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Specific antisera were generated to characterize Epstein-Barr virus proteins reported to have trans-activating properties. Open reading frame BRLF1 was found to be expressed in two modifications in vivo, with molecular sizes ranging from 94 to 98 kilodaltons (kDa) depending on the cell line, whereas only one protein (Raji cells, 96 kDa) was detected by in vitro translation. Open reading frame BZLF1 encoded polypeptides of 38 and 35 kDa and additional smaller forms. A BZLF1-encoded 30-kDa protein could be detected under conditions in which expression was restricted to immediate early genes. Nuclear localization could be detected under conditions in which expression was restricted to immediate early genes. Nuclear localization could be shown for the proteins derived from reading frames BZLF1 and BMLF1. BMLF1 expression gave a heterogeneous protein pattern, with molecular sizes between 45 and 70 kDa, including a predominant 60-kDa protein detected in different B-cell lines.  相似文献   
The bovine papillomavirus type 1 (BPV-1) genome replicates as a plasmid within the nuclei of BPV-1-transformed murine C127 cells at a constant multiple copy number, and spontaneous amplification of the viral DNA is rarely observed. We report here that a mutant BPV-1 plasmid within a contact-inhibited C127 cell line replicated as a stable multicopy plasmid in exponentially growing cells but amplified to a high level in confluent cell culture. In situ hybridization analysis revealed that most of the mutant viral DNA amplification occurred in a minor subpopulation of cells within the culture. These consisted of giant nondividing cells with greatly enlarged nuclei, a cell form which was specifically induced in stationary-phase cultures. These observations indicated that expression of a viral DNA replication factor was cell growth stage specific. Consistent with this hypothesis, considerable amplification of wild-type BPV-1 DNA associated with characteristic giant cell formation was observed in typical wild-type virus-transformed C127 cultures following a period of growth arrest achieved by serum deprivation. Further observations indicated that induction of the giant-cell phenotype was dependent on BPV-1 gene expression and implicated a viral E1 replication factor in this process. Moreover, heterogeneity in virus genome copy numbers within the giant-cell population suggested a complex regulation of induction of DNA synthesis in these cells. It appears that this process represents a mechanism employed by the virus to ensure maximal viral DNA synthesis within a growth-arrested cell. Fundamental questions concerning the integration of the virus-cell control circuitry in proliferating and resting cells are discussed.  相似文献   
The susceptibility to tumors induced by raf and raf/myc retroviruses was investigated in BALB/c, C57BL/6, (BALB/c x C57BL/6)F1 and (BALB/c x C57BL/6) backcross mice. Newborn mice were susceptible to neoplasms generated by both viruses, but resistance to raf-induced leukemia developed rapidly in all mice as they matured. Older C57BL/6 mice were also resistant to raf/myc lymphomas, whereas BALB/c mice remained susceptible to the virus at all ages, indicating that different genes control susceptibility to raf and raf/myc tumors. From these data and the susceptibility of C x B recombinant inbred strains, it appears that very few genes (perhaps even a single gene) may govern susceptibility to raf/myc lymphomas and that resistance is the dominant trait.  相似文献   
S P Klinken  U R Rapp    H C Morse  rd 《Journal of virology》1989,63(3):1489-1492
A comparison was made of the in vitro erythroid colony-forming abilities of v-raf-, v-myc-, and v-raf/v-myc-containing retroviruses. In methylcellulose, v-raf efficiently produced colonies of well-differentiated hemoglobin-synthesizing erythroid cells, whereas v-raf/v-myc-infected erythroid cells were inhibited from terminally differentiating but retained the ability to replicate extensively. In contrast, v-myc was unable to stimulate the formation of erythroid colonies.  相似文献   
The present study characterized the voltage and calcium dependence of gamma-aminobutyric acid and dopamine overflow after the acute implantation of a microdialysis probe. Probes were implanted in dorsolateral striatum and globus pallidus. Experiments were performed under light halothane anesthesia. Basal, extracellular levels of GABA were not affected by tetrodotoxin (TTX) and were increased to 140 percent of basal values by calcium free Ringer. Basal, extracellular levels of dopamine were reduced to 14 percent of basal values by the addition of TTX and to 30 percent of basal values by the removal of calcium from the Ringer solution. The results suggest that in this in vivo preparation basal extracellular dopamine is largely of vesicular origin while GABA is not.  相似文献   
Iron overload of the liver by trimethylhexanoylferrocene in rats.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Iron-deficient female Wistar rats were fed a diet, which contained 0.5% trimethylhexanoylferrocene, over a 56-week period. This dietary iron loading resulted in a progressive siderosis and enlargement of the liver with a maximum iron content of 947.0 +/- 148.0 mg (vs. 0.07 +/- 0.04 mg in iron deficiency) and a maximum organ weight of 39.4 +/- 6.6 g (vs. 6.9 +/- 1.4 g in iron-deficient control rats). Up to 43 weeks, whole liver iron rose by increase in iron concentration (max. 28.0 +/- 6.1 mg/g wet weight, w.w.) as well as by enlargement of the organ. Afterwards whole liver iron increased solely by ongoing hepatomegaly. At the commencement of iron loading, stainable iron was almost exclusively stored by hepatocytes equally throughout all areas of the liver lobule. Later, the distribution of iron-loaded hepatocytes became strikingly periportal, and, in addition, Kupffer cells as well as sinus-lining endothelia began to store iron. Animals with a liver iron concentration of more than 10.4 +/- 0.75 mg/g w.w. showed no further increase in ferritin and haemosiderin within hepatocytes. Iron-burdened Kupffer cells/macrophages, however, accumulated permanently, hereby forming intrasinusoidal and portal siderotic nodules and areas. First signs of liver damage such as necrosis of single hepatocytes and mild fibrosis began at a liver iron concentration of 14.7 +/- 1.4 mg/g w.w. With advancement of iron loading, focal necrosis of hepatocytes and iron-burdened macrophages took place, and significant perisinusoidal as well as portal fibrosis developed. Cirrhosis, however, the final stage of impairment in iron overload of the liver in humans, could not be induced in this animal model up to now.  相似文献   
A small municipality of about 2,000 inhabitants on a large plain (that of the river Po, which flows across the whole of Northern Italy) was chosen as a model to study the level of genetic isolation of a population which is not delimited by clear geographical barriers. Wright's treatment of isolation by distance was considered to be applicable to this case. Estimates of the non-random component of inbreeding and of the immigration rate in the past showed that, despite the deeply rural environment, the population turnover in the area was extremely rapid. Although the parameter estimates were computed on the basis of little direct empirical evidence, it was concluded that the effective population size was at least one order of magnitude larger than might appear when considering the total population size of the municipality.  相似文献   
Multiple origins for phenylketonuria in Europe   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Phenylketonuria (PKU), a disorder of amino acid metabolism prevalent among Caucasians and other ethnic groups, is caused primarily by a deficiency of the hepatic enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH). PKU is a highly heterogeneous disorder, with more than 60 molecular lesions identified in the PAH gene. The haplotype associations, relative frequencies, and distributions of five prevalent PAH mutations (R158Q, R261Q, IVS10nt546, R408W, and IVS12n1) were established in a comprehensive European sample population and subsequently were examined to determine the potential roles of several genetic mechanisms in explaining the present distribution of the major PKU alleles. Each of these five mutations was strongly associated with only one of the more than 70 chromosomal haplotypes defined by eight RFLPs in or near the PAH gene. These findings suggest that each of these mutations arose through a single founding event that occurred within time periods ranging from several hundred to several thousand years ago. From the significant differences observed in the relative frequencies and distributions of these five alleles throughout Europe, four of these putative founding events could be localized to specific ethnic subgroups. Together, these data suggest that there were multiple, geographically and ethnically distinct origins for PKU within the European population.  相似文献   
Rom-1 is a retinal integral membrane protein that, together with the product of the human retinal degeneration slow gene (RDS), defines a photoreceptor-specific protein family. The gene for rom-1 (HGM symbol: ROM1) has been assigned to human chromosome 11 and mouse chromosome 19 by Southern blot analysis of somatic cell hybrid DNAs. ROM1 was regionally sublocalized to human 11p13-11q13 by using three mouse-human somatic cell hybrids; in situ hybridization refined the sublocalization to human 11q13. Analysis of somatic cell hybrids suggested that the most likely localization of ROM1 is in the approximately 2-cM interval between human PGA (human pepsinogen A) and PYGM (muscle glycogen phosphorylase). ROM1 appears to be a new member of a conserved syntenic group whose members include such genes as CD5, CD20, and OSBP (oxysterol-binding protein), on human chromosome 11 and mouse chromosome 19. Localization of the ROM1 gene will permit the examination of its linkage to hereditary retinopathies in man and mouse.  相似文献   
A 32-year-old phenotypic female with a history of nine consecutive abortions each in the first trimester was referred for cytogenetic studies. She was found to have 45,XX,t(22;22) (p11.1;q11.1) chromosomal pattern. The Ag-NOR banding technique showed that the NORs of both the acrocentrics involved in the translocation were deleted and the loss suffered from the elimination was compensated by the increased NOR activity as well as presence of dNOR on other acrocentric chromosomes.  相似文献   
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