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In the freshwater snail Biomphalaria glabrata, the outer mantleepithelium and the transitional epithelium from the outer mantleepithelium to the belt are characterized by apical vesiclesof different electron density and vacuoles including lipid dropletsand fibrillar structures. Wide intercellular spaces predominatein the transitional epithelium. In addition to belt desmosomes,freeze fracture studies detect septate junctions as apical intercellularjunctions. The permeability of the septate junctions is testedby injecting anaesthetized snails with solutions containingperoxidase and lanthanum-nitrate. The septate junctions appearto be impermeable for the protein and inhibit permeation ofthe ion. Alkaline phosphatase is detected at the light microscope levelin the transitional and outer mantle epithelium. At the electronmicroscope level localization of alkaline phosphatase is restrictedto the apical and basal cell membranes of the same epithelia.An ATPase with low affinity to Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions is observedin the lumen of vacuoles in the proximal belt, the transitionaland the outer mantle epithelium. The possible role of the vacuolesas a site of synthesis or modification of the intercrystallinematrix is discussed. A high affinity Ca2+/Mg2+ ATPase is detectedwith the help of Electron Spectroscopic Imaging in the cellmembranes and in membranes of the rER. A model for solute transport through the epithelia to the extrapallialspace is proposed. (Received 18 August 1992; accepted 4 January 1993) 相似文献
In the pigment cells of the white mutant of Drosophila melanogaster, as described earlier, two types of abnormal granules are found by conventional electron microscopy. However, both types of abnormal granules, in addition to those in pigment cell invaginations, are also present in the cytoplasm of the photoreceptor cells. Three enzymes (acid phosphatase, peroxidase, and tyrosinase) are localized within the eyes of wild type and white mutant Drosophila melanogaster by electron microscopy. Peroxidase activity is present in lamellar bodies close to the rhabdomeral microvilli of both fly types. However the organelles containing peroxidase activity are 6-fold more frequent in the wild type than in the mutant. Acid phosphatase is present in lamellar bodies between and at the bases of the rhabdomeral microvilli of the wild type, as well as in ommochrome granules of the photoreceptor cells. In the white mutant, however, acid phosphatase was located in electron lucent vacuoles in the cytoplasm of the receptor cells. These acid phosphatase-positive vacuoles also contained both types of abnormal granules. The latter result indicates that abnormal granules in the receptor cells originate from lysosomal degradation and that targeting of lysosomal enzymes is altered in the white mutant. Due to the tyrosinase activity in the hemolymph of flies, the extracellular spaces are electron dense after DOPA incubation. Since some abnormal granules within the photoreceptor cells are not surrounded by an extracellular space, they can be assumed to originate within the photoreceptor cells. 相似文献
CYRIL FIRMAT ULRICH K. SCHLIEWEN MICHÈLE LOSSEAU PAUL ALIBERT 《Biological journal of the Linnean Society. Linnean Society of London》2012,105(2):369-381
The Mozambique tilapia Oreochromis mossambicus (Teleostei, Cichlidae) has been transplanted worldwide during the 20th century, and now belongs to the list of the most invasive species. Using a geometric morphometric approach, we describe body shape differentiation among 15 populations from native (Mozambique) and invaded (New Caledonia and Guadeloupe) ranges. A dominant phylogeographic signal is detected, despite the broad range of environmental conditions at the local scale. This result suggests that phylogeographic background rather than phenotypic plasticity responding to environmental variation constitutes the main factor correlated with shape divergence. This could result from successive founder events that occurred during the process of colonization of new geographic areas, and therefore strongly suggests heritable phenotypic differentiation. In addition, shape changes along a major axis of divergence hypothetically refer to different swimming abilities, possibly related to divergent functional requirements between the native and invaded ranges. Overall, patterns of contemporary shape diversification in O. mossambicus probably result from both phylogenetic constraints and adaptive divergence processes. We show that critically taking into account recent phylogenetic history of populations as a constraint on rapid phenotypic divergence is necessary for an improved view of contemporary evolution. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 105 , 369–381. 相似文献
Puffing in giant chromosomes ot Diptera is considered to reflectthe pattern of active gene loci in these chromosomes. In anyone tissue only a relatively small portion of the total bands(about 10 to 20%) have been observed to form a puff at sometime or another in larval development. These patterns of "potentiallyactive" loci are tissue specific, though greatly overlapping.The actual rate of activity at these loci is controlled independentlyof each other and independently in each tissue by factors ofthe extranuclear metabolism. Puffing at some loci seems to berelated to specific cellular functions, such as secretion ofthe salivary glands. The activity of others may be related tomore basic metabolic processes. In relation to larval development,puffing patterns may change with changing cell functions orwith developmental processes in the cells themselves. In salivaryglands ofChironomus activity of DNAase and of acid phosphataseseems to change in relation to cell breakdown at the end ofthe pupal molt. Changes of acid phosphatase activity begin earlyin the last larval ins tar, but the enzyme is bound to lysosomesuntil metamorphosis. This suggests that the genes specificallyactive during metamorphosis have to interact with a longtermcontrol-system of development. The induction of metamorphosisis a sequential process, gene activations being among the firststeps in this sequence. The activation of these genes by ecdysoneis independent of protein synthesis. It is only the reactionof these genes that leads to the subsequent events in the cell,including the subsequent puff activations. This is shown bythe fact that they depend on early RNA synthesis as well ason protein synthesis. These results on puffing are discussedwith regard to the general problem of the relationships betweenpatterns of gene activity and differentiation. 相似文献
Reproduction and adult longevity of five species of planktonic cyclopoid copepods reared on different diets: a comparative study 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
1. The nutritional value of a pure algal food, the phytoflagellate Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, and a mixed diet was tested for five planktonic cyclopoid copepods (Acanthocyclops robustus, Cyclops vicinus, Cyclops abyssorum, Mesocyclops leuckarti and Thermocyclops crassus). The algae were offered at high density (4.5 × 105 cells ml–1; 22.5 mg C l–1) in a flow-through system. The mixed diet consisted of concentrated natural plankton (rotifers, copepod nauplii, small copepodites and large phytoplankton forms) in the size range 50–150 μm and with a dry mass > 20 mg l–1. Reproductive parameters (clutch size, interclutch periods, number of clutches produced) and adult longevity were monitored as indicators of nutritive value. 2. All species had a significantly lower reproductive output and a shorter or unchanged adult lifespan on the algal compared with the mixed diet. 3. The species differed considerably in their ability to use algae. Mesocyclops leuckarti produced no clutches with algae, and females died earlier than with the mixed food. Acanthocyclops robustus and C. vicinus produced smaller and fewer clutches, displayed a longer interclutch period and shorter (A. robustus) or similar (C. vicinus) lifespan on the algal food than on the mixed food. Thermocyclops crassus and C. abyssorum produced smaller clutches with the algal food, but interclutch period was shorter with the algal than with the mixed diet (T. crassus) or of the same length with both diets (C. abyssorum). Adult lifespan was the same under both food regimes. Unfed females produced no eggs. 4. The ability to utilize algae, the reproductive output and the reproductive allocation were not related to body size. Acanthocyclops robustus, a species of intermediate size, produced by far the largest clutches and the most eggs per lifetime under both food regimes and invested more in reproduction than the other species. 5. Reproduction was costly. Unfed and non-reproducing females of C. vicinus and C. abyssorum reached the same age or lived longer than fed and reproducing ones. 6. The adult cyclopoids tested are primarily omnivorous, but utilize algae which are frequently sufficient for egg production. 相似文献
1. The mouthparts of five species of adult planktonic cyclopoid copepods (Cyclops vicinus, C. abyssorum, Acanthocyclops robustus, Mesocyclops leuckarti and Thermocyclopscrassus), in particular the distance between setae and setules of the maxilliped (which can indicate the ability to retain small particles), were compared using electron and light microscopy. 2. The mesh‐sizes of the food‐collection grid formed by these setae and setules ranged between 4.6 and 13.2 μm; the area covered by the grid ranged between 6000 and 32 000 μm2. 3. Mesh‐size was not simply correlated with body size. Cyclops abyssorum and M. leuckarti have the coarsest meshes and T. crassus the finest, while C. vicinus and A. robustus were intermediate. 4. The results suggest that cyclopoid copepods are able to retain particles in the size range of nanoplankton and that differences in mesh‐sizes between species may explain differences in the ability to subsist and reproduce on a diet of small algae. 相似文献
Proximal tubule cells of the mouse kidney (metanephros) are normally extremely responsive to testosterone and its intracellular metabolites. The X-linked Tfm mutation recovered by Lyon and Hawkes seems to represent an is (repressor noninducible) mutation of the regulatory locus. 相似文献
Climate change and the timing, magnitude, and composition of the phytoplankton spring bloom 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
In this article, we show by mesocosm experiments that winter and spring warming will lead to substantial changes in the spring bloom of phytoplankton. The timing of the spring bloom shows only little response to warming as such, while light appears to play a more important role in its initiation. The daily light dose needed for the start of the phytoplankton spring bloom in our experiments agrees well with a recently published critical light intensity found in a field survey of the North Atlantic (around 1.3 mol photons m?2 day?1). Experimental temperature elevation had a strong effect on phytoplankton peak biomass (decreasing with temperature), mean cell size (decreasing with temperature) and on the share of microplankton diatoms (decreasing with temperature). All these changes will lead to poorer feeding conditions for copepod zooplankton and, thus, to a less efficient energy transfer from primary to fish production under a warmer climate. 相似文献
ULRICH BÚSSLER 《Physiological Entomology》1992,17(3):208-212
Abstract. The femoral chordotonal organ of a locust front, middle or hind leg was stimulated mechanically under open-loop conditions and the forces produced by the muscles moving the tibia were measured. In nearly all cases resistance reflexes were elicited in the inactive animal. However, in rare, but reproducible cases, a positive feedback occurred. In an animal performing active movements the responses were very labile: often no response occurred, sometimes a reaction comparable to the active reaction in stick insects was found, and sometimes resistance reflexes were present. 相似文献