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Two cDNA clones, AATCDPK1 and cATCDPK2, encoding Ca2+-dependent, calmodulin-independent protein kinases (CDPK) were cloned from Arabidopsis thaliana and their nucleotide sequences were determined. Northern blot analysis indicated that the mRNAs corresponding to the ATCDPK1 and ATCDPK2 genes are rapidly induced by drought and high-salt stress but not by low-temperature stress or heat stress. Treatment of Arabidopsis plants with exogenous abscisic acid (ABA) had no effect on the induction of ATCDPK1 or ATCDPK2. These findings suggest that a change in the osmotic potential of the environment can serve as a trigger for the induction of ATCDPK1 and ATCDPK2. Putative proteins encoded by ATCDPK1 and ATCDPK2 which contain open reading frames of 1479 and 1488 bp, respectively, are designated ATCDPK1 and ATCDPK2 and show 52% identity at the amino acid sequence level. ATCDPK1 and ATCDPK2 exhibit significant similarity to a soybean CDPK (51 % and 73%, respectively). Both proteins contain a catalytic domain that is typical of serine/threonine protein kinases and a regulatory domain that is homologous to the Ca2+-binding sites of calmodulin. Genomic Southern blot analysis suggests the existence of a few additional genes that are related to ATCDPK1 and ATCDPK2 in the Arabidopsis genome. The ATCDPK2 protein expressed in Escherichia coli was found to phosphorylate casein and myelin basic protein preferentially, relative to a histone substrate, and required Ca2+ for activation.  相似文献   
Abstract: The in vivo microdialysis method was used to study the effect of the cholecystokinin-related peptide, ceruletide, on extracellular levels of dopamine (DA) in the striatum following perfusion with various K+ concentrations. Increasing the K+ concentration in the perfusate from 4 to 15 or 17.5 m M did not change basal DA release or release evoked by electrical stimulation of the medial forebrain bundle (MFB). However, when the perfusing solution contained 20 or 30 m M K+, dose-dependent reductions of both basal and MFB-stimulated DA release occurred. Subcutaneous administration of ceruletide at 160 μg/kg had no influence on the basal or MFB-stimulated DA release with 4 or 15 m M K+ in the perfusate. However, after perfusion with 17.5 m M K+, ceruletide significantly attenuated the basal and MFB-stimulated DA release. Carbachol (10 μ M ) locally applied via the dialysis probe also attenuated MFB-stimulated DA release after perfusion with 17.5 m M K+. From these results, we conclude that under appropriate depolarization of striatal DA terminals, ceruletide induces further depolarization and inactivation of nigrostriatal DA terminals. The present data suggest that this effect may be mediated via intrinsic cholinergic neurons in the striatum.  相似文献   
A neural network model for explaining experimentally observed neuronal responses in cat primary visual cortex is proposed. In our model, the basic functional unit is an orientation column which is represented by a large homogeneous population of neurons modeled as integrate-and-fire type excitable elements. The orientation column exhibits spontaneous collective oscillations in activity in response to suitable visual stimuli. Such oscillations are caused by mutual synchronization among the neurons within the column. Numerical simulation for various stimulus patterns shows that as a result of activity correlations between different columns, the amplitude and the phase of the oscillation in each column depend strongly on the global feature of the stimulus pattern. These results satisfactorily account for experimental observations.  相似文献   
Dispersal propensity of green leafhoppers was compared between a tropical species, Nephotettix virescens, and a temperate species, N. cincticeps. The flight ability was measured with tethered flight technique under laboratory conditions (25°C, 16L-8D). The pre-flight period was shorter and the flight duration was longer in N. virescens than in N. cincticeps in both sexes. No significant correlations were found between the flight activity and morphometric characters for either of the two species. The results suggested that dispersal propensity of N. virescens is higher than that of N. cincticeps.  相似文献   
Catalases purified from endosperm glyoxysomes and non-specializedmicrobodies from hypocotyls of castor bean seedlings differedin their specific activity [90–164 and 0.89–4.9kunits (mg protein)–1, respectively] and in their constituentsubunits [two subunits of 54 and 56 kDa for the endosperm enzymeand only one of 56 kDa for the hypocotyl enzyme]. Immunoblotanalysis also showed that particulate fractions from the endospermsand from etiolated and green cotyledons contained two catalasesubunits of 54 and 56 kDa, whereas such fractions from the hypocotylsand roots contained only the 56-kDa subunit. Leaf peroxisomesfrom green leaves had two catalase subunits of around 55 kDaeach. Results of translation in vitro indicated that the 54-and 56-kDa subunits were translated from distinct mRNAs andlevels of both mRNAs increased in the endosperms during germination,prior to increases in levels of catalase proteins. In the hypocotyls,the 56-kDa subunit seemed to be synthesized constitutively. 1Present addresses: YO, Toyota Central Institute, 31-9 Musashizuka,Nagabuchi, Nagakute, Aichi 480-11, Japan  相似文献   
Addition of ethylene glycol (EG) or NaCl to cells of Chlamydomonasreinhardtii induced transient non-photochemical quenching ofChl fluorescence correlated with the inhibition of photosyntheticoxygen evolution. The induction of the quenching and subsequentrecovery proceeded not only in the light but also in the dark.The quenching was almost unaffected by the protonophore nigericin,suggesting the involvement of a type of non-photochemical quenchingattributable to a state 2 transition. Higher concentrationsof EG or NaCl caused a delay of the recovery of the maximumfluorescence yield (Fm'). Dark reduction rate of P700+ afterthe application of a flash light in the presence of DCMU wasenhanced by the hyperosmotic shock, suggesting a stimulatedreduction of the intersystem electron carriers. It is proposedthat the osmotic stress stimulates electron donation from stromalcomponents via the NAD(P)H dehydrogenase, which results in thereduction of the intersystem chain and triggering of a state2 transition leading to stimulated cyclic PSI activity. (Received May 16, 1995; Accepted July 26, 1995)  相似文献   
A-factor (2-isocapryloyl-3R-hydroxymethyl-gamma-butyrolactone) is essentially required for aerial mycelium formation and streptomycin production in Streptomyces griseus. A DNA fragment which induced aerial mycelium formation and sporulation in an A-factor-deficient mutant strain, S. griseus HH1, was cloned from this strain on a high-copy-number plasmid. Subcloning and nucleotide sequencing revealed that one open reading frame with 218 amino acids, named AmfC, served as a multicopy suppressor of the aerial mycelium-defective phenotype of the A-factor-deficient strain. The amfC gene did not restore A-factor or streptomycin production, indicating that amfC is involved in aerial mycelium formation independently of secondary metabolic function. Disruption of the chromosomal amfC gene in the wild-type S. griseus strain caused a severe reduction in the abundance of spores but no effect on the shape or size of the spores. The infrequent sporulation of the amfC disruptant was reversed by introduction of amfC on a plasmid. The amfC-defective phenotype was also restored by the orf1590 gene but not by the amfR-amfA-amfB gene cluster. Nucleotide sequences homologous to the amfC gene were distributed in all of 12 Streptomyces species tested, including Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2). The amfC homolog of S. coelicolor A3(2) was cloned and its nucleotide sequence was determined. The AmfC products of S. griseus and S. coelicolor A3(2) showed a 60% identity in their amino acid sequences. Introduction of the amfC gene of S. coelicolor A3(2) into strain HH1 induced aerial mycelium formation and sporulation, which suggests that both play the same functional role in morphogenesis in the strains.  相似文献   
Many morphologically similar, but chemically distinct, populations have been found in the marine red alga Laurencia nipponica Yamada (Rhodomelaceae, Ceramiales) growing in Japan. Each chemical type is characterized by a specific end-product of halogenated secondaly metabolite synthesis: chamigrane-type sesquiterpenoids such as prepacifenol and halochamigrene epoxide and C15 bromoethers such as laurencin, laureatin, isoprelaurefucin, epilaurallene, and kumausallene. These seven types of secondary metabolite syntheses remained the same in the wild and under various culture conditions. Because bromoethers and terpenoids are probably synthesized by different metabolic pathways, it is virtually certain that different sets of enzymes participate in their synthesis. Prepacifenol- and laureatin-producing populations were selected as representatives of terpenoid and bromoether groups, respectively. F1 tetrasporophytes derived from crosses between reciprocal, female and male gametophytes of prepacifenol- and laureatin-producing strains bore both types of metabolites, suggesting that the genes Producing these enzyme systems are encoded by nuclear genomes. The F1 gametophytes resulting from the reciprocal crosses produced either prepacifenol or laureatin, and the four individuals derived from spore tetrads (a set of tetraspores derived from a single tetrasporangium) produced either prepacifenol or laureatin in a 1:1 ratio, indicating that genes participating in terpenoid synthsis and those participating in bromoether synthesis are on different loci of homologous chromosomes and are segregated at meiosis (tetrasporogenesis). One individual of this interpopulational F1 gamtophyte produced both parental types of metabolite, perhaps indicating the occurrence of a recombination type. Natural hybrid individuals, including such recombination-type gametophytes, were found in a sympatric locality at which these two chemical types occur. F1 tetrasporophytes derived from crosses between respective prepacifenol- and laureatin-producing strains and their F1 gametohytes produced only parental-type metabolite-producing plants. These results indicate that the diverse chemical types can be referred to as races (chemical races).  相似文献   
M Maeda  S Y Chung  E Song    T Kudo 《Applied microbiology》1995,61(2):549-555
Rhodococcus erythropolis TA421 was isolated from a termite ecosystem and is able to degrade a wide range of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners. Genetic and biochemical analyses of the PCB catabolic pathway of this organism revealed that there are four different bphC genes (bphC1, bphC2, bphC3, and bphC4) which encode 2,3-dihydroxybiphenyl dioxygenases. As determined by Southern hybridization, none of the bphC genes exhibits homology to any other bphC gene. bphC1, bphC2, and bphC4 encode enzymes that have narrow substrate specificities and cleave the first aromatic ring in the meta position. In contrast, bphC3 encodes a meta cleavage dioxygenase with broad substrate specificity. Asturias et al. have shown that the closely related organism Rhodococcus globerulus P6 contains three different bphC genes (bphC1, bphC2, and bpHC3) which encode meta cleavage dioxygenases. The data suggest that there is a diverse family of bphC genes which encode PCB meta cleavage dioxygenases in members of the genus Rhodococcus.  相似文献   
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