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Epinephrine promotes spontaneous activity in cardiac Purkinje fibers through its action on the pacemaker potassium current (iKK2). The mechanism of the acceleratory effect was studied by means of a voltage clamp technique. The results showed that the hormone speeds the deactivation of iKK2 during pacemaker activity by displacing the kinetic parameters of iKK2 toward less negative potentials. This depolarizing voltage shift is the sole explanation of the acceleratory effect since epinephrine did not alter the rectifier properties of iKK2, or the underlying inward leakage current, or the threshold for iNNa. The dose dependence of the voltage shift in the iKK2 activation curve was similar in 1.8 and 5.4 mM [Ca]o. The maximal voltage shift (usually ~20 mV) was produced by epinephrine concentrations of > 10-6 M. The half-maximal effect was evoked by 60 nM epinephrine, nearly an order of magnitude lower than required for half-maximal effect on the secondary inward current (Carmeliet and Vereecke, 1969). The β-blocker propranolol (10-6 M) prevented the effect of epinephrine (10-7M) but by itself gave no voltage shift. Epinephrine shifted the activation rate coefficient α8 to a greater extent than the deactivation rate coefficient β8, and often steepened the voltage dependence of the steady-state activation curve. These deviations from simple voltage shift behavior were discussed in terms of possible mechanisms of epinephrine's action on the iKK2 channel.  相似文献   
A video-rate (30 frames/s) scanning two-photon excitation microscope has been successfully tested. The microscope, based on a Nikon RCM 8000, incorporates a femtosecond pulsed laser with wavelength tunable from 690 to 1050 nm, prechirper optics for laser pulse-width compression, resonant galvanometer for video-rate point scanning, and a pair of nonconfocal detectors for fast emission ratioing. An increase in fluorescent emission of 1.75-fold is consistently obtained with the use of the prechirper optics. The nonconfocal detectors provide another 2.25-fold increase in detection efficiency. Ratio imaging and optical sectioning can therefore be performed more efficiently without confocal optics. Faster frame rates, at 60, 120, and 240 frames/s, can be achieved with proportionally reduced scan lines per frame. Useful two-photon images can be acquired at video rate with a laser power as low as 2.7 mW at specimen with the genetically modified green fluorescent proteins. Preliminary results obtained using this system confirm that the yellow "cameleons" exhibit similar optical properties as under one-photon excitation conditions. Dynamic two-photon images of cardiac myocytes and ratio images of yellow cameleon-2.1, -3.1, and -3.1nu are also presented.  相似文献   
Ca2+-dependent facilitation (CDF) of voltage-gated calcium current is a powerful mechanism for up-regulation of Ca2+ influx during repeated membrane depolarization. CDF of L-type Ca2+ channels (Ca(v)1.2) contributes to the positive force-frequency effect in the heart and is believed to involve the activation of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent kinase II (CaMKII). How CaMKII is activated and what its substrates are have not yet been determined. We show that the pore-forming subunit alpha(1C) (Ca(v)alpha1.2) is a CaMKII substrate and that CaMKII interaction with the COOH terminus of alpha1C is essential for CDF of L-type channels. Ca2+ influx triggers distinct features of CaMKII targeting and activity. After Ca2+-induced targeting to alpha1C, CaMKII becomes tightly tethered to the channel, even after calcium returns to normal levels. In contrast, activity of the tethered CaMKII remains fully Ca2+/CaM dependent, explaining its ability to operate as a calcium spike frequency detector. These findings clarify the molecular basis of CDF and demonstrate a novel enzymatic mechanism by which ion channel gating can be modulated by activity.  相似文献   
All organic fluorophores undergo irreversible photobleaching during prolonged illumination. Although fluorescent proteins typically bleach at a substantially slower rate than many small-molecule dyes, in many cases the lack of sufficient photostability remains an important limiting factor for experiments requiring large numbers of images of single cells. Screening methods focusing solely on brightness or wavelength are highly effective in optimizing both properties, but the absence of selective pressure for photostability in such screens leads to unpredictable photobleaching behavior in the resulting fluorescent proteins. Here we describe an assay for screening libraries of fluorescent proteins for enhanced photostability. With this assay, we developed highly photostable variants of mOrange (a wavelength-shifted monomeric derivative of DsRed from Discosoma sp.) and TagRFP (a monomeric derivative of eqFP578 from Entacmaea quadricolor) that maintain most of the beneficial qualities of the original proteins and perform as reliably as Aequorea victoria GFP derivatives in fusion constructs.  相似文献   
Cao X  Wang H  Mei B  An S  Yin L  Wang LP  Tsien JZ 《Neuron》2008,60(2):353-366
Rapid and selective erasures of certain types of memories in the brain would be desirable under certain clinical circumstances. By employing an inducible and reversible chemical-genetic technique, we find that transient alphaCaMKII overexpression at the time of recall impairs the retrieval of both newly formed one-hour object recognition memory and fear memories, as well as 1-month-old fear memories. Systematic analyses suggest that excessive alphaCaMKII activity-induced recall deficits are not caused by disrupting the retrieval access to the stored information but are, rather, due to the active erasure of the stored memories. Further experiments show that the recall-induced erasure of fear memories is highly restricted to the memory being retrieved while leaving other memories intact. Therefore, our study reveals a molecular genetic paradigm through which a given memory, such as new or old fear memory, can be rapidly and specifically erased in a controlled and inducible manner in the brain.  相似文献   
Hemagglutinating proteins were isolated by affinity chromatography from seeds of each of five cultivars of soybeans (Clycine max (L.) Merr.) previously reported to lack detectable lectin (S.P. Pull et al., 1978; Science 200, 1277). Quantities were between 1,000 and 10,000 times less than that found in the seeds of the reference cultivar, Chippewa. The sensitivity of the hemagglutinating assay was 0.05 g ml-1. Hemagglutinating activity was demonstrated in affinity-purified fractions from bulk seeds and seeds from individual plants in two cultivars, 30–70% ammonium-sulfate-precipitable fractions of seeds from individual plants of all five cultivars, and in whole crude extracts of individual seeds from each cultivar. In all instances, hemagglutinating activity was inhibited by galactose, anti-soybean agglutinin (SBA), and lectin-binding polysaccharide produced by Rhizobium japonicum. Affinity-purified lectin from seeds of a single Columbia plant was labeled with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) and observed by fluorescence microscopy to bind to R. japonicum cells with specificity, intensity and localization indistinguishable from FITC-SBA. Lectins from distinguishable from FITC-SBA. Lectins from three cultivars in sufficiently high concentration for study had molecular properties very similar to Chippewa SBA.Abbreviations FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate - IgG immunoglobulin G - SBA soybean agglutinin  相似文献   
We present an optimized triple modality reporter construct combining a far-red fluorescent protein (E2-Crimson), enhanced firefly luciferase enzyme (Luc2), and truncated wild type herpes simplex virus I thymidine kinase (wttk) that allows for sensitive, long-term tracking of tumor growth in vivo by fluorescence, bioluminescence, and positron emission tomography. Two human cancer cell lines (MDA-MB-231 breast cancer and HT-1080 fibrosarcoma cancer) were successfully transduced to express this triple modality reporter. Fluorescence and bioluminescence imaging of the triple modality reporter were used to accurately quantify the therapeutic responses of MDA-MB-231 tumors to the chemotherapeutic agent monomethyl auristatin E in vivo in athymic nude mice. Positive correlation was observed between the fluorescence and bioluminescence signals, and these signals were also positively correlated with the ex vivo tumor weights. This is the first reported use of both fluorescence and bioluminescence signals from a multi-modality reporter construct to measure drug efficacy in vivo.  相似文献   
Liu G  Choi S  Tsien RW 《Neuron》1999,22(2):395-409
To understand the elementary unit of synaptic communication between CNS neurons, one must know what causes the variability of quantal postsynaptic currents and whether unitary packets of transmitter saturate postsynaptic receptors. We studied single excitatory synapses between hippocampal neurons in culture. Focal glutamate application at individual postsynaptic sites evoked currents (I(glu)) with little variability compared with quantal excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSCs). The maximal I(glu) was >2-fold larger than the median EPSC. Thus, variations in [glu]cleft are the main source of variability in EPSC size, and glutamate receptors are generally far from saturation during quantal transmission. This conclusion was verified by molecular antagonism experiments in hippocampal cultures and slices. The general lack of glutamate receptor saturation leaves room for increases in [glu]cleft as a mechanism for synaptic plasticity.  相似文献   
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