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This study confirms previous findings of variability in the intensity of the closing click (CC) as a consequence of premature valve closure. Such alterations have been described as a normal phenomenon in several prosthetic valve models. Combined echo-phonocardiography is of particular value in evaluating prosthetic valve function in patients with unusual and confusing auscultatory changes.  相似文献   
In addition to a typical pattern indicative of mitral stenosis, the M-mode echo-cardiogram of a patient with mitral valve disease revealed a broad band of dense echoes within an enlarged left atrial cavity that was suggestive of an intraatrial thrombus. Subsequent cross-sectional echocardiography demonstrated a globular cluster of echoes inside the left atrial cavity, thus corroborating our interpretation of the M-mode recording. When open mitral commissurotomy was performed, a large, partially calcified thrombus was found protruding from the posterior wall and left atrial appendage into the atrial cavity. Postoperative M-mode and cross-sectional echocardiography did not show the previously noted abnormal echoes within the left atrium.  相似文献   
Summary The cleavage of fertilized mouse eggs was prevented during cytochalasin B incubation and consequently these eggs became tetraploid the following day during in vitro culture. When the eggs were cultured further in normal medium, they cleaved and gave rise to tetraploid blastocysts. Protein synthesis was analysed in these embryos at different developmental stages using two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The protein synthesis pattern of one-cell tetraploid eggs was intermediate between those of normal one- and two-cell embryos. Tetraploid two-cell embryos expressed protein sets equivalent to those of untreated four-cell embryos, and tetraploid four-cell embryos synthesized proteins similar to those of four- to eight-cell controls. At subsequent pre-implantation stages the asynchrony was no longer detectable. When fertilized eggs were cultured continuously in the presence of cytochalasin B, they became tetraploid, octoploid and more and more polyploid without cleavage occurring. The protein synthesis patterns expressed by these one-cell polyploid eggs did not resemble that of normal fertilized eggs, but were similar to those of cleaving control embryos and blastocysts of equivalent age and nuclear division. These results strongly suggest that in early mouse embryos stage-specific translation is temporally correlated with chromosome replication (karyokinesis) and independent of cell division (cytokinesis) or cell interaction.Some of these results were presented at the IX Congress of the International Society of Developmental Biologists in Basle, Switzerland, August 28–September 1, 1981  相似文献   
Assigning functions to nucleolar structures   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Zusammenfassung (1) 1991 konnten erstmals 4 mit Kleinsendern ausgerüstete Weißstörche mit Hilfe der Satelliten-Telemetrie auf Teilstrecken ihres Wegzugs bis zu 46 Tage lang verfolgt werden. Die japanischen Sender betrugen nur etwa 2 % des Körpergewichts der Vögel; die Ortung erfolgte durch das ARGOS-System. Die Versuchsvögel zeigten völlig normales Zugverhalten. — (2) Drei der in Brandenburg und Sachsen-Anhalt markierten Vögel waren Ostzieher und konnten über Strecken von etwa 640–4700 km verfolgt werden, 1 Storch bis zur ägyptisch-sudanesischen Grenze. Ein Westzieher konnte rund 1400 km bis zu den Pyrenäen geortet werden. — (3) Die Vögel wanderten individuell recht verschieden. 2 zogen weitgehend kontinuierlich bis in den Sudan bzw. zu den Pyrenäen, die anderen legten längere Pausen ein. Die ermittelten Zugstrecken verliefen recht geradlinig; Richtungsänderungen erfolgten vor allem an der Donau, den Karpaten, am Mittelmeer und auf der Sinai-Halbinsel. Tagesetappen betrugen mindestens bis zu 370 km, in einem Fall in 21 Tagen durchschnittlich 224 km/Tag. Die Zuggeschwindigkeit lag in der Größenordnung von 30–90 km/h. — (4) Verbesserte Sender mit längerer Lebensdauer und mehreren Ortungen pro Tag dürften es bald ermöglichen, individuelle Wanderrouten von Weißstörchen und anderen Großvögeln praktisch lückenlos zu ermitteln. Begleitmannschaften werden zudem die Zug- und Rastökologie mit Sendern ausgerüsteter Vögel mit erfassen können. Damit dürfte der Vogelschutz auf dem Zug eine neue Dimension gewinnen.
Satellite tracking of White Storks during the autumn migratory period — a pilot study
Summary (1) In 1991 parts of the routes of White Storks migrating in autumn could be recorded for the first time by satellite tracking. Four individuals could be followed for up to 46 days. Transmitter weight accounted for only about 2 % of body mass. Locations were obtained by the ARGOS system. Migratory behaviour of the experimental birds appeared to be absolutely normal. — (2) The birds were equipped with transmitters in eastern Germany. Three of them followed the eastern migration route and could be tracked from 640 up to 4700 km, the latter reaching the borders of Egypt and Sudan. A western migrant could be followed over a distance of about 1400 km towards the Pyrenees. — (3) Migration showed considerable individual variation. Whereas in two birds migration was largely continuous towards the Sudan and the Pyrenees, respectively, the other birds rested for longer periods. The tracked migration routes were fairly straight. Marked directional shifts occurred towards the Danube valley, at the Carpathian mountains, the Mediterranean and on the Sinai. Capacity per day was at least 370 km. One bird covered 224 km/day on average during a period of 21 days. Migration speed ranged in the magnitude of 30–90 km/h. — (4) Improved transmitters with increased lifetime giving several locations per day will presumably allow to record migration routes of White Storks and other large birds more completely in the near future. Escorts should then be able to closely analyse the ecology of migration and staging of their test birds. These possibilities may give a new dimension to bird conservation measures during migration.
The effect of high CO2-concentration on photoacoustic signals from tobacco leaves is studied by means of a recently developed pulse modulation method which provides simultaneous information on photothermal and photobaric components in the millisecond time domain. High CO2-concentrations are found to induce large gas-uptake signals. Simultaneous measurements of chlorophyll fluorescence suggest that the uptake signals are correlated with energy-dependent fluorescence quenching. Very similar CO2-concentration dependencies are found in the absence and presence of methylviologen, which is known to catalyze O2-reduction, and in the presence of glyceraldehyde, which blocks Calvin cycle and photorespiration. It is suggested that the CO2-enhanced uptake signal is likely to reflect O2-uptake in the Mehler reaction. However, it is not ruled out that also rapid CO2-solubilisation or CO2-binding caused by light-induced stroma alkalisation are involved. Strong uptake is also induced when the CO2-concentration in the closed photoacoustic chamber increases due to dark-respiration. The consequences of these findings with respect to the interpretation of photoacoustic data (e.g., low-light effect) and to the regulatory role of O2-dependent electron flow are discussed.  相似文献   
The paths of Colorado beetles (Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say)in a featureless environment are circular. This behavior is explained by an internal asymmetry. To stabilize the path, the fixation reaction or the optomotor response must work against this asymmetry. The turning behavior was examined in stationary patterns of vertical stripes different at spatial wavelengths (). The internal asymmetry was tested in a horizontally striped pattern. A stable fixation reaction was found only for 120 °. The results suggest that larger intrinsic turning tendencies shifts the stable point of the fixation reaction. The same vertically striped patterns were rotated to examine the following reaction of the beetle. It is concluded that the fixation component of the response of these insects, in particular, does not differ in the two situations.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Im Herbst 1984 schliefen mindestens 50 Hohltauben (Columba oenas), wahrscheinlich aber wesentlich mehr, an drei verschiedenen Stellen auf grobscholligen Sturzäckern der offenen Ackerlandschaft des Marchfeldes östlich von Wien. Bäume verwendeten sie nur als Sammelplatz. Im gleichen Zeitraum war auch ein traditioneller Schlafplatz zusammen mit Türkentauben (Streptopelia decaoto) in einem Wiener Randbezirk (16 km entfernt) benutzt; er lag in einem Gehölz.
Stock Doves (Columba oenas) roosting also in open fields
Summary In autumn 1984, at least 50 — probably many more — Stock Doves roosted in open fields, roughly ploughed, east of Vienna. The nearest trees, 200 metres distant, were used only as perches until darkness approached. Some 16 km distant, another roosting place in trees was shared with Collared Doves (Streptopelia decaocto).
The location and morphology of the bacteria associated with the gastrointestinal tract of Acheta domestica were studied, and these bacteria were partially characterized. Bacteria were associated with the peritrophic membrane in the midgut and with the gut wall and cuticular structures of the hindgut. No bacteria were associated with the fat bodies. Colony-forming unit determinations indicated that there were three times more cultivatable bacteria in the hindgut than in the midgut. Of these bacteria, 40 to 85% cleared uric acid anaerobically, and 90 to 100% cleared uric acid aerobically. Of the 25 isolates obtained, 21 belonged to the genera Citrobacter, Klebsiella, Yersinia, Bacteroides, and Fusobacterium.  相似文献   
Epidermal growth factor (EGF) stimulates the initiation of DNA synthesis in Swiss 3T3 cells after a constant prereplicative period of 14–15 hours. The final rate of initiation follows apparent first-order kinetics and can thus be quantified by a rate constant k. The value of k can be changed by later additions during the prereplicative period: When cells stimulated by a very low concentration of EGF, alone or with insulin, which results in a relatively low value of k, receive a saturating amount of EGF at 15 hours, then k is markedly increased after 4–6 hours. Insulin alone (up to 200 ng/ml) is unable to set the lag phase, but does have a synergistic effect on the value of k given by EGF. When added at 15 hours, insulin also increases k, but after a delay of 4–6 hours. In contrast, both hydrocortisone and prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) inhibit the stimulation of DNA synthesis by EGF only during the first 8 hours of the prereplicative period of decreasing the value of k. Prostaglandin F (PGF), which stimulates DNA synthesis in a similar mode as EGF, when added with EGF has a synergistic effect on DNA synthesis. This suggests that EGF and PGF, nevertheless, act through different regulatory events.  相似文献   
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