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Endogenous Ag requirement for induction and maintenance of T cell tolerance has been extensively investigated in mice that express a transgenic Ag and/or its cognate transgenic TCR. In contrast, studies on tolerance for physiologically expressed self Ag and normal T cells are limited. Herein, we showed that the murine ovarian-specific ZP3 Ag is detectable from birth. Tolerance to ZP3 is detected in female relative to male mice. In comparison to males, 100-fold more ovarian peptide (pZP3) is required to elicit a comparable pathogenic response in females. Female tolerance to pZP3 was dependent on the presence of endogenous ovarian Ag, because neonatal ovariectomy converted the female response to that of males. Moreover, in female mice that were ovariectomized from the ages of 1-6 wk, the pZP3 responses were enhanced to the male level if ovaries were removed up to 7 days, but not 3 days, before adult challenge with pZP3. Thus, the physiologically expressed ZP3 Ag induces tolerance to pZP3, and the maintenance of tolerance is critically dependent on the continuous presence of the endogenous ovarian Ag. In contrast, exposure to endogenous ovarian Ag confined to the neonatal period is insufficient for the induction and maintenance of tolerance to ZP3.  相似文献   
We present a model for the skeletal muscle troponin-C (TnC)/troponin-I (TnI) interaction, a critical molecular switch that is responsible for calcium-dependent regulation of the contractile mechanism. Despite concerted efforts by multiple groups for more than a decade, attempts to crystallize troponin-C in complex with troponin-I, or in the ternary troponin-complex, have not yet delivered a high-resolution structure. Many groups have pursued different experimental strategies, such as X-ray crystallography, NMR, small-angle scattering, chemical cross-linking, and fluorescent resonance energy transfer (FRET) to gain insights into the nature of the TnC/TnI interaction. We have integrated the results of these experiments to develop a model of the TnC/TnI interaction, using an atomic model of TnC as a scaffold. The TnI sequence was fit to each of two alternate neutron scattering envelopes: one that winds about TnC in a left-handed sense (Model L), and another that winds about TnC in a right-handed sense (Model R). Information from crystallography and NMR experiments was used to define segments of the models. Tests show that both models are consistent with available cross-linking and FRET data. The inhibitory region TnI(95-114) is modeled as a flexible beta-hairpin, and in both models it is localized to the same region on the central helix of TnC. The sequence of the inhibitory region is similar to that of a beta-hairpin region of the actin-binding protein profilin. This similarity supports our model and suggests the possibility of using an available profilin/actin crystal structure to model the TnI/actin interaction. We propose that the beta-hairpin is an important structural motif that communicates the Ca2+-activated troponin regulatory signal to actin.  相似文献   
Inspection of high resolution three-dimensional (3D) structures from the protein database reveals an increasing number of cis-Xaa-Pro and cis-Xaa-Yaa peptide bonds. However, we are still far from being able to predict whether these bonds will remain cis upon single-site substitution of Pro or Yaa and/or cleavage of a peptide bond close to it in the sequence. We have chosen oxidized Escherichia coli thioredoxin (Trx), a member of the Trx superfamily with a single alpha/beta domain and cis P76 to determine the effect of single-site substitution and/or cleavage on this isomer. Standard two-dimensional (2D) NMR analysis were performed on cleaved Trx (1-73/74-108) and its P76A variant. Analysis of the NOE connectivities indicates remarkable similarity between the secondary and supersecondary structure of the noncovalent complexes and Trx. Analysis of the 2D version of the HCCH-TOCSY and HMQC-NOESY-HMQC and 13C-filtered HMQC-NOESY spectra of cleaved Trx with uniformly 13C-labeled 175 and P76 shows surprising conservation of both cis P76 and packing of 175 against W31. A similar NMR analysis of its P76A variant provides no evidence for cis A76 and shows only subtle local changes in both the packing of 175 and the interstrand connectivities between its most protected hydrophobic strands (beta2 and beta4). Indeed, a molecular simulation model for the trans P76A variant of Trx shows only subtle local changes around the substitution site. In conclusion, cleavage of R73 is insufficient to provoke cis/trans isomerization of P76, but cleavage and single-site substitution (P76A) favors the trans isomer.  相似文献   
Transmembrane potential (V(m)) responses in cardiac strands with different curvature were characterized during uniform electric-field stimulation with the use of modeling and experimental approaches. Linear and U-shaped strands (width 100-150 micrometer) were stained with voltage-sensitive dye. V(m) was measured by optical mapping across the width and at sites of beginning curvature. Field pulses were applied transverse to the strands during the action-potential plateau. For linear strands, V(m) contained 1) a rapid passive component (V(m)(ar)) nearly linear and symmetric across the width, 2) a slower hyperpolarizing component (V(m)(as)) greater and faster on the anodal side, and 3) at high field strengths a delayed depolarizing component (V(m)(ad)) greater on the anodal side. For U-shaped strands, V(m) at sites of beginning curvature also contained rapid and slow components (V(m)(br) and V(m)(bs), respectively) that included contributions from the linear strand response and from the fiber curvature. V(m)(ar), V(m)(br), and part of V(m)(bs) could be attributed to passive behavior that was modeled, and V(m)(as), V(m)(ad), and part of V(m)(bs) could be attributed to active membrane currents. Thus curved strands exhibit field responses separable into components with characteristic amplitude, spatial, and temporal signatures.  相似文献   
Recent drug regimens have had much success in the treatment of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected individuals; however, the incidence of resistance to such drugs has become a problem that is likely to increase in importance with long-term therapy of this chronic illness. An analysis and understanding of the molecular interactions between the drug(s) and the mutated viral target(s) is crucial for further progress in the field of AIDS therapy. The protease inhibitor amprenavir (APV) generates a signature set of HIV type 1 (HIV-1) protease mutations associated with in vitro resistance (M46I/L, I47V, and I50V [triple mutant]). Passage of the triple-mutant APV-resistant HIV-1 strain in MT4 cells, in the presence of increasing concentrations of saquinavir (SQV), gave rise to a new variant containing M46I, G48V, I50V, and I84L mutations in the protease and a resulting phenotype that was resistant to SQV and, unexpectedly, resensitized to APV. This phenotype was consistent with a subsequent kinetic analysis of the mutant protease, together with X-ray crystallographic analysis and computational modeling which elucidated the structural basis of these observations. The switch in protease inhibitor sensitivities resulted from (i) the I50V mutation, which reduced the area of contact with APV and SQV; (ii) the compensating I84L mutation, which improved hydrophobic packing with APV; and (iii) the G-to-V mutation at residue 48, which introduced steric repulsion with the P3 group of SQV. This analysis establishes the fine detail necessary for understanding the loss of protease binding for SQV in the quadruple mutant and gain in binding for APV, demonstrating the powerful combination of virology, molecular biology, enzymology, and protein structural and modeling studies in the elucidation and understanding of viral drug resistance.  相似文献   
The possible involvement of calcium in the regulation of ammonium-promoted senescence of detached rice leaves was investigated. Calcium effectively reduced ammonium-promoted senescence of detached rice leaves. The effect of ammonium on the senescence was also significantly reduced by the calcium ionophore A23187. Ammonium-promoted senescence of detached rice leaves may be mediated through blocking the entrance of calcium ions into the cytosol.  相似文献   
 本文~3H-TdR参入细胞DNA为指标研究了EGF等生长调节因子对小鼠腹水癌细胞DNA合成的影响,发现不同癌细胞对EGF等生长因子的敏感性有所差异,考虑到这也许与肿瘤细胞自身特性如恶性度有关。为了进一步探讨恶性度与这一敏感性是否相关,我们观察并比较了C_3H10T1/2CL_8(一种来源于鼠胚的正常成纤维细胞,简称NC_3H_(10)及转化的C_3H_(10)T1/2CL_8(用~3H-TdR转化的上述细胞,简称TC_3H_(10))对EGF等生长因子的敏感性。实验证明,细胞恶性转化后,对EGF的敏感性明显降低,~3H-TdR参入率降至原先的1/4以下。用DBcAMP作用于NC_3H_(10)和TC_3H_(10)均能抑制~3H-TdR参入DNA并可抑制EGF诱导的~3H-TdR参入作用。因此,我们认为,有关物理的致癌因素如放射性同位素,像生物、化学的致癌因素一样,亦能引起其转化细胞对外源性生长调节因子敏感性的改变。  相似文献   
Immunopathology of murine experimental allergic orchitis   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Experimental allergic orchitis (EAO) was induced consistently in BALB/c mice by immunization with homologous testicular tissue homogenate emulsified in complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA) providing that the animals had received simultaneously at least 1 microgram of an extract of Bordetella pertussis rich in pertussigen. All animals thus treated developed orchitis and serum antibody to testicular antigens within 20 days after immunization. The lesions were located in testis (100%), rete testis (37%), cauda epididymis (21%), and vas deferens (37%). Ductus efferentes and caput epididymis were only rarely affected. Early lesions in the seminiferous tubules were characterized by peritubular and/or intratubular accumulation of eosinophils, neutrophils, lymphocytes, and macrophages. This was followed by aspermatogenesis. Late lesions included massive necrosis and extensive fibrosis of the seminiferous tubules. Disruption of blood-testis barrier on day 20 was evidenced by the detection of 1) perfused lanthanum deposits between Sertoli cells and surrounding inflammatory cells inside the seminiferous tubules, 2) deposits of endogenous mouse IgG in germinal epithelium, and 3) probable immune complexes (granular C3) surrounding seminiferous tubules. Murine EAO differed from that of the guinea pig in the lack of involvement of the ductus efferentes, the extensive necrosis, the abundant polymorphonuclear eosinophils in the lesion, and the exquisite requirement of concomitant injection of B. pertussis extract.  相似文献   
The melanocortin system consists of melanocortin peptides derived from the proopiomelanocortin gene, five melanocortin receptors, two endogenous antagonists, and two ancillary proteins. This review provides an abbreviated account of the basic biochemistry, pharmacology, and physiology of the melanocortin system and highlights progress made in four areas. In particular, recent pharmacological and genetic studies have affirmed the role of melanocortins in pigmentation, inflammation, energy homeostasis, and sexual function. Development of selective agonists and antagonists is expected to further facilitate the investigation of these complex physiological functions and provide an experimental basis for new pharmacotherapies.  相似文献   
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