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Three protein factors ensure rapid and accurate initiation of translation in bacteria. Translation initiation factor IF2 is a ribosome-dependent GTPase, which is important for correct positioning of initiator tRNA on the 30S subunit as well as ribosomal subunit joining. The solution structure of the free C-terminal part of IF2 (IF2C, comprising domains IV to VI-2) was previously determined by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) [Rasmussen, L. C., et al. (2008) Biochemistry 47, 5590-5598]. In this study, adding GDP or nonhydrolyzable GTP analogue GDPNP to the protein in solution caused structural changes in the protein, in agreement with recent data determined via isothermal titration calorimetry [Hauryliuk, V., et al. (2009) J. Mol. Biol. 394, 621-626]. The p(r) function indicated an elongated conformation supported by radii of gyration of 40.1 and 44.9 ? and maximum dimensions of ~125 and ~150 ? for IF2C with GDPNP and GDP, respectively. The SAXS data were used to model the structure of IF2C bound to either GDPNP or GDP. The structural transitions of IF2C upon GDPNP binding and following nucleotide hydrolysis support the concept of cofactor-dependent conformational switching rather than the classical model for GTPase activity.  相似文献   
Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rad52 protein promotes homologous recombination by nucleating the Rad51 recombinase onto replication protein A-coated single-stranded DNA strands and also by directly annealing such strands. We show that the purified rad52-R70A mutant protein, with a compromised amino-terminal DNA binding domain, is capable of Rad51 delivery to DNA but is deficient in DNA annealing. Results from chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments find that rad52-R70A associates with DNA double-strand breaks and promotes recruitment of Rad51 as efficiently as wild-type Rad52. Analysis of gene conversion intermediates reveals that rad52-R70A cells can mediate DNA strand invasion but are unable to complete the recombination event. These results provide evidence that DNA binding by the evolutionarily conserved amino terminus of Rad52 is needed for the capture of the second DNA end during homologous recombination.  相似文献   
Medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (MCAD) deficiency is a serious and potentially fatal inherited defect in the β-oxidation of fatty acids. Approximately 80% of patients with MCAD deficiency are homozygous for a single disease-causing mutation (G985). The remaining patients (except for a few cases worldwide) are compound heterozygous with G985 in one allele. By sequencing of cloned PCR-amplified MCAD cDNA from a G985 compound heterozygous patient, we identified a C-to-T transition at position 157 as the only change in the entire coding sequence of the non-G985 allele. The presence of the T157 mutation was verified in genomic DNA from the patient and her mother by a PCR-based assay. The mutation changes a conserved arginine at position 28 (R28C) of the mature MCAD protein. The effect of the T157 mutation on MCAD protein was investigated by expression of mutant MCAD cDNA in COS-7 cells. On the basis of knowledge about the three-dimensional structure of the MCAD protein, we suggest that the mutation destroys a salt bridge between arginine28 and glutamate86, thereby affecting the formation of enzymatically active protein. Twenty-two additional families with compound heterozygous patients were tested in the PCR-based assay. The T157 mutation was identified in one of these families, which had an MCAD-deficient child who died unexpectedly in infancy. Our results indicate that the mutation is rare. It is, however, noteworthy that a homologous mutation has previously been identified in the short-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (SCAD) gene of a patient with SCAD deficiency, suggesting that the conserved arginine is crucial for formation of active enzyme in the straight-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenases.  相似文献   
To develop an experimental model for somatic gene therapy we have tried to correct the steroid sulfatase (STS) deficiency in tissue-cultured primary epidermal keratinocytes from patients suffering from recessive X-linked ichthyosis. An efficient Epstein-Barr virus-based vector was constructed, in which full-length steroid sulfatase cDNA is located between an SV40 early promotor and processing signals. After STS gene transfer into cultured basal cells from ichthyotic skin, the cells produce large amounts of enzymatically active steroid sulfatase protein. The subpopulation of transfected cells can be made to produce approximately 100 times more STS activity than normal keratinocytes. Keratinocytes from patients suffering from recessive X-linked ichthyosis display an abnormal phenotype when developing a multilayered tissue in culture: Initially an extensive burst of keratinization is observed, followed by rapid, premature shedding and degradation of most suprabasal cell layers, leaving a culture with hyperproliferative relatively immature keratinocytes. Transfection of these immature ichthyotic cells with the functional STS construct led to an increase in the amount of retained cell material in the culture medium, indicating an increased cell maturation. It is possible to genetically label individual transfected epidermal cells with a reporter gene. Cotransfection experiments with STS and reporter gene vectors show that the cohort of transfected cells had a tendency to develop less rapidly since they became overrepresented in the smaller size classes at the same time the total population was somewhat shifted toward higher cell sizes. We interpret these results as an indication that restoration of the enzymatic activity induces a more normal maturation of the transfected keratinocytes.  相似文献   
An effective EBV-based expression system for eucaryotic cells has been developed and used for the study of the mitochondrial enzyme medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (MCAD). 1325 bp of PCR-generated cDNA, containing the entire coding region, was placed between the SV40 early promotor and polyadenylation signals in the EBV-based vector. Both wild-type MCAD cDNA and cDNA containing the prevalent disease-causing mutation A to G at position 985 of the MCAD cDNA were tested. In transfected COS-7 cells, the steady state amount of mutant MCAD protein was consistently lower than the amount of wild-type human enzyme. The enzyme activity in extracts from cells harbouring the wild-type MCAD cDNA was dramatically higher than in the controls (harbouring the vector without the MCAD gene) while only a slightly higher activity was measured with the mutant MCAD. The mutant MCAD present behaves like wild-type MCAD with respect to solubility, subcellular location, mature protein size and tetrameric structure. In immunoblot comparisons, the MCAD protein was present in normal fibroblasts, but essentially undetectable in patient fibroblasts homozygous for the prevalent mutation. We suggest that the MCAD protein carrying this mutation has an impaired ability to form correct tetramers, leading to instability and subsequent degradation of the enzyme. This finding is discussed in relation to the results from expression of human MCAD in Escherichia coli, where preliminary results show that production of mutant MCAD leads to the formation of aggregates.  相似文献   
We have developed a new immunodiagnostic system whichmeasures personal allergen exposure and which can beused to identify allergens.Personal exposure is directly sampled using inertialimpaction filters which fit just inside the nose andcollect particles (mainly >5 µm) inhaled duringnormal respiration. These samplers provide both anindex of personal exposure as well as being aninexpensive and portable sampling system.The particles are captured on adhesive tapes which arethen laminated with a protein-binding membrane. Theallergens eluting from the particles are bound by the membrane in theperiphery of each particle. The systemthen uses either allergen-specific monoclonalantibodies or the subject's IgE as primary probes toimmuno-label the `halo' of allergen around individualallergen-containing particles. Such an assay is verysensitive and can detect a single particle carryingallergens. In addition, the system providesinformation on the size, shape and allergen content ofthe particles. Because the particles carryingallergens can be seen, high resolution video images ofpollen grains and fungal spores can be subjected to atraditional morphological study or a range of featureextraction routines. This information can be comparedto a database of some known allergenic pollen grainsand fungal spores which we have also assembled tofacilitate their identification.When using monoclonal antibodies as the probe, thesystem determines the amount of allergen the subjectis exposed to and the characteristics of the particles(size, shape, etc). When using the subject's IgE as theprobe, the system allows visualisation of the allergensources that an individual is allergic to. The systemmay have clinical applications in quantifying personalexposure as well as identifying allergens anddetermining exposure to unsuspected allergens.  相似文献   
Collectins play important roles in the innate immune defense against microorganisms. Recently, a new collectin, collectin 11 (CL-11 or CL-K1), was identified via database searches. In present work, we characterize the structural and functional properties of CL-11. Under nonreducing conditions, in gel permeation chromatography recombinant CL-11 forms disulfide-linked oligomers of 100 and 200 kDa. A mAb-based ELISA estimates the concentration of CL-11 in plasma to be 2.1 μg/ml, and the presence of CL-11 in plasma was further verified by Western blotting and mass spectrometry. Mannan-binding lectin-associated serine protease 1 (MASP-1) copurified with CL-11 and the interaction in plasma with MASP-1 and/or MASP-3 was further demonstrated using ELISA. We identified the adrenal glands, the kidneys, and the liver as primary sites of expression. CL-11 lectin activity was demonstrated by ELISA and showed that CL-11 has preference for l-fucose and d-mannose. We finally show that CL-11 binds to intact bacteria, fungi, and viruses and that CL-11 decreases influenza A virus infectivity and forms complexes with DNA. On the basis of the significant concentration of CL-11 in circulation and CL-11's interaction with various microorganisms and MASP-1 and/or MASP-3, it is conceivable that CL-11 plays a role in activation of the complement system and in the defense against invading microorganisms.  相似文献   
Conjugation to cationic cell penetrating peptides (such as Tat, Penetratin, or oligo arginines) efficiently improves the cellular uptake of large hydrophilic molecules such as oligonucleotides and peptide nucleic acids, but the cellular uptake is predominantly via an unproductive endosomal pathway and therefore mechanisms that promote endosomal escape (or avoid the endosomal route) are required for improving bioavailability. A variety of auxiliary agents (chloroquine, calcium ions, or lipophilic photosensitizers) has this effect, but improved, unaided delivery would be highly advantageous in particular for future in vivo applications. We find that simply conjugating a lipid domain (fatty acid) to the cationic peptide (a CatLip conjugate) increases the biological effect of the corresponding PNA (CatLip) conjugates in a luciferase cellular antisense assay up to 2 orders of magnitude. The effect increases with increasing length of the fatty acid (C8-C16) but in parallel also results in increased cellular toxicity, with decanoic acid being optimal. Furthermore, the relative enhancement is significantly higher for Tat peptide compared to oligoarginine. Confocal microscopy and chloroquine enhancement indicates that the lipophilic domain increases the endosomal uptake as well as promoting significantly endosomal escape. These results provide a novel route for improving the (cellular) bioavailability of larger hydrophilic molecules.  相似文献   
We have developed a transiently disrupted nkuA system in Aspergillus nidulans for efficient gene targeting. The nkuA disruption was made by inserting a counter-selectable marker flanked by a direct repeat (DR) composed of nkuA sequences. In the disrupted state, the non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) activity is abolished and gene targeting can be performed with success rates identical to those obtained with permanent nkuA knock-out strains. When gene targeting is complete, the functional nkuA allele can be re-established via a simple selection step, thereby eliminating the risk that defective NHEJ influences subsequent analyses of the manipulated strain. Our system will facilitate construction of large numbers of defined mutations in A. nidulans. Moreover, as the system can likely be adapted to other filamentous fungi, we expect it will be particularly beneficial in species where NHEJ cannot be restored by sexual crossing.  相似文献   
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