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Ketogulonicigenium vulgare is characterized by the efficient production of 2KGA from L-sorbose. Ketogulonicigenium vulgare Y25 is known as a 2-keto-L-gulonic acid-producing strain in the vitamin C industry. Here we report the finished, annotated genome sequence of Ketogulonicigenium vulgare Y25.  相似文献   
运用双向聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(2DPAGE)分析未交配小鼠子宫内膜和妊娠第五天(D5)小鼠子宫内膜胚泡黏附时植入位点及其旁组织蛋白质组。差异蛋白质组学显示,等电点(isoelectric point,pI)约7.1、分子量(molecular weight,Mw)约18kDa的蛋白质点在D5小鼠子宫内膜特别是植入位点表达上调。对此蛋白质点用基质辅助激光解析电离飞行时间质谱(matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flying mass spectrometry,MALDI—TOF—MS)测定其胶内酶解后的肽质量指纹谱(Peptide Mass Fingerprint,PMF),经Mascot:Peptide Mass Fingerprint中SWISS-PROT数据库查询后,鉴定该蛋白质为鼠源性nm23-M2/NDPKB。RT—PCR和免疫组织化学结果也显示D5小鼠子宫内膜nm23-M2/NDPK B mRNA和蛋白表达明显增加。提示nm23-M2/NDPKB参与胚泡着床这一重要生命活动过程。  相似文献   
实验采用刚断乳的幼鼠20 只, 分为两组喂养, 每组10 只, 对照组和普通饲料喂养(简称A 组),另一组用奶粉喂养(简称B组)。分别喂养20天后, 对其肝组织化学进行了分组定性对比观察。结果显示:A 组肝细胞糖原PAS反应, SDH、ChE活性高于B组, 分别为强阳性(), 而B组LDH, AKP活性比A组强, 分别为强阳性及最强阳性 (, )。  相似文献   
本文以PNA(花生凝集素)为探针,应用ABC亲和组化技术,对69例原发不育症患者的子宫内膜PNA受体进行了检测.结果表明,原发不育症子宫内膜的增生期、分泌期PNA受体的阳性率均显著低于年龄相似、有生育史的对照组子宫内膜的阳性率.不育症子宫内膜分泌欠佳的PNA受体阳性率显著低于不育症分泌期不同时期子宫内膜的阳性率.提示,这种差异可能与雌孕激素对两组子宫内膜作用水平的不同引起.  相似文献   
为了在Epstein-Barr病毒(EBV)172kb的基因组中引入突变以研究基因功能,建立了一种简单有效的基因操作方法.在载体pcDNA3.1( )上操作,将两端含有重组蛋白FLP识别位点(FRT)的卡那霉素筛选标记基因(kan)与鼻咽癌(NPC)来源的、包含LMP1基因全长ORF的gDNA"无缝"连接(无外源序列插入).连接后的kan-LMP1线性DNA片段经转化、由λ噬菌体中redαβγ系统介导在E.coli中发生同源重组(ET克隆),用kan-LMP1替代了BAC-EBV(p2089)中相应的LMP1基因区域,然后经过重组蛋白FLP对FRT-kan-FRT特异性的识别,切除了引入的kan基因,留下一个69bp的FRT"疤痕".通过抗性筛选和对菌液进行PCR扩增可以鉴定突变子.这种经改进并程序化的方法.也适应于引入其它突变或在其它BAC-疱疹病毒基因组中引入突变.  相似文献   
1. A replication-competent recombinant VSV with RABV-G protein replacement was generated.
2. Single dose of VSV-RABVG immunization induce potent antigen-specific humoral immune response, especially the virus neutralizing antibodies.
3. Mice intranasally immunized with single dose of VSV-RABVG were 100% protected upon RABV challenge.  相似文献   
During chronic infection, the single celled parasite, Toxoplasma gondii, can migrate to the brain where it has been associated with altered dopamine function and the capacity to modulate host behavior, increasing risk of neurocognitive disorders. Here we explore alterations in dopamine-related behavior in a new mouse model based on stimulant (cocaine)-induced hyperactivity. In combination with cocaine, infection resulted in heightened sensorimotor deficits and impairment in prepulse inhibition response, which are commonly disrupted in neuropsychiatric conditions. To identify molecular pathways in the brain affected by chronic T. gondii infection, we investigated patterns of gene expression. As expected, infection was associated with an enrichment of genes associated with general immune response pathways, that otherwise limits statistical power to identify more informative pathways. To overcome this limitation and focus on pathways of neurological relevance, we developed a novel context enrichment approach that relies on a customized ontology. Applying this approach, we identified genes that exhibited unexpected patterns of expression arising from the combination of cocaine exposure and infection. These include sets of genes which exhibited dampened response to cocaine in infected mice, suggesting a possible mechanism for some observed behaviors and a neuroprotective effect that may be advantageous to parasite persistence. This model offers a powerful new approach to dissect the molecular pathways by which T. gondii infection contributes to neurocognitive disorders.  相似文献   
湖南永顺县落叶木莲资源考察研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首次报道湘西武陵山地永顺县发现国家一级保护植物落叶木莲。分布面积2000 hm2,多呈散生分布,稀有小面积群落,成年大树有5000余株,胸径5 cm以下幼树及小苗有20000余株。落叶木莲群落属常绿与落叶阔叶混交林,分布海拔400~900 m的山坡中下部,主要有枫香、野漆树、落叶木莲和甜槠、星毛石栎、落叶木莲等群落类型。此前,落叶木莲仅分布江西幕阜山地宜春市明月山,是木兰科木莲属极度濒危的唯一一个落叶树种,对探讨被子植物的起源和木兰科的系统演化有重要的科学意义。  相似文献   
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