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Our current understanding of clathrin-mediated endocytosis proposes that the process is initiated at a specialized anatomical structure called a coated pit. Electron microscopy has been required for elucidation of the morphology of coated pits and the vesicles produced therein, and the presence of a bristle coat has been taken as suggestive of clathrin surrounding these vesicles. More recently, immunocytochemical methods have confirmed that endocytic vesicles are surrounded by clathrin and its adaptor proteins, but there is a need to identify precisely and to follow the fate of the cellular organelles seen by fluorescence microscopy. We used quantum immune-electron microscopy to localize clathrin in a human adrenal cortical cell line (SW-13). Clathrin was shown to associate with a variety of vesicle types including the classic clathrin-coated vesicles and pits used in receptor internalization, pentilaminar annular gap junction vesicles, and multivesicular bodies. The images obtained with quantum dot technology allow accurate and specific localization of clathrin and the clathrin adaptor protein, AP-2, with cellular organelles and suggest that some of the structures classified as typical coated vesicles by immunocytochemical light microscopic techniques actually may be membrane bound pits.  相似文献   

A real-time PCR assay was used to quantify the relationship in alfalfa and pea between disease severity and the amount of Aphanomyces euteiches detected in roots. The study included isolates of race 1 and race 2 of the alfalfa pathovar of A. euteiches and an isolate obtained from diseased pea. Spearman rank correlations between pathogen DNA content and disease severity index (DSI) ratings were positive ( ? 0.57) and significant (P  0.0007) for individual alfalfa plants, bulked alfalfa plant samples, and individual pea plants. In all experiments, significantly more pathogen was detected in susceptible populations than in resistant populations. The results clearly demonstrate that resistance to A. euteiches in both alfalfa and pea is characterized by a reduction in pathogen colonization relative to levels observed for susceptible reactions. The assay was very specific for A. euteiches, producing very linear assays with DNA extracted from pathogen isolates obtained from alfalfa, pea, and bean. Possible applications of the assay in conjunction with other real-time PCR assays specific to other legume pathogens are discussed in relation to simultaneous disease screening for multiple plant pathogens and the study of microbial population dynamics in mixed plant infections.  相似文献   
The Bank Cormorant Phalacrocorax neglectus is endemic to the Benguela upwelling ecosystem off southwest Africa and is classified as Endangered owing to a recent large reduction in its number. It is thought that food scarcity, including a decreased abundance of West Coast rock lobster Jasus lalandii, has been a major driver of the decrease, yet its diet in South Africa is poorly known. We collected 941 pellets regurgitated by Bank Cormorants, at 18 South African breeding colonies during 1975–1985, and 1 523 pellets at 17 colonies during 1995–2002. The species composition of the diet (% numbers) was significantly different between the two periods, with widespread decreases in proportions of rock lobster in the west and of octopus and cuttlefish Sepia spp. at most localities. These taxa were replaced in the diet by fish, including Gobiidae and Clinidae. The pelagic goby Sufflogobius bibarbatus, an important prey of Bank Cormorants in Namibia, was absent from pellets collected in 1975–1985 but common at northern localities from 1995–2002. Composition of the diet by frequency of occurrence was only determined for 1995–2002, when rock lobster was present in 67% of all samples collected, cuttlefish in 39%, and Clinidae in 32%. Data for 1975–1985 and 1995–2002 showed that carapace lengths of rock lobsters eaten by Bank Cormorants averaged 56 mm (range 22–82 mm) and 50 mm (range 22–75 mm), respectively, which compares to the minimum legal size of 75 mm for fisheries in South Africa. This energy- rich prey item was an important constituent of the diet in the winter breeding period.  相似文献   
We have previously shown that activity of a Cl- channel is required for acidification of clathrin-coated vesicles by the coated vesicle (H+)-ATPase (Arai, H., Pink, S. and Forgac, M. (1989) Biochemistry 28, 3075-3082). We demonstrate that activity of the coated vesicle Cl- channel is modulated by phosphorylation. Cl- conductance was measured in a reconstituted preparation of coated vesicle membrane proteins using the Cl(-)-sensitive fluorescence probe, 6-methoxy-N-(3-sulfopropyl)quinolinium. Treatment of coated vesicle membranes with alkaline phosphatase resulted in a 25 +/- 5% decrease in Cl- channel activity. A parallel decrease in ATP-dependent acidification of coated vesicles was also observed. The decrease in Cl- conductance and ATP-dependent acidification was reversed by treatment with protein kinase A and MgATP; the alkaline phosphatase inhibitor, sodium orthovanadate, blocked the inhibition of acidification. These results indicate that Cl- conductance in coated vesicles is modulated by a protein kinase A-dependent phosphorylation and that this modulation in turn affects ATP-dependent acidification.  相似文献   
HPLC-electrospray mass spectrometry was used to identify the phosphorylated sites on a bacterially expressed cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) fragment containing the first nucleotide binding domain (NBD1) and the regulatory domain (R). Tryptic digests of NBD1-R (CFTR residues 404-830) were analyzed after protein kinase A (PKA) treatment for all possible peptides and phosphopeptides (a total of 118 species) containing Ser residues within "high-probability" PKA consensus sequences: R-R/K-X-S/T, R-X-X-S/T, and R-X-S/T. Three criteria were used to assign phosphorylated sites: (1) an 80-Da increase in the predicted average molecular weight of the tryptic peptides; (2) co-elution with the PO3- ion induced by stepped energy collision; and (3) the relative elution positions of the phosphorylated and unmodified peptides. Ser residues within the eight dibasic sites in the NBD1 and R domains (positions 422, 660, 700, 712, 737, 768, 795, and 813) were phosphorylated, a pattern similar to that observed for full-length CFTR. The serine at position 753, which in CFTR is phosphorylated in vivo, was not phosphorylated. The remaining potential PKA sites, Ser489, Ser519, Ser557, Ser670, and Thr788, were not phosphorylated. The "low-probability" PKA sites (those not containing an Arg residue) were not phosphorylated. The results suggest that isolated domains of CFTR developed useful models for investigating the biochemical and structural effects of phosphorylation within CFTR. The mass spectrometry approach in this study should prove useful for defining phosphorylation sites of CFTR in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   
A membrane-integrated , core-glycosylated form of bovine opsin was synthesized in vitro when bovine retina mRNA was translated in a wheat germ cell-free system supplemented with dog pancreas microsomal vesicles; glycosylation and integration of opsin into membranes were coupled to translation. Proteolysis with themolysin was used to probe the orientation of opsin within the dog pancreas microsomal membrane, and to compare it with that of opsin in rod cell disk membranes isolated from bovine retina. Intact microsomal or disk vesicles were required for production of discrete, membrane-associated thermolysin fragments of opsin; no discrete opsin fragments were detected when membranes were incubated with thermolysin in the presence of the nonionic detergent, Triton X-100. The major opsin fragments produced by themosylin treatment of intact microsomal vesicles resembled those from disk vesicles in their size, oligosaccharide content, and order of appearance. In each case, the first cleavage of opsin took place at the COOH-terminus, generating a glycosylated fragment, O’, which was only slightly smaller than intact opsin. Both the microsomal and disk membrane forms of O’ were next cleaved internally; glycosylated fragments of similar sizes in both cases were detected which were derived from the NH(2)-terminal portion of O’. Several smaller NH(2)-terminal fragments of opsin were detected only in thermolysin-treated microsomal membranes, and not in disk membranes. The data suggest that the topology of opsin integrated into dog pancreas microsomal vesicles is similar to that in rod cell disk vesicles, although not identical. In each case, the glycosylated NH(2)-terminal region of opsin is located within the lumen of the vesicle, while discrete COOH-terminal and internal segments of opsin apparently emerge at the outer, cytoplasmic face of the membrane. Thus, opsin in the heterologous microsomal membrane, like its counterpart in the native disk membrane, may cross the bilayer at least three times. The internal domain of the polypeptide that emerges at the outer membrane surface is apparently more highly exposed in the case of opsin in microsomal membranes, evidenced by the additional internal thermolysin cleavage sites detected.  相似文献   
Attentional modulation of central odor processing   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
Two studies were conducted to investigate the influence of attention on the components of the chemosensory event-related potential (CSERP). In the first study the odors linalool and eugenol were delivered to six male subjects, in the second study three male and two female subjects were presented with their own body odor (axillary hair) and the body odor of a same sex donor. In both studies the odors were presented in an oddball paradigm under ignore and attend conditions via a constant- flow olfactometer. In the ignore condition attention was diverted from the odors with a distractor task, while in the attend condition the subjects were asked to respond to the infrequently occurring odor. In both studies the allocation of attention led to a decrease in the latency of the early components (N1, P2, N2) and to an increase in the amplitude of the late positivities. The modulation of the early components suggests that attentional gating in olfaction might already be effective at an early processing level.   相似文献   
Candelilla (Euphorbia antisiphylitica Zucc.) is a very important plant resource in the arid lands of Northern Mexico. This is because the wax content coating the stem has unique properties which have been useful for multiple applications in the food industry, electronics, cosmetics, etc. However, the intensive exploitation of this resource has caused a great decrease in the populations of this species making necessary to consider strategies for their conservation and sustainable use. One of the primary needs with regeneration purposes is to know their reproductive processes, particularly the biotic and/or abiotic factors that determine the viability and germination of seeds. The present study evaluated the (1) germination and seed viability in relation to the ripeness degree of the fruit at the time of collection, (2) weight of the seed (low, medium and high), and (3) storage time (1, 3, and 5 months). Fruits from four locations, two in the State of Coahuila (Las Coloradas and Candela) and two in the State of Nuevo Leon (Icamole 1 and Icamole 2), were collected. Three germination assays were carried out corresponding to each month of storage. Seed viability was determined by the tetrazolium test. The average weight of the candelilla seeds was 0.0029 ± 0.0010 g, with extreme average values of 0.0018 ± 0.0006 g at Las Coloradas and 0.0036 ± 0.0010 g in Icamole 2. Those seeds with heavier weight obtained from red fruits and with 1 month of storage showed the highest average percentage of viability (66.87 ± 24.19%). At the same time, seeds with around average weight, obtained from red fruits and five months of storage, showed the highest average germination percentage (50.00 ± 9.42%).  相似文献   


Improvements in protein sequence annotation and an increase in the number of annotated protein databases has fueled development of an increasing number of software tools to predict secreted proteins. Six software programs capable of high throughput and employing a wide range of prediction methods, SignalP 3.0, SignalP 2.0, TargetP 1.01, PrediSi, Phobius, and ProtComp 6.0, are evaluated.  相似文献   
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