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Predation and avoidance of tough leaves by aquatic larvae of the moth Parapoynx rugosalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
- 1 Aquatic larvae of the pyralid moth Parapoynx rugosalis Möschler repeatedly construct protective cases by cutting portions (discs) from leaves of the waterlily Nymphaea ampla and sandwich themselves between the disc and the underside of the host leaf. Construction of a new case requires leaving the old case, thus increasing exposure to predators and parasites.
- 2 In an experiment, larvae with protective cases experienced no mortality due to predation by fish, whereas larvae without cases experienced substantial predation.
- 3 In a series of choice tests, larvae preferentially selected young, tender leaves over old, tough leaves for construction of cases, and larvae spent significantly less time completing their shelters when cutting discs from young, tender leaves.
- 4 A partial explanation of why larvae select young, tender leaves for construction of their protective shelters may be that exposure time to predators during construction is minimized.
- 5 The same mechanism linking preferences for tender leaves to reduced exposure to predators during construction may also apply to other insect herbivores exhibiting leaf-rolling or case-building behaviour.
The Influence of Nitrogen, Light and Water Stress on CO2 Exchange and Organic Acid Accumulation in the Tropical C3-CAM Tree, Clusia minor 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The carbon balance and changes in leaf structure in Clusia minorL., were investigated in controlled conditions with regardto nitrogen supply and responses to low and high photosyntheticallyactive radiation (PAR). Nitrogen deficiency and high PAR ledto the production of smaller leaves with higher specific leafdry weight (SLDW) and higher leaf water content, but with lowerchlorophyll content. Nitrogen and PAR levels at growth alsoaffected CO2 exchange and leaf area. In N conditions,total daily net CO2 uptake and leaf area accumulation were slightlyless for high-PAR-grown plants. In contrast, high-PAR-grownplants supplied with nitrogen showed about a 4-fold higher totaldaily CO2 uptake and about twice the total leaf area of low-PAR-grownplants. Although total daily net CO2 uptake of +N plants wasonly slightly higher than N plants under the low PARlevel, N plants produced almost three times more leafarea but with lower SLDW. Under well-watered conditions, low-PAR-grownplants showed only CO2 evolution during the night and malicacid levels decreased. However, there was considerable night-timeaccumulation of titratable protons due to day/night changesin citric acid levels. High-PAR-grown plants showed net CO2uptake, malate and citrate accumulation during the dark period.However, most of the CO2 fixed at night probably came from respiratoryCO2. Positive night-time CO2 exchange was readily observed forlow-PAR-grown plants when they were transferred to high PARconditions or when they were submitted to water stress. In plantsgrown in high and low PAR, CAM leads to a substantial increasein daily water use efficiency for water-stressed plants, althoughtotal net CO2 uptake decreased. 相似文献
Oligonucleotide probes specific for simple tandem repeat sequences produce individual specific DNA fingerprints in man and all animal species tested so far. Here 11 different synthetic probes were hybridized to bovine genomic DNAs which had been digested with the restriction endonucleases HinfI, AluI and HaeIII. Two of these probes gave DNA fingerprint patterns which were analysed for three German breeds. Different parameters were calculated, such as the average number of bands per individual or the probability of finding identical fingerprints in two unrelated individuals. The number of polymorphic bands varies from 11 to 23 in the different breeds and the probability of finding the same banding pattern in two unrelated individuals ranges from 1.5 x 10(-7) to 2.4 x 10(-7). Hence this DNA fingerprinting procedure allows precise identification of individuals. It is also a useful additional method for paternity testing in cattle. 相似文献
ULRICH G. MOLTMANN HEINZ MEHLHORN EBERHARD SCHEIN WOLF P. VOIGT KARL T. FRIEDHOFF 《The Journal of eukaryotic microbiology》1983,30(2):218-225
The formation of Babesia equi sporozoites in the salivary glands of three tick species (Hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum, H. a. excavatum, Rhipicephalus turanicus) was studied by electron microscopy. The development was identical in all three vectors. On the 8th day post repletionem kinetes of B. equi had invaded alveoli of the nymphal salivary glands and were transformed to sporonts bounded by a single membrane. The sporonts were polymorphous bodies each with a highly lobed nucleus and numerous mitochondria. These stages persisted during ecdysis of the tick nymph to the adult stage. After attachment of these newly molted adults to a new host the formation of sporozoites was completed within five days. The sporonts occupied most of the infected alveolus and were extensively divided into cytoplasmic portions of various size. On the 4th day after attachment of the tick, sporozoite-anlagen, into each of which a nucleus and a mitochondrion were incorporated, appeared at the periphery of the sporonts. An apical complex with a polar ring, rhoptries, and micronemes was formed at the tip of each protruding anlage. Finally thousands of pyriform sporozoites (3.0 × 1.2 μm) filled the hypertrophied alveolus. This development is similar to sporogony in the genus Theileria. 相似文献
BARBARA MEISTER ULRICH HOFER SYLVAIN URSENBACHER BRUNO BAUR 《Biological journal of the Linnean Society. Linnean Society of London》2010,101(1):51-58
Both the conversion of natural habitats to farmland and efforts at increasing the yield of existing crops contribute to a decline in biodiversity. As a consequence of land conversion, specialised species are restricted to remnants of original habitat patches, which are frequently isolated. This may lead to a genetic differentiation of the subpopulations. We used seven microsatellite markers to examine the genetic population structure of the grass snake, Natrix natrix (Linnaeus, 1758), sampled in remnants of pristine habitat embedded in an intensively used agricultural landscape in north‐western Switzerland. The study area, a former wetland, has been drained and gradually converted into an agricultural plain in the last century, reducing the pristine habitat to approximately 1% of the entire area. The grass snake feeds almost entirely on amphibians, and is therefore associated with wetlands. In Central Europe, the species shows severe decline, most probably as a result of wetland drainage and decrease of amphibian populations. We found no genetically distinct grass snake populations in the study area covering 90 km2. This implies that there is an exchange of individuals between small remnants of original habitat. Thus, gene flow may prevent any genetic differentiation of subpopulations distributed over a relatively large area. Our results show that a specialized snake species can persist in an intensively used agricultural landscape, provided that suitable habitat patches are interconnected. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 101 , 51–58. 相似文献
Detecting dependencies in smooth regression models 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Typing of artiodactyl MHC-DRB genes with the help of intronic simple repeated DNA sequences 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
An efficient oligonucleotide typing method for the highly polymorphic MHC-DRB genes is described for artiodactyls like cattle, sheep and goat. By means of the polymerase chain reaction, the second exon of MHC-DRB is amplified as well as part of the adjacent intron containing a mixed simple repeat sequence. Using this primer combination we were able to amplify the MHC-DRB exons 2 and adjacent introns from all of the investigated 10 species of the family of Bovidae and giraffes. Therefore, the DRB genes of novel artiodactyl species can also be readily studied. Oligonucleotide probes specific for the polymorphisms of ungulate DRB genes are used with which sequences differing in at least one single base can be distinguished. Exonic polymorphism was found to be correlated with the allele lengths and the patterns of the repeat structures. Hence oligonucleotide probes specific for different simple repeats and polymorphic positions serve also for typing across species barriers. The strict correlation of sequence length and exonic polymorphism permits a preselection of specific oligonucleotides for hybridization. Thus more than 20 alleles can already be differentiated from each of the three species. 相似文献
Non-invasive and rapid determination of plant biomass would be beneficial for a number of research aims. Here, we present a novel device to non-invasively determine plant water content as a proxy for plant biomass. It is based on changes of dielectric properties inside a microwave cavity resonator induced by inserted plant material. The water content of inserted shoots leads to a discrete shift in the centre frequency of the resonator. Calibration measurements with pure water showed good spatial homogeneity in the detection volume of the microwave resonators and clear correlations between water content and centre frequency shift. For cut tomato and tobacco shoots, linear correlations between fresh weight and centre frequency shift were established. These correlations were used to continuously monitor diel growth patterns of intact plants and to determine biomass increase over several days. Interferences from soil and root water were excluded by shielding pots with copper. The presented proof of principle shows that microwave resonators are promising tools to quantitatively detect the water content of plants and to determine plant biomass. As the method is non-invasive, integrative and fast, it provides the opportunity for detailed, dynamic analyses of plant growth, water status and phenotype. 相似文献
1. Fungus‐growing ants are obligate mutualists. Their nutrient‐rich fungus garden provides a valuable food store that sustains the ant hosts, but can also attract social parasites. 2. The ‘guest ant' Megalomyrmex adamsae Longino parasitises the fungus‐growing Trachymyrmex zeteki Weber queen just after nest founding. The parasitic queen infiltrates the incipient nest, builds a cavity in the fungal garden, and lays eggs that develop into workers and reproductive males and females. 3. This study compared young parasitised and non‐parasitised laboratory colonies by measuring garden growth and biomass, and the number of host workers and reproductives. Host queen survival and parasite colony growth were also monitored. 4. Parasitised Trachymyrmex colonies had reduced host worker and alate numbers, as well as lower garden biomass, compared with non‐parasitised control colonies, confirming that M. adamsae is a xenobiotic social parasite. Host queen survival was not significantly different between parasitised and control colonies. 5. This is the first study that experimentally infects host colonies with a xenobiotic social parasite to measure fitness cost to the host. The natural history of M. adamsae and the fungus‐growing ant mutualism are evaluated in the context of three general predictions of (Bronstein, Ecology Letters, 4 , 277–287, 2001a) regarding the cost of mutualism exploiters. 相似文献