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Biological mechanisms leading to the development of males and females are extremely varied. In the XX/XY system, the male has an unequal pair of chromosomes, while in the ZZ/ZW system, the unequal pair is in the female. Sex can also be determined by the temperature of incubation. Recent research has focused on the identification of sex-determining genes, culminating in the demonstration that the Sry gene on the Y chromosome of mice can induce male development in genetically female XX mouse embryos. Nevertheless, the occurrence of phenotypes in apparent contrast to the genotype suggests that the genetic male/female switch is not simple, and there may be common features linking different sex-determining mechanisms. There is increasing evidence that such a link may be provided by the induction of growth differences, and that the primary sex difference may result from the distinction between fast versus slow growth.  相似文献   
D Grlich  N Pant  U Kutay  U Aebi    F R Bischoff 《The EMBO journal》1996,15(20):5584-5594
The importin-alpha/beta heterodimer and the GTPase Ran play key roles in nuclear protein import. Importin binds the nuclear localization signal (NLS). Translocation of the resulting import ligand complex through the nuclear pore complex (NPC) requires Ran and is terminated at the nucleoplasmic side by its disassembly. The principal GTP exchange factor for Ran is the nuclear protein RCC1, whereas the major RanGAP is cytoplasmic, predicting that nuclear Ran is mainly in the GTP form and cytoplasmic Ran is in the GDP-bound form. Here, we show that nuclear import depends on cytoplasmic RanGDP and free GTP, and that RanGDP binds to the NPC. Therefore, import might involve nucleotide exchange and GTP hydrolysis on NPC-bound Ran. RanGDP binding to the NPC is not mediated by the Ran binding sites of importin-beta, suggesting that translocation is not driven from these sites. Consistently, a mutant importin-beta deficient in Ran binding can deliver its cargo up to the nucleoplasmic side of the NPC. However, the mutant is unable to release the import substrate into the nucleoplasm. Thus, binding of nucleoplasmic RanGTP to importin-beta probably triggers termination, i.e. the dissociation of importin-alpha from importin-beta and the subsequent release of the import substrate into the nucleoplasm.  相似文献   
Protein transport into the mammalian endoplasmic reticulum depends on nucleoside triphosphates. Photoaffinity labelling of microsomes with azido-ATP prevents protein transport at the level of association of precursor proteins with the components of the transport machinery, Sec61alpha and TRAM proteins. The same phenotype of inactivation was observed after depleting a microsomal detergent extract of ATP-binding proteins by passage through ATP-agarose and subsequent reconstitution of the pass-through into proteoliposomes. Transport was restored by co-reconstitution of the ATP eluate. This eluate showed eight distinct bands in SDS gels. We identified five lumenal proteins (Grp170, Grp94, BiP/Grp78, calreticulin and protein disulfide isomerase), one membrane protein (ribophorin I) and two ribosomal proteins (L4 and L5). In addition to BiP (Grp78), Grp170 was most efficiently retained on ATP-agarose. Purified BiP did not stimulate transport activity. Sequence analysis revealed a striking similarity of Grp170 and the yeast microsomal protein Lhs1p which was recently shown to be involved in protein transport into yeast microsomes. We suggest that Grp170 mediates efficient insertion of polypeptides into the microsomal membrane at the expense of nucleoside triphosphates.  相似文献   
Dam methyltransferase deficient Escherichia coli cells containing minichromosomes were constructed. Free plasmid DNA could not be detected in these cells and the minichromosomes were found to be integrated in multiple copies in the origin of replication (oriC) region of the host chromosome. The absence of the initiation cascade in Dam- cells is proposed to account for this observation of apparent incompatibility between plasmid and chromosomal copies of oriC. Studies using oriC-pBR322 chimeric plasmids and their deletion derivatives indicated that the incompatibility determinant is an intact and functional oriC sequence. The seqA2 mutation was found to overcome the incompatability phenotype by increasing the cellular oriC copy number 3-fold thereby allowing minichromosomes to coexist with the chromosome. The replication pattern of a wild-type strain with multiple integrated minichromosomes in the oriC region of the chromosome, led to the conclusion that initiation of DNA replication commences at a fixed cell mass, irrespective of the number of origins contained on the chromosome.  相似文献   
Measurements of N2O emission fluxes from a 3 ha field of winter wheat were measured using eddy covariance and relaxed eddy accumulation continuously over 10 days during April 1994. The measurements averaged fluxes over approximately 105 m2 of the field, which was fertilised with NH4NO3 at a rate of 43 kg N ha-1 at the beginning of the measurements. The emission fluxes became detectable after the first heavy rainfall, which occured 4 days after fertiliser application. Emissions of N2O increased rapidly during the day following the rain to a maximum of 280 ng N m-2s-1 and declined over the following week. During the period of significant emission fluxes, a clear diurnal cycle in N2O emission was observed, with the daytime maximum coinciding with the soil temperature maximum at 12 cm depth. The temperature dependence of the N2O emission was equivalent to an activation energy for N2O production of 108 kJ mol-1. The N2O fluxes measured using relaxed eddy accumulation, averaged over 30 to 270 min, were in agreement with those of the eddy covariance system within 60%. The total emission of N2O over the period of continuous measurement (10 days) was equivalent to about 10 kg N2O-N, or 0.77% of the N fertiliser applied.  相似文献   
The nicotianamine-deficient mutant chloronerva resembles phenotypically an Fe-deficient plant despite the high accumulation of Fe in the leaves, whereas if suffers from Cu deficiency in the shoot. Two-dimensional electrophoretic separation of proteins from root tips and leaves of wild-type Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv Bonner Beste and the mutant grown with and without Fe showed a number of consistent differences. In root tips of the Fe-deficient wild type and the Fe-sufficient as well as the Fe-deficient mutant, the expression of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, formate dehydrogenase, and ascorbate peroxidase was increased. In leaves of the Fe-sufficient and -deficient mutant, Cu-containing chloroplastic and cytosolic superoxide dismutase (Cu-Zn) and plastocyanin (Cu) were nearly absent. This low plastocyanin content could be restored by supplying Cu via the xylem, but the superoxide dismutase levels could not be increased by this treatment. The differences in the protein patterns between wild type and mutant indicate that the apparent Fe deficiency of mutant plants led to an increase in enzymes involved in anaerobic metabolism as well as enzymes involved in stress defense. The biosynthesis of plastocyanin was diminished in mutant leaves, but it was differentially induced by increased Cu content.  相似文献   
The centromeric region of a telocentric field bean chromosome that resulted from centric fission of the metacentric satellite chromosome was microdissected. The DNA of this region was amplified and biotinylated by degenerate oligonucleotide-primed polymerase chain reaction (DOP-PCR)/linker-adapter PCR. After fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) the entire chromosome complement of Vicia faba was labelled by these probes except for the nucleolus organizing region (NOR) and the interstitial heterochromatin, the chromosomes of V. sativa and V. narbonensis were only slightly labelled by the same probes. Dense uniform labelling was also observed when a probe amplified from a clearly delimited microdissected centromeric region of a mutant of Tradescantia paludosa was hybridized to T. paludosa chromosomes. Even after six cycles of subtractive hybridization between DNA fragments amplified from centromeric and acentric regions no sequences specifically located at the field bean centromeres were found among the remaining DNA. A mouse antiserum was produced which detected nuclear proteins of 33 kDa and 68 kDa; these were predominantly located at V. faba kinetochores during mitotic metaphase. DNA amplified from the chromatin fraction adsorbed by this serum out of the sonicated total mitotic chromatin also did not cause specific labelling of primary constrictions. From these results we conclude: (1) either centromere-specific DNA sequences are not very conserved among higher plants and are — at least in species with large genomes — intermingled with complex dispersed repetitive sequences that prevent the purification of the former, or (2) (some of) the dispersed repeats themselves specify the primary constrictions by stereophysical parameters rather than by their base sequence.  相似文献   
Three intergeneric hybrids were produced between a cold-tolerant wild species, Erucastrum abyssinicum and three cultivated species of Brassica, B. juncea, B. carinata and B. oleracea, through ovary culture. The hybrids were characterized by morphology, cytology and DNA analysis. Amphiploidy was induced in all the F1 hybrids through colchicine treatment. Stable amphiploids and backcross progenies were obtained from two of the crosses, E. abyssinicum x B. juncea and E. abyssinicum x B. carinata. The amphiploid, E. abyssinicum x B. juncea was successfully used as a bridge species to produce hybrids with B. napus, B. campestris and B. nigra. These hybrids and backcross progenies provide useful genetic variability for the improvement of crop brassicas.  相似文献   
Double-stranded (ds) oligodeoxynucleotides (29mers) containing an O6-ethylguanine (O6-EtGua) flanked 5' and 3' by different bases (5'..TGT..3'; 5'..CGG..3', 5'..GGT..3'; 5'..GGG..3'; 5'..GGA..3') were synthesized to investigate the binding and repair characteristics of recombinant human O6-alkylguanine-DNA alkyltransferase (AT) in vitro. The apparent association constant (KA(app)) of AT to the oligomers and the repair rate constant for O6-EtGua (k) respectively, were determined by gel retardation and a monoclonal antibody-based filter binding assay. When ds- or single-stranded (ss) oligomers with or without O6-EtGua were used, no major differences in KA(app) values were observed with either substrate: KA(app) values for native AT were 7.1 and 8.4 x 10(5) M(-1) respectively, for unmodified and [O6-EtGua]-containing ds-oligomers. The corresponding values for ss-oligomers were 1.0 and 4.9 x 10(5) M(-1). The N-terminal first 56 amino acids of AT only exert a limited influence on DNA binding; the KA(app) values for an N-terminally truncated AT protein (1.1 x 10(5) M(-1)) and native AT were of the same order. Moreover, KA(app) was hardly affected by Cys(145)-methylated AT (2.0 x 10(5) M(-1)). The k-values (6.5-11.5 x 10(6) M(-1)s(-1)) were not significantly dependent on nucleotide sequence. k-values of 5.3 and 4.0 x 10(6) M(-1)s(-1) respectively, were obtained with the N-terminally truncated AT protein and for repair of the postreplicative mispair [O6-EtGua]: T by native AT. The low KA(app), the negligible influence on O6 of ethylation, and the minor modulation KA(app) and k by varying the bases flanking O6-EtGua, all indicate that the binding of AT to DNA is non-specific and mediated mainly by ionic interactions [reduced KA(app) and k-values at increased ionic strength]. Surplus DNA reduces the rate of O6-EtGua repair in ds-oligomers by competitive binding of AT molecules. The reaction mechanism of AT with DNA in vivo requires further investigation.  相似文献   
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