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Mitochondrial sequences are widely used for species identification and for studying phylogenetic relationships among closely related species or populations of the same species. However, many studies of mammals have shown that the maternal history of the mitochondrial genome can be discordant with the true evolutionary history of the taxa. In such cases, the analyses of multiple nuclear genes can be more powerful for deciphering interspecific relationships.Here, we designed primers for amplifying 13 new exon-primed intron-crossing (EPIC) autosomal loci for studying shallow phylogeny and taxonomy of Laurasiatherian mammals. Three criteria were used for the selection of the markers: gene orthology, a PCR product length between 600 and 1200 nucleotides, and different chromosomal locations in the bovine genome. Positive PCRs were obtained from different species representing the orders Carnivora, Cetartiodactyla, Chiroptera, Perissodactyla and Pholidota.The newly developed markers were analyzed in a phylogenetic study of the tribe Bovini (the group containing domestic and wild cattle, bison, yak, African buffalo, Asian buffalo, and saola) based on 17 taxa and 18 nuclear genes, representing a total alignment of 13,095 nucleotides. The phylogenetic results were compared to those obtained from analyses of the complete mitochondrial genome and Y chromosomal genes. Our analyses support a basal divergence of the saola (Pseudoryx) and a sister-group relationship between yak and bison. These results contrast with recent molecular studies but are in better agreement with morphology. The comparison of pairwise nucleotide distances shows that our nuDNA dataset provides a good signal for identifying taxonomic levels, such as species, genera, subtribes, tribes and subfamilies, whereas the mtDNA genome fails because of mtDNA introgression and higher levels of homoplasy. Accordingly, we conclude that the genus Bison should be regarded as a synonym of Bos, with the European bison relegated to a subspecies rank within Bos bison. We compared our molecular dating estimates to the fossil record in order to propose a biogeographic scenario for the evolution of Bovini during the Neogene.  相似文献   
Fluorescence excitation spectra of highly anisotropic emission from Photosystem I (PS I) were measured at 295 and 77 K on a PS II-less mutant of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 (S. 6803). When PS I was excited with light at wavelengths greater than 715 nm, fluorescence observed at 745 nm was highly polarized with anisotropies of 0.32 and 0.20 at 77 and 295 K, respectively. Upon excitation at shorter wavelengths, the 745-nm fluorescence had low anisotropy. The highly anisotropic emission observed at both 77 and 295 K is interpreted as evidence for low-energy chlorophylls (Chls) in cyanobacteria at room temperature. This indicates that low-energy Chls, defined as Chls with first excited singlet-state energy levels below or near that of the reaction center, P700, are not artifacts of low-temperature measurements.If the low-energy Chls are a distinct subset of Chls and a simple two-pool model describes the excitation transfer network adequately, one can take advantage of the low-energy Chls' high anisotropy to approximate their fluorescence excitation spectra. Maxima at 703 and 708 nm were calculated from 295 and 77 K data, respectively. Upper limits for the number of low-energy Chls per P700 in PS I from S. 6803 were calculated to be 8 (295 K) and 11 (77 K).Abbreviations Chl - chlorophyll - BChl - bacteriochlorophyll - LHC - light-harvesting chlorophyll - PS - Photosystem - RC - reaction center - S. 6803 - Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803  相似文献   
In this research several series of novel dioxygenated ring fused 4-anilinoquinazolines (10a-d) and 4-anilinoquinazoline-substituted triazole hybrid compounds (1114) have been designed and synthesized. Their biological significance was highlighted by evaluating in vitro for anticancer activities, wherein several compounds displayed excellent activity specifically against three human cancer cell lines (KB, epidermoid carcinoma; HepG2, hepatoma carcinoma; SK-Lu-1, non-small lung cancer). Especially, compound 13a exhibited up to 100-fold higher cytotoxicity in comparison with erlotinib. Docking the most cytotoxic compounds (11d, 13a, 13b, and 14c) into the ATP binding site of different EGFR tyrosine kinase domains was perfomed to predict the analogous binding mode of these compounds to the EGFR targets.  相似文献   
In order to understand the environmental variables which promote the proliferation of cyanobacteria and variation in microcystin concentrations in the Nui Coc reservoir, Vietnam, physicochemical parameters, the occurrence, and abundance of phytoplankton, cyanobacteria, and microcystin concentration were monitored monthly through the year 2009–2010. The relationships between these parameters were explored using principal component analysis (PCA) and Pearson correlation analysis. The phytoplankton community was mainly dominated by the cyanobacterium Microcystis with higher cyanobacteria abundance during summer and autumn season. PCA and Pearson correlation results showed that water temperature and phosphate concentration were the most important variables accounting for cyanobacteria, Microcystis, and microcystin occurrence. Analysis of the toxins by high-performance liquid chromatography demonstrated the presence of two microcystin variants: microcystin-LR (MC-RR) and microcystin-ddRR (MC-ddRR) with total concentrations of the toxins in filtered samples from surface water ranging from 0.11 to 1.52 μg MC-LR equiv L?1. The high concentrations of microcystin in the Nui Coc reservoir highlighted the potential risk for human health in the basin. Our study underlined the need for regular monitoring of cyanobacteria and toxins in lakes and reservoirs, which are used for drinking water supplies, not only in Vietnam but also in tropical countries.  相似文献   
The order Cetartiodactyla includes cetaceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises) that are found in all oceans and seas, as well as in some rivers, and artiodactyls (ruminants, pigs, peccaries, hippos, camels and llamas) that are present on all continents, except Antarctica and until recent invasions, Australia. There are currently 332 recognized cetartiodactyl species, which are classified into 132 genera and 22 families. Most phylogenetic studies have focused on deep relationships, and no comprehensive time-calibrated tree for the group has been published yet. In this study, 128 new complete mitochondrial genomes of Cetartiodactyla were sequenced and aligned with those extracted from nucleotide databases. Our alignment includes 14,902 unambiguously aligned nucleotide characters for 210 taxa, representing 183 species, 107 genera, and all cetartiodactyl families. Our mtDNA data produced a statistically robust tree, which is largely consistent with previous classifications. However, a few taxa were found to be para- or polyphyletic, including the family Balaenopteridae, as well as several genera and species. Accordingly, we propose several taxonomic changes in order to render the classification compatible with our molecular phylogeny. In some cases, the results can be interpreted as possible taxonomic misidentification or evidence for mtDNA introgression. The existence of three new cryptic species of Ruminantia should therefore be confirmed by further analyses using nuclear data. We estimate divergence times using Bayesian relaxed molecular clock models. The deepest nodes appeared very sensitive to prior assumptions leading to unreliable estimates, primarily because of the misleading effects of rate heterogeneity, saturation and divergent outgroups. In addition, we detected that Whippomorpha contains slow-evolving taxa, such as large whales and hippos, as well as fast-evolving taxa, such as river dolphins. Our results nevertheless indicate that the evolutionary history of cetartiodactyls was punctuated by four main phases of rapid radiation during the Cenozoic era: the sudden occurrence of the three extant lineages within Cetartiodactyla (Cetruminantia, Suina and Tylopoda); the basal diversification of Cetacea during the Early Oligocene; and two radiations that involve Cetacea and Pecora, one at the Oligocene/Miocene boundary and the other in the Middle Miocene. In addition, we show that the high species diversity now observed in the families Bovidae and Cervidae accumulated mainly during the Late Miocene and Plio-Pleistocene.  相似文献   
CD44 is a cell-surface glycoprotein and receptor for hyaluronan, one of the major components of the tumor extracellular matrix. There is evidence that the interaction between CD44 and hyaluronan promotes breast cancer metastasis. Recently, the molecule F-19848A was shown to inhibit hyaluronan binding to receptor CD44 in a cell-based assay. In this study, we investigated the mechanism and energetics of F-19848A binding to CD44 using molecular simulation. Using the molecular mechanics/Poisson Boltzmann surface area (MM-PBSA) method, we obtained the binding free energy and inhibition constant of the complex. The van der Waals (vdW) interaction and the extended portion of F-19848A play key roles in the binding affinity. We screened natural products from a traditional Chinese medicine database to search for CD44 inhibitors. From combining pharmaceutical requirements with docking and molecular dynamics simulations, we found ten compounds that are potentially better or equal to the F-19848A ligand at binding to CD44 receptor. Therefore, we have identified new candidates of CD44 inhibitors, based on molecular simulation, which may be effective small molecules for the therapy of breast cancer.  相似文献   
In higher plants the essential amino acids lysine, threonine, methionine and isoleucine are synthesised through a branched pathway starting from aspartate. The key enzyme of lysine biosynthesis in this pathway—dihydrodipicolinate synthase (DHDPS)—is feedback-inhibited by lysine. The dhdps-r1 gene from a mutant Nicotiana sylvestris, which encodes a DHDPS enzyme insensitive to feedback inhibition, was used to improve the lysine content in pigeonpea seeds. The dhdps-r1 coding region driven by a phaseolin or an Arabidopsis 2S2 promoter was successfully overexpressed in the seeds of pigeonpea by using Agrobacterium transformation and particle bombardment. In 11 lines analysed, a 2- to 6-fold enhanced DHDPS activity in immature seeds at a late stage of maturation was found in comparison to wild type. The overexpression of dhdps-r1 led to an enhanced content of free lysine in the seeds of pigeonpea from 1.6 to 8.5 times compared with wild type. However, this was not reflected in an increase in total seed lysine content. This might be explained by a temporal discrepancy between maximal expression of dhdps-r1 and the rate of amino acid incorporation into storage proteins. Assays of the lysine degradative enzyme lysine-ketoglutarate reductase in these seeds showed no co-ordinated regulation of lysine biosynthesis and catabolism during seed maturation. All transgenic plants were fertile and produced morphologically normal seeds.  相似文献   
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