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Nucleotide sequence of the mouse ornithine decarboxylase gene.   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
P M Weiss  C Y Chen  W W Cleland  P F Cook 《Biochemistry》1988,27(13):4814-4822
We have used deuterium and 15N isotope effects to study the relative rates of the steps in the mechanisms of alanine and glutamate dehydrogenases. The proposed chemical mechanisms for these enzymes involve carbinolamine formation, imine formation, and reduction of the imine to the amino acid [Grimshaw, C.E., Cook, P.F., & Cleland, W.W. (1981) Biochemistry 20, 5655; Rife, J.E., & Cleland, W.W. (1980) Biochemistry 19, 2328]. These steps are almost equally rate limiting for V/Kammonia with alanine dehydrogenase, while with glutamate dehydrogenase carbinolamine formation, imine formation, and release of glutamate after hydride transfer provide most of the rate limitation of V/Kammonia. Release of oxidized nucleotide is largely rate limiting for Vmax for both enzymes. When beta-hydroxypyruvate replaces pyruvate, or 3-acetylpyridine NADH (Acpyr-NADH) or thio-NADH replaces NADH with alanine dehydrogenase, nucleotide release no longer limits Vmax, and hydride transfer becomes more rate limiting. With glutamate dehydrogenase, replacement of alpha-ketoglutarate by alpha-ketovalerate makes hydride transfer more rate limiting. Use of Acpyr-NADPH has a minimal effect with alpha-ketoglutarate but causes an 8-fold decrease in Vmax with alpha-ketovalerate, with hydride transfer the major rate-limiting step. In contrast, thio-NADPH with either alpha-keto acid causes carbinolamide formation to become almost completely rate limiting. These studies show the power of multiple isotope effects in deducing details of the chemistry and changes in rate-limiting step(s) in complicated reaction mechanisms such as those of alanine and glutamate dehydrogenases.  相似文献   
Monoamine oxidase (MAO), an important enzyme for the degradation of amine neurotransmitters, has been implicated in neuropsychiatric illness. The amino acid sequence for one form of the enzyme, MAO-A, has been deduced from human cDNA clones and verified against proteolytic peptides. The covalent binding site for the flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) cofactor is near the C-terminal region. The presence of features characteristic of the ADP-binding fold suggests that the N-terminal region is also involved in the binding of FAD. These cDNAs should facilitate the study of the structure, function, and intracellular targeting of MAO, as well as the analysis of its expression in normal and pathological states.  相似文献   
X F Chen  Z F Chen  R Y Liu  Y C Du 《Peptides》1988,9(4):717-721
Groups of newborn Wistar rats received daily 1-desamino-8-D-arginine-vasopressin (DDAVP), oxytocin (OXT), hypertonic saline or normal saline for 14 days from day 1 to day 14 of life. One or three months later they were trained in a maze for brightness discrimination (BD). A group of untreated adult male rats received posttrial DDAVP or normal saline for brightness discrimination. Subsequently all the retentions of BD were tested after one month. We found that the neonatal treatments with both DDAVP and hypertonic saline facilitated acquisition and subsequent maintenance of brightness discrimination in immature and mature rats, and also that posttreatment with DDAVP enhanced retention of BD in adult rats. Oxytocin and normal saline had no effect on these parameters. The results are interpreted as showing that endogenous AVP and its synthetic analog enhance the development and adult function of central neural substrates involved in learning behaviors.  相似文献   
A two-chain, disulfide linked, insulin-like compound embodying the A-domain of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) and the B-chain of insulin has been synthesized and characterized with respect to insulin-like biological activity and growth-promoting potency. The compound displays a potency of ca. 41% relative to insulin in assays for insulin-like activity (e.g., lipogenesis) but significantly higher activity than insulin, ca. 730% relative to insulin, in growth factor assays (e.g., thymidine incorporation). The compound is, however, a less potent growth factor than IGF-I itself, ca. 26.5% relative to IGF-I, and is not recognized by IGF carrier proteins. We conclude that structural features contained in the A-domain of IGF-I are primarily responsible for the growth-promoting ability displayed by IGF-I, while features in the B-domain are responsible for recognition by IGF carrier proteins.  相似文献   
Purification and properties of theDrosophila zen protein   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The zen protein is encoded by the zerknullt gene required for normal early development inDrosophila. Like many regulatory proteins of this type, zen contains a 60 amino acid homeobox sequence. We have purified the zen protein and studied its solution behavior and its interaction with DNA. The zen protein exists as a monomer in solution with a molecular weight of about 40000. It binds specifically to a site about 900 bases upstream from thezen gene. Within this binding site DNase protection experiments indicate that binding is confined to two regions approximately 11 and 14 bases in length that are separated by about 30 base pairs. The protein concentration dependence of the binding curve suggests that protein binding is non cooperative.  相似文献   
With muscle glycogen phosphorylase a and b, 5-thio-D-glucose is a non-competitive inhibitor toward phosphate where it has a Ki of 13 mM and 5.1 mM, respectively, and produces a mixed type of inhibition when glycogen is the substrate.5-Thio-D-glucose enhances diaphragm phosphorylase phosphatase activity to the same extent as D-glucose, yet the thioanalog does not affect phosphorylase b kinase. Thus, the action of 5-thio-D-glucose on glycogen degradation proceeds by inhibition of phosphorylase a and b and by inactivation of phosphorylase a through converting it to the b form.  相似文献   
Y C Chen  M J Hayman  P K Vogt 《Cell》1977,11(3):513-521
Fibroblasts from European field vole (Microtus agrestis) and from normal rat kidney (NRK) have been infected by avian sarcoma virus mutants which are temperature-sensitive for the maintenance of transformation. These cells are transformed at 33 degrees C, but show normal cell characteristics in morphology, colony formation in agar, saturation density, sugar uptake and membrane proteins at 39 degrees C and 40 degrees C, the nonpermissive temperatures. Ts mutant virus was rescued from most of the ts transformed cell lines. NRK cells infected by avian sarcoma virus ts mutants and kept at the nonpermissive temperature can be transformed by wild-type avian sarcoma virus. The susceptibility of the temperature-sensitive NRK lines to this transformation is higher than the susceptibility of uninfected NRK at either permissive or nonpermissive temperature.  相似文献   
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