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Corrinoids, such as aquocobalamin, methylcobalamin, and (cyanoaquo)cobinamide, catalyze the reductive dehalogenation of CCl4 with titanium(III) citrate as the electron donor [Krone et al. (1989) Biochemistry 28, 4908-4914]. We report here that this reaction is also effectively mediated by the nickel-containing porphinoid, coenzyme F430, found in methanogenic bacteria. Chloroform, methylene chloride, methyl chloride, and methane were detected as intermediates and products. Ethane was formed in trace amounts, and several as yet unidentified nonvolatile compounds were also generated. The rate of dehalogenation decreased in the series of CCl4, CHCl3, and CH2Cl2. With coenzyme F430 as the catalyst, the reduction of CH3Cl to CH4 proceeded more than 50 times faster than with aquocobalamin. Cell suspensions of Methanosarcina barkeri were found to catalyze the reductive dehalogenation of CCl4 with CO as the electron donor (E'0 = -0.524 V). Methylene chloride was the main end product. The kinetics of CHCl3 and CH2Cl2 formation from CCl4 were similar to those with coenzyme F430 or aquocobalamin as catalysts and titanium(III) citrate as the reductant.  相似文献   
Maturation of lactase-phlorizin hydrolase (LPH) (EC requires proteolytic processing of precursor (pro-LPH) to mature microvillus membrane enzyme (m-LPH). Subcellular site and function of this processing are unknown. We studied the processing and sorting of human LPH expressed permanently in MDCK cells. LPH was inserted into the apical membrane and small amounts were found basolateral. Of the LPH immunoprecipitated from the apical membrane, 42% was in the mature, i.e. proteoytically processed form; on the basolateral membrane it was 20%. Thus, LPH-processing occurs after sorting and is not necessary for surface expression.  相似文献   
Oxygen and CO2 exchange were measured concurrently in leaves of shade-grownAlocasia macrorrhiza (L.) G. Don during lightflecks consisting of short periods of high photon flux density (PFD) superimposed on a low-PFD background illumination. Oxygen exchange was measured with a zirconium-oxide ceramic cell in an atmosphere containing 1 600 bar O2 and 350 bar CO2. Following an increase in PFD from 10 to 500 mol photons·m-2·s-1, O2 evolution immediately increased to a maximum rate that was about twice as high as the highest CO2-exchange rates that were observed. Oxygen evolution then decreased over the next 5–10 s to rates equal to the much more slowly increasing rates of CO2 uptake. When the PFD was decreased at the end of a lightfleck, O2 evolution decreased nearly instantaneously to the low-PFD rate while CO2 fixation continued at an elevated rate for about 20 s. When PFD during the lightfleck was at a level that was limiting for steady-state CO2 exchange, then the O2-evolution rate was constant during the lightfleck. This observed pattern of O2 evolution during lightflecks indicated that the maximum rate of electron transport exceeded the maximum rate of CO2 fixation in these leaves. In noninduced leaves, rates of O2 evolution for the first fraction of a second were about as high as rates in fully induced leaves, indicating that O2 evolution and the electron-transport chain are not directly affected by the leaf's induction state. Severalfold differences between induced and noninduced leaves in O2 evolution during a lightfleck were seen for lightflecks longer than a few seconds where the rate of O2 evolution appeared to be limited by the utilization of reducing power in CO2 fixation.Abbreviation PFD photon flux density (of photosynthetically active radiation)  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Hydrogenomonas-Stämme H 1, H 16 und H 20 nutzen als einziges Kohlenhydrat Fructose; chemolithotroph gewachsene Zellen des Stammes H 16 oxydieren diesen Zucker nach einer lag-Phase von 20 min.Die Fructose wird über den Entner-Doudoroff-Weg umgesetzt; während der Adaptation erhöht sich der Gehalt der Zellen an Phosphoglucose-Isomerase, Glucose-6-phosphat-Dehydrogenase und an den für den Entner-Doudoroff-Weg charakteristischen Enzymen.Die Aktivität der Ribulosediphosphat-Carboxylase geht bei der Adaptation an Fructose innerhalb von 2 Std um 75% zurück, sinkt dann aber während mehrerer Fructose-Passagen nur langsam ab. Folglich kann selbst mit Fructose gewachsener Hydrogenomonas H 16 Kohlendioxyd über den Calvin-Cyclus fixieren.
Summary The only carbohydrate utilized by Hydrogenomonas strains H 1, H 16 and H 20 is fructose; chemolithotrophically grown cells of strain H 16 oxidize this sugar following a lag-period of 20 min. Fructose is metabolized via the Entner-Doudoroff-pathway. During the adaptation to fructose, the level of the following enzymes increases in the cells: phosphoglucoseisomerase, glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase and the enzymes characteristic of the Entner-Doudoroff-pathway.During the change from chemolithotrophic to organotrophic growth, with fructose serving as a substrate, the activity of ribulose-diphosphate carboxylase is reduced by 75% within 2 hrs. However, following repeated growth in a fructose medium, this enzyme activity decreases only very slowly. Consequently fructose-grown Hydrogenomonas H 16 is capable of fixing carbon dioxide via the Calvin cycle.
Extractability of glycoproteins and mucopolysaccharides of brain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Very little is known about the localization and functions of the glycoproteins and mucopolysaccharides of nervous tissue. There have been two major approaches to the study of these substances in brain. The first involves the isolation of glycopeptides and mucopolysaccharides after digestion of the lipid-free protein residue from whole brain with proteolytic enzymes (Margolis , 1967; Di Benedetta et al., 1969; Margolis and Margolis , 1970; Katzman , 1972). This approach has the advantage that sufficient tissue is used to permit analysis of the structure and metabolism of the carbohydrate components of these macromolecules. However, any differentiation of the various glycoproteins and mucopolysaccharides based on such features as their anatomical location, association with proteins, lipids or other membrane components, and the properties conferred by their non-carbohydrate portion, is unavoidably lost as a consequence of the procedures used for their isolation. On the other hand, several laboratories have attempted to study the glycoproteins and mucopolysaccharides of nervous tissue by treating brain (or subcellular fractions) with various detergents, and then examining the extracts for the pattern of separation obtained by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in terms of carbohydrate staining reactions or the incorporation of labelled precursors (Bosmann , Case and Shea , 1970; Duiton and Barondes , 1970; Quarles and Brady , 1971; Waehneldt , Morgan and Gombos , 1971). This approach has the advantages of relatively high sensitivity and the ability to study intact glycoproteins rather than glycopeptides produced by proteolytic enzyme digestion. However, it is presently impossible to identify any of the numerous and often poorly resolved bands thus obtained with glycoproteins or mucopolysaccharides of known structure and chemical composition, or in many cases even to identify the various complex carbohydrates as being glycoproteins, glycolipids or acid mucopolysaccharides. In an attempt to obtain some indication of the degree of anatomical heterogeneity of these compounds in nervous tissue, we have sequentially treated whole rat brain with several solvents to obtain intact glycoproteins and mucopolysaccharides. After removal of lipids and digestion with pronase, the composition of the glycopeptides and mucopolysaccharides has been analyzed.  相似文献   


Gene expression studies greatly contribute to our understanding of complex relationships in gene regulatory networks. However, the complexity of array design, production and manipulations are limiting factors, affecting data quality. The use of customized DNA microarrays improves overall data quality in many situations, however, only if for these specifically designed microarrays analysis tools are available.  相似文献   
Immunization against gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH) was studied as an alternative for the commonly used surgical castration in stallions. Two GnRH vaccines comprising non-mineral oil adjuvants were evaluated for their potential to induce high antibody titers directed against GnRH and subsequent effects on reproductive characteristics. Twelve sexually mature male hemicastrated Shetland ponies were assigned to three groups. Group 1 and 2 were injected with 1mg peptide equivalent of G6k-GnRH-tandem-dimer conjugated to ovalbumin (OVA) in CoVaccine HT adjuvant (GnRH/CoVaccine) and in Carbopol (GnRH/Carbopol), respectively, and group 3 was injected with CoVaccine HT adjuvant without antigen (controls). After immunization no adverse effects were observed with respect to the injections sites or general health. Two weeks after the second vaccination antibody titers against GnRH increased rapidly in all animals of the GnRH/CoVaccine group, at the same time reducing serum testosterone levels maximally for the further duration of the experiment. In the GnRH/Carbopol group antibody responses and effects on testosterone levels were intermediate in two stallions and not apparent in the remaining stallions of this group. Semen evaluation showed that from 2 weeks after the second immunization onwards, sperm motility was affected in all stallions treated with GnRH/CoVaccine and one stallion treated with GnRH/Carbopol. Seven weeks after the second immunization, no semen could be collected from two stallions, one of each group, due to suppressed libido. Histological examination of the testes, 15 weeks after the initial immunization, demonstrated reduction in seminiferous tubuli diameters in all stallions of the GnRH/CoVaccine group and one stallion of the GnRH/Carbopol group. Furthermore, spermatogenesis was extremely disorganized in these stallions, as indicated by absence of the lumen in the seminiferous tubules, the absence of spermatozoa and spermatids in the tubular cross-sections and the impossibility to determine the stage of the tubular cross-sections. Testis size was also substantially reduced in three out of four stallions treated with GnRH/CoVaccine. The results demonstrate that two immunizations with G6k-GnRH-tandem-dimer-OVA conjugate in a suitable adjuvant such as CoVaccine HT caused a rapid and complete reduction of serum testosterone levels in sexually mature stallions, subsequently leading to reduced sperm motility and affected testis function, while no adverse reactions were observed after immunizations.  相似文献   
Microtubules are dynamic polymers that move stochastically between periods of growth and shrinkage, a property known as dynamic instability. Here, to investigate the mechanisms regulating microtubule dynamics in Xenopus egg extracts, we have cloned the complementary DNA encoding the microtubule-associated protein XMAP215 and investigated the function of the XMAP215 protein. Immunodepletion of XMAP215 indicated that it is a major microtubule-stabilizing factor in Xenopus egg extracts. During interphase, XMAP215 stabilizes microtubules primarily by opposing the activity of the destabilizing factor XKCM1, a member of the kinesin superfamily. These results indicate that microtubule dynamics in Xenopus egg extracts are regulated by a balance between a stabilizing factor, XMAP215, and a destabilizing factor, XKCM1.  相似文献   
Summary The current-voltage relationship of carrier-mediated, passive and active ion transport systems with one charge-carrying pathway can exactly be described by a simple reaction kinetic model. This model consists of two carrier states (one inside, one outside) and two pairs (forwards and backwards) of rate constants: a voltage-dependent one, describing the transport of charge and a voltage-insensitive one, summarizing all the other (voltage-independent) reactions. For the electrogenic Cl pump inAcetabularia these four rate constants have been determined from electrical measurements of the current-voltage relationship of the pump (Gradmann, Hansen & Slayman, 1981;in: Electrogenic Ion Pumps, Academic Press, New York). The unidirectional Cl efflux through the pump can also be calculated by the availiable reaction kinetic parameters.36Cl efflux experiments on singleAcetabularia cells with simultaneous electrical stimulation (action potentials) and recording, demonstrate the unidirectional Cl efflux to depend on the membrane potential. After subtraction of an efflux portion which bypasses the pump, agreement is found between the measured flux-voltage relationship and the theoretical one as obtained from the reaction kinetic model and its parameters from the electrical data.  相似文献   
The feeding of Aedes aegypti (L.) on blood is induced by the presence of phagostimulants: adenine nucleotides. Three chemoreceptive cells in the labral apical sensilla can distinguish the presence of adenine nucleotides depending on the other stimulus components. This work aims at correlating the sensory information arising from the labral apical sensilla with the feeding behavior in response to the same stimuli. The saline stimulating solution, containing adenine nucleotides, is modulated by changing one of the following components: salt concentration, buffer or pH. Cell 3 that responds to NaCl in a dose dependent manner seems to have another unique modality. The response of this cell is unaffected by ATP when the stimulating solution is NaCl buffered by NaHCO(3). It responds at a higher spike frequency to the presence of ATP in a NaCl solution without NaHCO(3). Thus in the presence of ATP Cell 3 detects whether the NaCl solution is buffered by NaHCO(3). Both the blood feeding response and the sensory information from Cell 2 (which responds at high spike frequencies to the presence of ATP) are modulated by pH in a similar way. Both responses present a bi-modal response, with a major peak at pH 4.0 and a moderate peak at the most alkaline pH value tested.  相似文献   
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