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Stipe elongation during basidiocarp maturation in the wild-type,#5026+5132, and the elongationless mutant, NG0398, of Coprinusmacrorhizus was studied, and the following results were obtained.
  1. In the wild-type the middle zone of the stipe elongated 8.4times in 15 hr during maturation, while in the mutant it elongatedoaiy 2.2 times.
  2. Component cells of the stipe elongated inparallel with thestipe elongation in both the wild-type andthe mutant. The widthof stipe cells was almost constant duringelongation in thewild-type, while it increased 2 times in themutant. Cell volumeincreased ca. 8 times in both stocks.
  3. Theosmotic value of stipe cells was almost constant (0.45–0.50M) throughout elongation of both the wild-type and the elongationlessstipes.
  4. Mechanical properties of the cell wall were examinedby measuringshrinkage, extensibility and minimum stress-relaxationtime(To) of the stipe during maturation. These parameters weredirectlyproportional to the elongation rate to follow.
  5. Whenthe wild-type stipes were incubated in various concentrationsof mannitol solution and then in plain buffer solution, theextensibility of the stipe after the incubation in mannitolsolutions changed proportionally with the stipe length afterthe mannitol treatment, and To with the elongation capacityin plain buffer solution.
(Received March 3, 1977; )  相似文献   
BACKGROUND AND AIM: Molecular diagnostics and therapeutics of human mesothelioma using disease-related markers present major challenges in clinical practice. To identify biochemical alternations that would be markers of human mesothelioma, we measured the intracellular steady-state levels of biologically important trace metals such as manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), and zinc (Zn) in a human mesothelial cell line, MeT-5A, and in five human mesothelioma cell lines (MSTO-211H, NCI-H226, NCI-H2052, NCI-H2452, ACC-MESO-1) by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). We also aimed to investigate whether the alterations were related to the intracellular status of metal-containing superoxide dismutase (SOD). RESULTS: There were no significant differences in the contents of the trace metals among MeT-5A, MSTO-211H, and ACC-MESO-1 cells. However, each of the other three mesothelioma cell lines had a unique characteristic in terms of the intracellular amounts of the metals; NCI-H226 contained an extremely high level of Mn, an amount 7.3-fold higher than that in MeT-5A. NCI-H2052 had significantly higher amounts of Cu (3.4-fold) and Zn (1.3-fold) compared with MeT-5A. NCI-H2452 contained about 5.8-fold the amount of Cu and 2.5-fold that of Mn compared with MeT-5A. As for the intracellular levels of copper/zinc-SOD (Cu/Zn-SOD) and manganese-SOD (Mn-SOD), those of Cu/Zn-SOD were relatively unchanged among the cells tested, and no notable correlation with Cu or Zn contents was observed. On the other hand, all mesothelioma cells highly expressed Mn-SOD compared with MeT-5A, and a very high expression of the enzyme with a robust activity was observed in the two mesothelioma cells (NCI-H226, NCI-H2452) containing a large amount of Mn. CONCLUSIONS: In comparison with MeT-5A human mesothelial cells, some human mesothelioma cells had significantly higher amounts of Mn or Cu and one mesothelioma cell had a significantly higher amount of Zn. Interestingly, all mesothelioma cells overexpressed Mn-SOD compared with MeT-5A, and the cells whose Mn-SOD activity was increased contained higher amounts of Mn. It seemed that intracellular Mn content was positively correlated with Mn-SOD, suggesting that the intracellular Mn level is associated with Mn-SOD activity. These biochemical signatures could be potential disease-related markers of mesothelioma.  相似文献   
In previous ultrastructural studies we have shown that at the tip of intestinal villi in guinea pigs, effete enterocytes are separated into two portions: a thin apical cytoplasm to be exfoliated into the lumen and a major basal portion to be ingested by lamina propria macrophages. During this process, intraepithelially disposed, large granular lymphocytes interdigitate with enterocytes in a complex manner. In the present study, the relation between the enterocytes and the lymphocytes in the villous epithelium of the guinea pig small intestine is described by use of transmission and scanning electron microscopy in an attempt to visualize the roles and activities of the lymphocytes more clearly. The lymphocytes project numerous pointed processes into effete enterocytes, even piercing them. Enterocytes are deeply indented or perforated, probably as a result of the encroaching lymphocyte processes. Some enterocytes are separated into apical and basal portions by numerous large excavations in the cytoplasm. These findings indicate that repeated perforating penetration of the lymphocytes induces cell cleavage. Supporting this supposition, our microcinematographic observations demonstrate the alternate protrusion and withdrawal of processes of lymphocytes. The processes advance with a pointed end, and subsequently, retract with a rounded end in a cycle of 8–18 seconds.  相似文献   
Temporal variations in the microbial community structure of plankton, which is composed of autotrophic and heterotrophic pico-, nano- and microplankton, were investigated during the austral summer of 2005/2006 under fast ice near Syowa Station, eastern Antarctica. Autotrophic algal populations were composed almost entirely of diatoms followed by phytoflagellates such as autotrophic dinoflagellates and cryptophytes. Among the microbial community, heterotrophic biomass was dominated by heterotrophic dinoflagellates and naked ciliates and finally exceeded autotrophic biomass. Qualitative microscopic analysis revealed that heterotrophic dinoflagellates were ingesting large number of diatoms. Synchronizing fluctuation of naked ciliates with phytoflagellates suggested a predator–prey relationship between them. Our results suggest that the pelagic food webs under the extensive ice-covered areas in coastal Antarctic regions are not short but complex.  相似文献   

Uridine 5′-triphosphate (UTP) has an important role as an extracellular signaling molecule that regulates inflammation, angiogenesis, and vascular tone. While chronic hypertension has been shown to promote alterations in arterial vascular tone regulation, carotid artery responses to UTP under hypertensive conditions have remained unclear. The present study investigated carotid artery responses to UTP in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and control Wistar Kyoto rats (WKY). Accordingly, our results found that although UTP promotes concentration-dependent relaxation in isolated carotid artery segments from both SHR and WKY after pretreatment with phenylephrine, SHR exhibited significantly lower arterial relaxation responses compared with WKY. Moreover, UTP-induced relaxation was substantially reduced by endothelial denudation and by the nitric oxide (NO) synthase inhibitor NG-nitro-L-arginine in both SHR and WKY. The difference in UTP-induced relaxation between both groups was abolished by the selective P2Y2 receptor antagonist AR-C118925XX and the cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibitor indomethacin but not by the thromboxane-prostanoid receptor antagonist SQ29548. Furthermore, we detected the release of PGE2, PGF, and PGI2 in the carotid arteries of SHR and WKY, both at baseline and in response to UTP. UTP administration also increased TXA2 levels in WKY but not SHR. Overall, our results suggest that UTP-induced relaxation in carotid arteries is impaired in SHR perhaps due to impaired P2Y2 receptor signaling, reductions in endothelial NO, and increases in the levels of COX-derived vasoconstrictor prostanoids.

用荧光标记AFLP技术对东亚产六道木属六道木组作了系统关系分析。我们采用 5对AFLP引物 ,对六道木属 9个物种 ,锦带花属和猬实属各 1个物种共 16份样品进行分析 ,共获得 988个位点。不同引物所获得的结果具有很高的相容性 ,Mantel相关系数为 0 72 5~0 919,说明AFLP技术适用于六道木属的种间关系分析。用邻接法 (neighbor joining)对 16个样品 988个位点的分析生成的系统树获得很高的自展分析 (bootstrap)支持率。树系图表明 ,猬实属与六道木属管花六道木组有密切的关系。在六道啪组内 ,温州六道木与糯米条的关系密切 ,单花六道木与大花六道木差异很小 ,黄花六道木与日本产的近缘种组成一单系分支。本文认定 ,根据形态特征鉴定浙江永嘉的标本为黄花六道木 (AbeliaserrataSieb .etZucc .)是正确的 ,属中国分布新记录。文章最后补充描述了中国产的黄花六道木。黄花六道木在中国的发现进一步证明中国植物区系与日本植物区系的密切关系。  相似文献   
Summary Sporulation and competent cell formation have been studied in four Bacillus subtilis strains, carrying septum-initiation mutations of different loci, div-31, div-341, div-12 and div-355 which exhibit filamentous growth at 45° C. The div-31 mutant was found to be defective in competence development at 30°–40°C whereas the div-12 mutant was affected only slightly. The div-341 and div-355 mutants showed lower competence, particularly at the higher temperatures. The four div mutant strains all showed poor sporulation at higher temperatures compared to the wild-type strain. We propose that some of the initial steps of septation are involved both in sporulation (possibly in forespore septum formation) and in competent cell formation and that these two processes share certain common features distinct from those in vegetative cell division.  相似文献   
Abundance, isotopic composition and morphological imprints of the planktonic foraminifera Globorotalia scitula (Brady) were closely examined for possible use as a novel reconstruction tool of chemical environments in sub-intermediate depth seawater in the past. Based on the MOCNES plankton tow observation of dwelling depths of G. scitula and the isotopic compositions together with hydrochemistry data, the empirical relations between isotopic disequilibria in carbon (Δδ13C=δ13CG. scitulaδ13CDIC) and oxygen (Δδ18O=δ18OG. scitulaδ18Ow) isotopes in the carbonate tests and the seawater δ18O and δ13C of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), respectively, are introduced. The morphological information such as pore density and porosity is also examined for significant relations to carbonate chemistry. Shell porosity is strongly correlated saturation state of calcite. The dissolution of living G. scitula tests may promote the observed isotopic differences as well as the increases in porosity. Δδ18O of G. scitula is found effectively to be linear function of both water temperature and calcite saturation state (Ω), and thereby temperature equation for G. scitula is provided, while Δδ13C of G. scitula is a linear function of only calcite saturation state.The equation was validated by using Globorotalia scitula collected by a sediment trap in intermediate water depths. Satisfactory agreements were found between observed and calculated Δδ18O from the empirical equations based on temperature and hydrochemistry data at sediment trap deployment site, indicating that the equation may be useful in paleo-environmental reconstruction of sub-intermediate water. The sediment trap observation further suggests that the abundance of G. scitula does not necessarily correspond to surface water productivity and to POC flux, but instead, it correlates well with the supply of fine organic matter, which appears to be a result of water convection. Thus, G. scitula may be an unambiguous and excellent paleo-environmental recorder for carbonate chemistry and for fine organic matter transport to the depths, if isotopic and morphological observations are combined.  相似文献   
Carthamus tinctorius (2n = 2x = 24), commonly known as safflower, is widely cultivated in agricultural production systems of Asia, Europe, Australia, and the Americas as a source of high quality vegetable and industrial oil. Twenty-two RAPD primers, 18 SSR primers, and 10 AFLP primer combinations were used to assess: (1) the genetic diversity of 85 accessions (originating from 24 countries) representing global germplasm variability of safflower and (2) the interrelationships among safflower ‘centers of similarity’ or ‘regional gene pools’ proposed earlier. The RAPD and SSR primers and AFLP primer combinations revealed 57.6, 68.0, and 71.2% polymorphism, respectively, among 111, 72, and 330 genetic loci amplified from the accessions. The sum of effective number of alleles (66.44), resolving power (59.16), and marker index (51.3) explicitly revealed the relative superiority of AFLP as a marker system in uncovering variation in safflower. Overall, AFLP markers could recognize ‘centers of similarity’ or ‘regional gene pools’. Analysis of molecular variance and Shannon’s information index provided corroborating evidences for the present and previous studies that concluded fragmentation of safflower gene pool into many gene pools. Divergent directional selection is likely to have played an important role in shaping the diversity. From the practical applications standpoint, the diversity of Iran–Afghanistan gene pool is very high, equivalent to the total diversity of the species. The Far East gene pool is the least diverse. The present comprehensive input, first of its own kind in safflower, will assist marker based improvement programmes in the crop.  相似文献   
The changes in rat plasma protein distribution after carbon tetrachloride administration were examined using two-dimensional electrophoresis, utilizing isoelectric focusing in polyacrylamide gel in the first dimension and pore gradient polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the second dimension. Drastic changes in amount of protein were observed at more than 20 spot positions including those of transferrin, Gc-globulin and low-density lipoprotein. The time course of the changes was examined, and the most drastic changes were observed at 2 days after carbon tetrachloride administration.  相似文献   
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