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We previously reported that genetically obese mice exhibit innate airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR) and enhanced ozone (O(3))-induced pulmonary inflammation. Such genetic deficiencies in mice are rare in humans, and they may not be representative of human obesity. Thus the purpose of this study was to determine the pulmonary phenotype of mice with diet-induced obesity (DIO), which more closely mimics the cause of human obesity. Therefore, wild-type C57BL/6 mice were reared from the time of weaning until at least 30 wk of age on diets in which either 10 or 60% of the calories are derived from fat in the form of lard. Body mass was approximately 40% greater in mice fed 60 vs. 10% fat diets. Baseline airway responsiveness to intravenous methacholine, measured by forced oscillation, was greater in mice fed 60 vs. 10% fat diets. We also examined lung permeability and inflammation after exposure to room air or O(3) (2 parts/million for 3 h), an asthma trigger. Four hours after the exposure ended, O(3)-induced increases in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid protein, interleukin-6, KC, macrophage inflammatory protein-2, interferon-gamma-inducible protein-10, and eotaxin were greater in mice fed 60 vs. 10% fat diets. Innate AHR and augmented responses to O(3) were not observed in mice raised from weaning until 20-22 wk of age on a 60% fat diet. These results indicate that mice with DIO exhibit innate AHR and enhanced O(3)-induced pulmonary inflammation, similar to genetically obese mice. However, mice with DIO must remain obese for an extended period of time before this pulmonary phenotype is observed.  相似文献   
Remodeling of the airway smooth muscle (ASM) cell has been proposed to play an important role in airway hyperresponsiveness. Using a functional assay, we have assessed remodeling of the cultured rat ASM cell and the role of heat shock protein (HSP) 27 in that process. To probe remodeling dynamics, we measured spontaneous motions of an individual Arg-Gly-Asp-coated microbead that was anchored to the cytoskeleton. We reasoned that the bead could not move unless the microstructure to which it is attached rearranged; if so, then its mean square displacement (MSD) would report ongoing internal reorganizations over time. Each bead displayed a random, superdiffusive motion; MSD increased with time as approximately t(1.7), whereas an exponent of unity would be expected for a simple passive diffusion. Increasing concentrations of cytochalasin-D or latrunculin-A caused marked increases in the MSD, whereas colchicine did not. Treatments with PDGF or IL-1beta, but not transforming growth factor-beta, caused decreases in the MSD, the extent of which rank-ordered with the relative potency of these agents in eliciting the phosphorylation of HSP27. The chemical stressors anisomycin and arsenite each increased the levels of HSP27 phosphorylation and, at the same time, decreased bead motions. In particular, arsenite prevented and even reversed the effects of cytochalasin-D on bead motions. Finally, ASM cells overexpressing phospho-mimicking human HSP27, but not wild-type or phosphorylation-deficient HSP27, exhibited decreases in bead motions that were comparable to the arsenite response. Taken together, these results show that phosphorylated HSP27 favors reduced bead motions that are probably due to stabilization of the actin cytoskeleton.  相似文献   
A peptide corresponding to amino acids 1-27 of preornithine carbamyltransferase (pOCT) has been chemically synthesized. When added to energized mitochondria in vitro, 20 microM of the peptide, designated pO(1-27), resulted in a collapse of the electrochemical potential across the mitochondrial inner membrane. This effect on transmembrane potential was not observed, however, when pO(1-27) was added to energized mitochondria under conditions that support in vitro import of precursor proteins (i.e. in the presence of reticulocyte lysate). The latter finding, therefore, made possible an examination of the ability of pO(1-27) to block import of homologous and heterologous proteins into the organelle. At 5-10 microM, pO(1-27) prevented import of pOCT in vitro; inhibition was overcome by increasing the concentration of pOCT. In contrast, pO(16-27), a peptide corresponding to amino acids 16-27 of pOCT and exhibiting a charge:mass ratio similar to pO(1-27) had no such inhibitory effect. pO(1-27) blocked import of other unrelated precursor proteins destined either for the mitochondrial matrix (pre-malate dehydrogenase and a hybrid protein containing the signal sequence of pre-carbamyl phosphate synthetase) or for the mitochondrial inner membrane (pre-thermogenin).  相似文献   
We explore the implications of indicating the biosphere's self-organization by the trend over time of the net entropic flow from the Earth's surface, the actual physical boundary of virtually all biotic mass. This flow, derived from the radiative surface entropy budget, is approximately inversely related to the surface temperature when the solar incident flux remains constant. In the geophysiological (gaian) interpretation, biospheric self-organization has increased with the progressive colonization of the continents and evolutionary developments in the land biota, as a result of surface cooling arising from biotic enhancement of weathering. The key site for this self-organization is at the interface between land and atmosphere, the soil, where carbon is sequestered by its reaction (as carbonic and organic acids) with calcium magnesium silicates. Along with disequilibrium (steady-state) levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the occurrence of differentiated soil is the critical material evidence for biospheric self-organization, whether it be geophysiological or geochemical (ie., purely result of inorganic reactions). The computed equilibrium levels of carbon dioxide and corresponding equilibrium temperatures in the past are dramatically different from the steady-state levels. With future solar luminosity increase, the biospheric capacity for climatic regulation will decrease, leading to the ending of self-organization some two billion years from now. The Earth's surface will then approach chemical equilibrium with respect to the carbonate-silicate cycle.  相似文献   
Polemonium viscosum has a continuous distribution from 3,500 m in the krummholz to 4,025 m on the summit ridges of Pennsylvania Mountain, Colorado. Seeds produced by plants at opposite ends of this cline, 1.5 km apart, differed significantly at allozyme loci in two consecutive breeding seasons. Mean multilocus Fst values for both years (0.015 and 0.069) were significantly different from zero, indicating restricted gene exchange between subpopulations. Average allele frequencies at two individual loci also differed significantly between families comprising krummholz and summit subpopulations. Progeny of plants growing on the summit had higher leaf production rates, more densely packed leaflets, and lower resistance to aphids than progeny of plants growing in the krummholz site, when tested under greenhouse conditions. These differences probably reflect the restricted opportunities for growth and severe exposure at high elevations, and the increased risk from herbivores near timberline. The two subpopulations did not differ in leaf length (stature), leaf width, or pubescence. Reciprocal transplanting of seedlings between krummholz and summit sites confirmed that the differences were adaptive, since progeny from each subpopulation performed significantly better in their parent's habitat. Coordinated studies of genetic structure, quantitative variation, and local adaptation across the elevational range of P. viscosum provide a comprehensive view of ecotypic divergence in this widespread alpine plant.  相似文献   
Fredberg, J. J., K. A. Jones, M. Nathan, S. Raboudi,Y. S. Prakash, S. A. Shore, J. P. Butler, and G. C. Sieck. Friction in airway smooth muscle: mechanism, latch, andimplications in asthma. J. Appl.Physiol. 81(6): 2703-2712, 1996.In muscle,active force and stiffness reflect numbers of actin-myosin interactions and shortening velocity reflects their turnover rates, but the molecular basis of mechanical friction is somewhat less clear. Tobetter characterize molecular mechanisms that govern mechanical friction, we measured the rate of mechanical energy dissipation and therate of actomyosin ATP utilization simultaneously in activated canineairway smooth muscle subjected to small periodic stretches as occur inbreathing. The amplitude of the frictional stress is proportional toE, where E is the tissue stiffness defined by the slope of theresulting force vs. displacement loop and  is the hysteresivitydefined by the fatness of that loop. From contractile stimulus onset,the time course of frictional stress amplitude followed a biphasicpattern that tracked that of the rate of actomyosin ATP consumption.The time course of hysteresivity, however, followed a differentbiphasic pattern that tracked that of shortening velocity. Takentogether with an analysis of mechanical energy storage and dissipationin the cross-bridge cycle, these results indicate, first, that likeshortening velocity and the rate of actomyosin ATP utilization,mechanical friction in airway smooth muscle is also governed by therate of cross-bridge cycling; second, that changes in cycling rateassociated with conversion of rapidly cycling cross bridges to slowlycycling latch bridges can be assessed from changes of hysteresivity ofthe force vs. displacement loop; and third, that steady-state forcemaintenance (latch) is a low-friction contractile state. This lastfinding may account for the unique inability of asthmatic patients to reverse spontaneous airways obstruction with a deep inspiration.

Limited proteolysis of high molecular weight kininogen by kallikrein resulted in the generation of an inactive heavy chain of Mr = 64,000 and active light chains of Mr = 64,000 and 51,000 when analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-gel electrophoresis under reducing conditions. Starting with kininogen from outdated plasma, a light chain with an apparent molecular weight of 51,000 on 7.5% SDS gels was purified and characterized. Molecular weights of 28,900 +/- 1,100 and 30,500 +/- 1,600 were obtained by gel filtration of the reduced and alkylated protein in 6 M guanidine HCl and equilibrium sedimentation under nondenaturing conditions in the air-driven ultracentrifuge, respectively. The light chain stained positively with periodic acid-Schiff reagent on SDS gels indicating that covalently attached carbohydrate may be responsible for the anomalously high molecular weight estimated by SDS-gel electrophoresis. A single light chain thiol group reacted with 5,5'-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid) (DTNB) in the presence and absence of 6 M guanidine HCl. Specific fluorescent labeling of the thiol group with 5-(iodoacetamido)fluorescein (IAF) occurred without loss of clotting activity. Addition of purified human plasma prekallikrein to the IAF-light chain resulted in a maximum increase in fluorescence anisotropy of 0.041 +/- 0.001 and no change in the fluorescence intensity. Fluorescence anisotropy measurements of the equilibrium binding of prekallikrein to the IAF-light chain yielded an average Kd of 17.3 +/- 2.5 nM and stoichiometry of 1.07 +/- 0.07 mol of prekallikrein/mol of IAF-light chain. Measurements of the interaction of prekallikrein with iodoacetamide-alkylated light chain using the IAF-light chain as a probe gave an average Kd of 16 +/- 4 nM and stoichiometry of 1.0 +/- 0.2 indicating indistinguishable affinities for prekallikrein.  相似文献   
Progestin-impregnated (250 mg medroxyprogesterone) vaginal sponges (PIVS) were inserted 6-7 days post-insemination and removed on the 17th day. Pregnancy was determined by milk progesterone on the 21-24 day post-insemination. It was found that in 52 cows which did not receive PIVS, the rate of false diagnosis of pregnancy was 21%. In 30 cows treated with PIVS, there were no false positives. The diagnosis of non-pregnant was completely accurate in both groups.  相似文献   
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