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Coastal kelp forests produce substantial marine carbon due to high annual net primary production (NPP) rates, but upscaling of NPP estimates over time and space remains difficult. We investigated the impact of variable underwater photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and photosynthetic parameters on photosynthetic oxygen production of Laminaria hyperborea, the dominant NE-Atlantic kelp species, throughout summer 2014. Collection depth of kelp had no effect on chlorophyll a content, pointing to a high photoacclimation potential of L. hyperborea towards incident light. However, chlorophyll a and photosynthesis versus irradiance parameters differed significantly along the blade gradient when normalized to fresh mass, potentially introducing large uncertainties in NPP upscaling to whole thalli. Therefore, we recommend a normalization to kelp tissue area, which is stable over the blade gradient. Continuous PAR measurements revealed a highly variable underwater light climate at our study site (Helgoland, North Sea) in summer 2014, reflected by PAR attenuation coefficients (Kd) between 0.28 and 0.87 m−1. Our data highlight the importance of continuous underwater light measurements or representative average values using a weighted Kd to account for large PAR variability in NPP calculations. Strong winds in August increased turbidity, resulting in a negative carbon balance at depths >3–4 m over several weeks, considerably impacting kelp productivity. Estimated daily summer NPP over all four depths was 1.48 ± 0.97 g C · m−2 seafloor · d−1 for the Helgolandic kelp forest, which is in the range of other kelp forests along European coastlines.  相似文献   
This study describes the population structure of Norway spruce (Picea abies) as revealed by protein polymorphisms and morphological variation. Electrophoretically detectable genetic variability was examined at 22 protein loci in 70 populations from the natural range of the species in Europe. Like other conifers, Norway spruce exhibits a relatively large amount of genetic variability and little differentiation among populations. Sixteen polymorphic loci (73%) segregate for a total of 51 alleles, and average heterozygosity per population is 0.115. Approximately 5% of the total genetic diversity is explained by differences between populations (GST = 0.052), and Nei's standard genetic distance is less than 0.04 in all cases. We suggest that the population structure largely reflects relatively recent historical events related to the last glaciation and that Norway spruce is still in a process of adaptation and differentiation. There is a clear geographic pattern in the variation of allele frequencies. A major part of the allelefrequency variation can be accounted for by a few synthetic variables (principal components), and 80% of the variation of the first principal component is “explained” by latitude and longitude. The central European populations are consistently depauperate of genetic variability, most likely as an effect of severe restrictions of population size during the last glaciation. The pattern of differentiation at protein loci is very similar to that observed for seven morphological traits examined. This similarity suggests that the same evolutionary forces have acted upon both sets of characters.  相似文献   
Summary The backbone NMR resonances of human carbonic anhydase I (HCA I) have been assigned. This protein is one of the largest monomeric proteins assigned so far. The assignment was enabled by a combination of 3D triple-resonance experiments and extensive use of amino acid-specific 15N-labeling. The obtained resonance assignment has been used to evaluate the secondary structure elements present in solution. The solution structure appears to be very similar to the crystal structure, although some differences can be observed. Proton-deuteron exchange experiments have shown that the assignments provide probes that can be used in future folding studies of HCA I.The chemical shift data have been deposited in the BioMagResBank in Madison, WI, U.S.A.  相似文献   
The model dicotyledonous plant, Arabidopsis thaliana , is closely related to Brassica crop species. It is intended that information concerning the genetic control of basic biological processes in Arabidopsis will be transferable to other species. Genome collinearity and its potential to facilitate the identification of candidate genes in Arabidopsis homologous to genes controlling important agronomic traits in Brassica was investigated. Genetic mapping in B. nigra identified two loci influencing flowering time (FT), with loci on linkage groups 2 and 8 explaining 53% and 12% of the total variation in FT, respectively. The CO gene exerts an important control over FT in A. thaliana , and B. nigra homologues of CO probably also play an important role in regulating FT. B. nigra homologues of CO were identified on linkage groups 2 and 8, the homologue on group 2 was coincident with the major locus controlling FT while the homologue on group 8 was within the 90% confidence interval of the weaker FT gene. The CO homologue on group 2 exhibits abundant allelic variation suggesting that it naturally controls a wide range of flowering times. Fine-scale A. thaliana/B. nigra comparative mapping demonstrated short-range collinearity between the genomes of Arabidopsis and Brassica . Eleven DNA fragments spaced over a 1.5 Mb contig in A. thaliana were used as RFLP probes in B. nigra . Three collinear representations of the A. thaliana contig were identified in B. nigra , with one interrupted by a large chromosomal inversion. Collinearity over this range will allow the resources generated by the Arabidopsis genome project to facilitate map-based cloning in Brassica crops.  相似文献   
We report the identification and characterization of ERS-24 (Endoplasmic Reticulum SNARE of 24 kD), a new mammalian v-SNARE implicated in vesicular transport between the ER and the Golgi. ERS24 is incorporated into 20S docking and fusion particles and disassembles from this complex in an ATP-dependent manner. ERS-24 has significant sequence homology to Sec22p, a v-SNARE in Saccharomyces cerevisiae required for transport between the ER and the Golgi. ERS-24 is localized to the ER and to the Golgi, and it is enriched in transport vesicles associated with these organelles.Newly formed transport vesicles have to be selectively targeted to their correct destinations, implying the existence of a set of compartment-specific proteins acting as unique receptor–ligand pairs. Such proteins have now been identified (Söllner et al., 1993a ; Rothman, 1994): one partner efficiently packaged into vesicles, termed a v-SNARE,1 and the other mainly localized to the target compartment, a t-SNARE. Cognate pairs of v- and t-SNAREs, capable of binding each other specifically, have been identified for the ER–Golgi transport step (Lian and Ferro-Novick, 1993; Søgaard et al., 1994), the Golgi–plasma membrane transport step (Aalto et al., 1993; Protopopov et al., 1993; Brennwald et al., 1994) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and regulated exocytosis in neuronal synapses (Söllner et al., 1993a ; for reviews see Scheller, 1995; Südhof, 1995). Additional components, like p115, rab proteins, and sec1 proteins, appear to regulate vesicle docking by controlling the assembly of SNARE complexes (Søgaard et al., 1994; Lian et al., 1994; Sapperstein et al., 1996; Hata et al., 1993; Pevsner et al., 1994).In contrast with vesicle docking, which requires compartment-specific components, the fusion of the two lipid bilayers uses a more general machinery derived, at least in part, from the cytosol (Rothman, 1994), which includes an ATPase, the N-ethylmaleimide–sensitive fusion protein (NSF) (Block et al., 1988; Malhotra et al., 1988), and soluble NSF attachment proteins (SNAPs) (Clary et al., 1990; Clary and Rothman, 1990; Whiteheart et al., 1993). Only the assembled v–t-SNARE complex provides high affinity sites for the consecutive binding of three SNAPs (Söllner et al., 1993b ; Hayashi et al., 1995) and NSF. When NSF is inactivated in vivo, v–t-SNARE complexes accumulate, confirming that NSF is needed for fusion after stable docking (Søgaard et al., 1994).The complex of SNAREs, SNAPs, and NSF can be isolated from detergent extracts of cellular membranes in the presence of ATPγS, or in the presence of ATP but in the absence of Mg2+, and sediments at ∼20 Svedberg (20S particle) (Wilson et al., 1992). In the presence of MgATP, the ATPase of NSF disassembles the v–t-SNARE complex and also releases SNAPs. It seems likely that this step somehow initiates fusion.To better understand vesicle flow patterns within cells, it is clearly of interest to identify new SNARE proteins. Presently, the most complete inventory is in yeast, but immunolocalization is difficult in yeast compared with animal cells, and many steps in protein transport have been reconstituted in animal extracts (Rothman, 1992) that have not yet been developed in yeast. Therefore, it is important to create an inventory of SNARE proteins in animal cells. The most unambiguous and direct method for isolating new SNAREs is to exploit their ability to assemble together with SNAPs and NSF into 20S particles and to disassemble into subunits when NSF hydrolyzes ATP. Similar approaches have already been successfully used to isolate new SNAREs implicated in ER to Golgi (Søgaard et al., 1994) and intra-Golgi transport (Nagahama et al., 1996), in addition to the original discovery of SNAREs in the context of neurotransmission (Söllner et al., 1993a ).Using this method, we now report the isolation and detailed characterization of ERS-24 (Endoplasmic Reticulum SNARE of 24 kD), a new mammalian v-SNARE that is localized to the ER and Golgi. ERS-24 is found in transport vesicles associated with the transitional areas of the ER and with the rims of Golgi cisternae, suggesting a role for ERS-24 in vesicular transport between these two compartments.  相似文献   
Åstrand, Per-Olof, Ulf Bergh, and ÅsaKilbom. A 33-yr follow-up of peak oxygen uptake and relatedvariables of former physical education students. J. Appl. Physiol. 82(6): 1844-1852, 1997.In 1949, 27 female and 26 male physical education students were studied at amean age of 22 and 25 yr, respectively. They were restudied in 1970 and1982. Measurements included oxygen uptake, heart rate, and pulmonaryventilation during submaximal and maximal exercise on a cycle ergometerand treadmill. After 21 yr, peak aerobic power was significantlyreduced, from 2.90 to 2.18 l/min and from 4.09 to 3.28 l/min for womenand men, respectively. After another 12 yr, the 1970 maxima were notreduced further. From 1949 to 1982 there was a decrease in peak heartrate from 196 to 177 beats/min in women and from 190 to 175 beats/minin men (P < 0.05). Highest pulmonaryventilation did not change significantly. At an oxygen uptake of 1.5 l/min, the heart rate was the same in 1949 as in 1982. In conclusion,the physical fitness level of the subjects was well above average forthese ages. From 1970 to 1982 there was no decline in the average peakaerobic power, a finding possibly related to increased habitualphysical activity.

When zymogen granules, the secretion granules of pancreatic acinar cells, fill, secretory product is accumulated in immature granules, condensing vacuoles. Mature granules are formed when this product (protein) condenses into an osmotically inactive aggregate and, bulk water is expelled. This hypothesis for granule morphogenesis has two elements. The first is that immature granules are precursors to mature granules. The second is that a particular maturational event, condensation, which involves the aggregation of protein, takes place. These hypotheses lead to two straightforward predictions. One, that condensing vacuoles on average, should contain less protein than filled or mature granules. And two, that, due to condensation, mature granules should contain protein at a common concentration. In the current work, both of these predictions were tested using measurements of the protein content of individual granules acquired by X-ray microscopy. Neither prediction was affirmed by the experimental results. First, there was no distinguishable difference in the distribution of protein between immature and mature granules. Second, the protein concentration of mature granules varied widely between preparations, although granules from the same preparation had similar concentrations. From the data we conclude that: 1) mature granules and condensing vacuoles are different, though not necessarily unrelated, types of secretory vesicle, and not two forms of the same object; 2) as such, condensing vacuoles are not precursors to mature granules; 3) all granules do not contain protein at one particular concentration when full, or mature; 4) granule maturation does not involve a condensation step; 5) concentration is not determined by such physical limits as the space available for protein packing or condensation; and 6) the amount of protein contained is physiologically regulated.  相似文献   
The mitochondrial ADP/ATP translocator, also called adenine nucleotide translocase (ANT), is synthesized in plants with an N-terminal extension which is cleaved upon import into mitochondria. In contrast, the homologous proteins of mammals or fungi do not contain such a transient amino terminal presequence. To investigate whether the N-terminal extension is needed for correct intracellular sorting in vivo , translational fusions were constructed of the translocator cDNA—with and without presequence—with the β-glucuronidase ( gus ) reporter gene. The distribution of reporter enzymatic activity in the subcellular compartments of transgenic plants and transformed yeast cells was subsequently analysed. The results show that: (i) the plant translocator presequence is not necessary for the correct localization of the ANT to the mitochondria; (ii) the mitochondrial targeting information contained in the mature part of the protein is sufficient to overcome, to some extent, the presence of plastid transit peptides; and (iii) the presequence alone is not able to target a passenger protein to mitochondria in vivo .  相似文献   
A thymic peptide previously found to recruit thymocytes from G1 into S phase has been purified from a crude thymic extract by subsequent steps of gel exclusion chromatography and reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The purified material, which appeared homogeneous on thin-layer chromatography and HPLC, stimulated the DNA synthesis of cultured guinea pig thymocytes in a nanomolar concentration range. The amino acid composition revealed a high content of acidic amino acids and no apparent homology to previously defined growth factors and thymus differentiation hormones.  相似文献   
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