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Quality control of monoclonal antibodies is challenging due in part to the diversity of post-translational modifications present. The regulation of the N-glycans of IgG-Fc domain is one of the key factors to maintain the safety and efficacy of antibody drugs. The FcγRIIIa affinity column is an attractive tool for the precise analysis of the N-glycans in IgG-Fc domain. We used the mutant FcγRIIIa, which is produced in Escherichia coli and is therefore not glycosylated, as an affinity reagent to analyze the N-glycans of monoclonal antibodies expressed in Expi293 and ExpiCHO cells. The monoclonal antibodies expressed in these cells showed very different chromatograms, because of differences in terminal galactose residues on the IgG-Fc domains. We also carried out kinetic and thermodynamic analyses to understand the interaction between monoclonal antibodies and the mutant FcγRIIIa. Expi293 cell-derived monoclonal antibodies had higher affinity for the mutant FcγRIIIa than those derived from ExpiCHO cells, due to slower off rates and lower binding entropy loss. Collectively, our results suggest that the FcγRIIIa column can be used to analyze the glycosylation of antibodies rapidly and specifically.  相似文献   
It has been shown that the genesis of atherosclerotic lesions is resulted from the injury of vascular endothelial cells and the cell damage is triggered by oxygen radicals generated from various tissues. Human vascular endothelial cells can survive and proliferate depending on growth factors such as VEGF or basic FGF and are induced apoptosis by the deprivation of growth factor or serum. It was found that type 1 IFN inhibits the growth factor deprived cell death of human aortic endothelial cells (HAEC) and protects the cells from chemically induced oxidative cytotoxicity. The anti‐apoptotic effects of type 1 IFN were certified by flow cytometry using annexin‐V‐FITC/PI double staining and cell cycle analysis, fluorescence microscopy using Hoechst33342 and PI, colorimetric assay for caspase‐3 activity, p53 and bax mRNA expressions, and cell counts. It was considered that IFN‐β inhibits the executive late stage apoptosis from the results of annexin‐V‐FITC/PI double staining and the inhibition of caspase‐3 activity, and that the anti‐apoptotic effect might be owing to the direct inhibition of the apoptotic pathway mediated by p53 from the transient down‐regulation of bax mRNA expression. Whereas, type 1 IFN protected the cells from the oxidative cytotoxicity induced by tertiary butylhydroperoxide (TBH) under the presence of Ca2+. The effects of IFN‐β is more potent inhibitor of cell death than IFN‐α. These results indicate that type 1 IFN, especially IFN‐β may be useful for the diseases with vascular endothelium damage such as atherosclerosis or restenosis after angioplasty as a medical treatment or a prophylactic. J. Cell. Biochem. 113: 3823–3834, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
A microcarrier culture system was established for a large-scale production of functional human endothelial cells. It has been difficult to cultivate human endothelial cells in large quantities for the reasons that specific growth factor and extracellular matrix are required for the survival and proliferation of the cells and the life span of the primary cells are limited. A lot of studies have reported that the shear stress gives significant influences on the structure, growth rate and biological functions of endothelial cells. We aimed to develop a convenient microcarrier culture system for human endothelial cells which can reproduce the flow effects experienced in vivo or in vitro. In 200 mL volume culture, human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) could be serially sub-cultivated by optimizing the culture conditions such as shear strength, growth factor, beads and seeding cell concentration, serum concentration, and passage timing. The growth rate was enhanced depending on the shear strength and the life span of the cells was elongated until over 43PDL which is much longer than those of monolayer cultures. The cells maintained the diploidy of over 80% without obvious abnormal changes in the chromosomes. The serially sub-cultured microcarrier cells maintained various endothelial cell functions such as the syntheses of von Willebrand factor (vWf), prostacyclin and other biological substances, the expression of CD31, and the VEGF(165) dependent growth characteristic. The synthesis of biological products was affected by shear strength. In the case of prostacyclin, a different synthesis response was observed between steady flow and transiently reduced shear strength. The synthesis of endothelin-1 (ET-1) was down-regulated by increase of shear strength different from those of other products. The culture system was scaled up until 2 L volume under the optimum DO control. The cells synthesized IL-6 in response to shear strength. These results indicate that the established microcarrier system might be able to contribute to the supply of functional human endothelial cells for various medical applications such as the reconstruction of injured blood vessels caused by atherosclerosis or restenosis of coronary arteries after angioplasty, and the construction of an anti-coagulable artificial blood vessel or an artificial skin with good transplant-ability.  相似文献   
Periplasmic heme‐binding proteins (PBPs) in Gram‐negative bacteria are components of the heme acquisition system. These proteins shuttle heme across the periplasmic space from outer membrane receptors to ATP‐binding cassette (ABC) heme importers located in the inner‐membrane. In the present study, we characterized the structures of PBPs found in the pathogen Burkholderia cenocepacia (BhuT) and in the thermophile Roseiflexus sp. RS‐1 (RhuT) in the heme‐free and heme‐bound forms. The conserved motif, in which a well‐conserved Tyr interacts with the nearby Arg coordinates on heme iron, was observed in both PBPs. The heme was recognized by its surroundings in a variety of manners including hydrophobic interactions and hydrogen bonds, which was confirmed by isothermal titration calorimetry. Furthermore, this study of 3 forms of BhuT allowed the first structural comparison and showed that the heme‐binding cleft of BhuT adopts an “open” state in the heme‐free and 2‐heme‐bound forms, and a “closed” state in the one‐heme‐bound form with unique conformational changes. Such a conformational change might adjust the interaction of the heme(s) with the residues in PBP and facilitate the transfer of the heme into the translocation channel of the importer.  相似文献   
Protein O-GlcNAcylation regulates various biological processes, and is associated with several diseases. Therefore, the development of quantitative proteomics is important for understanding the mechanisms of O-GlcNAc-related diseases. We previously reported selective enrichment of O-GlcNAcylated peptides, which provided high-selectivity and effective release by a novel thiol-alkyne and thiol-disulfide exchange. Here, we describe a new approach using initial isobaric tag labeling for relative quantification followed by enrichment and β-elimination/Michael addition with dithiothreitol for identification of both proteins and modification sites. The approach was validated using model proteins and peptides. This novel strategy could be used for quantitative O-GlcNAcome of biological samples.  相似文献   
Green fluorescent protein (GFP) is often misfolded into nonfluorescent states when an aggregatable sequence is attached to its N-terminus. However, GFP fusions with highly aggregatable, prion-determining, and highly charged sequences from yeast prions, such as Sup35 and Ure2p, form green fibrils with properly folded GFP. To gain further insight into the general effect of an aggregatable sequence attached to fluorescent protein, we designed eight fusion proteins of a yellow variant of GFP (YFP) containing an aggregation-prone amyloidogenic sequence derived from human medin, attached via different lengths of linker sequence. Seven fusion proteins formed white fibrils lacking native YFP function. However, the fusion with an 18-residue medin sequence and a 50 amino acid linker formed fibrils with yellow color of folded YFP. Deconvolution analysis of infrared spectra also supports the presence of properly folded YFP in the fibrils formed by this protein. These results suggest that, the presence of an amyloidogenic sequence to a folded protein can promote the formation of fibrils and disrupt the native structures whereas the structure of the folded region is retained by optimizing sequences of amyloidogenic and linker regions.  相似文献   
Synchronization has been observed in various systems, including living beings. In a previous study, we reported a new phenomenon with antisynchronization in calling behavior of two interacting Japanese tree frogs. In this paper, we theoretically analyse nonlinear dynamics in a system of three coupled oscillators, which models three interacting frogs, where the oscillators of each pair have the property of antisynchronization; in particular, we perform bifurcation analysis and Lyapunov function analysis.  相似文献   
Folding reaction of goat alpha-lactalbumin has been studied by stopped-flow circular dichroism and molecular dynamics simulations. The effects of four single mutations and a double mutation on the stability of the protein under a native condition were studied. The mutations were introduced into residues located at a hydrophobic core in the alpha-domain of the molecule. Here we show that an amino acid substitution (T29I) increases the native-state stability of goat alpha-lactalbumin against the guanidine hydrochloride-induced unfolding by 3.5 kcal/mol. Kinetic refolding and unfolding of wild-type and mutant goat alpha-lactalbumin measured by stopped-flow circular dichroism showed that the local structure around the Thr29 side chain was not constructed in the transition state of the folding reaction. To characterize the local structural change around the Thr29 side chain to an atomic level of resolution, we performed high-temperature (at 400 K and 600 K) molecular dynamics simulations and studied the structural change at an initial stage of unfolding observed in the simulation trajectories. The Thr29 portion of the molecule experienced structural disruption accompanied with the loss of inter-residue contacts and with the water molecule penetration in the 400-K simulation as well as in four of the six 600-K simulations. Disruption of the N-terminal portion was also observed and was consistent with the results of kinetic refolding/unfolding experiments shown in our previous report.  相似文献   
Interleukin-15 receptor alpha-chain (IL-15Ralpha) is a member of the new cytokine receptor family, which possesses the sushi domain. To investigate the biochemical and biophysical characteristics of soluble human IL-15Ralpha (shIL-15Ralpha), shIL-15Ralpha was recombinantly expressed in Escherichia coli. The shIL-15Ralpha containing a six histidine-tag was expressed as inclusion bodies, which were solubilized with urea, immobilized on a Ni-nitrilotriacetic acid column, and refolded by a decreasing gradient of urea concentration. The refolded shIL-15Ralpha exhibited a highly flexible structure, neutralized human interleukin-15-induced cell proliferation effectively, and bound to its ligand with the same affinity as human IL-15Ralpha on the cell surface, as demonstrated by circular dichroism, a cell proliferation assay, and surface plasmon resonance, respectively. Thus, we succeeded in refolding shIL-15Ralpha to an active form on an affinity column.  相似文献   
Expression of green fluorescent protein (GFP) in Escherichia coli (E. coli) resulted in only small amount of soluble and fluorescent GFP protein and hence most of the protein in insoluble particles. The expressed GFP in insoluble particles, however, was fluorescent, indicating that it is at least in part folded with an intact chromophore. The GFP in insoluble particles could not be solubilized by an aqueous (denaturant-free) buffer. Solubilization of active GFP from insoluble particles was then attempted with guanidine hydrochloride (GdnHCl), a strong protein-denaturant, or L-arginine, an aggregation suppressor. Solubilization from insoluble particles by 6M GdnHCl led to complete denaturation of the GFP existing in insoluble particles, while GdnHCl solution at lower concentration could solubilize fluorescent GFP. Solubilization of fluorescently active GFP from insoluble particles was also achieved by L-arginine. It is noteworthy that L-arginine was stronger in solubilizing insoluble GFP than GdnHCl below 2M. These results demonstrate that some proteins expressed in E. coli may form insoluble particles containing native conformation and L-arginine may be used to recover the proteins in the native form from such insoluble particles.  相似文献   
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