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The nuclei of active, sieve cell-associated Strasburger cells in the secondary phloem of Pinus nigra var. austriaca (Hoess) Badoux have been studied for their structure and DNA and RNA content. No difference in size compared to those of ordinary ray cells was found. The nuclear surface is often increased by an ameboid or lobed shape. The amount of highly decondensed chromatin is greatly increased. Cytophotometric measurements of DNA content of both Feulgen and gallocyanine chromalum-stained nuclei showed normal DNA levels and proved absence of endomitotic polyploidization. RNA content, however, was significantly increased as compared to nuclei of young Strasburger cells and of ordinary ray parenchyma cells.Abbreviations StC1 Strasburger cells in contact with young and immature sieve cells - StC2 Srasburger cells in contact with mature and functionally active sieve cells - StC3 dead Strasburger cells - eRPC pRPC erect and procumbent ray parenohyma cells, respectively - GCCA gallocyanine chromalum - T transmission - A absorbance Dedicated to Professor Dr. Wilhelm Halbsguth, Kiel, on the occation of his 65th birthday  相似文献   
Summary The ultrastructure of monociliary receptors in 10 species of the Proseriata and Neorhabdocoela is described, with particular reference to the epidermal dendritic part.Sensory cells with a single kinocilium situated at the level of the distal epidermis membrane are considered as mechano- or chemoreceptors.There exist sensory cells with a dendrite penetrating one epidermis cell and bearing an embedded kinocilium and a collar of 8 stereocilia or ridges with a fribrillose substructure. These collared receptors probably function as mechanoreceptors.In comparison with collared sensory cells in species of other turbellarian orders, the embedded receptors in the Proseriata and Neorhabdocoela are more advanced and possess synapomorphous characteristics. With the embedded receptors a new evidence is given for the close phylogenetic relationship between the Proseriata and Neorhabdocoela.The distribution of collared cells in the animal system and their phylogenetic implication for a choanoflagellate origin of the Metazoa are briefly discussed.List of abbreviations ar annular rootlet - bm basement membrane - cb crystalline body - cc collar cell - cw cell web - cwt cell web-thickening - d dendrite - kc kinocilium - lm longitudinal musculature - mv microvilli - n nerve - nt neurotubuli - pb parenchymal branches - r rootlet - rd ridges - rh rhabdite - rm ring musculature - sc stereocilia - sd septate desmosomes - tm transversal musculature - u ultrarhabdites - za zonula adhaerens  相似文献   
Summary The existece of plasmid like DNA was demonstrated in senescent mycelia of Podospora anserina (strain s) by biophysical and electronmicroscopic methods. According to their contour length of about 1.4 and 2.7 m respectively the molecular weight for the monomer is in the range of 3·106.This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. The sojourn of P.A.L. for six months in Bochum was made possible by a Senior U.S. Scientist Award of the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung (Bonn).  相似文献   
This study confirms previous findings of variability in the intensity of the closing click (CC) as a consequence of premature valve closure. Such alterations have been described as a normal phenomenon in several prosthetic valve models. Combined echo-phonocardiography is of particular value in evaluating prosthetic valve function in patients with unusual and confusing auscultatory changes.  相似文献   
In addition to a typical pattern indicative of mitral stenosis, the M-mode echo-cardiogram of a patient with mitral valve disease revealed a broad band of dense echoes within an enlarged left atrial cavity that was suggestive of an intraatrial thrombus. Subsequent cross-sectional echocardiography demonstrated a globular cluster of echoes inside the left atrial cavity, thus corroborating our interpretation of the M-mode recording. When open mitral commissurotomy was performed, a large, partially calcified thrombus was found protruding from the posterior wall and left atrial appendage into the atrial cavity. Postoperative M-mode and cross-sectional echocardiography did not show the previously noted abnormal echoes within the left atrium.  相似文献   
Summary The cleavage of fertilized mouse eggs was prevented during cytochalasin B incubation and consequently these eggs became tetraploid the following day during in vitro culture. When the eggs were cultured further in normal medium, they cleaved and gave rise to tetraploid blastocysts. Protein synthesis was analysed in these embryos at different developmental stages using two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The protein synthesis pattern of one-cell tetraploid eggs was intermediate between those of normal one- and two-cell embryos. Tetraploid two-cell embryos expressed protein sets equivalent to those of untreated four-cell embryos, and tetraploid four-cell embryos synthesized proteins similar to those of four- to eight-cell controls. At subsequent pre-implantation stages the asynchrony was no longer detectable. When fertilized eggs were cultured continuously in the presence of cytochalasin B, they became tetraploid, octoploid and more and more polyploid without cleavage occurring. The protein synthesis patterns expressed by these one-cell polyploid eggs did not resemble that of normal fertilized eggs, but were similar to those of cleaving control embryos and blastocysts of equivalent age and nuclear division. These results strongly suggest that in early mouse embryos stage-specific translation is temporally correlated with chromosome replication (karyokinesis) and independent of cell division (cytokinesis) or cell interaction.Some of these results were presented at the IX Congress of the International Society of Developmental Biologists in Basle, Switzerland, August 28–September 1, 1981  相似文献   
Assigning functions to nucleolar structures   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Zusammenfassung (1) 1991 konnten erstmals 4 mit Kleinsendern ausgerüstete Weißstörche mit Hilfe der Satelliten-Telemetrie auf Teilstrecken ihres Wegzugs bis zu 46 Tage lang verfolgt werden. Die japanischen Sender betrugen nur etwa 2 % des Körpergewichts der Vögel; die Ortung erfolgte durch das ARGOS-System. Die Versuchsvögel zeigten völlig normales Zugverhalten. — (2) Drei der in Brandenburg und Sachsen-Anhalt markierten Vögel waren Ostzieher und konnten über Strecken von etwa 640–4700 km verfolgt werden, 1 Storch bis zur ägyptisch-sudanesischen Grenze. Ein Westzieher konnte rund 1400 km bis zu den Pyrenäen geortet werden. — (3) Die Vögel wanderten individuell recht verschieden. 2 zogen weitgehend kontinuierlich bis in den Sudan bzw. zu den Pyrenäen, die anderen legten längere Pausen ein. Die ermittelten Zugstrecken verliefen recht geradlinig; Richtungsänderungen erfolgten vor allem an der Donau, den Karpaten, am Mittelmeer und auf der Sinai-Halbinsel. Tagesetappen betrugen mindestens bis zu 370 km, in einem Fall in 21 Tagen durchschnittlich 224 km/Tag. Die Zuggeschwindigkeit lag in der Größenordnung von 30–90 km/h. — (4) Verbesserte Sender mit längerer Lebensdauer und mehreren Ortungen pro Tag dürften es bald ermöglichen, individuelle Wanderrouten von Weißstörchen und anderen Großvögeln praktisch lückenlos zu ermitteln. Begleitmannschaften werden zudem die Zug- und Rastökologie mit Sendern ausgerüsteter Vögel mit erfassen können. Damit dürfte der Vogelschutz auf dem Zug eine neue Dimension gewinnen.
Satellite tracking of White Storks during the autumn migratory period — a pilot study
Summary (1) In 1991 parts of the routes of White Storks migrating in autumn could be recorded for the first time by satellite tracking. Four individuals could be followed for up to 46 days. Transmitter weight accounted for only about 2 % of body mass. Locations were obtained by the ARGOS system. Migratory behaviour of the experimental birds appeared to be absolutely normal. — (2) The birds were equipped with transmitters in eastern Germany. Three of them followed the eastern migration route and could be tracked from 640 up to 4700 km, the latter reaching the borders of Egypt and Sudan. A western migrant could be followed over a distance of about 1400 km towards the Pyrenees. — (3) Migration showed considerable individual variation. Whereas in two birds migration was largely continuous towards the Sudan and the Pyrenees, respectively, the other birds rested for longer periods. The tracked migration routes were fairly straight. Marked directional shifts occurred towards the Danube valley, at the Carpathian mountains, the Mediterranean and on the Sinai. Capacity per day was at least 370 km. One bird covered 224 km/day on average during a period of 21 days. Migration speed ranged in the magnitude of 30–90 km/h. — (4) Improved transmitters with increased lifetime giving several locations per day will presumably allow to record migration routes of White Storks and other large birds more completely in the near future. Escorts should then be able to closely analyse the ecology of migration and staging of their test birds. These possibilities may give a new dimension to bird conservation measures during migration.
Summary Resting cells ofArthrobacter sp. (DSM 3745) with the ability to form L-tryptophan from D,L-5-(3-indolylmethy)hydantoin were used for the bioconversion of D,L-5-- and D,L-5--naphthylmethylhydantoin (D,L-5-- and D,L-5--NMH) to the corresponding L-amino acids. Under the optimal reaction conditions of pH 9.7 and 40°C specific productivities of 0.2 (-naphtylalanine) and 0.6 (-naphtylalanine) mM amino acid x g cell dry mass–1 x h–1 were obtained in a 0.1 M Na2CO3/NaHCO3-buffer in a strirred bioreactor.  相似文献   
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