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Elevation of atmospheric CO2 concentration is predicted to increase net primary production, which could lead to additional C sequestration in terrestrial ecosystems. Soil C input was determined under ambient and Free Atmospheric Carbon dioxide Enrichment (FACE) conditions for Lolium perenne L. and Trifolium repens L. grown for four years in a sandy‐loam soil. The 13C content of the soil organic matter C had been increased by 5‰ compared to the native soil by prior cropping to corn (Zea mays) for > 20 years. Both species received low or high amounts of N fertilizer in separate plots. The total accumulated above‐ground biomass produced by L. perenne during the 4‐year period was strongly dependent on the amount of N fertilizer applied but did not respond to increased CO2. In contrast, the total accumulated above‐ground biomass of T. repens doubled under elevated CO2 but remained independent of N fertilizer rate. The C:N ratio of above‐ground biomass for both species increased under elevated CO2 whereas only the C:N ratio of L. perenne roots increased under elevated CO2. Root biomass of L. perenne doubled under elevated CO2 and again under high N fertilization. Total soil C was unaffected by CO2 treatment but dependent on species. After 4 years and for both crops, the fraction of new C (F‐value) under ambient conditions was higher (P= 0.076) than under FACE conditions: 0.43 vs. 0.38. Soil under L. perenne showed an increase in total soil organic matter whereas N fertilization or elevated CO2 had no effect on total soil organic matter content for both systems. The net amount of C sequestered in 4 years was unaffected by the CO2 concentration (overall average of 8.5 g C kg?1 soil). There was a significant species effect and more new C was sequestered under highly fertilized L. perenne. The amount of new C sequestered in the soil was primarily dependent on plant species and the response of root biomass to CO2 and N fertilization. Therefore, in this FACE study net soil C sequestration was largely depended on how the species responded to N rather than to elevated CO2.  相似文献   
Trithorax function is essential for epigenetic maintenance of gene expression in animals, but little is known about trithorax homologs in plants. ARABIDOPSIS TRITHORAX1 (ATX1) was shown to be required for the expression of homeotic genes involved in flower organogenesis. Here, we report a novel function of ATX1, namely, the epigenetic regulation of the floral repressor FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC). Downregulation of FLC accelerates the transition from vegetative to reproductive development in Arabidopsis thaliana. In the atx1 mutant, FLC levels are reduced and the FLC chromatin is depleted of trimethylated, but not dimethylated, histone 3 lysine 4, suggesting a specific trimethylation function of ATX1. In addition, we found that ATX1 directly binds the active FLC locus before flowering and that this interaction is released upon the transition to flowering. This dynamic process stands in contrast with the stable maintenance of homeotic gene expression mediated by trithorax group proteins in animals but resembles the dynamics of plant Polycomb group function.  相似文献   
We have generated human recombinant keratins K8 and K18 and describe conditions to quantitatively follow their assembly into filaments. When renatured individually from 8M urea into a low ionic strength/high pH-buffer, K8 was present in a dimeric to tetrameric form as revealed by analytical ultracentrifugation. In contrast, K18 sedimented as a monomer. When mixed in 8 M urea and renatured together, K8 and K18 exhibited s-value profiles compatible with homogeneous tetrameric complexes. This finding was confirmed by sedimentation equilibrium centrifugation. Subsequently, these tetrameric starter units were subjected to assembly experiments at various protein concentrations. At low values such as 0.0025 g/l, unit-length filaments were abundantly present after 2s of assembly. During the following 5 min, filaments grew rapidly and by measuring the length of individual filaments we were able to generate time-dependent length profiles. These data revealed that keratins K8/K18 assemble several times faster than vimentin and desmin. In addition, we determined the persistence length l(p) of K8/K18 filaments to be in the range of 300 nm. Addition of 1 mM MgCl(2) increases l(p) to 480 nm indicating that magnesium ions affect the interaction of keratin subunits within the filament during assembly to some extent.  相似文献   


Interspecific recombinant viruses R1ΔgC and R2ΔgI were isolated after in vitro co-infection with BoHV-1 and BoHV-5, two closely related alphaherpesviruses that infect cattle. The genetic characterization of R1ΔgC and R2ΔgI showed that they are composed of different sections of the parental genomes. The aim of this study was the characterization of the in vivo behavior of these recombinants in the natural host.


Four groups of four 3-month-old calves of both genders were intranasally inoculated with either the recombinant or parental viruses. A control group of two animals was also included. Viral excretion and clinical signs were monitored after infection. Histopathological examination of the central nervous system (CNS) was performed and the establishment of latency in trigeminal ganglia was analyzed by PCR. The humoral response was also evaluated using ELISA tests. Three out of four animals from the BoHV-5 infected group excreted virus for 4-10 days. Two calves shed R1ΔgC virus for one day. In R2ΔgI and BoHV-1.2ΔgCΔgI groups, infectious virus was isolated only after two or three blind passages. None of the infected animals developed neurological signs, although those infected with BoHV-5 showed histopathological evidence of viral infection. Latent viral DNA was detected in at least one calf from each infected group. Serum and/or mucosal antibodies were detected in all groups.


Both BoHV-1/-5 recombinants and the BoHV-1 parental strain are attenuated in calves, although they are able to replicate in animals at low rates and to establish latent infections.  相似文献   
Effects of free‐air carbon dioxide enrichment (FACE, 60 Pa pCO2) on plant growth as compared with ambient pCO2 (36 Pa) were studied in swards of Lolium perenne L. (perennial ryegrass) at two levels of N fertilization (14 and 56 g m?2 a?1) from 1993 to 2002. The objectives were to determine how plant growth responded to the availability of C and N in the long term and how the supply of N to the plant from the two sources of N in the soil, soil organic matter (SOM) and mineral fertilizer, varied over time. In three field experiments, 15N‐labelled fertilizer was used to distinguish the sources of available N. In 1993, harvestable biomass under elevated pCO2 was 7% higher than under ambient pCO2. This relative pCO2 response increased to 32% in 2002 at high N, but remained low at low N. Between 1993 and 2002, the proportions and amounts of N in harvestable biomass derived from SOM (excluding remobilized fertilizer) were, at high N, increasingly higher at elevated pCO2 than at ambient pCO2. Two factorial experiments confirmed that at high N, but not at low N, a higher proportion of N in harvestable biomass was derived from soil (including remobilized fertilizer) following 7 and 9 years of elevated pCO2, when compared with ambient pCO2. It is suggested that N availability in the soil initially limited the pCO2 response of harvestable biomass. At high N, the limitation of plant growth decreased over time as a result of the stimulated mobilization of N from soil, especially from SOM. Consequently, harvestable biomass increasingly responded to elevated pCO2. The underlying mechanisms which contributed to the increased mobilization of N from SOM under elevated pCO2 are discussed. This study demonstrated that there are feedback mechanisms in the soil which are only revealed during long‐term field experiments. Such investigations are thus, a prerequisite for understanding the responses of ecosystems to elevated pCO2 and N supply.  相似文献   
The binding of uropathogenic Escherichia coli to the urothelial surface is a critical initial event for establishing urinary tract infection, because it prevents the bacteria from being removed by micturition and it triggers bacterial invasion as well as host cell defense. This binding is mediated by the FimH adhesin located at the tip of the bacterial type 1-fimbrium and its urothelial receptor, uroplakin Ia (UPIa). To localize the UPIa receptor on the 16 nm particles that form two-dimensional crystals of asymmetric unit membrane (AUM) covering >90 % of the apical urothelial surface, we constructed a 15 A resolution 3-D model of the mouse 16 nm AUM particle by negative staining and electron crystallography. Similar to previous lower-resolution models of bovine and pig AUM particles, the mouse 16 nm AUM particle consists of six inner and six outer domains that are interconnected to form a twisted ribbon-like structure. Treatment of urothelial plaques with 0.02-0.1 % (v/v) Triton X-100 allowed the stain to penetrate into the membrane, revealing parts of the uroplakin transmembrane moiety with an overall diameter of 14 nm, which was much bigger than the 11 nm value determined earlier by quick-freeze deep-etch. Atomic force microscopy of native, unfixed mouse and bovine urothelial plaques confirmed the overall structure of the luminal 16 nm AUM particle that was raised by 6.5 nm above the luminal membrane surface and, in addition, revealed a circular, 0.5 nm high, cytoplasmic protrusion of approximately 14 nm diameter. Finally, a difference map calculated from the mouse urothelial plaque images collected in the presence and absence of recombinant bacterial FimH/FimC complex revealed the selective binding of FimH to the six inner domains of the 16 nm AUM particle. These results indicate that the 16 nm AUM particle is anchored by a approximately 14 nm diameter transmembrane stalk, and suggest that bacterial binding to UPIa that resides within the six inner domains of the 16 nm AUM particle may preferentially trigger transmembrane signaling involved in bacterial invasion and host cell defense.  相似文献   
A comprehensive analysis of the sequences of all types of intermediate filament chains has been undertaken with a particular emphasis on those of segment 1A and linker L1. This has been done to assess whether structural characteristics can be recognized in the sequences that would be consistent with the role of each region in the recently proposed "swinging head" hypothesis. The analyses show that linker L1 is the most flexible rod domain region, that it is the most elongated structure (on a per residue basis), and that it is the most variable region as regards sequence and length. Segment 1A has one of the two most highly conserved regions of sequence in the rod domain (the other being at the end of segment 2B), with seven particular residues conserved across all chain types. It also contains one of the very few potential interchain ionic interactions that could be conserved across all chain types. However, the aggregation of chains in segment 1A is specified less precisely overall by interchain ionic interactions than are the other coiled-coil segments. The apolar residue contents in positions a and d of the heptad substructure are the highest of any coiled-coil segment in the intermediate filament family. Segment 1A also displays an amino acid composition atypical of not only coiled-coil segments 1B and 2B, but indeed of two-stranded coiled coils in general. Nonetheless, molecular modeling based on the crystal structure of the monomeric 1A fragment from human vimentin shows that coiled-coil formation is plausible. The most extensive regions of apolar/aromatic residues lie at the C-terminal end of segment 2B in the helix termination motif and in segment 1A in and close to the helix initiation motif. The predicted stability of the individual alpha-helices in segment 1A is greater than in those comprising segments 1B and 2B, though potential intrachain ionic interactions are either lacking or are minimal in number. Analysis of the 1A sequence and those regions immediately N- and C-terminal to it has shown that the capping residues are near optimal close to the previously predicted ends, thus adding to the likely stability of the alpha-helical structure. However, a second terminating sequence is predicted in 1A (about 10 residues back from the C-terminus). This allows the possibility of some unwinding of the alpha-helical structure of 1A immediately adjacent to linker L1 when the head domains no longer stabilize the coiled-coil structure. All of these data are consistent with the concept of a flexible hinge at L1 and with the ability of the two alpha-helical coiled-coil strands to separate under appropriate conditions and partly unwind at their C-terminal ends to allow the head domains a greater degree of mobility, thus facilitating function.  相似文献   
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