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Alzheimer''s disease (AD) has been postulated to involve defects in the clearance of amyloid-β (Aβ). Activation of liver X receptor α (LXRα) increases the expression of apolipoprotein E (ApoE) as well as cholesterol transporters ABCA1 and ABCG1, leading to augmented clearance of Aβ. We have previously shown that the C allele of rs7120118 in the NR1H3 gene encoding LXRα reduces the risk of AD. Here, we wanted to assess whether the rs7120118 variation affects the progression of AD and modulates the expression of NR1H3 and its downstream targets APOE, ABCA1 and ABCG1.We utilized tissue samples from the inferior temporal cortex of 87 subjects, which were subdivided according to Braak staging into mild, moderate and severe AD groups on the basis of AD-related neurofibrillary pathology. APOE ε4 allele increased soluble Aβ42 levels in the tissue samples in a dose-dependent manner, but did not affect the expression status of APOE. In contrast, the CC genotype of rs7120118 was underrepresented in the severe group, although this result did not reach statistical significance. Also, patients with the CC genotype of rs7120118 showed significantly decreased soluble Aβ42 levels as compared to the patients with TT genotype. Although the severity of AD did not affect NR1H3 expression, the mRNA levels of NR1H3 among the patients with CT genotype of rs7120118 were significantly increased as compared to the patients with TT genotype. These results suggest that genetic variation in NR1H3 modulates the expression of LXRα and the levels of soluble Aβ42.  相似文献   
Stable positioning between a measurement probe and its target from sub- to few micrometer scales has become a prerequisite in precision metrology and in cellular level measurements from biological tissues. Here we present a 3D stabilization system based on an optoelectronic displacement sensor and custom piezo-actuators driven by a feedback control loop that constantly aims to zero the relative movement between the sensor and the target. We used simulations and prototyping to characterize the developed system. Our results show that 95 % attenuation of movement artifacts is achieved at 1 Hz with stabilization performance declining to ca. 70 % attenuation at 10 Hz. Stabilization bandwidth is limited by mechanical resonances within the displacement sensor that occur at relatively low frequencies, and are attributable to the sensor's high force sensitivity. We successfully used brain derived micromotion trajectories as a demonstration of complex movement stabilization. The micromotion was reduced to a level of ~1 μm with nearly 100 fold attenuation at the lower frequencies that are typically associated with physiological processes. These results, and possible improvements of the system, are discussed with a focus on possible ways to increase the sensor's force sensitivity without compromising overall system bandwidth.  相似文献   
The concerted action of a large number of individual molecular level events in the formation and growth of fibrillar protein structures creates a significant challenge for differentiating between the relative contributions of different self-assembly steps to the overall kinetics of this process. The characterization of the individual steps is, however, an important requirement for achieving a quantitative understanding of this general phenomenon which underlies many crucial functional and pathological pathways in living systems. In this study, we have applied a kinetic modeling approach to interpret experimental data obtained for the aggregation of a selection of site-directed mutants of the protein S6 from Thermus thermophilus. By studying a range of concentrations of both the seed structures, used to initiate the reaction, and of the soluble monomer, which is consumed during the growth reaction, we are able to separate unambiguously secondary pathways from primary nucleation and fibril elongation. In particular, our results show that the characteristic autocatalytic nature of the growth process originates from secondary processes rather than primary nucleation events, and enables us to derive a scaling law which relates the initial seed concentration to the onset of the growth phase.  相似文献   
Prevention of flower formation is important, for example for preventing the spread of transgenes from genetically modified plants or the spread of non-native species, for increasing vegetative growth or preventing the formation of allergenic pollen. The aim of this study was to determine whether flowering of dicotyledonous plants can be prevented by genetic manipulation without harmful effects on vegetative growth. Here we describe isolation of the BpMADS1 gene (similar to SEP3, formerly AGL9) from birch and show that it is expressed only in the inflorescences. In tobacco and Arabidopsis, the expression of BpMADS1::GUS was also virtually inflorescence-specific. Transgenic tobacco and Arabidopsis containing a BpMADS1::BARNASE construct grew well. In one tobacco line the formation of the inflorescence was completely prevented; in several other lines the flowers lacked stamens and carpels and therefore were sterile. The final dry weights of the shoots of the sterile tobacco lines were 140–200% of those of controls. In Arabidopsis, some of the transgenic lines containing the BpMADS1::BARNASE construct formed inflorescences. Some of these lines formed never flowers and some others formed occasionally single fertile flowers. Some other lines did not form inflorescences, but formed up to about one hundred leaves, even in long-day conditions. These results suggest that formation of flowers or inflorescences in widely different dicotyledonous plants could be prevented using the BpMADS1::BARNASE construct and that prevention of flowering may lead to increased vegetative mass.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Oncolytic adenoviruses show promise in targeting gliomas because they do not replicate in normal brain cells. However, clinical responses occur only in a subset of patients. One explanation could be the heterogenic expression level of virus receptors. Another contributing factor could be variable activity of tumor antiviral defenses in different glioma subtypes. METHODS: We established a collection of primary low-passage cell lines from different glioma subtypes (3 glioblastomas, 3 oligoastrocytomas, and 2 oligodendrogliomas) and assessed them for receptor expression and sensitivity to human adenovirus (HAd) serotypes 3, 5, and 11p. To gauge the impact of antiviral defenses, we also compared the infectivity of the oncolytic adenoviruses in interferon (IFN)-pretreated cells with IFN-sensitive Semliki Forest virus (SFV). RESULTS: Immunostaining revealed generally low expression of HAd5 receptor CAR in both primary tumors and derived cell lines. HAd11p receptor CD46 levels were maintained at moderate levels in both primary tumor samples and derived cell lines. HAd3 receptor DSG-2 was reduced in the cell lines compared to the tumors. Yet, at equal multiplicities of infection, the oncolytic potency of HAd5 in vitro in tumor-derived cells was comparable to HAd11p, whereas HAd3 lysed fewer cells than either of the other two HAd serotypes in 72 hours. IFN blocked replication of SFV, while HAds were rather unaffected. CONCLUSIONS: Adenovirus receptor levels on glioma-derived cell lines did not correlate with infection efficacy and may not be a relevant indicator of clinical oncolytic potency. Adenovirus receptor analysis should be preferentially performed on biopsies obtained perioperatively.  相似文献   
We calculated annual mean stem volume increment (AMSVI) and total litter fall to produce forest net primary production (NPP) maps at 1‐km2 and half‐degree resolutions in Finland and Sweden. We used a multi‐scale methodology to link field inventory data reported at plot and forestry district levels through a remotely sensed total plant biomass map derived from 1‐km2 AVHRR image. Total litter fall was estimated as function of elevation and latitude. Leaf litter fall, a surrogate for fine root production, was estimated from total litter fall by forest type. The gridded NPP estimates agreed well with previously reported NPP values, based on point measurements. Regional NPP increases from northeast to southwest. It is positively related to annual mean temperature and annual mean total precipitation (strongly correlated with temperature) and is negatively related to elevation at broad scale. Total NPP (TNPP) values for representative cells selected based on three criteria were highly correlated with simulated values from a process‐based model (CEVSA) at 0.5°× 0.5° resolution. At 1‐km2 resolution, mean above‐ground NPP in the region was 408 g/m2/yr ranging from 172 to 1091 (standard deviation (SD) = 134). Mean TNPP was 563 (252 to 1426, SD = 176). Ranges and SD were reduced while the mean values of the estimated NPP stayed almost constant as cell size increased from 1‐km2 to 0.5°× 0.5°, as expected. Nordic boreal forests seem to have lower productivity among the world boreal forests.  相似文献   
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