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Mitochondria-cytoskeleton interactions were analyzed in adult rat cardiomyocytes and in cancerous non-beating HL-1 cells of cardiac phenotype. We show that in adult cardiomyocytes βII-tubulin is associated with mitochondrial outer membrane (MOM). βI-tubulin demonstrates diffused intracellular distribution, βIII-tubulin is colocalized with Z-lines and βIV-tubulin forms microtubular network. HL-1 cells are characterized by the absence of βII-tubulin, by the presence of bundles of filamentous βIV-tubulin and diffusely distributed βI- and βIII-tubulins. Mitochondrial isoform of creatine kinase (MtCK), highly expressed in cardiomyocytes, is absent in HL-1 cells. Our results show that high apparent K(m) for exogenous ADP in regulation of respiration and high expression of MtCK both correlate with the expression of βII-tubulin. The absence of βII-tubulin isotype in isolated mitochondria and in HL-1 cells results in increased apparent affinity of oxidative phosphorylation for exogenous ADP. This observation is consistent with the assumption that the binding of βII-tubulin to mitochondria limits ADP/ATP diffusion through voltage-dependent anion channel of MOM and thus shifts energy transfer via the phosphocreatine pathway. On the other hand, absence of both βII-tubulin and MtCK in HL-1 cells can be associated with their more glycolysis-dependent energy metabolism which is typical for cancer cells (Warburg effect).  相似文献   
The boreal region is facing intensifying resource extraction pressure, but the lack of comprehensive biodiversity data makes operative forest conservation planning difficult. Many countries have implemented forest inventory schemes and are making extensive and up-to-date forest databases increasingly available. Some of the more detailed inventory databases, however, remain proprietary and unavailable for conservation planning. Here, we investigate how well different open and proprietary forest inventory data sets suit the purpose of conservation prioritization in Finland. We also explore how much priorities are affected by using the less accurate but open data. First, we construct a set of indices for forest conservation value based on quantitative information commonly found in forest inventories. These include the maturity of the trees, tree species composition, and site fertility. Secondly, using these data and accounting for connectivity between forest types, we investigate the patterns in conservation priority. For prioritization, we use Zonation, a method and software for spatial conservation prioritization. We then validate the prioritizations by comparing them to known areas of high conservation value. We show that the overall priority patterns are relatively consistent across different data sources and analysis options. However, the coarse data cannot be used to accurately identify the high-priority areas as it misses much of the fine-scale variation in forest structures. We conclude that, while inventory data collected for forestry purposes may be useful for forest conservation purposes, it needs to be detailed enough to be able to account for more fine-scaled features of high conservation value. These results underline the importance of making detailed inventory data publicly available. Finally, we discuss how the prioritization methodology we used could be integrated into operative forest management, especially in countries in the boreal zone.  相似文献   
The adenylate kinase (AK) isoforms network plays an important role in the intracellular energy transfer processes, the maintenance of energy homeostasis, and it is a major player in AMP metabolic signaling circuits in some highly-differentiated cells. For this purpose, a rapid and sensitive method was developed that enables to estimate directly and semi-quantitatively the distribution between cytosolic AK1 and mitochondrial AK2 localized in the intermembrane space, both in isolated cells and tissue samples (biopsy material). Experiments were performed on isolated rat mitochondria or permeabilized material, including undifferentiated and differentiated neuroblastoma Neuro-2a cells, HL-1 cells, isolated rat heart cardiomyocytes as well as on human breast cancer postoperative samples. In these samples, the presence of AK1 and AK2 could be detected by high-resolution respirometry due to the functional coupling of these enzymes with ATP synthesis. By eliminating extra-mitochondrial ADP with an excess of pyruvate kinase and its substrate phosphoenolpyruvate, the coupling of the AK reaction with mitochondrial ATP synthesis could be quantified for total AK and mitochondrial AK2 as a specific AK index. In contrast to the creatine kinase pathway, the AK phosphotransfer pathway is up-regulated in murine neuroblastoma and HL-1 sarcoma cells and in these malignant cells expression of AK2 is higher than AK1. Differentiated Neuro-2a neuroblastoma cells exhibited considerably higher OXPHOS capacity than undifferentiated cells, and this was associated with a remarkable decrease in their AK activity. The respirometric method also revealed a considerable difference in mitochondrial affinity for AMP between non-transformed cells and tumor cells.  相似文献   
Despite the huge body of research on social support, literature has been primarily focused on its beneficial role for both physical and mental health. It is still unclear why people with mental and neurological disorders experience low levels of social support. The main objective of this study was to explore what are the strongest factors related to social support and how do they interact with each other in neuropsychiatric disorders. The study used cross-sectional data from 722 persons suffering from dementia, depression, epilepsy, migraine, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson''s disease, schizophrenia, stroke, and substance use disorders. Multiple linear regressions showed that disability was the strongest factor for social support. Extraversion and agreeableness were significant personality variables, but when the interaction terms between personality traits and disability were included, disability remained the only significant variable. Moreover, level of disability mediated the relationship between personality (extraversion and agreeableness) and level of social support. Moderation analysis revealed that people that had mental disorders experienced lower levels of support when being highly disabled compared to people with neurological disorders. Unlike previous literature, focused on increasing social support as the origin of improving disability, this study suggested that interventions improving day-to-day functioning or maladaptive personality styles might also have an effect on the way people perceive social support. Future longitudinal research, however, is warranted to explore causality.  相似文献   
Aim The aim of this study is to analyse the distribution pattern of the botanical collecting effort in Amazonia so that it can be accounted for when interpreting phytogeographical patterns such as inferred species ranges. We also develop a mechanistic and transparent method for taking into account the bias in collecting effort when estimating likelihoods of species occurrences. Location Amazonia, Neotropics. Methods We utilized electronic data sets of georeferenced herbarium collections (1,063,530 in total). We plotted collecting localities (68,246 in total) on maps overlaid with 1° and 0.5° square grids, and analysed collecting effort using a geographical information system (GIS). We also drew a map of Thiessen polygons, using collecting localities as polygon centres, to visualize collecting density in a scale‐independent way. We then created a ‘collecting activity landscape’ in which well‐collected areas appear as peaks and poorly studied areas as valleys. We demonstrate how this surface can be utilized when estimating species distributions. Results The data available to us confirm that botanical collecting activity is still severely biased in Amazonia. The uncollected area represents 43% of the total area of Amazonia, while another 28% is poorly collected and only 2% can be considered relatively well collected. The Thiessen polygon network represents an improvement in the presentation of collecting intensity compared with square grids. Main conclusions The maps of botanical collecting effort in the Neotropics should be used for visually correcting phytogeographical interpretations. With the help of GIS applications the observed spatial bias in collecting effort can be utilized in estimating the likelihood of occurrence of species in a repeatable manner. These estimates, in turn, can be used for various purposes in basic and applied science as well as in decision‐making. The biased collecting effort should, in the long run, be corrected by further field work in unexplored areas, which can be identified with the maps presented here.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Adenoviruses can cause severe toxicity in immunocompromised individuals. Although clinical trials have confirmed the potency and safety of selectively oncolytic adenoviruses for treatment of advanced cancers, increasingly effective agents could result in more toxicity and therefore it would be useful if replication could be abrogated if necessary. METHODS: We analyzed the effect of chlorpromazine, an inhibitor of clathrin-dependent endocytosis and apigenin, a cell cycle regulator, on adenovirus replication and toxicity. First, we evaluated the in vitro replication of a tumor targeted Rb-p16 pathway selective oncolytic adenovirus (Ad5/3-Delta24) and a wild-type adenovirus in normal cells, fresh liver samples and in ovarian cancer cell lines. Further, we analyzed the in vitro cell killing efficacy of adenoviruses in the presence and absence of the substances. Moreover, the effect on in vivo efficacy, replication and liver toxicity of the adenoviruses was evaluated. RESULTS: We demonstrate in vitro and in vivo reduction of adenovirus replication and associated toxicity with chlorpromazine and apigenin. Effective doses were well within what would be predicted safe in humans. CONCLUSIONS: Chlorpromazine and apigenin might reduce the replication of adenovirus, which could provide a safety switch in case replication-associated side effects are encountered in patients. In addition, these substances could be useful for the treatment of systemic adenoviral infections in immunosuppressed patients.  相似文献   
The human placenta is key to pregnancy outcome, and the elevated oxidative stress present in many complicated pregnancies contributes to placental dysfunction and suboptimal pregnancy outcomes. We tested the hypothesis that pomegranate juice, which is rich in polyphenolic antioxidants, limits placental trophoblast injury in vivo and in vitro. Pregnant women with singleton pregnancies were randomized at 35~38 wk gestation to 8 oz/day of pomegranate juice or apple juice (placebo) until the time of delivery. Placental tissues from 12 patients (4 in the pomegranate group and 8 in the control group) were collected for analysis of oxidative stress. The preliminary in vivo results were extended to oxidative stress and cell death assays in vitro. Placental explants and cultured primary human trophoblasts were exposed to pomegranate juice or glucose (control) under defined oxygen tensions and chemical stimuli. We found decreased oxidative stress in term human placentas from women who labored after prenatal ingestion of pomegranate juice compared with apple juice as control. Moreover, pomegranate juice reduced in vitro oxidative stress, apoptosis, and global cell death in term villous explants and primary trophoblast cultures exposed to hypoxia, the hypoxia mimetic cobalt chloride, and the kinase inhibitor staurosporine. Punicalagin, but not ellagic acid, both prominent polyphenols in pomegranate juice, reduced oxidative stress and stimulus-induced apoptosis in cultured syncytiotrophoblasts. We conclude that pomegranate juice reduces placental oxidative stress in vivo and in vitro while limiting stimulus-induced death of human trophoblasts in culture. The polyphenol punicalagin mimics this protective effect. We speculate that antenatal intake of pomegranate may limit placental injury and thereby may confer protection to the exposed fetus.  相似文献   
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