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Abstract A Vero toxin (VT2 or Shiga-like toxin II)-converting phage was isolated from Escherichia coli 0157: H7 strain J-2. Nontoxigenic E. coli C600 produced VT2 when lysogenized with the toxin-converting phage. Eco RI fragments of the phage DNA were ligated with Eco RI-digested pBR322 or pUC118 and were transformed into E. coli MC1061 or MV1184. Transformants exhibiting VT2 production commonly contained a 4.6 kb Eco RI fragment. It was found that a 2.3 kb Kpn I- Sph I fragment coded VT2 production and that this fragment hybridized weakly with the 2.1 kb fragment encoding VT1.  相似文献   
ß-Tubulins from fourteen benomyl-resistant strainsof the homobasidiomycete Coprinus cinereus, which carry thebenA, benB, benC or benD mutations, were analyzed by urea SDS-PAGEor isoelectric focusing and subsequent immunoblot analysis.Electrophoretic aberrations in a major ß-tubulin isotype,denoted ß1 were found in two strains, BEN154 and BEN215,both of which carry benomyl resistance mutations in benA + Theaberrations of ß1 in BEN154 and BEN215 cosegregatedwith benomyl resistance among the progeny of outcrosses of BEN154 and BEN215 to wild type, indicating that the ß1aberrations were caused by the benA mutations. Both the mutantand wild-type ß1 tubulins were present in the heterozygousdikaryons, BEN 154/wild-type and BEN215/wild-type, ruling outpost-translational modification as a possible cause for theaberrations in ß1. Thus, we conclude that benA isa structural gene for ß1. Transhyphal migration ofnuclei in dikaryosis was blocked in the mycelia of BEN 154 andin its progeny that carried benA (ß1 mutation), demonstratingthat microtubules are involved in the migration process. Nuclearmigration in dikaryosis seems to differ in terms of mechanism,at least in part, from the migration of tetrad nuclei from basidiainto prespores during formation of basidiospores and from themigration of nuclei from basidiospores into hyphae during germination,because a benA mutation blocked the former without affectingthe latter two processes. (Received May 19, 1989; Accepted August 30, 1989)  相似文献   
The primary structure ofHLA-B51 andHLA-Bw52 suggested thatHLA-B51 was derived fromHLA-Bw52 by the combination of a genetic exchange withHLA-B8 and a point mutation. To investigate the evolution of theHLA-B5 cross reactive group, theHLA-B35 gene was cloned and the primary structure was determined.HLA-B35 is identical toHLA-Bw58 except in the α1 domain. The α1 domain ofHLA-B35 except Bw4/Bw6-associated amino acids is identical to that ofHLA-B51 *, which was suspected to be an intermediate gene betweenHLA-B51 andHLA-Bw52. These data suggest thatHLA-B35 has evolved fromHLA-Bw58 in two steps; an in vivo replacement of the α1 domain withHLA-B51 and genetic exchange with one of theHLA-Bw6 genes. These three genes andHLA-Bw58 are postulated to share a common ancestor.  相似文献   
Summary Subcellular structures of type II alveolar epithelial cells in the rat lung were analyzed at six evenly spaced times over 24 h (light period: 06.00 h–18.00 h), using a morphometric technique. The cell volumes were maximal at 16.00 h and minimal at 08.00 h. The volume and surface densities of rough endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria were low during the light period, and high during the dark period. Morphometric parameters of multivesicular bodies did not significantly fluctuate over 24 h, but they increased from 04.00 h to 08.00 h. The volume densities of lamellar bodies increased from 16.00 h to 20.00 h, and decreased from 00.00 h to 08.00 h. The change in numerical densities of lamellar bodies was inversely correlated to that in the volume densities. As shown by electron microscopy, small lamellar bodies predominated at 08.00 h, larger lamellar bodies increasing at 16.00h. Composite bodies often appeared at 08.00 h and 12.00 h. Type II cells thus appear to fluctuate, showing three phases over 24 h: formation, accumulation and secretion of lamellar bodies. In particular, it is noteworthy that the accumulation stage occurs during the resting phase of the rat, whereas the secretion stage occurs during its body-active phase.  相似文献   
The molecular forms of endothelin (ET) related peptides were investigated in porcine brain by using high performance liquid chromatography coupled with three specific radioimmunoassays. ET-1 and its oxidized form were isolated and sequenced as in the case of porcine spinal cord. A very small amount of big ET-1 (1-39) and its C-terminal fragment (big ET-1 (22-39] were also detected. Furthermore, immunoreactive (ir)-ET-3 was isolated and sequenced; its partial primary structure was identical to that of human (rat) ET-3. The concentrations of ir-ET-1 and ir-ET-3 in porcine brain were 140 fmol/g tissue and 5 fmol/g tissue, respectively. These results indicate that besides ET-1, ET-3 is a novel neuropeptide in the central nervous system.  相似文献   
We investigated the molecular forms of endothelin (ET) related peptides in porcine spinal cord by high performance liquid chromatography coupled with radioimmunoassays using three antisera raised against ET-1 and C-terminal fragments of ET-1 and big ET-1. ET-1 and its oxidized form were isolated as major immunoreactive peptides and sequenced. Furthermore, immunoreactivities like ET-3 and big ET-1(22-39) (contents: less than 8% and less than 1% of ET-1, respectively) were detected based on their chromatographic retention times and characteristics of immunoreactivity to the antisera. Big ET-1 was only scarcely detected. Immunohistochemical study showed the presence of ET-1-like immunoreactivity in motoneurons, dorsal horn neurons and dot- and fiber-like structures in the dorsal horn of lumbar spinal cord. These results indicate that ET-1 is present not only in endothelial cells but also in spinal cord, and that big ET-1 is converted into ET-1 in spinal cord by specific processing between Trp21-Val22. The data also indicate that ET-1 may act as a neuropeptide in the central nervous system.  相似文献   
Summary This study demonstrates that endocytosis in the oocyte of Drosophila melanogaster is reversibly blocked at the stage of pit formation by the temperature-sensitive, single-gene mutant, shibire ts1. Uptake of horseradish peroxidase conjugated with wheat-germ agglutinin was observed to be normal in mutant oocytes at 19°C, but was blocked at 29°C. After 10 min at 29°C, there was a build-up of coated pits along invaginations of the plasma membrane. Also, the endosomal compartment consisting of tubules, bulbs, and small yolk spheres, disappeared. Lowering the temperature to 19°C after 10 min at 29°C released a synchronized wave of endocytosis into a cytoplasm cleared of uptake-related organelles. By observing this synchronized wave after exposure to 19°C for varying durations, we determined that endocytosis proceeds as follows: coated pits/vesiclestubulessmall yolk spheresmature yolk spheres. The observations suggest that these organelles transform one into another within this sequence.  相似文献   
An attempt was made to transform Alternaria alternata protoplasts using a plasmid vector, pDH25, bearing the Escherichia coli hygromycin B (Hy) phosphotransferase gene (hph) under the control of the Aspergillus nidulans trpC promoter. Transformants arose on a selective medium containing 100 μg Hy/ml. There were two types of transformants, forming large and small colonies on the selective medium. Transformation with one μg of the vector produced an average of 4.5 large colonies and 600 small ones. In large-colony transformants, the vector often integrated into the recipient chromosome in the form of highly rearranged tandem arrays. To increase transformation efficiency, fragments of the highly repetitive ribosomal RNA gene cluster (rDNA) of A. alternata were used to construct four new vectors for homologous recombination system. Use of these vectors gave higher transformation efficiency than the original plasmid. The best vector, pDH25r1a, gave rise to large-colony transformants at a frequency 20 times higher than pDH25. Transformation events in A. alternata with pDH25r1a occured by homologous recombination as a single crossover between the plasmid-borne rDNA segment and its homologue in the chromosome, often giving rise to tandemly repeated vector DNA.  相似文献   
DNA and RNA contents in 20 brain regions or nuclei of the rat were determined by a highly sensitive method using high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection. The high DNA and RNA contents were found in the hypothalamic nuclei, especially the median eminence-arcuate nucleus. These results may be available for the preparation of nucleic acids as the regional control.  相似文献   
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