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Red panda Ailurus fulgens, an endangered habitat specialist, inhabits a narrow distribution range in bamboo abundance forests along mountain slopes in the Himalaya and Hengduan Mountains. However, their habitat use may be different in places with different longitudinal environmental gradients, climatic regimes, and microclimate. This study aimed to determine the habitat variables affecting red panda distribution across different longitudinal gradients through a multivariate analysis. We studied habitat selection patterns along the longitudinal gradient in Nepal's Himalaya which is grouped into the eastern, central, and western complexes. We collected data on red panda presence and habitat variables (e.g., tree richness, canopy cover, bamboo abundance, water availability, tree diameter, tree height) by surveys along transects throughout the species’ potential range. We used a multimodal inference approach with a generalized linear model to test the relative importance of environmental variables. Although the study showed that bamboo abundance had a major influence, habitat selection was different across longitudinal zones. Both canopy cover and species richness were unimportant in eastern Nepal, but their influence increased progressively toward the west. Conversely, tree height showed a decreasing influence on habitat selection from Eastern to Western Nepal. Red panda's habitat selection revealed in this study corresponds to the uneven distribution of vegetation assemblages and the dry climatic gradient along the eastern‐western Himalayas which could be related to a need to conserve energy and thermoregulate. This study has further highlighted the need of importance of bamboo conservation and site‐specific conservation planning to ensure long‐term red panda conservation.  相似文献   
More than 60 accessions of various Dionysia spp. were analysed for their exudate flavonoid composition. Many Dionysia spp. accumulate the typical Primula flavonoids with irregular substitution (unsubstituted flavone, its 2′,5′-substituted derivatives and corresponding 5-OH-flavones), but flavones, flavonols and flavanones with regular 5,7-diOH-substitution are also encountered in their exudates. The formation of both types of flavonoids is not mutually exclusive. This paper analyses the chemodiversity of Dionysia exudates with respect to infraspecific variability, infrageneric distribution, patterns in hybrid taxa, and comparisons of biogenetic tendencies between Dionysia and closest related species of Primula. The uniqueness of occurrence of Primula-type flavonoids in the family Primulaceae, and their presumed different biosynthetic origin, suggest significance as further character in the PrimulaDionysia assemblage. Principal component analysis was applied to test the significance of variation of flavonoid composition across Dionysia. Comparative analysis of flavonoid profiles against the current taxonomic views yielded correlations, confined to the level of smaller groups, and only in parts at level of the current infrageneric concept. Flavonoid data are further discussed against the background of morphological and biogeographic differentiation of the genus. Increased diversification of flavonoid profiles may be interpreted as a derived status in Dionysia, which agrees with current views on the phylogeny of Dionysia as a specialised group within Primula. Functional aspects of exudate flavonoid formation are shortly addressed.  相似文献   
The mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) senses multiple stimuli to regulate anabolic and catabolic processes. mTORC1 is typically hyperactivated in multiple human diseases such as cancer and type 2 diabetes. Extensive research has focused on signaling pathways that can activate mTORC1 such as growth factors and amino acids. However, less is known about signaling cues that can directly inhibit mTORC1 activity. Here, we identify A-kinase anchoring protein 13 (AKAP13) as an mTORC1 binding protein, and a crucial regulator of mTORC1 inhibition by G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) signaling. GPCRs paired to Gαs proteins increase cyclic adenosine 3’5’ monophosphate (cAMP) to activate protein kinase A (PKA). Mechanistically, AKAP13 acts as a scaffold for PKA and mTORC1, where PKA inhibits mTORC1 through the phosphorylation of Raptor on Ser 791. Importantly, AKAP13 mediates mTORC1-induced cell proliferation, cell size, and colony formation. AKAP13 expression correlates with mTORC1 activation and overall lung adenocarcinoma patient survival, as well as lung cancer tumor growth in vivo. Our study identifies AKAP13 as an important player in mTORC1 inhibition by GPCRs, and targeting this pathway may be beneficial for human diseases with hyperactivated mTORC1.  相似文献   


Altitudinal migration systems are poorly understood. Recent advances in animal telemetry which enables tracking of migrants across their annual cycles will help illustrate unknown migration patterns and test existing hypotheses. Using telemetry, we show the existence of a complex partial altitudinal migration system in the Himalayas and discuss our findings to help better understand partial and altitudinal migration.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We used GPS/accelerometer tags to monitor the migration of Satyr tragopan (Tragopan satyra) in the Bhutan Himalayas. We tagged 38 birds from 2009 – 2011 and found that tragopans are partially migratory. Fall migration lasted from the 3rd week of September till the 3rd week of November with migrants traveling distances ranging from 1.25 km to 13.5 km over 1 to 32 days. Snowfall did not influence the onset of migration. Return migration started by the 1st week of March and lasted until the 1st week of April. Individuals returned within 4 to 10 days and displayed site fidelity. One bird switched from being a migrant to a non-migrant. Tragopans displayed three main migration patterns: 1) crossing multiple mountains; 2) descending/ascending longitudinally; 3) moving higher up in winter and lower down in summer. More females migrated than males; but, within males, body size was not a factor for predicting migrants.


Our observations of migrants traversing over multiple mountain ridges and even of others climbing to higher elevations is novel. We support the need for existing hypotheses to consider how best to explain inter- as well as intra-sexual differences. Most importantly, having shown that the patterns of an altitudinal migration system are complex and not a simple up and down slope movement, we hope our findings will influence the way altitudinal migrations are perceived and thereby contribute to a better understanding of how species may respond to climate change.  相似文献   
Cells rapidly remodel their proteomes to align their cellular metabolism to environmental conditions. Ubiquitin E3 ligases enable this response, by facilitating rapid and reversible changes to protein stability, localization, or interaction partners. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the GID E3 ligase regulates the switch from gluconeogenic to glycolytic conditions through induction and incorporation of the substrate receptor subunit Gid4, which promotes the degradation of gluconeogenic enzymes. Here, we show an alternative substrate receptor, Gid10, which is induced in response to changes in temperature, osmolarity, and nutrient availability, regulates the ART‐Rsp5 ubiquitin ligase pathway, a component of plasma membrane quality control. Proteomic studies reveal that the levels of the adaptor protein Art2 are elevated upon GID10 deletion. A crystal structure shows the basis for Gid10‐Art2 interactions, and we demonstrate that Gid10 directs a GID E3 ligase complex to ubiquitinate Art2. Our data suggest that the GID E3 ligase affects Art2‐dependent amino acid transport. This study reveals GID as a system of E3 ligases with metabolic regulatory functions outside of glycolysis and gluconeogenesis, controlled by distinct stress‐specific substrate receptors.  相似文献   
Teleost fish regenerate their retinas after damage, in contrast to mammals. In zebrafish subjected to an extensive ouabain‐induced lesion that destroys all neurons and spares Müller glia, functional recovery and restoration of normal optic nerve head (ONH) diameter take place at 100 days postinjury. Subsequently, regenerated retinas overproduce cells in the retinal ganglion cell (RGC) layer, and the ONH becomes enlarged. Here, we test the hypothesis that a selective injury, which spares photoreceptors and Müller glia, results in faster functional recovery and fewer long‐term histological abnormalities. Following this selective retinal damage, recovery of visual function required 60 days, consistent with this hypothesis. In contrast to extensively damaged retinas, selectively damaged retinas showed fewer histological errors and did not overproduce neurons. Extensively damaged retinas had RGC axons that were delayed in pathfinding to the ONH, and showed misrouted axons within the ONH, suggesting that delayed functional recovery following an extensive lesion is related to defects in RGC axons exiting the eye and/or reaching their central targets. The atoh7, fgf8a, Sonic hedgehog (shha), and netrin‐1 genes were differentially expressed, and the distribution of hedgehog protein was disrupted after extensive damage as compared with selective damage. Confirming a role for Shh signaling in supporting rapid regeneration, shhat4+/‐ zebrafish showed delayed functional recovery after selective damage. We suggest that surviving retinal neurons provide structural/molecular information to regenerating neurons, and that this patterning mechanism regulates factors such as Shh. These factors in turn control neuronal number, retinal lamination, and RGC axon pathfinding during retinal regeneration. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 74: 851–876, 2014  相似文献   
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