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Performance of cognitive tests and EEG spectral power were evaluated in 39 students aged from 19-21 years in two conditions: during common educational process and immediately before examination (stress condition). Before examination, the performance was better in subjects with low level of spectral density in the delta band (in the occipital, parietal, central and frontal cortical areas) and high level of the alpha-rhythm spectral density in all the cortical areas, A decrease in performance scores before examination was correlated with an increase in the delta activity (in the right frontal and temporal cortical areas) and rise of the anxiety level (tested by Spielberger).  相似文献   
New analogues of 3beta-hydroxy-5alpha-cholest-8(14)-en-15-one (15-ketosterol) with modified 17-chains [(22S,23S,24S)- and (22R,23R,24S)-3beta-hydroxy-24-methyl-22,23-oxido-5alpha-cholest-8(14)-en-15-ones and (22RS,23xi,24S)-24-methyl-5alpha-cholesta-3beta,22,23-triol-15-one] were synthesized from (22E,24S)-3beta-acetoxy-24-methyl-5alpha-cholesta-8(14),22-dien-15-one. The chiralities of their 22 and 23 centers were determined by NMR spectroscopy. The isomeric 22,23-epoxides effectively inhibited cholesterol biosynthesis in hepatoma Hep G2 cells (IC50 0.9 +/- 0.2 and 0.7 +/- 0.2 microM, respectively), and their activities significantly exceeded those of 15-ketosterol (IC50 4.0 +/- 0.5 microM), (22E,24S)-3beta-hydroxy-24-methyl-5alpha-cholesta-8(14),22-dien-15-one (IC50 3.1 +/- 0.4 microM), and the 3beta,22,23-triol synthesized (IC50 6.0 +/- 1.0 microM). The English version of the paper: Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry, 2005, vol. 31, no. 3; see also http://www.maik.ru.  相似文献   
Population-genetic study of indigenous populations representing three ethnic Chuvash group: highland (Cheboksarsk and Morgaush district), lowland (Kanash district) and mid-lowland (Marposad district). Eight polymorphic DNA loci of the nuclear genome (VNTR/PAH, STR/PAH, VNTR/ApoB, VNTR/DAT1, APF, VNTR/eNOS, IVS6aGATT, and KM.19/PstI) were examined in the population of each district. For each of the four population, we estimated the allele and genotype frequency distributions at each polymorphic system, heterozygosities HS and between-population differences FST. In the combined Chuvash sample, HS = 0.464 and FST = 0.006. Loci VNTR(DAT) and VNTR(ApoB) showed highest between-population differentiation (0.009 < or = FST < or = 0.012), and loci IVS6aGATT, APF, VNTR/eNOS, and D7S23 (KM.19), lowest differentiation (0.001 < or = FST < or = 0.003). Analysis of genetic distances revealed somewhat higher genetic similarity between the Cheboksarsk and Morgaush populations belonging to the highland Chuvash group, whereas the highland Chuvash population from the Marposad district, which belong to the mid-lowland group, was more distant from the former populations.  相似文献   
The mutagenic activity of chemical analogues of microbial anabiosis autoinducers (the autoregulatory d1 factors of cell differentiation), which act to inhibit cell proliferation, to enhance cell tolerance, and to induce the transition of cells to anabiotic state, was studied using the Ames test. In the range of concentrations studied (0.1 to 100 micrograms/ml), alkyl-substituted hydroxybenzenes (AHBs) differing in hydrophobicity, i.e., methylresorcinol (C1-AHB) and hexylresorcinol (C6-AHB), as well as unsubstituted resorcinol, showed different growth-inhibiting and mutagenic effects. C6-AHB was found to inhibit the growth of Salmonella typhimurium TA100 and to induce its mutagenesis at a rate of 1.8 revertants/nmol. C1-AHB taken at low concentrations not only failed to inhibit bacterial growth but even stimulated it and exerted an antimutagenic effect. Unsubstituted resorcinol virtually did not influence bacterial growth and showed weak mutagenic activity. The growth-inhibiting effect of elevated C6-AHB concentrations correlated with the degree of the transition of the original phenotype producing S-type colonies to a phenotype producing R-type colonies. The role of AHB homologues, as microbial autoregulators with mutagenic activity, in the regulation and correlation of two processes (the phenotypic dissociation of microbial populations and the formation of resting microbial forms) is discussed. The accumulation of AHBs in senescent microbial cultures may induce adaptive mutations, change the expression of genes, and promote the development of minor cell subpopulations (phenotypes), thus providing for the adaptation of these cultures to varying environmental conditions.  相似文献   
The effect of the bleomycin A5 residue linked to four-, eight-, and twelve-mer oligodeoxyribonucleotides on the substrate properties of their tandem and continuous (with or without unmodified octanucleotide effectors) hybrid duplexes was studied using E. coli RNase H. The bleomycin derivatives of oligodeoxyribonucleotides were shown to form hybrid duplexes with practically the same thermostability as those formed by unmodified oligodeoxyribonucleotides. The RNA in the bleomycin-containing hybrid duplexes is cleaved by the E. coli RNase H; however, the initial hydrolysis rate (v0) is 2.6-3.4-fold reduced for the continuous duplexes. In the case of tandem hybrid complexes, the effect of bleomycin on v0 was less pronounced. We hypothesized that steric factors play a key role in the bleomycin inhibition and effectors probably determine the substrate properties of such hybrid complexes. Of all the tandem systems studied, the RNA duplex with the bleomycin-containing tetranucleotide flanked with two effectors displayed the best substrate properties. The English version of the paper: Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry, 2002, vol. 28, no. 4; see also http://www.maik.ru.  相似文献   
Molecular genome analysis was for the first time carried out in the genus Stachys. RAPD analysis proved to be suitable for identifying the species-specific markers, studying the interspecific DNA polymorphism, and detecting the genetic changes that arise during in vitro culturing of Stachys sieboldii. In addition, RAPD was used for screening genetic variation in S. sieboldii regenerants obtained at various phytohormone concentrations. High cytokinin concentrations and multiple regeneration were shown to induce genetic changes detectable with RAPD patterns. High DNA polymorphism was demonstrated for two types of S. sieboldii callus cultures and for plants regenerated from a callus culture.  相似文献   
The activity and the cofactor specificity of xylose reductase and xylitol dehydrogenase were studied in extracts of yeasts from the genera Candida, Kluyveromyces, Pachysolen, Pichia, and Torulopsis grown under microaerobic conditions. It was found that xylitol dehydrogenase in all of the yeast species studied is specific for NAD+; xylose reductase in the xylitol-producing species C. didensiae, C. intermediae, C. parapsilosis, C. silvanorum, C. tropicalis, Kl. fragilis, Kl. marxianus, P. guillermondii, and T. molishiama is specific for NADPH; and xylose reductase in the ethanol-producing species P. stipitis, C. shehatae, and Pa. tannophilus is specific for both NADPH and NADH.  相似文献   
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