and infested plants with respect to net assimilation rates per unit leaf area during the dry season. The net assimilation rates reached a maximum almost at the same time as the growth rates, but the infested plants peaked slightly earlier and at a lower level than the uninfested plants. M. tanajoa did not affect the relative allocation of dry matter into stems and storage roots, but the absolute allocation of dry matter declined with increasing mite injury. Thus, after 10 months the dry matter of infested plants was reduced by 29% and 21% for storage roots and stems, respectively, compared with the uninfested plants.  相似文献   
Superficial (0 to 2 cm) sediments were sampled from 62 sites in Kattegat and Skagerrak during autumn 1989 and spring 1990, tested for toxicity to Daphnia magna and Nitocra spinipes (Crustacea) and analyzed for heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, N, Pb, Zn), nutrients (N and P) and organic carbon. Whole sediment toxicity to Nitocra spinipes, expressed as 96-h LC50, ranged from 1.8 to > > 32 percent sediment (wet wt), which is equivalent to 0.63 to 53 percent dry wt. Sediment total metal concentrations (mg kg-1 dry wt) ranged from 0.01 to 0.32 for Cd, 8 to 57 for Cr, 3 to 40 for Cu, 0.03 to 0.86 for Hg, 3 to 43 for Ni, 6 to 37 for Pb and 21 to 156 for Zn. Analyzed concentrations of heavy metals were tested for correlation with whole sediment toxicity normalized to dry wt, and significant correlations (Spearman p<0.05) were found for Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, and Ni. However, the analyzed concentrations of these metals were below the spiked sediment toxicity of these heavy metals to N. spinipes, except for Cr and Zn for which analyzed maximum concentrations approached the 96-h spiked sediment LC50s. There was no improvement in correlation between the sum of heavy metal concentrations normalized to their spiked toxic concentrations (Toxic Unit approach) and the whole sediment toxicity. Calculated heavy-metal-derived toxicity based on toxic units and whole sediment toxicity ranged from 0.1 to 24 (mean value 2.3 and SD 4.2). Theoretically, a value of 1.0 would explain whole sediment toxicity from measured metal concentrations using this approach. Thus, in spite of the fact that the total concentrations of the heavy metals were sufficient to cause toxicity based on an additive model for most of these sediments, the observed toxicity of the sediments from Kattegat and Skagerrak could not exclusively be explained by the concentrations of heavy metals, except for Cr and Zn at their maximum concentrations. Therefore, other pollutants than these heavy metals must also be considered as possible sediment toxicants.  相似文献   
The UL26 gene of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) encodes a 635-amino-acid protease that cleaves itself and the HSV-1 assembly protein ICP35cd (F. Liu and B. Roizman, J. Virol. 65:5149-5156, 1991). We previously examined the HSV protease by using an Escherichia coli expression system (I. C. Deckman, M. Hagen, and P. J. McCann III, J. Virol. 66:7362-7367, 1992) and identified two autoproteolytic cleavage sites between residues 247 and 248 and residues 610 and 611 of UL26 (C. L. DiIanni, D. A. Drier, I. C. Deckman, P. J. McCann III, F. Liu, B. Roizman, R. J. Colonno, and M. G. Cordingley, J. Biol. Chem. 268:2048-2051, 1993). In this study, a series of C-terminal truncations of the UL26 open reading frame was tested for cleavage activity in E. coli. Our results delimit the catalytic domain of the protease to the N-terminal 247 amino acids of UL26 corresponding to No, the amino-terminal product of protease autoprocessing. Autoprocessing of the full-length protease was found to be unnecessary for catalysis, since elimination of either or both cleavage sites by site-directed mutagenesis fails to prevent cleavage of ICP35cd or an unaltered protease autoprocessing site. Catalytic activity of the 247-amino-acid protease domain was confirmed in vitro by using a glutathione-S-transferase fusion protein. The fusion protease was induced to high levels of expression, affinity purified, and used to cleave purified ICP35cd in vitro, indicating that no other proteins are required. By using a set of domain-specific antisera, all of the HSV-1 protease cleavage products predicted from studies in E. coli were identified in HSV-1-infected cells. At least two protease autoprocessing products, in addition to fully processed ICP35cd (ICP35ef), were associated with intermediate B capsids in the nucleus of infected cells, suggesting a key role for proteolytic maturation of the protease and ICP35cd in HSV-1 capsid assembly.  相似文献   
Previous studies demonstrated that the pulmonary resistance to respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) challenge induced by immunization with a recombinant vaccinia virus expressing the M2 protein of RSV (vac-M2) was significantly greater 9 days after immunization than at 28 days and was mediated predominantly by CD8+ T cells. In this study, we have extended these findings and sought to determine whether the level of CD8+ cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) activity measured in vitro correlates with the resistance to RSV challenge in vivo. Three lines of evidence documented an association between the presence of pulmonary CTL activity and resistance to RSV challenge. First, vac-M2 immunization induced pulmonary CD8+ CTL activity and pulmonary resistance to RSV infection in BALB/c (H-2d) mice, whereas significant levels of pulmonary CTL activity and resistance to RSV infection were not seen in BALB.K (H-2k) or BALB.B (H-2b) mice. Second, pulmonary CD8+ CTL activity was not induced by infection with other vaccinia virus-RSV recombinants that did not induce resistance to RSV challenge. Third, the peak of pulmonary CTL activity correlated with the peak of resistance to RSV replication (day 6), with little resistance being observed 45 days after immunization. An accelerated clearance of virus was not observed when mice were challenged with RSV 45 days after immunization with vac-M2. The results indicate that resistance to RSV induced by immunization with vac-M2 is mainly mediated by primary pulmonary CTLs and that this resistance decreases to very low levels within 2 months following immunization. The implications for inclusion of CTL epitopes into RSV vaccines are discussed in the context of these observations.  相似文献   
We report the magnetic field dependence of 1/T1 of solvent water protons and deuterons (nuclear magnetic relaxation dispersion, or NMRD, profiles) for solutions of steer lens beta L-crystallin. Such data allow the study of intermolecular protein interactions over a wide concentration range, here 1-34% vol/vol, by providing a measure of the rotational relaxation time of solute macromolecules. We conclude that, for approximately less than 5% protein, the solute particles are noncompact, with a rotationally averaged volume approximately three times that of a compact 60-kD sphere. (Earlier results for alpha-crystallin, approximately 1,000 kD, from optical and osmotic measurements (Vérétout and Tardieu, 1989. J. Mol. Biol. 205:713-728), show a similar, approximately twofold, effect). At intermediate concentrations, to approximately 20% protein, there is evidence for limited association or oligomerization, as found for the structurally related gamma II-crystallin (Koenig et al. 1990. Biophys. J. 57:461-469), to a limiting size about two-thirds that of alpha-crystallin. The difference in NMRD behavior of the three classes of crystallins is consonant with their differing osmotic properties (Vérétout and Tardieu. J. Mol. Biol. 1989, 205:713-728; Kenworthy, McIntosh, and Magid. Biophys. J. 1992. 61:A477; Tardieu et al. 1992. Eur. Biophys. J. 21:1-12). We indicate how the unusual structures and interactions of these three classes of proteins can be combined to optimize transparency and minimize colloid osmotic difficulties in eye lens.  相似文献   
A rapid methodology for the simultaneous analysis of a large number of cytokinins is presented. The cross-reactivity of a mixture of polyclonal antibodies against zeatin riboside and isopentenyladenosine was exploited in a protocol that can be used for immunoaffinity purification of 23 additional cytokinins. Ligands include the cytokinin bases zeatin, dihydrozeatin, isopentenyladenine, benzyl-adenine and kinetin, and their corresponding nucleoside, nucleoside-5′-monophosphate, and 9-glucoside derivatives, as well as cis-zeatin, cis-zeatin riboside, the 2-methylthiol derivatives of isopentenyladenosine and zeatin riboside, and benzyl-adenine-3-glucoside. Mixtures of cytokinins could be retained with high recoveries of all the components. Immunoaffinity purification of extracts of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. and Solarium tuberosum L. gave fractions clean enough, as verified by gas chromatographymass spectrometry (GC-MS), to allow analysis of endogenous cytokinins using a single high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) step with on-line UV-spectrum detection. The detection limit was 4–6 pmol. The procedure described forms a routine assaying technique that is faster and simpler, yet yields better qualitative and quantitative information than the commonly used procedure of immunoassaying of HPLC fractions.  相似文献   
DNA from 40 unrelated familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) heterozygotes were subjected to analyses of single-strand conformation polymorphisms (SSCPs) of exon 10 of the low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) gene. Four different SSCP patterns were observed. The underlying mutations were characterized by DNA sequencing. Three of the patterns represented the three genotypes of a recently described sense mutation in codon 450. A method based upon the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was developed to analyze this mutation. The frequencies of the wild-type (G at nucleotide 1413) and mutant (A at nucleotide 1413) alleles were 0.56 and 0.44, respectively. The fourth pattern was found in only one FH heterozygote and was caused by heterozygosity at nucleotide 1469 (G/A). Nucleotide 1469 is the second base of codon 469Trp(TGG). The GA mutation changes this codon into the amber stop codon, and is referred to as FH469Stop. The mutant receptor consists of the amino terminal 468 amino acids. Because the truncated receptor has lost the membrane-spanning domain, it will not be anchored in the cell membrane. FH469Stop destroys an AvaII restriction site, and this characteristic was used to develop a PCR method to establish its frequency in Norwegian FH subjects. Two out of 204 (1%) unrelated FH heterozygotes possessed the mutation.  相似文献   
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