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Two proteins of Mr = 58,000 and 59,000, respectively, were purified from 4 M guanidinium chloride extracts of articular cartilage by dissociative CsCl-density gradient centrifugation followed by gel chromatography on Sephadex G-200 and ion exchange chromatography on DEAE-cellulose. The two proteins differ in ionic properties and only the one with Mr = 59,000 bound to the ion exchanger. Although the two proteins showed dissimilar peptide patterns after proteolysis, their amino acid composition was similar, with very high contents of leucine and aspartic acid/asparagine. The two proteins showed no cross-reactivity in radioimmunoassays. By use of these assays, the proteins were demonstrated in extracts of most connective tissues, with high contents of about 0.1% of tissue wet weight determined in several types of cartilage. Among the non-cartilage connective tissues, tendon and sclera had the highest contents of the proteins, i.e. about 0.1% of the tissue wet weight. Bone extracts, on the other hand, contained insignificant amounts of the proteins. Only the Mr = 59,000 protein was detected in serum, its concentration being about 33 micrograms/l. Both proteins were shown to be localized in the extracellular matrix of cartilage, predominantly in the territorial matrix, by using indirect immunofluorescence.  相似文献   
Equilibrium binding of insulin to rat white fat cells at 15 degrees C   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Equilibrium binding of insulin to isolated rat epididymal fat cells was investigated. A temperature of 15 degrees C was chosen for the study to minimize lysosomal degradation of insulin. Indeed, medium insulin lost only 1% of its precipitability in trichloroacetic acid during the 4-h incubation required to approach equilibrium. Binding was measured by a method that did not perturb the equilibrium of the system. A new formalism for analyzing binding data in general was introduced. A correction for trapping of insulin in the interstitial space of cell pellets was both necessary and sufficient to derive specific binding data from raw observations. Thus, so-called "nonspecific binding" was unmasked as a misnomer, and the expression "correction for trapping" was proposed as a substitute. Equations for one and two independent classes of binding sites were fit to the data by the method of maximum likelihood, and the best fit was selected based on Akaike's information criterion, as adapted for a constant fractional error. More than 99.7% of the binding sites were found to be describable by a simple binding isotherm with Kd,app = 8.8 multiplied by over divided by 1.3 nM. Less than 0.3% sites had a higher affinity (Kd approximately equal to 8 multiplied by over divided by 3 pM). There were 99,000 x/divided by 1.6 binding sites/cell. These equilibrium parameters are in agreement with values derived from a kinetic analysis, presented in the subsequent paper (Lipkin, E. W., Teller, D. C., and de Ha?n, C. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 1702-1711).  相似文献   
A cell surface chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan associated with human melanomas and defined by mAb's F24.47 and 48.7 has been characterized biochemically and localized by indirect immunogold electron microscopy. These antibodies recognize distinct epitopes on the intact proteoglycan. In addition, mAb 48.7 also recognizes an epitope on a 250,000-D glycoprotein and is therefore similar to antibody 9.2.27 (described by Bumol, T.F., and R.A. Reisfeld, 1982, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA., 79:1245-1249). Furthermore, it was shown that the glycosaminoglycan chains released by alkaline borohydride treatment of the proteoglycan recognized by mAb 48.7 had a size of approximately 60,000 D. Since the intact proteoglycan was estimated to be 420,000 D, there are probably three chondroitin sulfate chains attached to the 250,000-D core glycoprotein. Furthermore, an oligosaccharide fraction containing 42% of the 3H activity (glucosamine as precursor) was isolated. Immunolocalization studies using whole-mount electron microscopy revealed that the chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan was present almost exclusively on microspikes, a microdomain of the melanoma cell surface. These processes were present as 1-2-micron structures on the upper cell surface and as longer (up to 20 micron) structures at the cell periphery. Peripheral microspikes were involved in the initial interactions between adjacent cells and formed complex footpads that made contact with the substratum. Immunogold-labeled cells were also thin sectioned and the specific localization of the chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan antigen was quantitated. The data confirmed the results of whole-mount microscopy and demonstrated a statistically significant association of the antigen with the microspike processes as compared with other areas of the cell surface. By using two different mAb's (48.7 and F24.47) that recognize epitopes on either the core glycoprotein or the intact proteoglycan, respectively, we have demonstrated that both molecules have the same restricted distribution at the cell surface. The specific localization of the antigen to microspikes at the cell surface suggests it may play a role in cell-cell contact and cell-substratum adhesion, which could be important in the metastatic process.  相似文献   
The influence of soft tissues and joints on the vibration of the human tibia was examined by modal analysis on amputated lower limbs, where the soft tissues and the fibula were dissected gradually. Measurements were made in two different set ups, IFR and BRA, which were both designed to monitor fracture healing. In IFR, vibrations are generated by hammer impact on a relaxed hanging lower leg, with the knee flexed. Resonant frequencies are determined by a computer Fourier transform procedure. In BRA, a steady state vibration is induced in a lower leg, supported near the ankle and the tibial tuberosity, using an electromagnetic shaker. Resonant frequencies are determined from the maxima in vibration amplitudes. In both set ups the soft tissues have a similar influence on the vibration of the tibia: the skin hardly influences the determined modal parameter. The mass of the muscles influences both the resonant frequency and the damping. The fibula has a stiffening effect on the tibia. The influence of the joints is small in the IFR-set up: the tibia vibrates in conditions close to those for the free-free vibration. In the BRA-set up, the supports determine the boundary conditions.  相似文献   
In inside-out red cell membrane vesicles active calcium transport and the formation of the enzyme-phosphate complex (EP) of the calcium pump were simultaneously investigated and the effects of a limited proteolytic digestion examined. In order to visualize the proteolyzed EP forms we have induced the formation of a maximum level EP from [gamma-32P]ATP in the presence of Ca2+ + La3+ and applied a good-resolution acidic discontinuous sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis system. Proteolysis of inside-out vesicle membranes by trypsin, Pronase, papain, or chymotrypsin produces a calmodulin-like activation of the calcium pump, abolishes its calmodulin sensitivity, and decreases the original 140-kDa EP complex to a limit polypeptide of 80 kDa. Trypsin digestion produces another major intermediary fragment of 90 kDa, which is still a low-activity calmodulin-sensitive form of the pump. The red cell calcium pump is activated by trypsin both in the absence and presence of Ca2+ during digestion although the rate of activation and the appearance of the 80-kDa polypeptide are enhanced by Ca2+. If proteolytic digestion is carried out by chymotrypsin, a calmodulin-insensitive maximum activation of the calcium pump coincides with the formation of a 125-130-kDa EP-forming polypeptide. Chymotrypsin and carboxypeptidase A have synergistic effects on the formation of this latter high-activity species. Based on these data we suggest a probable molecular arrangement for the functional parts of the red cell membrane calcium pump.  相似文献   
一种新病毒——兔出血症病毒的鉴定初报   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
从我国新发生的一种家兔急性败血性传染病死兔内脏抽提物中,观察到典型的病毒粒子,回归兔可引起典型发病,再从病死兔内脏回收到同样病毒,证明该病系病毒性传染病,暂定名为“兔病毒性出血症”,病原暂定为“兔出血症病毒”。经初步鉴定,认为本病毒可能是一种首次发现的新病毒,属双股RNA病毒。但从病毒大小和核酸节段看,又不同于呼肠病毒科。最终归属正在进一步研究。  相似文献   
The bulk modulus and the shear modulus describe the capacity of material to resist a change in volume and a change of shape, respectively. The values of these elastic coefficients for air-filled lung parenchyma suggest that there is a qualitative difference between the mechanisms by which the parenchyma resists expansion and shear deformation; the bulk modulus changes roughly exponentially with the transpulmonary pressure, whereas the shear modulus is nearly a constant fraction of the transpulmonary pressure for a wide range of volumes. The bulk modulus is approximately 6.5 times as large as the shear modulus. In recent microstructural modeling of lung parenchyma, these mechanisms have been pictured as being similar to the mechanisms by which an open cell liquid foam resists deformations. In this paper, we report values for the bulk moduli and the shear moduli of normal air-filled rabbit lungs and of air-filled lungs in which alveolar surface tension is maintained constant at 16 dyn/cm. Elevating surface tension above normal physiological values causes the bulk modulus to decrease and the shear modulus to increase. Furthermore, the bulk modulus is found to be sensitive to a dependence of surface tension on surface area, but the shear modulus is not. These results agree qualitatively with the predictions of the model, but there are quantitative differences between the data and the model.  相似文献   
The aim of the study was to further delineate the erythropoietin (Ep) dependence of the mature Burst Forming Unit-Erythroid - BFU-E(d4). Experiments were performed in normal and polycythemic CBA mice. BFU-E(d4) were determined by means of the methylcellulose culture technique. It was demonstrated that in plethoric mice the number of BFU-E(d4) is reduced from 9 000/femur and 30 000/spleen found in normal mice to less than 1 000/femur and 2 000/spleen on day 6 post-hypoxia. The number of BFU-E(d4) remained low both in the bone marrow and spleen in mice with posthypoxic polycythemia between days 6 and 11 post-hypoxia. When exogenous Ep was injected into the plethoric mice the number of BFU-E(d4) increased after 24 h both in the bone marrow and spleen. In Ep stimulated polycythemic mice the CFU-E:BFU-E(d4) ratio did not achieve normal values, indicating that although Ep stimulation increased the number of BFU(d4), the number of CFU-E produced per BFU-E(d4) was lower than in normal nonpolycythemic mice. The results obtained indicate that BFU-E(d4) population size depends on the effect of Ep on differentiation and proliferation of erythroid committed precursors.  相似文献   
Production of beta-lactam antibiotics took place during growth of Streptomyces clavulgerus in chemically defined medium. The specific activities of isopenicillin N synthetase ("cyclase"), isopenicillin N epimerase, and deacetoxycephalosporin C synthetase ("expandase") increased during the exponential phase of growth. Specific cephalosporin productivity during fermentation followed a similar pattern, reaching a maximum near the end of the growth phase and decaying rapidly in the stationary phase. Ammonium chloride depressed cephalosporin production, presumably as a result of repression of cyclase and expandase formation, but not of epimerase. No inhibitory effects on enzyme activity by ammonium were found. Addition of tribasic magnesium phosphate [Mg3(PO4)2 X 8H2O] prevented the repression of cyclase and markedly stimulated cephalosporin production. Cephamycin C and, in smaller amounts, O-carbamoyldeacetylcephalosporin C were the only cephalosporins detected. Growth with ammonium resulted in lower titers of both compounds, and did not change the relative proportion of each. The correlation found between cephalosporin productivity and cyclase specific activity in different media suggests that formation of this enzyme may be the rate-limiting step in the pathway.  相似文献   
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