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Arsenic contamination of global water supplies has come to the forefront in policy decisions in recent decades. However, the effects of arsenic on lower trophic levels of insects inhabiting contaminated ecosystems are not well understood. One approach to document both acute and sublethal effects of toxicants like arsenic is to assay them in combination with microbial pathogens to evaluate shifts in survival curves of the test organisms. Larvae of Culex quinquefasciatus and Culex tarsalis were reared in water containing 0 or 1 000μg/L of arsenate or arsenite. Fourth instars were then exposed to a range of doses of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp, israelensis (Bti) or Lysinibacillus sphaericus (Ls), with shifts in lethal concentrations determined. Arsenic accumulation in 4th instars was also quantified, and a relative growth index (RGI) calculated for the treatments and compared to controls. Larvae of both species accumulated between 4 447 ± 169 ng As/g and 6 983 4- 367 ng As/g, though RGI values indicated accumulation did not affect growth and development. In all cases, the LC50's and LC90's of Cx. quinquefasciatus exposed jointly with arsenic and Bti/Ls were higher than Cx. tarsafis. Cx. tarsafis reared in arsenite showed a significant reduction in their Bti LC90 values compared to the control, indicating a sublethal effect of Bti. When exposed jointly with Ls, arsenite was more toxic than arsenate in Cx. tarsalis. Overall, these results indicate tolerance of these Culex species to arsenic exposures, and why this may occur is discussed.  相似文献   
The potato psyllid, Bactericera cockerelli (Sulc) (Hemiptera: Triozidae), is a serious pest of potatoes that can cause yield loss by direct feeding and by transmitting a bacterial pathogen, Candidatus Liberibacter psyllaurous (also known as Candidatus L. solanacearum), which is associated with zebra chip disease of this crop. Current pest management practices rely on the use of insecticides for control of potato psyllid to lower disease incidences and increase yields. Imidacloprid is typically applied at potato planting, and it remains unknown if imidacloprid has any effect on potato psyllid feeding behavior. Thus, our specific objectives of this study were to determine and characterize the effects of imidacloprid treatment (0.11 ml l?1) to potato plants on adult potato psyllid feeding behavior 1, 2, and 4 weeks post‐application. Electrical penetration graph (EPG) recordings of potato psyllid feeding revealed six EPG waveforms, which include non‐probing (NP), intercellular stylet penetration (C), initial contact with phloem tissue (D), salivation into phloem sieve elements (E1), phloem sap ingestion (E2), and ingestion of xylem sap (G). The number of NP events and the duration of individual NP events significantly increased on plants treated with imidacloprid compared with untreated controls. Potato psyllids exhibited significant decreases in the number of phloem salivation events on plants treated with imidacloprid. Waveform durations and waveform durations per event for E2 and G were significantly decreased for psyllids on plants treated with imidacloprid compared with untreated controls. These data suggest that the effective use of imidacloprid to reduce transmission of Ca. Liberibacter psyllaurous is related to the negative effects of imidacloprid on psyllid feeding.  相似文献   
Two genetically distinct potato psyllid populations [Bactericera cockerelli (Sulc) (Homoptera: Psyllidae)] were identified in our previous study: native and invasive. The invasive population, ranging from Baja, Mexico to central California, was the result of a recent invasion, while the native population is endemic to Texas. The native (Texas) and invasive (California) populations were collected from tomato and pepper, respectively, and were examined on both hosts to test the comparative fitness of invasive populations. Our results indicated that on both plant hosts, psyllids from the native range demonstrated higher survivorship, a higher growth index, and shorter development times than the psyllids from invasive populations. The fecundity of the native-range psyllids also was significantly higher than that of invasive psyllids on tomato, but not on pepper. For the native population, host plant differences for all fitness measurements were not significant. However, within the invasive population, psyllids feeding on tomatoes showed consistently better survivorship and a higher growth index than those feeding on pepper, despite the decreased developmental time required on peppers. The LC50 values (concentrations causing 50% mortality) of both populations were determined for three pesticides. Resistance to two of these pesticides was found in the invasive population. Thus, the invasive quality of the California populations may be related to increased pesticide resistance. However, it is impossible to determine if the California population was preadapted to pesticide resistance, or if the resistance developed after the range expansion and is simply a contributing factor to maintaining the expansion.  相似文献   
The challenge hypothesis posits that acute increases in testosterone (T) during male-male competition enhance performance and survivability while limiting the physiological costs of consistently high T. Human challenge hypothesis research focuses on young men in industrial populations, who have higher baseline T levels than men in subsistence populations. We tested whether the Tsimane, pathogenically stressed forager-horticulturalists of the Bolivian Amazon, would express acute T increases in response to physical competition. Saliva was collected from 88 Tsimane men (aged 16-59 years) before and after a competitive soccer match. Tsimane men had significantly lower baseline levels of T (β = -0.41, p < 0.001) when compared with age-matched United States (US) males. Linear mixed-effects models were used to establish that T increased significantly immediately following competition (β = 0.23, p < 0.001), remaining high 1 h later (β = 0.09, p = 0.007); equivalent to 30.1 and 15.5 per cent increases in T, respectively. We did not find larger increases in T among winners (p = 0.412), although T increases were positively associated with self-rated performance (β = 9.07, p = 0.004). These results suggest that despite lower levels of T than US males, Tsimane males exhibit acute increases in T at the same relative magnitude reported by studies in industrialized settings, with larger increases in T for those who report better individual performance.  相似文献   
Chronically elevated glucocorticoids (GCs) and a high-fat diet (HFD) independently induce insulin resistance, abdominal obesity, and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). GCs have been linked to increased food intake, particularly energy-dense "comfort" foods. Thus we examined the synergistic actions of GCs and HFD on hepatic disease development in a new rodent model of chronically elevated GCs. Six-week-old male Sprague-Dawley rats received exogenous GCs, via subcutaneous implantation of four 100-mg corticosterone (Cort) pellets, to elevate basal GC levels for 16 days (n = 8-10 per group). Another subset of animals received wax pellets (placebo) to serve as controls. Animals from each group were randomly assigned to receive a 60% HFD or a standard high-carbohydrate (13% fat and 60% carbohydrate) diet. Cort + HFD resulted in central obesity, despite a relative weight loss, a 4-fold increase in hepatic lipid content, hepatic fibrosis, and a 2.8-fold increase in plasma alanine aminotransferase levels compared with placebo + chow controls. Hepatic injury developed independent of inflammation, as plasma haptoglobin levels were reduced with Cort treatment. Insulin resistance and hepatic steatosis occurred with Cort alone; these outcomes were further exacerbated by the HFD in the presence of elevated Cort. In addition to fatty liver, the Cort + HFD group also developed severe insulin resistance, hyperinsulinemia, hyperglycemia, and hypertriglyceridemia, which were not evident with HFD or Cort alone. Thus a HFD dramatically exacerbates the development of NAFLD and characteristics of the metabolic syndrome in conditions of chronically elevated Cort.  相似文献   
The Tsimane Health and Life History Project, an integrated bio‐behavioral study of the human life course, is designed to test competing hypotheses of human life‐history evolution. One aim is to understand the bidirectional connections between life history and social behavior in a high‐fertility, kin‐based context lacking amenities of modern urban life (e.g. sanitation, banks, electricity). Another aim is to understand how a high pathogen burden influences health and well‐being during development and adulthood. A third aim addresses how modernization shapes human life histories and sociality. Here we outline the project's goals, history, and main findings since its inception in 2002. We reflect on the implications of current findings and highlight the need for more coordinated ethnographic and biomedical study of contemporary nonindustrial populations to address broad questions that can situate evolutionary anthropology in a key position within the social and life sciences.  相似文献   
Long-term remote monitoring of muscle-powered implants has been made possible with development of an adjustable workload that can be remotely monitored to assess device function. This technique obviates the need for percutaneous access lines and allows test animals to remain untethered, eliminating deleterious effects caused by infection, sedation, or animal stress. Hardware components include a latex bladder fixed within a hermetically sealed canister, multichannel implantable telemetry unit, and subcutaneous access port (for pressure charge adjustment). To validate this method, in vitro tests were performed by using a third-generation muscle energy converter designed to function as an implantable hydraulic pump. Two channels of telemetered pressure data were collected and used to calculate six indexes of device function. Calculated parameters were then compared with measured values to determine accuracy. Correlation between measured and calculated parameters was high in all instances, with most estimates yielding errors of <3%. These results demonstrate the utility of this approach and support its use as a means to monitor muscle-powered devices during long-term animal trials.  相似文献   
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