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Proteolysis of extracellular matrix is an important requirement for embryonic development and is instrumental in processes such as morphogenesis, angiogenesis, and cell migration. Efficient remodeling requires controlled spatio-temporal expression of both the proteases and their inhibitors. Protein C inhibitor (PCI) effectively blocks a range of serine proteases, and recently has been suggested to play a role in cell differentiation and angiogenesis. In this study, we mapped the expression pattern of PCI throughout mouse development using in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry. We detected a wide-spread, yet distinct expression pattern with prominent PCI levels in skin including vibrissae, and in fore- and hindgut. Further sites of PCI expression were choroid plexus of brain ventricles, heart, skeletal muscles, urogenital tract, and cartilages. A strong and stage-dependent PCI expression was observed in the developing lung. In the pseudoglandular stage, PCI expression was present in distal branching tubules whereas proximal tubules did not express PCI. Later in development, in the saccular stage, PCI expression was restricted to distal bronchioli whereas sacculi did not express PCI. PCI expression declined in postnatal stages and was not detected in adult lungs. In general, embryonic PCI expression indicates multifunctional roles of PCI during mouse development. The expression pattern of PCI during lung development suggests its possible involvement in lung morphogenesis and angiogenesis.  相似文献   
Bats use various roost types with a wide spectrum of ecological features. The greater mouse-eared bat Myotis myotis (Borkhausen, 1797), creates nurseries in attics and caves in Central Europe. The stable low temperature and high humidity cave microclimate contrasts that of attics, which may alter species adaptations and life strategies. We analysed population characteristics (composition, body condition, parasite load, and immune response) and genetic relatedness of two proximal M. myotis populations. Age, sexual and parasite species composition were similar between the cave and attic sites. However, a significantly higher parasite load and body condition was detected in the post-partum females and juveniles of the cave colony (n = 263 bats from the cave, 231 from the attic), with the cave colony females having a significantly stronger immune response (n = 2 caves and 2 attics, 20 females per site). There was no evidence for genetic divergence between cave and attic populations (n = 3 caves and 3 attics, 24 females per site), indicating that different population characteristics are not genetically based and that M. myotis is an example of a species with rather unique phenotypic plasticity.  相似文献   
Complement receptor type 1 (CR1 or CD35) is a multiple modular protein that mediates the immune adherence phenomenon, a fundamental event for destroying microbes and initiating an immunological response. It fulfills this role through binding C3b/C4b-opsonized foreign antigens. The structure of the principal C3b/C4b binding site (residues 901-1095) of CR1 is reported, revealing three complement control protein modules (modules 15-17) in an extended head-to-tail arrangement with flexibility at the 16-17 junction. Structure-guided mutagenesis identified a positively charged surface region on module 15 that is critical for C4b binding. This patch, together with basic side chains of module 16 exposed on the same face of CR1, is required for C3b binding. These studies reveal the initial structural details of one of the first receptor-ligand interactions to be identified in immunobiology.  相似文献   
We aimed to investigate fractalkine (CX3CL1) protein expression in wild type (wt) retina and its alterations during retinal degeneration in mouse model (rd10) of retinitis pigmentosa. Forms of retinal protein CX3CL1, total protein and mRNA levels of CX3CL1 were analyzed at postnatal days (P) 5, 10, 14, 22, 30, 45, and 60 by Western blotting and real-time PCR. Cellular sources of CX3CL1 were investigated by in situ hybridization histochemistry (ISH) and using transgenic (CX3CL1cherry) mice. The immunoblots revealed that in both, wt and rd10 retinas, a membrane integrated ∼100 kDa CX3CL1 form and a cleaved ∼85 kDa CX3CL1 form were present at P5. At P10, accumulation of another presumably intra-neuronal ∼95 kDa form and a decrease in the ∼85-kDa form were observed. From P14, a ∼95 kDa form became principal in wt retina, while in rd10 retinas a soluble ∼85 kDa form increased at P45 and P60. In comparison, retinas of rd10 mice had significantly lower levels of total CX3CL1 protein (from P10 onwards) and lower CX3CL1 mRNA levels (from P14), even before the onset of primary rod degeneration. ISH and mCherry reporter fluorescence showed neurons in the inner retina layers as principal sites of CX3CL1 synthesis both in wt and rd10 retinas. In conclusion, our results demonstrate that CX3CL1 has a distinctive course of expression and functional regulation in rd10 retina starting at P10. The biological activity of CX3CL1 is regulated by conversion of a membrane integrated to a soluble form during neurogenesis and in response to pathologic changes in the adult retinal milieu. Viable mature neurons in the inner retina likely exhibit a dynamic intracellular storage depot of CX3CL1.  相似文献   
Although planting seagrass is not technically complex, the ability to plant large areas is limited by the time-consuming nature of manual methods. Additionally, manual methods use small, spatially isolated planting units (PUs; shoot bundles or plugs/cores) that are often highly susceptible to disturbance. The likelihood for harvesting intact apical meristems may be higher with large sods compared to smaller units, thus increasing survival and expansion rates. Here, we examined the survival and expansion of large units (1.5 × 1.2 m) of seagrass transplanted using a mechanized planting boat (Giga Unit Transplant System; GUTS). Twenty-seven units of seagrass (18 Halodule wrightii and 9 Thalassia testudinum ) were transplanted and monitored for survival, shoot density, and expansion. After 3 years, 74.1% of the units had survived (66.7% H. wrightii and 88.9% T. testudinum ) with 12 H. wrightii units having expanded substantially beyond the bounds of the original PU, merging with adjacent units to form spatially continuous patches of seagrass. High survival rates for T. testudinum should be interpreted in light of concomitant declines in density and lack of significant expansion after 3 years. In its tested configuration, the GUTS was a viable method for transplanting H. wrightii where donor and receiver sites were in close proximity (<2 km; a current limitation of the GUTS design used here). However, based on the reduced density and lack of significant expansion of T. testudinum that has persisted 3 years post-transplant, the GUTS cannot yet be fully recommended for transplanting this species.  相似文献   
The first eight and the last two of 20 complement control protein (CCP) modules within complement factor H (fH) encompass binding sites for C3b and polyanionic carbohydrates. These binding sites cooperate self-surface selectively to prevent C3b amplification, thus minimising complement-mediated damage to host. Intervening fH CCPs, apparently devoid of such recognition sites, are proposed to play a structural role. One suggestion is that the generally small CCPs 10-15, connected by longer-than-average linkers, act as a flexible tether between the two functional ends of fH; another is that the long linkers induce a 180° bend in the middle of fH. To test these hypotheses, we determined the NMR-derived structure of fH12-13 consisting of module 12, shown here to have an archetypal CCP structure, and module 13, which is uniquely short and features a laterally protruding helix-like insertion that contributes to a prominent electropositive patch. The unusually long fH12-13 linker is not flexible. It packs between the two CCPs that are not folded back on each other but form a shallow vee shape; analytical ultracentrifugation and X-ray scattering supported this finding. These two techniques additionally indicate that flanking modules (within fH11-14 and fH10-15) are at least as rigid and tilted relative to neighbours as are CCPs 12 and 13 with respect to one another. Tilts between successive modules are not unidirectional; their principal axes trace a zigzag path. In one of two arrangements for CCPs 10-15 that fit well with scattering data, CCP 14 is folded back onto CCP 13. In conclusion, fH10-15 forms neither a flexible tether nor a smooth bend. Rather, it is compact and has embedded within it a CCP module (CCP 13) that appears to be highly specialised given both its deviant structure and its striking surface charge distribution. A passive, purely structural role for this central portion of fH is unlikely.  相似文献   
Critical to the inhibitory action of the oncogene product, MDM2, on the tumour suppressor, p53, is association of the N-terminal domain of MDM2 (MDM2N) with the transactivation domain of p53. The structure of MDM2N was previously solved with a p53-derived peptide, or small-molecule ligands, occupying its binding cleft, but no structure of the non-liganded MDM2N (i.e. the apo-form) has been reported. Here, we describe the solution structure and dynamics of apo-MDM2N and thus reveal the nature of the conformational changes in MDM2N that accompany binding of p53. The new structure suggests that p53 effects displacement of an N-terminal segment of apo-MDM2N that occludes access to the shallow end of the p53-binding cleft. MDM2N must also undergo an expansion upon binding, achieved through a rearrangement of its two pseudosymetrically related sub-domains resulting in outward displacements of the secondary structural elements that comprise the walls and floor of the p53-binding cleft. MDM2N becomes more rigid and stable upon binding p53. Conformational plasticity of the binding cleft of apo-MDM2N could allow the parent protein to bind specifically to several different partners, although, to date, all the known liganded structures of MDM2N are highly similar to one another. The results indicate that the more open conformation of the binding cleft of MDM2N observed in structures of complexes with small molecules and peptides is a more suitable one for ligand discovery and optimisation.  相似文献   
The regulators of complement activation (RCA) are critical to health and disease because their role is to ensure that a complement-mediated immune response to infection is proportionate and targeted. Each protein contains an uninterrupted array of from four to 30 examples of the very widely occurring complement control protein (CCP, or sushi) module. The CCP modules mediate specific protein-protein and protein-carbohydrate interactions that are key to the biological function of the RCA and, paradoxically, provide binding sites for numerous pathogens. Although structural and mutagenesis studies of CCP modules have addressed some aspects of molecular recognition, there have been no studies of the role of molecular dynamics in the interaction of CCP modules with their binding partners. NMR has now been used in the first full characterization of the backbone dynamics of CCP modules. The dynamics of two individual modules-the 16th of the 30 modules of complement receptor type 1 (CD35), and the N-terminal module of membrane cofactor protein (CD46)-as well as their solution structures, are compared. Although both examples share broadly similar three-dimensional structures, many structurally equivalent residues exhibit different amplitudes and timescales of local backbone motion. In each case, however, regions of the module-surface implicated by mutagenesis as sites of interactions with other proteins include several mobile residues. This observation suggests further experiments to explore binding mechanisms and identify new binding sites.  相似文献   
Cardiovascular diseases are a major cause of human death worldwide. Excessive proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells contributes to the etiology of such diseases, including atherosclerosis, restenosis, and pulmonary hypertension. The control of vascular cell proliferation is complex and encompasses interactions of many regulatory molecules and signaling pathways. Herein, we recapitulated the importance of signaling cascades relevant for the regulation of vascular cell proliferation. Detailed understanding of the mechanism underlying this process is essential for the identification of new lead compounds (e.g., natural products) for vascular therapies.  相似文献   
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