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Using an organelle proteomics approach, we previously studied the rat peroxisome in order to characterize the proteins participating in its biogenesis. A peroxisome-specific isoform of Lon (pLon) protein was accordingly identified. However, the precise role of pLon in peroxisomes remains to be elucidated. Here, we demonstrate that pLon plays a role in processing and activating a specific regulatory protein belonging to the peroxisome targeting signal (PTS) 1-containing proteins. Proteomic analysis of proteins co-immunoprecipitated with Lon suggested that Lon interacts with PMP70 and several enzymes involved in beta-oxidation, including acyl-CoA oxidase (AOX). The processing of AOX for its activation in peroxisomes was strongly inhibited in cells expressing a dominant negative form of pLon. Furthermore, a catalase possessing a modified PTS1 sequence was misdistributed in this cell line. pLon exhibits little, if any, in vitro AOX processing activity, and does not process PTS2-containing 3-ketoacyl-coenzyme A thiolase (PTL). Therefore, pLon may specifically control, sort and process PTS1 proteins. Based on the relationship between pLon and the beta-oxidation enzymes that regulate peroxisomal morphology, the observation of enlarged peroxisomes in cells expressing recombinant pLon suggests that pLon is a critical factor determining peroxisome morphology.  相似文献   
Clostridium perfringens alpha-toxin induces hemolysis of rabbit erythrocytes through the activation of glycerophospholipid metabolism. Sheep erythrocytes contain large amounts of sphingomyelin (SM) but not phosphatidylcholine. We investigated the relationship between the toxin-induced hemolysis and SM metabolic system in sheep erythrocytes. Alpha-toxin simultaneously induced hemolysis and a reduction in the levels of SM and formation of ceramide and sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P). N-Oleoylethanolamine, a ceramidase inhibitor, inhibited the toxin-induced hemolysis and caused ceramide to accumulate in the toxin-treated cells. Furthermore, dl-threo-dihydrosphingosine and B-5354c, isolated from a novel marine bacterium, both sphingosine kinase inhibitors, blocked the toxin-induced hemolysis and production of S1P and caused sphingosine to accumulate. These observations suggest that the toxin-induced activation of the SM metabolic system is closely related to hemolysis. S1P potentiated the toxin-induced hemolysis of saponin-permeabilized erythrocytes but had no effect on that of intact cells. Preincubation of lysated sheep erythrocytes with pertussis toxin blocked the alpha-toxin-induced formation of ceramide from SM. In addition, incubation of C. botulinum C3 exoenzyme-treated lysates of sheep erythrocytes with alpha-toxin caused an accumulation of sphingosine and inhibition of the formation of S1P. These observations suggest that the alpha-toxin-induced hemolysis of sheep erythrocytes is dependent on the activation of the SM metabolic system through GTP-binding proteins, especially the formation of S1P.  相似文献   
A genetic screen for mutations affecting embryogenesis in the medaka, Oryzias latipes, identified a mutant, whiteout (who), that exhibited hypochromic anemia. The who mutant initially had the normal number of blood cells, but it then gradually decreased during the embryonic and larval stages. The blood cells in the who mutants show an elongated morphology and little hemoglobin activity. Genetic mapping localized who to the vicinity of a LG12 marker, olgc1. By utilizing the highly conserved synteny between medaka and pufferfish, we identified a gene for delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (ALAD), which is the second enzyme in the heme synthetic pathway, as a candidate for who. We found a missense mutation in the alad gene that was tightly linked to the who phenotype, strongly suggesting that the hypochromic anemia phenotype in the who mutant is caused by a loss of the alad function. Thus, who mutants represent a model for the human disease ALAD-deficiency porphyria.  相似文献   
A Pseudomonas putida ATCC12633 gene, dpkA, encoding a putative protein annotated as malate/L-lactate dehydrogenase in various sequence data bases was disrupted by homologous recombination. The resultant dpkA(-) mutant was deprived of the ability to use D-lysine and also D-proline as a sole carbon source. The dpkA gene was cloned and overexpressed in Escherichia coli, and the gene product was characterized. The enzyme showed neither malate dehydrogenase nor lactate dehydrogenase activity but catalyzed the NADPH-dependent reduction of such cyclic imines as Delta(1)-piperideine-2-carboxylate and Delta(1)-pyrroline-2-carboxylate to form L-pipecolate and L-proline, respectively. NADH also served as a hydrogen donor for both substrates, although the reaction rates were less than 1% of those with NADPH. The reverse reactions were also catalyzed by the enzyme but at much lower rates. Thus, the enzyme has dual metabolic functions, and we named the enzyme Delta(1)-piperideine-2-carboxylate/Delta(1)-pyrroline-2-carboxylate reductase, the first member of a novel subclass in a large family of NAD(P)-dependent oxidoreductases.  相似文献   
In cancer immunotherapy research, many bispecific antibodies (BsAbs) have been developed for directing T cells toward tumor cells. Recent advances in genetic engineering have made it possible to prepare immunoglobulin fragments consisting of variable domains using bacterial expression systems. Therefore, recombinant BsAbs, termed diabodies, have attracted particular attention. We have previously produced an anti-MUC1 x anti-CD3 diabody (Mx3 diabody) in an Escherichia coli ( E. coli) expression system. In order to reinforce the antitumor effects of the Mx3 diabody, mutated superantigen staphylococcal enterotoxin A (SEA) D227A was genetically fused to the Mx3 diabody. The SEA D227A fusion Mx3 diabody (SEA D227A-Mx3 diabody) thus constructed showed remarkable MUC1-specific antitumor effects when used with effector cells (lymphokine-activated killer cells with T-cell phenotype [T-LAK] and peripheral blood mononuclear cells [PBMCs]). In the bile duct carcinoma (BDC)-xenografted severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) mouse model, it also demonstrated strong antitumor activity when administered i.v. together with T-LAK cells and interleukin-2 (IL-2). In this experiment, the complete disappearance of tumors was observed in 3 out of 6 mice, and the other 3 showed marked retardation of tumor growth. Therefore, the SEA D227A-Mx3 diabody is considered to be a promising reagent in specific targeted immunotherapy for BDC and other MUC1-positive carcinomas. This is the first report on a diabody that is effective in treating human solid cancers in the xenografted SCID mouse experimental model.  相似文献   
Menida scotti (Puton) males have been shown to transfer secretions from their bulbus ejaculatorius and reservoir of ectodermal accessory gland to females by mating during hibernation. In the present study, the major components of the secretions were found to be proteins and lipids. To specify the female organ incorporating the male secretions, a radiotracer experiment in which the male secretions were labeled by [14C]valine was conducted in nine tissues of females collected in the fall and spring of the hibernation period. Relatively high radioactivities were detected in the haemolymph and the residual carcass (head, legs, air-sacs, exoskeleton, etc.) in the fall females, and in CO2 gas evolved and carcasses in the spring females. The radioactivities in the fat body were significantly higher in the fall mating females than in the spring mating females, and vice versa in the ovary. The radioactivities in six fractions (lipids, proteins, glycogen, sugars, free amino acids and the residues) were also assayed in the five organs of females that had a relatively high radioactivity. The highest radioactivity was detected in the protein fraction of the haemolymph in fall and spring females. There were significant differences in the radioactivities incorporated into the lipid fractions of the carcass between fall and spring females.  相似文献   
Lipoic acid is an essential cofactor of the alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase complexes and the glycine cleavage system. It is covalently attached to a specific lysine residue of the subunit of the complexes. The bovine lipoyltransferase (bLT) catalyzes the lipoic acid attachment reaction using lipoyl-AMP as a substrate, forming a lipoylated protein and AMP. To gain insights into the reaction mechanism at the atomic level, we have determined the crystal structure of bLT at 2.10 A resolution. Unexpectedly, the purified recombinant bLT contains endogenous lipoyl-AMP. The structure of bLT consists of N-terminal and C-terminal domains, and lipoyl-AMP is bound to the active site in the N-terminal domain, adopting a U-shaped conformation. The lipoyl moiety is buried in the hydrophobic pocket, forming van der Waals interactions, and the AMP moiety forms numerous hydrogen bonds with bLT in another tunnel-like cavity. These interactions work together to expose the C10 atom of lipoyl-AMP to the surface of the bLT molecule. The carbonyl oxygen atom of lipoyl-AMP interacts with the invariant Lys135. The interaction might stimulate the positive charge of the C10 atom of lipoyl-AMP, and consequently facilitate the nucleophilic attack by the lysine residue of the lipoate-acceptor protein, accompanying the bond cleavage between the carbonyl group and the phosphate group. We discuss the structural differences between bLT and the lipoate-protein ligase A from Escherichia coli and Thermoplasma acidophilum. We further demonstrate that bLT in mitochondria also contains endogenous lipoylmononucleotide, being ready for the lipoylation of apoproteins.  相似文献   


Selenocysteine and pyrrolysine are the 21st and 22nd amino acids, which are genetically encoded by stop codons. Since a number of microbial genomes have been completely sequenced to date, it is tempting to ask whether the 23rd amino acid is left undiscovered in these genomes. Recently, a computational study addressed this question and reported that no tRNA gene for unknown amino acid was found in genome sequences available. However, performance of the tRNA prediction program on an unknown tRNA family, which may have atypical sequence and structure, is unclear, thereby rendering their result inconclusive. A protein-level study will provide independent insight into the novel amino acid.  相似文献   
Poly-gamma-glutamate (PGA) is a chiral polyamide material that possesses a nylon-like backbone, a bionylon polymer. We examined the PGA productivity of Bacillus megaterium and found NaCl-responsive PGA production in the bacterium. In the system of B. megaterium, salt would be significant in controlling the yield, molecular size, and stereochemistry of bionylon.  相似文献   
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