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Abstract Three layers of different electron density can be distinguished in the periostracum. Periostracal units of up to 900 nm length are merged into the outer fibrous layer and binding of gold-labelled lectin-WGA indicates the presence of chitin because it is labile to chitinase treatment. The periostracum is formed by the epithelia of the groove and the belt at the mantle edge. The distal and basal epithelium of the groove consists mainly of type A cells with an extended Golgi apparatus and apical vesicles. The presence of peroxidase and phenol oxidase indicates a function in tanning of the periostracum. In the proximal epithelium of the groove, type B cells with protruding apices add more material for periostracum formation. Type C cells secrete single periostracal units which are formed within single vesicles or larger vacuoles. Type D cells secrete electron-dense vesicles which also contain WGA-positive material. The distal cells of the belt are characterized by predominating strands of the rER while subapical vacuoles, to some of which WGA binds, dominate in the cells of the central part. In the belt, phenol oxidase and peroxidase can be localized in cisternae of the rER and the Golgi apparatus. Numerous control incubations indicate that, indeed, two different enzymes are localized.  相似文献   
Callus cell lines of potato (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Zarevo) were obtained from seedlings germinated from gamma-irradiated seeds (200 Gy). Some of these cell lines produce red-violet pigments which were identified as acylated anthocyanins. The major anthocyanin was determined to be peonidin 3-O-[6-O-(4-O-E-p-coumaroyl-rhamnosyl)-glucoside]-5-O-glucoside (peonanin). Single cell-derived protoclones from non-pigmented protoplasts sometimes also gave rise to pigmented cell clusters thus indicating that the changes in the expression of the anthocyanin pathway can also occur after the stage of initial callus induction.  相似文献   
In order to cope with the increasing number of publications on the separation of enantiomers by chromatography on a chiral stationary phase, the graphical molecular database CHIRBASE was created. In the present state, the database package covers information (structural, bibiographic, and chromatographic data) on liquid-, supercritical fluid-, and gas chromatography; other methods will follow. CHIRBASE, running on the MDL software Chembase®, meets the requirements of contemporary information management in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry. (Detailed information including a demo-version of each part of CHIRBASE can be obtained from the authors on request.) © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The core structure of the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) isolated from a rough strain of the phytopathogenic bacterium Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola, GSPB 711, was investigated by sugar and methylation analyses, Fourier transform ion-cyclotron resonance ESI MS, and one- and two-dimensional 1H-, 13C- and 31P-NMR spectroscopy. Strong alkaline deacylation of the LPS resulted in two core-lipid A backbone undecasaccharide pentakisphosphates in the ratio approximately 2.5 : 1, which corresponded to outer core glycoforms 1 and 2 terminated with either L-rhamnose or 3-deoxy-D-manno-oct-2-ulosonic acid (Kdo), respectively. Mild acid degradation of the LPS gave the major glycoform 1 core octasaccharide and a minor truncated glycoform 2 core heptasaccharide, which resulted from the cleavage of the terminal Kdo residues. The inner core of P. syringae is distinguished by a high degree of phosphorylation of L-glycero-D-manno-heptose residues with phosphate, diphosphate and ethanolamine diphosphate groups. The glycoform 1 core is structurally similar but not identical to one of the core glycoforms of the human pathogenic bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The outer core composition and structure may be useful as a chemotaxonomic marker for the P. syringae group of bacteria, whereas a more conserved inner core structure appears to be representative for the whole genus Pseudomonas.  相似文献   
Sandy plains are characteristic of the coastal region of Brazil. We investigated the diel patterns of changes in organic acid levels, leaf conductance and chlorophylla fluorescence for sun-exposed and shaded plants ofClusia hilariana, one of the dominant woody species in the sandy coastal plains of northern Rio de Janeiro state. Both exposed and shaded plants showed a typical CAM pattern with considerable diel oscillations in organic acid levels. The degradation of both malic and citric acids during the midday stomatal closure period could lead to potential CO2 fixation rates of 28 mol m-2 s-1 in exposed leaves. Moreover, exposed leaves exhibited large increases in total non-photochemical quenching (qN) accompanied by a substantial decrease in effective quantum yield during the course of the day. However, these potential high rates of CO2 fixation and the increases inqn of exposed plants were not enough to maintain the primary electron acceptor of photosystem II (qA) in a low reduction state, similar to that of shaded plants. As a result, there was a moderate increase in the reduction state of qA throughout the day. Most of the decline in photochemical efficiency of exposed leaves ofC. hilariana was reversible, as evidenced by the high levels of pre-dawn potential quantum yields (Fv/Fm) and their rapid recovery after sunset. However, the depletion of the organic acid pool in the afternoon resulted in an accentuated subsequent drop in Fv/Fm, suggesting that prolonged periods of water stress accompanied by high irradiance levels may expose plants ofC. hilariana in unprotected habitats to the danger of photoinhibition.  相似文献   
Several cDNA clones encoding two different ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPase, EC polypeptides denoted VfAGPC and VfAGPP were isolated from a cotyledonary library of Vicia faba L. Both sequences are closely related to AGPase small-subunit sequences from other plants. Whereas mRNA levels of VfAGPP were equally high in developing cotyledons and leaves, the mRNA of VfAGPC was present in considerable amounts only in cotyledons. During development of cotyledons, both mRNAs accumulated until the beginning of the desiccation phase and disappeared afterwards. The increase of AGPase activity in cotyledons during the phase of storage-product synthesis was closely followed by the accumulation of starch. The AGPase activity in crude extracts of cotyledons was insensitive to 3-phosphoglycerate whereas the activity from leaves could be activated more than five-fold. Inorganic phosphate inhibited the enzyme from both tissues but was slightly more effective on the leaf enzyme. There was a correlation at the cellular level between the distribution of VfAGPP and VfAGPC mRNAs and the accumulation of starch, as studied by in-situ hybridisation and by histochemical staining in parallel tissue sections of developing seeds, respectively. During the early phase of seed development (12–15 days after fertilization) VfAGPase mRNA and accumulation of starch were detected transiently in the hypodermal, chlorenchymal and outer parenchymal cell layers of the seed coat but not in the embryo. At 25 days after fertilization both synthesis of VfAGPase mRNA and biosynthesis of starch had started in parenchyma cells of the inner adaxial zone of the cotyledons. During later stages, the expression of VfAGPase and synthesis of starch extended over most of the cotyledons but were absent from peripheral cells of the abaxial zone, provascular and procalyptral cells.Abbreviations AGPase ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase - DAF days after fertilization - Glc1P glucose-1-phosphate - 3-PGA 3-phosphoglycerate - VfAGPC AGPase subunit of Vicia faba mainly expressed in cotyledons - VfAGPP AGPase subunit of Vicia faba mainly expressed in leaves and cotyledons - pVfAGPC, pVfAGPP plasmids containing VfAGPC and VfAGPP, respectively This work was supported by the Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technologie BCT 0389, Molekular- und Zellbiologie von höheren Pflanzen und Pilzen. U.W acknowledges additional support by the Fonds der chemischen Industrie. We thank Elsa Fessel for excellent technical assistance.  相似文献   
The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and HIV-2 Vpr and Vpx proteins are packaged into virions through virus type-specific interactions with the Gag polyprotein precursor. To examine whether HIV-1 Vpr (Vpr1) and HIV-2 Vpx (Vpx2) could be used to target foreign proteins to the HIV particle, their open reading frames were fused in frame with genes encoding the bacterial staphylococcal nuclease (SN), an enzymatically inactive mutant of SN (SN*), and chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT). Transient expression in a T7-based vaccinia virus system demonstrated the synthesis of appropriately sized Vpr1-SN/SN* and Vpx2-SN/SN* fusion proteins which, when coexpressed with their cognate p55Gag protein, were efficiently incorporated into virus-like particles. Packaging of the fusion proteins was dependent on virus type-specific determinants, as previously seen with wild-type Vpr and Vpx proteins. Particle-associated Vpr1-SN and Vpx2-SN fusion proteins were enzymatically active, as determined by in vitro digestion of lambda phage DNA. To determine whether functional Vpr1 and Vpx2 fusion proteins could be targeted to HIV particles, the gene fusions were cloned into an HIV-2 long terminal repeat/Rev response element-regulated expression vector and cotransfected with wild-type HIV-1 and HIV-2 proviruses. Western blot (immunoblot) analysis of sucrose gradient-purified virions revealed that both Vpr1 and Vpx2 fusion proteins were efficiently packaged regardless of whether SN, SN*, or CAT was used as the C-terminal fusion partner. Moreover, the fusion proteins remained enzymatically active and were packaged in the presence of wild-type Vpr and Vpx proteins. Interestingly, virions also contained smaller proteins that reacted with antibodies specific for the accessory proteins as well as SN and CAT fusion partners. Since similar proteins were absent from Gag-derived virus-like particles and from virions propagated in the presence of an HIV protease inhibitor, they must represent cleavage products produced by the viral protease. Taken together, these results demonstrate that Vpr and Vpx can be used to target functional proteins, including potentially deleterious enzymes, to the human or simian immunodeficiency virus particle. These properties may be exploitable for studies of HIV particle assembly and maturation and for the development of novel antiviral strategies.  相似文献   
Thylakoids from mesophyll cells of maize showed a high rateof the ferredoxin (Fd)-dependent and antimycin A (AntiA)-sensitivecyclic electron flow as determined by the quenching of 9-aminoacridinefluorescence which indicates the formation of  相似文献   
During a transition from aerobic to largely anaerobic conditionslight-saturated carbon assimilation of intact chloroplasts wasnot decreased although both the transthylakoid proton gradientand ATP levels declined. After a dark period under anaerobiosis,illumination failed to initiate carbon assimilation. ATP increasedonly transiently in the light and then returned to the darklevel. Under such conditions, the addition of electron acceptorssuch as oxygen, oxalacetate or nitrite resulted in the increaseof ATP levels and carbon assimilation was initiated. Assimilationcontinued under anaerobiosis in the presence of reduced protongradients and reduced ATP levels after electron acceptors addedin addition to bicarbonate were reduced. Cyclic electron transport was inhibited when anaerobiosis didnot permit linear electron transport. It was induced in thissituation by micromolar concentrations of oxygen or when, underanaerobiosis, DCMU decreased PSII activity. Oxygen inhibitedcyclic electron transport by draining electrons from the cyclicpathway only when electron donation from PSII was weak. Theobservations give evidence of the delicate redox balance requiredfor cyclic electron transport. Since H+/e=3 in linear electron transport, the observationsof effective carbon reduction under a decreased transthylakoidproton gradient and decreased levels of ATP are incompatiblewith H+/ATP=2 or 3. They are compatible with H+/ATP=4. (Received May 1, 1995; Accepted October 3, 1995)  相似文献   
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