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Development of competence in the noncompetent mutant of Bacillus stearothermophilus 4S requires a soluble competence-inducing factor (CF). This study describes several observations that define the mechanism of action of this factor. (i) CF interacts with cells, protoplasts, or cytoplasmic membranes in a temperature-dependent reaction; incubation of CF with cells alters the sedimentation properties of the cells. (ii) Association between CF and the cytoplasmic membrane appears to be the first and rate-limiting step in the process of transfection with deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) from bacteriophage TP-IC. (iii) The membrane-CF complex is capable of removing infectious DNA from the supernatant fraction in vitro. (iv) Twenty phage-resistant mutants are unable to undergo the above reactions. A model is developed in which CF serves as a dynamic mediator of the reaction between the transfecting DNA and the cell surface.  相似文献   
The present work is devoted to studies of the radical scavenging properties of lignins, which are recognized as efficient antioxidants of natural origin. Radical scavenging efficiency of a series of lignins isolated from deciduous and coniferous wood species and 10 lignin related monomeric compounds were examined against 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH*) radical in homogeneous conditions using ESR and spectrophotometry methods. Some structure-activity relationships are proposed, pointing out the importance of the non-etherified OH phenolic groups, ortho-methoxy groups, hydroxyl groups and the double bond between the outermost carbon atoms in the side chain for increasing scavenger activity. Analysis of rate constants for the lignins-DPPH* interaction revealed the contribution of polymer molecular weight and pi-polyconjugation systems. The pi-conjugation systems of lignins operate as catalysts/activators of the interaction with DPPH*. Heterogeneity in terms of component composition (carbohydrate admixtures) and polydispersity is the factor which can decrease drastically the antioxidant efficiency of isolated lignins. The connection of the antibacterial effect of kraft lignin with radical scavenging activity of its soluble fraction was assumed.  相似文献   
Global increases in the occurrence of large, severe wildfires in forested watersheds threaten drinking water supplies and aquatic ecology. Wildfire effects on water quality, particularly nutrient levels and forms, can be significant. The longevity and downstream propagation of these effects as well as the geochemical mechanisms regulating them remain largely undocumented at larger river basin scales. Here, phosphorus (P) speciation and sorption behavior of suspended sediment were examined in two river basins impacted by a severe wildfire in southern Alberta, Canada. Fine‐grained suspended sediments (<125 μm) were sampled continuously during ice‐free conditions over a two‐year period (2009–2010), 6 and 7 years after the wildfire. Suspended sediment samples were collected from upstream reference (unburned) river reaches, multiple tributaries within the burned areas, and from reaches downstream of the burned areas, in the Crowsnest and Castle River basins. Total particulate phosphorus (TPP) and particulate phosphorus forms (nonapatite inorganic P, apatite P, organic P), and the equilibrium phosphorus concentration (EPC0) of suspended sediment were assessed. Concentrations of TPP and the EPC0 were significantly higher downstream of wildfire‐impacted areas compared to reference (unburned) upstream river reaches. Sediments from the burned tributary inputs contained higher levels of bioavailable particulate P (NAIP) – these effects were also observed downstream at larger river basin scales. The release of bioavailable P from postfire, P‐enriched fine sediment is a key mechanism causing these effects in gravel‐bed rivers at larger basin scales. Wildfire‐associated increases in NAIP and the EPC0 persisted 6 and 7 years after wildfire. Accordingly, this work demonstrated that fine sediment in gravel‐bed rivers is a significant, long‐term source of in‐stream bioavailable P that contributes to a legacy of wildfire impacts on downstream water quality, aquatic ecology, and drinking water treatability.  相似文献   
Brevibacterium flavum 22LD-P cells were shown to maintain a transmembrane pH gradient (pH) from 0.6 to 1.8–2 units and a transmembrane electric potential difference () from 0 to 200 mV depending on the pH and ionic composition of the incubation medium, grwoth substrate and concentration of cells. decreased from 120–140 mV to 0 when medium pH was lowered from neutral to 5.0–5.5 and increased to 180–200 mV when medium pH was raised to 8–9 in cells utilizing acetate or endogenous substrate. Cells growing on sucrose, kept around 100–120 mV at neutral as well as acidic medium pH. Intracellular pH in the acetate utilizing or endogenously respiring cells was maintained with the range of 8.9 to 5.5 at medium pH ranging from 9.1 to 4.0, respectively. Sucrose grown cells were able to maintain a more stable intracellular pH. Endogenously respiring cells in potassium phosphate buffer at high biomass concentrations maintained larger pH and relatively smaller , than the same cells in diluted suspensions. Cells in sodium phosphate buffer possessed larger and almost no pH, but was still dependent on biomass concentration.The lack of intracellular pH homeostasis and the collapse of at acid medium pH are discussed in the context of cell membrane proton permeability.  相似文献   
Respiratory chain composition of the ethanol-producing bacterium Zymomonas mobilis was studied. Its membrane d-lactate oxidase was characterised. With NADH, but not d-lactate as substrate, a cytochrome o-like component was seen in CO difference spectra. Chlorpromazine specifically inhibited reduction of cytochrome d, while myxothiazol eliminated the cytochrome o-like features in CO difference spectra. It is suggested that electrons from NADH are distributed between branches terminated by the cytochrome o-like component, cytochrome a, and cytochrome d. With d-lactate, electrons are transported to cytochrome a, or an unidentified CN-sensitive oxidase, and cytochrome d.  相似文献   
To estimate strength parameters of living lodgepole pine stems over a range of temperatures (-16 to +17°C), trees were winched near or past the point of breakage, during which the applied force and deflection of the stem were measured. Trees were 43 years old, 10 m tall, and since the experiments were conducted in the late winter and early spring, when the soil was frozen and the roots were held rigid, the resistance of the stem to deflection could be isolated from the resistances of the root and soil. Static flexure theory for cantilever beams was used to estimate stress, strain, Young's modulus (E), and modulus of rupture (MOR) of the stem. Trees were stiffer and stronger in the winter when wood was frozen, with a nearly 50% increase in E and MOR compared with the spring, when wood was thawed. In winter stems failed on the tension side, while in spring stems buckled on the compression side. Compared with strength estimations reported in the literature from small samples of clear green wood at standard temperatures, modulus of elasticity (MOE) estimates of the whole stem were 35% lower in spring, and in winter MOR exceeded published values by 53%. This suggests that the sway behavior of trees is probably temperature dependent in northern forests and whole-tree strength characteristics should be considered in wind sway models used in these regions.  相似文献   
Factors Affecting Transfection in Bacillus stearothermophilus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The conditions for the infection of Bacillus stearothermophilus 4S with TP-1C phage deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) are described. Cells from log-phase cultures are the most susceptible to phage DNA infection (transfection). A cellular component (competence factor) which enhances transfection is released into the culture medium during the transition period between the log and stationary phase of growth. Transfection is stimulated in the order of decreasing effectiveness, by Fe(3+), Mn(2+), and Mg(2+). The efficiency of transfection is the highest in cells growing at 60.5 C and does not occur in cells growing at 67 C although the cells are growing normally. A cellular component (competence factor) of this organism, which is released into the culture medium, advances by 40 min some step in the uptake of phage DNA.  相似文献   
The major heat shock proteins of Staphylococcus aureus had apparent Mrs of 84,000, 76,000, and 60,000, and other prominent proteins of Mrs 66,000, 51,000, 43,000 and 24,000 were also induced. Staphylococcus epidermidis showed a similar response. These proteins were also induced by CdCl2, ethanol and apparently osmotic stress (1.71 M NaCl or 2.25 M sucrose). Most of the proteins sedimented with the membrane fraction, but the Mr 60,000 protein remained in the cytoplasm.  相似文献   
We present a technique to measure the simultaneous sway of a group of trees and reconstruct the frequency of crown collisions and sway dynamics of individual or groups of trees. We placed a biaxial clinometer (tiltmeter) at the live crown base in each of ten neighboring 15-m-tall lodgepole pine trees in Alberta, Canada. Tree bole rotation at tiltmeter mount height was recorded during windy conditions at a rate of 10 times/s for the cluster of trees. Rotation angles were used in a bole curve calculation to estimate tree displacement in 2-dimensional (x, y) space. Collision reconstruction was done in Arc/Info by assigning asymmetrical crown area dimensions (polygons) to calculated bole displacement for each tree. Reconstruction of each time step measured any overlaps between crown polygon areas. Crown polygon overlaps estimated in this manner allowed assessment of collision frequencies, area of crown overlap during collisions, and identification of the tree(s) that a subject tree contacted. Collision statistics are only given for trees interior to the sensored cluster (n=3). For 15.0 min of data with an average wind speed of 4.5 m/s and a maximum of 10.0 m/s there was an average of 65 collisions/min for each tree, and an average collision overlap area of 24%. This frequency and depth of collisions supports the notion that wind-induced crown interaction inhibits lateral shoot extension and is an important mechanism for the development of crown asymmetry and crown shyness. Insight into dynamic tree sway behavior and crown interactions will allow estimation and cultivation of a forest stand structure that is more resistant to damage from wind. The techniques of recording multiple simultaneous bole sway and their reconstruction are applicable to a broad range of wind-forest interaction research.  相似文献   
The periodic sways of a group of ten Pinus contorta var. latifolia (lodgepole pine) trees with slender stems from the Two Creeks site (TW) and ten stout trees from the Chickadee site (CH) both in Alberta, Canada were quantified. Tree displacement at TW was measured during periods of consistent wind direction with three mean wind speeds (1.9, 4.6, and 5.4 m/s) and for two mean wind speeds at CH (5.0 and 7.9 m/s). Spectral analysis of sway displacement data showed a decrease in the frequency with wind speed for trees at TW, but remained unchanged for trees at CH. Significant correlations between tree sway frequency and amplitude during high winds at TW indicate a loss of sway energy concomitant with the occurrence of high collision intensity. These observations support the hypothesis that inter-crown collisions have an important influence on the sway frequency of trees and should be incorporated into efforts to model their sway dynamics. We also present a theoretical collision-damped sway model which supports our empirical findings.  相似文献   
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