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Presence of the dihydrouridine (D) stem in the mitochondrial cysteine tRNA is unusually variable among lepidosaurian reptiles. Phylogenetic and comparative analyses of cysteine tRNA gene sequences identify eight parallel losses of the D-stem, resulting in D-arm replacement loops. Sampling within the monophyletic Acrodonta provides no evidence for reversal. Slipped-strand mispairing of noncontiguous repeated sequences during replication or direct replication slippage can explain repeats observed within cysteine tRNAs that contain a D-arm replacement loop. These two mechanisms involving replication slippage can account for the loss of the cysteine tRNA D-stem in several lepidosaurian lineages, and may represent general mechanisms by which the secondary structures of mitochondrial tRNAs are altered.   相似文献   
1. We examined the role of flooding on the leaf nutrient content of riparian trees by comparing the carbon : nitrogen : phosphorus (C : N : P) ratio of leaves and litter of Rio Grande cottonwood (Populus deltoides ssp. wislizenii) in flood and non‐flood sites along the Middle Rio Grande, NM, U.S.A. The leaf C : N : P ratio was also examined for two non‐native trees, saltcedar (Tamarix chinensis) and Russian olive (Elaeagnus angustifolia), and six species of dominant riparian arthropods. 2. Living leaves and leaf litter of cottonwoods at flood sites had a significantly lower leaf N : P ratio and higher %P compared with leaves and litter at non‐flood sites. A non‐flood site downstream from wastewater effluent had a significantly lower litter C : N ratio than all other sites, suggesting N fertilisation through ground water. The non‐native trees, saltcedar and Russian olive, had higher mean leaf N content, N : P ratio, and lower C : N ratio compared with cottonwoods across study sites. 3. Riparian arthropods ranged from 5.2 to 7.1 for C : N ratio, 56–216 for C : P ratio, and 8.9–34 for N : P ratio. C content ranged from 25 to 52% of dry mass, N content from 4.7 to 10.8%, and P content from 0.59 to 1.2%. Differences in stoichiometry between high C : nutrient leaf litter and low C : nutrient invertebrates suggests possible food‐quality constraints for detritivores. 4. These results suggest that spatial and temporal variation in the C : N : P ratio of cottonwood leaves and leaf litter is influenced by surface and subsurface hydrologic connection within the floodplain. Reach‐scale variation in the elemental composition of riparian organic matter inputs may have important implications for decomposition, nutrient cycling, and food webs in river floodplain systems.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. Supraspecific taxa of the ciliate Order Tintinnida Corliss, 1955 are indexed by 304 entries; genetic type species are cited with reference to the original citation. The accompanying bibliography of 133 entries includes those publications cited in the index. Authors for several type citations are corrected, as is authorship of some genera, and a new type designation is made for Parundella to replace the previous erroneous designation. Genera present in the fossil record are so indicated.  相似文献   
Larvae of the land-crab, Cardisoma guanhumi, Latreille. weremaintained in 24 different combinations of salinity and temperaturefrom the time of hatching. Survival to the first crab occurredin salinities of 15–45 p.p.t., 25° and 30°C. Durationof the five zoeal and one megalops stages was similar in salinitiesof 20–40 p.p.t., but at 15 and 45 p.p.t. a greater periodof time was required for total development. Mortality of allthe larvae at 20°C suggests that temperature plays a moreimportant role in survival and distribution of the larvae ofC. guanhumi than salinity. Increments of size in crabs during the first seven post-larvalmolts were similar in salinities of 5–35 p.p.t., 25°C,but in fresh water increase in size at the time of molting wasreduced. Although there was no apparent relationship betweenfrequency of molting and salinities of 5–35 p.p.t., theduration of intermolt was reduced in crabs maintained in freshwater, and survival was also lower. From the present study there is no indication that the morphologicaland physiological processes that are associated with adaptationof the adult crab to the terrestrial environment are initiatedduring larval development. Although the adult crabs have successfullypenetrated the terrestrial environment, the pelagic larvae arestill subject to the numerous ecological variables of the estuarineand marine environments.  相似文献   
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