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A single-site modification of paclitaxel analogs at the C10 position on the baccatin III core that reduces interaction with P-glycoprotein in bovine brain microvessel endothelial cells is described. Modification and derivatization of the C10 position were carried out using a substrate controlled hydride addition to a key C9 and C10 diketone intermediate. The analogs were tested for tubulin assembly and cytotoxicity, and were shown to retain potency similar to paclitaxel. P-glycoprotein interaction was examined using a rhodamine assay and it was found that simple hydrolysis or epimerization of the C10 acetate of paclitaxel and Taxol C can reduce interaction with the P-glycoprotein transporter that may allow for increased permeation of taxanes into the brain.  相似文献   
The effects of different structural features on the thermostability of Thermopolyspora flexuosa xylanase XYN10A were investigated. A C-terminal carbohydrate binding module had only a slight effect, whereas a polyhistidine tag increased the thermostability of XYN10A xylanase. In contrast, glycosylation at Asn26, located in an exposed loop, decreased the thermostability of the xylanase. The presence of a substrate increased stability mainly at low pH.The thermophilic actinomycete Thermopolyspora flexuosa, previously named Nonomuraea flexuosa and before that Actinomadura flexuosa or Microtetraspora flexuosa (15), produces family 11 and family 10 xylanases, which show high thermostability (16, 17, 22). T. flexuosa xylanase XYN10A has a C-terminal family 13 carbohydrate binding module (CBM) (22). Many xylanases have an additional CBM, which can be a cellulose binding domain (CBD) or a xylan binding domain (XBD) (1, 5, 7, 22, 25, 28). XBD typically increases activity against insoluble xylan (1, 5, 24), although some XBDs also bind soluble xylans (21, 25).We studied the thermostability of T. flexuosa xylanase XYN10A and how CBM and other additional groups affect its thermostability. In addition to confirming the previously described importance of terminal regions, our study identified a loop that is important for the thermostability of T. flexuosa XYN10A. In general, identification of sites important for protein stability is necessary for targeted mutagenesis attempts to increase thermostability.The T. flexuosa xyn10A gene (GenBank accession no. AJ508953) (22), which encodes the full-length XYN10A xylanase (1-AAST… SYNA-448) containing the catalytic domain and CBM, and a truncated gene, which encodes the catalytic domain only (1-AAST… DALN-301) were expressed in Trichoderma reesei as 3′ fusions to a sequence that encodes the Cel6A CBD (A+B) carrier polypeptide and a Kex2 cleavage site (RDKR) (27). In this article, the catalytic domain and the full-length enzyme are referred to as XYN10A and XYN10A-CBM, respectively. The catalytic domain was also produced in Escherichia coli. For production in E. coli, the sequence encoding the catalytic domain was cloned into a pKKtac vector (33) with and without an additional 3′ sequence encoding a 6×His tag at the protein C terminus (… DALNHHHHHH).The proteins were purified by hydrophobic interaction chromatography using a Phenyl Sepharose column and by ion-exchange chromatography using a DEAE Sepharose FF column (Amersham Pharmacia Biotech). The 6×His-tagged XYN10A xylanase produced in E. coli was purified by affinity chromatography using Ni-nitrilotriacetic acid (Ni-NTA) agarose beads (Qiagen).Mass spectrometric (MS) analyses were performed on a high-resolution 4.7-T hybrid quadrupole-Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (FT-ICR) instrument (APEX-Qe; Bruker Daltonics), which employs electrospray ionization (ESI) (see supplemental material for details).Xylanase activity was measured with a 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid assay by using 1% solubilized birchwood xylan as a substrate (33). The optimum temperature, residual activity, and half-life assays were performed as described earlier (36). SWISS-MODEL (4) was used to automatically model T. flexuosa XYN10A and XYN10A-CBM (PDB codes for the modeling templates are 1v6w and 1e0w, respectively [12, 14]).The results of sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) analysis indicated that the masses of XYN10A xylanase and XYN10A-CBM produced in Trichoderma reesei were ∼37 kDa and ∼50 kDa, respectively (Fig. (Fig.1A).1A). MS analysis of the 6×His-tagged XYN10A produced in E. coli (SDS-PAGE not shown) indicated the presence of a single protein form (Fig. (Fig.1B),1B), with a measured mass of 34,943.25 Da. This is consistent with the theoretical mass of 6×His-tagged XYN10A (34,942.93 Da). In contrast, XYN10A produced in T. reesei was heterogeneously modified, and six protein forms (numbered 1 to 6) were detected (Fig. (Fig.1B).1B). The mass of form 1 (34,120.76 Da) is in excellent agreement with the calculated mass of XYN10A (34120.73 Da). The masses of forms 2 and 3, with mass increments of ∼203 and ∼162 Da, respectively, suggested protein glycosylation (+203 Da = GlcNAc; +162 Da = Man). There are two potential sites for N-glycosylation in XYN10A, Asn26 and Asn95. These six protein forms were resolved only by the high-resolution FT-ICR MS technique, not by SDS-PAGE (eluted as a single band [Fig. [Fig.1A1A]).Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.(A) SDS-PAGE of purified XYN10A and XYN10A-CBM produced in Trichoderma reesei. Lane 1, molecular weight markers; lane 2, catalytic domain (XYN10A); lane 3, full-length enzyme (XYN10A-CBM). (B) ESI FT-ICR mass spectra of XYN10A with a 6×His tag produced in E. coli (bottom) and XYN10A produced in T. reesei (top). Only the expanded view at m/z 1260 to 1300, with the signals representing the most abundant protein ion charge state z = 27+, is presented. For the measured and calculated masses of the protein forms identified, see the supplemental material.In order to locate the glycosylation site or sites, XYN10A proteins produced in E. coli and T. reesei were subjected to on-line pepsin digestion (see supplemental material for details). The sequence coverage for XYN10A xylanase produced in E. coli was 62%. For XYN10A produced in T. reesei, a lower sequence coverage was obtained, but three glycopeptides (residues 20 to 44, 20 to 46, and 20 to 59), carrying one GlcNAc residue, were detected (glycopeptides A to C in Fig. S1B in the supplemental material). A triply charged glycopeptide A was further analyzed by collision-induced dissociation (CID) measurement (see inset in Fig. S1B in the supplemental material). A ladder of b-type fragment ions further identified this peptide and verified Asn26 as the N-glycosylation site in XYN10A, carrying GlcNAc(Man) as a glycan core structure.The additional sequences attached to the catalytic domain affected the thermostability of XYN10A xylanase. The deletion of the native C-terminal CBM domain (XYN10A produced in T. reesei) slightly decreased (∼2°C) the apparent temperature optimum in the region of 70 to 75°C (Table (Table11 and Fig. Fig.2A).2A). However, at 80°C, the deletion of the CBM domain increased the activity (Fig. (Fig.2A).2A). Furthermore, the half-life in the presence of the substrate at 80°C was lower when the CBM was present (Table (Table22).Open in a separate windowFIG. 2.Enzyme activity and stability profiles. (A) Enzyme activity as a function of temperature. The enzymes were incubated for 30 min at each temperature at pH 7. (B) Enzyme inactivation as a function of temperature. The enzyme samples were incubated without the substrate for 30 min at each temperature (pH 7), and the residual activity was measured at 70°C. Values are means ± standard deviations (error bars) for three experiments. Symbols: ⧫, XYN10A xylanase produced in T. reesei; ⋄, XYN10A-CBM produced in T. reesei; ▪, XYN10A produced in E. coli; □, XYN10A-6×His produced in E. coli.


Peaks of the optimum temperatures (30-min assay)a
Production hostEnzymeOptimum temp (°C) at:
pH 5.5pH 7pH 8.5
T. reeseiXYN10A707069
E. coliXYN10A787576
Open in a separate windowaOne percent solubilized birchwood xylan was used as the substrate in the assay.


pH-dependent half-life times of a catalytic domain (XYN10A) and a full-length enzyme (XYN10A-CBM) produced in T. reesei
EnzymeHalf-life (min) of enzyme under various conditions
With substratea
Without substrate
pH 4 and 65°CpH 5.5 and 80°CpH 7 and 80°CpH 8.5 and 80°CpH 4 and 65°CpH 5.5 and 80°CpH 7 and 80°CpH 8.5 and 80°C
Open in a separate windowaOne percent solubilized birchwood xylan was used as the substrate in the assay.Surprisingly, the apparent temperature optimum of XYN10A xylanase produced in E. coli was 4 to 8°C higher than that for XYN10A produced in T. reesei (Fig. (Fig.2A2A and Table Table1).1). In addition, the C-terminal 6×His tag further increased the apparent temperature optimum of XYN10A by ∼3°C at pH 7 and 8.5 (Fig. (Fig.2A).2A). The higher stability of XYN10A produced in E. coli was also seen in the residual activity profiles (Fig. (Fig.2B).2B). However, the 6×His tag did not elevate the temperature optimum at pH 5.5 (Table (Table1)1) and pH 4.0 (not shown).We also measured the enzyme half-lives with and without substrate (1% solubilized birchwood xylan) at different pH values. Increases of about 5- to 10-fold in the half-lives of both XYN10A xylanase and XYN10A-CBM (produced in T. reesei) were measured at pH 4 in the presence of a substrate (Table (Table2).2). The substrate also slightly protected XYN10A in the pH range from pH 5.5 to 8.5. However, no protection by the substrate was detected for XYN10A-CBM at pH 5.5 to 8.5.By comparing the structures of thermophilic and mesophilic family 10 xylanases, it was suggested that efficient packing of the hydrophobic core, favorable charge interactions with the helix dipole moment, and the presence of prolines at the N termini of alpha-helices are the most probable stabilizing factors (23). Cavity filling and stabilization of loops and N- and C-terminal regions are also important factors (2, 35). By studying chimeric xylanase created by the shuffling of Thermotoga maritima xylanases A and B, it was observed that the N-terminal and C-terminal regions of the xylanase structure formed from the TIM barrel are important for high thermostability (20). Our results also showed that the C-terminal region is important for the thermostability of family 10 xylanases.An increase in the thermostability of other proteins by a polyhistidine tag has already been demonstrated (8, 9, 10, 19). In T. flexuosa XYN10A xylanase, the 6×His tag had an effect on thermostability only at a neutral or alkaline pH. Since histidine is generally neutral in charge above pH 6.5 (average pKa about 6.5) and positively charged at acidic pH, this suggests that noncharged interactions are critical for the stabilization effect.The binding of the C-terminal 6×His tag to the surface of XYN10A xylanase probably prevents unfolding from the C terminus. The disulfide bridge between the N and C termini (located close to each other) has previously been demonstrated to increase the melting temperature (Tm) of a family 10 xylanase by 4°C (2, 35). The thermostability increase achieved by the 6×His tag and CBM in T. flexuosa XYN10A was at the same level (in the range of 3°C in the activity assays). Other stabilization mechanisms are also possible, but it seems probable that the role of protein termini is dominant in stabilization by the 6×His tag. The stability of alpha-helices near the C terminus could also be increased by interaction with the 6×His tag (Fig. (Fig.33).Open in a separate windowFIG. 3.Modeled structure of full-length XYN10A xylanase. The model was created by SWISS-MODEL using 1v6w as a template, and the figure was made using PyMOL (11). The residue Asn301 is the C terminus of the expressed catalytic core. The residue Ala1 (A1) shows the position of the N terminus. The glycosylation site Asn26 and the positively charged residues (His12, Arg14, Arg36, Arg219, Arg252, and Lys289) in the range of the 6×His tag are shown as one-letter codes. The sequence positions corresponding to the 6×His tag (positions 302 to 307 in full-length XYN10A) are shown in magenta, although the conformation of the 6×His tag is not known. The active site is located on the other side of the barrel.Structural modeling was used to examine the regions potentially binding the 6×His tag. In the crystal and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) structures 1ddf, 1jt3, and 1zu2, the length of the 6×His tag varies between 12 and 20 Å, since the conformation of the freely protruding 6×His tag may vary significantly. Thus, the 6×His tag forms a rather large binding surface with much variation in the conformation. Since the stabilizing effect of the 6×His tag is pH dependent, it could be that the nearby arginines, having positive charges, have a role in breaking the interactions of the polyhistidine when it becomes positively charged at low pH (Fig. (Fig.3).3). Three nearby arginines (Arg14, Arg219, and Arg252) and a histidine (His12) in the 12-Å distance range from the first histidine in the 6×His tag might cause charge repulsion, and Arg36 and Lys289 at a distance of 17 to 20 Å in the opposite direction might also cause similar repulsion (Fig. (Fig.33).The glycosylation site (Asn26) is located in a well-exposed loop (amino acids 21 to 28) between a beta-strand (amino acids 15 to 20) and alpha-helix (amino acids 29 to 37). Glycosylation can increase the thermostability (6, 18, 29). It can also destabilize, and, according to molecular dynamics simulations, increased mobility correlates with the destabilization caused by glycosylation (31). Glycosylation in a well-exposed loop in XYN10A xylanase could increase local mobility or destabilize the enzyme by affecting the local conformation.The presence of a substrate increased the stability of both the core and full-length XYN10A xylanase under stronger acidic conditions of pH 4 (Table (Table2).2). At pH 5.5 to 8.5, the relative effect was smaller for the XYN10A core and missing in XYN10A-CBM. Protection by a substrate, especially at acidic pH, was observed by Xiong et al. (36) for a family 11 xylanase produced by Thermomyces lanuginosus. A possible explanation for this is that the substrate changes the structure of the enzyme or is involved in hydrogen bonding in the active site in a pH-dependent manner. At pH 4, in which the carboxylic acids start to become on average protonated and the ion pair networks are therefore disturbed, the thermostability of the enzyme is lower than at higher pH. Thus, the substrate could partially neutralize the lower thermostability at low pH by providing new stabilizing interactions. These results suggest that the active site canyon is also important for the stability of xylanases.The effect of the CBM on the thermostability of XYN10A xylanase was twofold; under some conditions, it increased the thermostability, and under other conditions, it decreased the thermostability. Thus, there is no strong thermostabilizing effect by the CBM on T. flexuosa XYN10A. It was observed earlier that the additional domains may function as thermostabilizing domains, because their deletion often decreased the stability of xylanases (3, 30, 32). However, an increase in thermostability has also been observed when a CBM has been deleted (3, 22, 23a, 26). Thus, the effect of a CBM on thermostability varies, and the reason could be that the primary function of a CBM is to bind polysaccharide fibers and not thermostabilization. In general, the high thermostability of xylanases is not dependent on CBMs, and in fact, they might have diverse effects. The same holds true for protein glycosylations.In conclusion, we identified several regions in T. flexuosa XYN10A xylanase that affect the protein''s thermostability. The effects of the additional groups were either stabilizing or destabilizing. This information can be used in the design of stabilizing mutations. Our study also showed that the production system can considerably affect the properties of the enzymes produced, e.g., due to glycosylation, and that when adding purification tags in recombinant proteins, their potential effects should be considered.   相似文献   
A fairly recent whole-genome duplication (WGD) event in yeast enables the effects of gene duplication and subsequent functional divergence to be characterized. We examined 15 ohnolog pairs (i.e. paralogs from a WGD) out of c . 500 Saccharomyces cerevisiae ohnolog pairs that have persisted over an estimated 100 million years of evolution. These 15 pairs were chosen for their high levels of asymmetry, i.e. within the pair, one ohnolog had evolved much faster than the other. Sequence comparisons of the 15 pairs revealed that the faster evolving duplicated genes typically appear to have experienced partially – but not fully – relaxed negative selection as evidenced by an average nonsynonymous/synonymous substitution ratio (d N /d S avg=0.44) that is higher than the slow-evolving genes' ratio (d N /d S avg=0.14) but still <1. Increased number of insertions and deletions in the fast-evolving genes also indicated loosened structural constraints. Sequence and structural comparisons indicated that a subset of these pairs had significant differences in their catalytically important residues and active or cofactor-binding sites. A literature survey revealed that several of the fast-evolving genes have gained a specialized function. Our results indicate that subfunctionalization and even neofunctionalization has occurred along with degenerative evolution, in which unneeded functions were destroyed by mutations.  相似文献   
The group-specific component (Gc) subtypes were determined in 575 adult Finns by immunoblotting after isoelectric focusing in agarose gel. The gene frequencies were Gc1S = 0.661, Gc1F = 0.139 and Gc2 = 0.200. This material included one rare allele, a more acidically focusing Gc 2 (named Gc 2A18). The phenotypes of 200 mother-child pairs studied were in accordance with the three-allelic mode of inheritance. An apparent mother-child incompatibility observed during routine paternity testing is reported.  相似文献   
The contribution of epigenetic mechanisms to cardiovascular diseases remains poorly understood. Hypomethylation of genomic DNA is present in human atherosclerotic lesions and methylation changes also occur at the promoter level of several genes involved in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis, such as extracellular superoxide dismutase, estrogen receptor-α, endothelial nitric oxide synthase and 15-lipoxygenase. So far, no clear data is available about histone modification marks in atherosclerotic lesions. It remains unclear whether epigenetic changes are causally related to the pathogenetic features, such as clonal proliferation of lesion smooth muscle cells, lipid accumulation and modulation of immune responses in the lesions, or whether they merely represent a consequence of the ongoing pathological process. However, epigenetic changes could at least partly explain poorly understood environmental and dietary effects on atherogenesis and the rapid increases and decreases in the incidence of coronary heart disease observed in various populations. RNAi mechanisms may also contribute to the epigenetic regulation of vascular cells. Therapies directed towards modification of the epigenetic status of vascular cells might provide new tools to control atherosclerosis-related cardiovascular diseases.  相似文献   
Single-molecule fluorescence techniques have developed into powerful tools for studying the kinetics of biological reactions at the single-molecule level. Using fluorogenic substrates, enzymatic reactions can be observed in real-time with single-turnover resolution. The turnover sequence contains all kinetic information, giving access to reaction substeps and dynamic processes such as fluctuations in the reaction rate. Despite their clearly proven potential, the accuracy of current measurements is limited by the availability of substrates with 1:1 stoichiometry and the signal-to-noise ratio of the measurement. In this review we summarize the state-of-the-art and discuss these limitations using experiments performed with α-chymotrypsin as an example. We are further providing an overview of recent efforts aimed at the improvement of fluorogenic substrates and the development of new detection schemes. These detection schemes utilize nanophotonic structures such as zero mode waveguides or nanoantennas. Nanophotonic approaches reduce the size of the effective detection volume and are a powerful strategy to increase the signal-to-noise ratio. We believe that a combination of improved substrates and novel detection schemes will pave the way for performing accurate single-enzyme experiments in biologically relevant conditions.  相似文献   
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