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Adeno-associated virus (AAV) type 2 and 5 proteins Rep52 and Rep40 were polyubiquitinated during AAV-adenovirus type 5 (Ad5) coinfection and during transient transfection in either the presence or absence of Ad5 E4orf6 and E1b-55k. Polyubiquitination of small Rep proteins via lysine 48 (K48) linkages, normally associated with targeting of proteins for proteasomal degradation, was detected only in the presence of E4orf6. The small Rep proteins were ubiquitinated via lysine 63 (K63) following transfection in either the presence or absence of E4orf6 or following coinfection with Ad5. E4orf6/E1b-55k-dependent K48-specific polyubiquitination of small Rep proteins could be inhibited using small interfering RNA (siRNA) to cullin 5.Together, adenovirus type 5 (Ad5) early gene products E1a, E1b-55k, E2a, E4orf6, and virus-associated (VA) RNA can support efficient replication of adeno-associated virus (AAV) (4, 31). E4orf6 and E1b-55k are known to interact with cellular cullin 5 (cul5), elongins B and C, and the ring box protein Rbx1 to form an E3 ubiquitin ligase complex that specifically targets a small population of cellular proteins for degradation by the proteasome (1, 7, 21, 22, 24, 27). This property has been implicated in a number of functions presumed to be required for both Ad and AAV replication (3, 8-10, 17, 23, 24, 34, 35).Previously, only p53, Mre11, DNA ligase IV, and integrin α3 had been shown to be substrates of the Ad5 E3 ubiquitin ligase complex (1, 7, 21, 22, 24, 27); however, we have recently shown (16, 17) that the small Rep proteins and capsid proteins of AAV5 are also degraded in the presence of Ad E4orf6 and E1b-55k in a proteasome-dependent manner. These proteins were restored to levels required during infection by the action of VA RNA (17). The targeting for degradation of AAV5 protein by the E4orf6/E1b-55k E3 ubiquitin ligase complex required functional BC-box motifs in E4orf6 and could be inhibited by depletion of the scaffolding protein cullin 5 using directed small interfering RNA (siRNA) (16). In addition, the degradation of AAV5 protein was partially prevented by overexpression of pUBR7, a plasmid that generates a dominant-negative ubiquitin (16). The role this targeted degradation plays in the life cycle of AAV has not yet been clarified; however, E4orf6 mutants that cannot function in this regard do not support AAV replication as well as wild-type E4orf6 (R. Nayak and D. J. Pintel, unpublished data). Degradation of Mre11 by the Ad5 E3 ligase has also been implicated in allowing efficient Ad5 and AAV replication (24). Ubiquitination of AAV Rep proteins during viral infection, however, has not previously been reported.  相似文献   
The MLL gene is involved in many chromosomal translocations leading to both acute myeloid and lymphoid leukemia. Some patients treated for primary malignancies with chemotherapeutic agents that inhibit DNA topoisomerase II (topo II) develop treatment-related leukemia (t-AML) caused by MLL gene rearrangement. Whether these patients are unusually susceptible to anti-topo II drugs, or whether this is a random adverse event is unknown. To discover genetic polymorphisms that may predispose patients to t-AML development, we sequenced the 8.3-kb MLL breakpoint cluster region (BCR) from 22 patients who had been treated with topo II inhibitors and who developed t-AML and from 37 patients who did not, and from eight infants and 20 normal individuals. Four polymorphic sites within Alu repetitive elements were identified; three affected the length of poly-A tracts and one altered the size of a trinucleotide repeat. The three poly-A tract polymorphisms occurred with equal frequency in leukemic patients and controls and hence are not predictors of risk. The trinucleotide GAA repeat has three alleles: (GAA)4, (GAA)5, and (GAA)6. The (GAA)6 allele is very rare. The adult t-AML patients are almost exclusively (GAA)4/5 heterozygotes (83%), whereas the normal population is only 55% (GAA)4/5 heterozygotic and is represented equally by (GAA)4 and (GAA)5 homozygotes (20% each). Only certain trends could be established because of the small sample size of these leukemic groups. Whereas adult t-AML patients are more likely to be (GAA)4/5 heterozygotes, this is not statistically significant, and this polymorphism within the MLL BCR has only a suggestive association with t-AML development.  相似文献   
We have recently observed that CD28 engagement initiates a signaling pathway leading to the activation of I kappa B kinase (IKK) complex and, consequently, to NF-kappa B activation, and we identified Vav-1 as an important mediator of this function. Here we report for the first time that Vav-1 constitutively associates with IKK alpha in both Jurkat and primary CD4(+) T cells. Vav-1/IKK alpha association is mediated by their helix-loop-helix domains, does not involve IKK beta, and is functionally relevant in that Vav-1-associated IKK alpha kinase activity is increased following CD28 engagement by B7. Moreover, we demonstrate that CD28-induced NF-kappa B activation is augmented by both IKK alpha and Vav-1, but not IKK beta. Confocal microscopy showed that endogenous Vav-1 and IKK alpha, but not IKK beta, were recruited to the membrane and colocalized in response to CD28 stimulation. Taken together, these data evidence that Vav-1 plays a key role in the control of NF-kappa B pathway by targeting IKK alpha in the T cell membrane and favoring its activation in response to CD28 stimulation.  相似文献   
P-selectin glypoprotein ligand-1, PSGL-1, a specific ligand for P-, E-, and L-selectin, was isolated from in vivo [3H]-glucosamine labeled HL-60 cells by a combination of wheat germ agglutinin and platelet P-selectin- or E-selectin receptor globulin-agarose chromatography. The O-linked oligosaccharides on the ligand were released by mild alkaline sodium borohydride treatment and analyzed by a combination of ion-exchange, size exclusion, lectin, and paper chromatography, together with specific exoglycosidase treatments and chemical modifications. Approximately 91% of the radioactivity released from PSGL-1 was recovered in five O-linked glycans: GalNAc (approximately 4% of the total structures), Gal, 3GalNAc (36%), and Gal, 3GalNAc substituted with one (45%), two (6 %), or three (3%) N-acetyllactosamine repeat units. None of these structures contained fucose, and the majority were substituted with at least one sialic acid. The N-acetyllactosmine-containing structures appeared to be core 2. The remaining 9% of the radioactivity recovered in O-linked oligosaccharides from PSGL-1, eluted in two peaks at 11.8 and 10.2 glucose units, on size-exclusion chromatography. Results from lectin chromatography and chemical and enzymatic degradation experiments suggest that the major portion of the radioactivity in these peaks is associated with sialylated N-acetyllactosamine-type oligosaccharides, substituted with fucose at the penultimate residue in the nonreducing end. Since both sialic acid and fucose reportedly are crucial requirements for selectin binding, these results suggest that only a minor portion, approximately 4.5%, of the O-linked oligosaccharides on PSGL-1 are involved in the interaction with the selectins.  相似文献   
Poly(His-Ala-Glu) and poly(Lys-Ala-Glu) were examined by viscosity and potentiometric titration. These measurements were interpreted in terms of the hydrodynamic size of the above sequential polypeptides. Effects of polymer, size and concentration, and solution-salt concentration were demonstrated. Although the sequential polypeptides generally behave like polyampholytes, they do demonstrate some differences. These differences my be attributed to the ability of ionized side chains three residues apart to repel themselves, in the order His < Glu < Lys.  相似文献   
The effect of ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA) on the envelope of two strains of Escherichia coli (B and Cla) was studied with freeze-fracturing methods. Untreated cells showed the outer membrane's outer surface with a fine texture of randomly spaced depressions of about 4.5-nm diameter; small areas with symmetrical arrangements of structural surface elements were also observed. The outer membrane's fracture plane revealed a random distribution of particles on its "concave" plane, only occasionally interrupted by particle-free areas. The "convex" aspect of the outer membrane's fracture plane showed only a few scattered particles. The cleavage plane of the inner membrane was often interrupted by many localized elevated plateaus, at which the cleaving process had, for short distances, switched to the outer membrane. The effects of EDTA treatment were mainly seen in the structure of the freeze-etched outer membrane: (i) the pits as well as the symmetrical surface elements of the outer membrane's outer surface had disappeared; (ii) a number of plateaus (about 20 to 50/cell) were seen at which a cleavage plane within the inner membrane had switched to the hydrophobic portion of the outer membrane (outer membrane's fracture plane). These plateaus were also visible in untreated cells; however, EDTA treatment apparently caused an increased exposure of plateaus. Surface areas, exposed by freeze-etching, revealed the underlying plateaus as elevations in the surface contour of the cell, suggesting a slower etching rate in the zones of the plateaus relative to the rest of the outer membrane. Well-defined, particle-free patches in the outer membrane's fracture plane, concave, were more frequent and larger in size after EDTA treatment than in the controls. In the presence of glycerol, the cells often cleaved in the outer membrane's fracture plane, but isolated plateaus were rarely observed. After metabolic poisoning of cells for 15 to 25 min at 37 degrees C, the plateaus had widened. These data suggest that the material of the plateaus has a slow rate of lateral diffusion. Placement of EDTA-treated cells in fresh medium at 37 degrees C caused, after 3 to 5 min, the reoccurrence of the pitted surface structure. We propose that the plateaus represent localized zones, at which newly synthesized lipopolysaccharide has been inserted.  相似文献   
Exenatide (synthetic exendin-4), glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), and GLP-1 analogues have actions with the potential to significantly improve glycemic control in patients with diabetes. Evidence suggests that these agents use a combination of mechanisms which may include glucose-dependent stimulation of insulin secretion, suppression of glucagon secretion, enhancement of beta-cell mass, slowing of gastric emptying, inhibition of food intake, and modulation of glucose trafficking in peripheral tissues. The short in vivo half-life of GLP-1 has proven a significant barrier to continued clinical development, and the focus of current clinical studies has shifted to agents with longer and more potent in vivo activity. This review examines recent exendin-4 pharmacology in the context of several known mechanisms of action, and contrasts exendin-4 actions with those of GLP-1 and a GLP-1 analogue. One of the most provocative areas of recent research is the finding that exendin-4 enhances beta-cell mass, thereby impeding or even reversing disease progression. Therefore, a major focus of this is article an examination of the data supporting the concept that exendin-4 and GLP-1 may increase beta-cell mass via stimulation of beta-cell neogenesis, stimulation of beta-cell proliferation, and suppression of beta-cell apoptosis.  相似文献   
In the present study, we have aimed at clarifying the CD4-dependent molecular mechanisms that regulate human memory T cell susceptibility to both Fas (CD95)-dependent and Bcl-2-dependent apoptotic pathways following antigenic challenge. To address this issue, we used an experimental system of viral and alloantigen-specific T cell lines and clones and two ligands of CD4 molecules, Leu-3a mAb and HIV gp120. We demonstrate that CD4 engagement before TCR triggering suppresses the TCR-mediated neosynthesis of the Flice-like inhibitory protein and transforms memory T cells from a CD95-resistant to a CD95-susceptible phenotype. Moreover, evidence that the apoptotic programs were executed while Fas ligand mRNA expression was inhibited led us to analyze Bcl-2-dependent pathways. The data show that the engagement of CD4 separately from TCR influences the expression of the proapoptotic protein Bax independently of the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2, whereas Ag activation coordinately modulates both Bax and Bcl-2. The increased expression of Bax and the consequent dissipation of the mitochondrial transmembrane potential (DeltaPsim) suggest a novel immunoregulatory function of CD4 and demonstrate that both passive cell death and activation-induced cell death are operative in CD4+ memory T cells. Furthermore, analysis of the mechanisms by which IL-2 and IL-4 cytokines exert their protective function on CD4+ T cells in the presence of soluble CD4 ligands shows that they were able to revert susceptibility to Bax-mediated but not to CD95-dependent apoptotic pathways.  相似文献   
We investigated the expression of proliferative cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) in zebrafish to delineate the proliferative hematopoietic component during adult and embryonic hematopoiesis. Immunostaining for PCNA and enhanced green fluorescence protein (eGFP) was performed in wild-type and fli1-eGFP (endothelial marker) and gata1-eGFP (erythroid cell marker) transgenic fish. Expression of PCNA mRNA was examined in wild-type and chordin morphant embryos. In adult zebrafish kidney, the renal tubules are surrounded by endothelial cells and it is separated into hematopoietic and excretory compartments. PCNA was expressed in hematopoietic progenitor cells but not in mature neutrophils, eosinophils or erythroid cells. Some PCNA+ cells are scattered in the hematopoietic compartment of the kidney while others are closely associated with renal tubular cells. PCNA was also expressed in spermatogonial stem cells and intestine crypts, consistent with its role in cell proliferation and DNA synthesis. In embryos, PCNA is expressed in the brain, spinal cord and intermediate cell mass (ICM) at 24 h-post fertilization. In chordin morphants, PCNA is significantly upregulated in the expanded ICM. Therefore, PCNA can be used to mark cell proliferation in zebrafish hematopoietic tissues and to identify a population of progenitor cells whose significance would have to be further investigated.  相似文献   
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