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Hyperphosphorylated tau protein is known to be a major component of the paired helical filaments (PHFs) that accumulate in the brain of Alzheimer's patients. The kinase that phosphorylated Ser-208 and Ser-210 in PHF-tau had remained unknown. We used anti-pS208 and anti-pS210 antibodies and Western blots to confirm that the tau-tubulin kinase (TTK) phosphorylates tau at Ser-208 and at Ser-210. Using partial amino acid sequences of purified bovine brain TTK, a mouse cDNA of TTK was isolated and the sequence was determined. Its 963 bp coding region is composed of 320 amino acids and encodes a 36 kDa protein indistinguishable in size from authentic bovine brain TTK. Our immunoblot analysis demonstrated that TTK is ubiquitously distributed in the rat tissues, and that it is developmentally regulated in the rat brain.  相似文献   
The role of cellular immunity in vaccine protection against FIV infection was evaluated using adoptive cell transfer studies. Specific-pathogen-free cats received two adoptive transfers of washed blood cells from either vaccinated or unvaccinated donors with varying MHC compatibility at 1-week intervals, and a homologous FIV(Pet) challenge 1 day after the first adoptive transfer. FIV-specific CTL, IFN-gamma production, and proliferation responses were detected in the PBMC from the vaccinated donors. Seven of eleven (64%) recipients of cells from half-matched/vaccinated donors remained negative for FIV-antibodies after FIV challenge and four of those were completely protected. Two of two recipients of cells from MHC-identical/vaccinated donors were completely protected. All recipients of cells from unrelated/vaccinated, half-matched/unvaccinated, or unrelated/unvaccinated donors were unprotected. Thus, protection mediated by adoptive transfer of immunocytes from vaccinated cats was MHC-restricted, occurred in the absence of antiviral humoral immunity, and correlated with the transfer of cells with FIV-specific CTL and T-helper activities.  相似文献   
Aniline-degraders were isolated from activated sludge and environmental samples and classified into eight phylogenetic groups. Seven groups were classified into Gram-negative bacteria, such as Acidovorax sp., Acinetobacter sp., Delftia sp., Comamonas sp., and Pseudomonas sp., suggesting the possible dominance of Gram-negative aniline-degraders in the environment. Aniline degradative genes were cloned from D. acidovorans strain 7N, and the nucleotide sequence of the 8,039-bp fragment containing eight open reading frames was determined. Their deduced amino acid sequences showed homologies to glutamine synthetase (GS)-like protein, glutamine amidotransferase (GA)-like protein, large and small subunits of aniline dioxygenase, reductase, LysR-type regulator, small ferredoxin-like protein, and catechol 2,3-dioxygenase, suggesting a high similarity of this gene cluster to those in P. putida strain UCC22 and Acinetobacter sp. strain YAA. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequencing analyses of GS-like protein gene segments of other Gram-negative bacteria suggested that Gram-negative bacteria have aniline degradative gene that can be divided into two distinctive groups.  相似文献   
We have isolated and characterized a cDNA encoding a novel diterpene cyclase, OsDTC1, from suspension-cultured rice cells treated with a chitin elicitor. OsDTC1 functions as ent-cassa-12,15-diene synthase, which is considered to play a key role in the biosynthesis of (-)-phytocassanes recently isolated as rice diterpenoid phytoalexins. The expression of OsDTC1 mRNA was also confirmed in ultraviolet (UV)-irradiated rice leaves. In addition, we identified ent-cassa-12,15-diene, a putative diterpene hydrocarbon precursor of (-)-phytocassanes, as an endogenous compound in the chitin-elicited suspension-cultured rice cells and the UV-irradiated rice leaves. The OsDTC1 cDNA isolated here will be a useful tool to investigate the regulatory mechanisms of the biosynthesis of (-)-phytocassanes in rice.  相似文献   
Sphingomonas sp. strain A4 is capable of utilizing acenaphthene and acenaphthylene as sole carbon and energy sources, but it is unable to grow on other polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The genes encoding terminal oxygenase components of ring-hydroxylating dioxygenase (arhA1 and arhA2) were isolated from this strain by means of the ability to oxidize indole to indigo of the Escherichia coli clone containing electron transport proteins from phenanthrene-degrading Sphingobium sp. strain P2. The translated products of arhA1 and arhA2 exhibited moderate sequence identity (less than 56%) to large and small subunits of dioxygenase of other ring-hydroxylating dioxygenases. Biotransformation with recombinant E. coli clone revealed the broad substrate specificity of this oxygenase toward several PAHs including acenaphthene, acenaphthylene, naphthalene, phenanthrene, anthracene and fluoranthene. Southern hybridization analysis revealed the presence of a putative arhA1 homologue on a locus different from that of the arhA1 gene. Insertion inactivation of the arhA1 gene in strain A4 suggested that the gene but not the putative homologue one was involved in the degradation of acenaphthene and acenaphthylene in this strain.  相似文献   
It has been known that halophilic bacteria often show natural resistance to antibiotics, dyes, and toxic metal ions, but the mechanism and regulation of this resistance have remained unexplained. We have addressed this question by identifying the gene responsible for multidrug resistance. A spontaneous ofloxacin-resistant mutant derived from the moderately halophilic bacterium Chromohalobacter sp. strain 160 showed a two- to fourfold increased resistance to structurally diverse compounds, such as tetracycline, cefsulodin, chloramphenicol, and ethidium bromide (EtBr), and tolerance to organic solvents, e.g., hexane and heptane. The mutant produced an elevated level of the 58-kDa outer membrane protein. This mutant (160R) accumulated about one-third the level of EtBr that the parent cells did. An uncoupler, carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone, caused a severalfold increase in the intracellular accumulation of EtBr, with the wild-type and mutant cells accumulating nearly equal amounts. The hrdC gene encoding the 58-kDa outer membrane protein has been cloned. Disruption of this gene rendered the cells hypersusceptible to antibiotics and EtBr and led to a high level of accumulation of intracellular EtBr. The primary structure of HrdC has a weak similarity to that of Escherichia coli TolC. Interestingly, both drug resistance and the expression of HrdC were markedly increased in the presence of a high salt concentration in the growth medium, but this was not observed in hrdC-disrupted cells. These results indicate that HrdC is the outer membrane component of the putative efflux pump assembly and that it plays a major role in the observed induction of drug resistance by salt in this bacterium.  相似文献   
The Mouse Lymphoma Assay (MLA) Workgroup of the International Workshop on Genotoxicity Tests (IWGT) met on June 28th and 29th, 2002, in Plymouth, England. This meeting of the MLA group was devoted to discussing the criteria for assay acceptance and appropriate approaches to data evaluation. Prior to the meeting, the group conducted an extensive analysis of data from both the microwell and soft agar versions of the assay. For the establishment of criteria for assay acceptance, 10 laboratories (6 using the microwell method and 4 using soft agar) provided data on their background mutant frequencies, plating efficiencies of the negative/vehicle control, cell suspension growth, and positive control mutant frequencies. Using the distribution curves generated from this data, the Workgroup reached consensus on the range of values that should be used to determine whether an individual experiment is acceptable. In order to establish appropriate approaches for data evaluation, the group used a number of statistical methods to evaluate approximately 400 experimental data sets from 10 laboratories entered into a database created for the earlier MLA Workshop held in New Orleans [Environ. Mol. Mutagen. 40 (2002) 292]. While the Workgroup could not, during this meeting, make a final recommendation for the evaluation of data, a general strategy was developed and the Workgroup members agreed to evaluate this new proposed approach using their own laboratory data. This evaluation should lead to a consensus global approach for data evaluation in the near future.  相似文献   
We have used a virus overlay assay to detect cellular proteins associated with human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) particles. The radiolabeled HCMV particles specifically bound to two host proteins with molecular sizes of 150 and 180 kDa. By a micro-amino-acid sequencing technique, the 180-kDa protein was identified as a human homologue of the ES130/p180 ribosome receptor (p180), which is an integral endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane protein possessing a very unique tandem repeat domain at its N-terminal region. The virus overlay assay using truncated p180 polypeptides revealed that HCMV binding to human p180 occurred through the N-terminal region. In HCMV-permissive cells the high level of expression of the human p180 protein was clearly observed regardless of cell type. Furthermore, we showed that p180 binds to the UL48 gene product, which is one of the predominant tegument proteins of HCMV and which is considered to be tightly associated with the capsid. The interaction between the two proteins was assumed to be specific and was observed both in vitro and in vivo. During the late phase of infection, the unique relocation of human p180 was observed, that is, to the juxtanuclear region, which appeared to be in the vicinity of the area where naked virions were frequently observed in an electron-microscopic study. Thus our data suggest that p180 interacts with the HCMV tegument, at least through pUL48, during the HCMV replication process. We discuss the possible role of the interaction between p180 and pUL48 in the intracellular transport of HCMV virions.  相似文献   
An extra copy of human chromosome 21 (Chr 21) causes Down syndrome (DS), which is characterized by mental retardation and congenital heart disease (CHD). Chimeric mice containing Chr 21 also exhibit phenotypic traits of DS including CHD. In this study, to identify genes contributing to DS phenotypes, we compared the overall protein expression patterns in hearts of Chr 21 chimeras and wild type mice by two-dimensional electrophoresis. The endogenous mouse atrial specific isoform of myosin light chain-2 (mlc-2a) protein was remarkably downregulated in the hearts of chimeric mice. We also confirmed that the human MLC-2A protein level was significantly lower in a human DS neonate heart, as compared to that of a normal control. Since mouse mlc-2a is involved in heart morphogenesis, our data suggest that the downregulation of this gene plays a crucial role in the CHD observed in DS. The dosage imbalance of Chr 21 has a trans-acting effect which lowers the expression of other genes encoded elsewhere in the genome.  相似文献   
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