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Changes in muscle fiber orientation across the wall of the left ventricle (LV) cause the apex of the heart to turn 10-15 deg in opposition to its base during systole and are believed to increase stroke volume and lower wall stress in healthy hearts. Studies show that cardiac torsion is sensitive to various disease states, which suggests that it may be an important aspect of cardiac function. Modern imaging techniques have sparked renewed interest in cardiac torsion dynamics, but no work has been done to determine whether mechanically augmented apical torsion can be used to restore function to failing hearts. In this report, we discuss the potential advantages of this approach and present evidence that turning the cardiac apex by mechanical means can displace a clinically significant volume of blood from failing hearts. Computational models of normal and reduced-function LVs were created to predict the effects of applied apical torsion on ventricular stroke work and wall stress. These same conditions were reproduced in anesthetized pigs with drug-induced heart failure using a custom apical torsion device programmed to rotate over various angles during cardiac systole. Simulations of applied 90 deg torsion in a prolate spheroidal computational model of a reduced-function pig heart produced significant increases in stroke work (25%) and stroke volume with reduced fiber stress in the epicardial region. These calculations were in substantial agreement with corresponding in vivo measurements. Specifically, the computer model predicted torsion-induced stroke volume increases from 13.1 to 14.4 mL (9.9%) while actual stroke volume in a pig heart of similar size and degree of dysfunction increased from 11.1 to 13.0 mL (17.1%). Likewise, peak LV pressures in the computer model rose from 85 to 95 mm Hg (11.7%) with torsion while maximum ventricular pressures in vivo increased in similar proportion, from 55 to 61 mm Hg (10.9%). These data suggest that: (a) the computer model of apical torsion developed for this work is a fair and accurate predictor of experimental outcomes, and (b) supra-physiologic apical torsion may be a viable means to boost cardiac output while avoiding blood contact that occurs with other assist methods.  相似文献   
The movement of energy and nutrients from aquatic to terrestrial ecosystems can be substantial, and emergent aquatic insects can serve as biovectors not only for nutrients, but also for contaminants present in the aquatic environment. The terrestrial predators Tenodera aridifolia sinensis (Mantodea: Mantidae) and Tidarren haemorrhoidale (Araneae: Theridiidae) and the aquatic predator Buenoa scimitra (Hemiptera: Notonectidae) were chosen to evaluate the efficacy of arsenic transfer between aquatic and terrestrial environments. Culex tarsalis larvae were reared in either control water or water containing 1000 µg l−1 arsenic. Adults that emerged from the control and arsenic treatments were fed to the terrestrial predators, and fourth instar larvae were fed to the aquatic predator reared in control or arsenic contaminated water. Tenodera a. sinensis fed arsenic-treated Cx. tarsalis accumulated 658±130 ng g−1 of arsenic. There was no significant difference between control and arsenic-fed T. haemorrhoidale (range 142–290 ng g−1). Buenoa scimitra accumulated 5120±406 ng g−1 of arsenic when exposed to arsenic-fed Cx. tarsalis and reared in water containing 1000 µg l−1 arsenic. There was no significant difference between controls or arsenic-fed B. scimitra that were not exposed to water-borne arsenic, indicating that for this species environmental exposure was more important in accumulation than strictly dietary arsenic. These results indicate that transfer to terrestrial predators may play an important role in arsenic cycling, which would be particularly true during periods of mass emergence of potential insect biovectors. Trophic transfer within the aquatic environment may still occur with secondary predation, or in predators with different feeding strategies.  相似文献   
ATP-dependent calcium transport in cardiac sarcolemmal membrane vesicles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cardiac sarcolemmal (SL) membrane vesicles accumulated Ca in the presence of ATP. The accumulated Ca was released by osmotic shock and by the Ca ionophore A23187, indicating that the Ca had been transported into the vesicle interior. Ca uptake by the SL vesicles was not inhibited by ruthenium red, 2,4-dinitrophenol, carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenyl hydrazone, of NaN3, agents that are known to inhibit mitochondrial Ca transport activity. In contrast to the behavior of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum, Ca accumulation by the SL vesicles was not stimulated by oxalate and could not driven by p-nitrophenylphosphate hydrolysis. NaCl inhibited ATP-dependent Ca uptake by the SL vesicles. This effect was shown to be due to a stimulation of Ca efflux by Na, mediated by the sarcolemmal NaCa exchange system. The results provide conclusive evidence for the presence of an ATP-dependent Ca “pump” in the cardiac SL membrane.  相似文献   
The toxicities to neonate Spodoptera exigua and Trichoplusia ni of lyophilized powders obtained from sporulated liquid cultures (referred to as sporulated cultures) and Escherichia coli-expressed P1 [cryIA(a) cryIA(b) cryIA(c)] protoxins from three-gene strains of NRD-12 and HD-1 of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki were determined by using diet incorporation bioassays. Although sporulated cultures from both strains were more toxic to T. ni than S. exigua, there were no differences in toxicity between NRD-12 and HD-1. Toxicities of the three individual P1 protoxins against S. exigua varied by at least fivefold, with the cryIA(b) protein being the most toxic. These same protoxins varied in toxicity against T. ni by at least 16-fold, with the cryIA(c) protein being the most toxic. However, when tested against either S. exigua or T. ni, there were no differences in toxicity between an NRD-12 P1 protoxin and the corresponding HD-1 P1 protoxin. Comparing the toxicities of individual protoxins with that of sporulated cultures demonstrates that no individual protoxin was as toxic to S. exigua as the sporulated cultures. However, this same comparison against T. ni shows that both the cryIA(b) and cryIA(c) proteins are at least as toxic as the sporulated cultures. Results from this study suggest that NRD-12 is not more toxic to S. exigua than HD-1, that different protein types have variable host activity, and that other B. thuringiensis components are not required for T. ni toxicity but that other components such as spores might be required for S. exigua toxicity.  相似文献   
Oxytocin, testosterone and cortisol can have opposing effects on social behaviour, yet few studies have examined their interactions. We measured changes in salivary oxytocin, testosterone and cortisol among Tsimane’ men returning home after hunting, an ancient context of male status competition, parental investment and cooperation. Contra normal diurnal rhythm, oxytocin increased relative to baseline and this increase was positively associated with duration of the hunt and change in testosterone, but not cortisol, social context, hunting outcome or physical activity. The concurrent increase in endogenous peripheral oxytocin and testosterone is unexpected given their opposing independent effects on social cognition and behaviour, and has not been observed before. We discuss the potential significance of these effects for the biology of pair-bonding, parenting and social foraging in humans and other species.  相似文献   
Testosterone plays an important role in mediating male reproductive trade-offs in many vertebrate species, augmenting muscle and influencing behavior necessary for male–male competition and mating-effort. Among humans, testosterone may also play a key role in facilitating male provisioning of offspring as muscular and neuromuscular performance is deeply influenced by acute changes in testosterone. This study examines acute changes in salivary testosterone among 63 Tsimane men ranging in age from 16 to 80 (mean 38.2) years during one-hour bouts of tree-chopping while clearing horticultural plots. The Tsimane forager-horticulturalists living in the Bolivian Amazon experience high energy expenditure associated with food production, have high levels of parasites and pathogens, and display significantly lower baseline salivary testosterone than age-matched US males. Mixed-effects models controlling for BMI and time of specimen collection reveal increased salivary testosterone (p < 0.001) equivalent to a 48.6% rise, after one hour of tree chopping. Age had no effect on baseline (p = 0.656) or change in testosterone (p = 0.530); self-reported illness did not modify testosterone change (p = 0.488). A comparison of these results to the relative change in testosterone during a competitive soccer tournament in the same population reveals larger relative changes in testosterone following resource production (tree chopping), compared to competition (soccer). These findings highlight the importance of moving beyond a unidimensional focus on changes in testosterone and male–male aggression to investigate the importance of testosterone–behavior interactions across additional male fitness-related activities. Acutely increased testosterone during muscularly intensive horticultural food production may facilitate male productivity and provisioning.  相似文献   
The behavioral responses of the potato psyllid, Bactericera cockerelli (Sulc) to dimethyl disulfide (DMDS) and to 12 plant essential oils were examined in a glass Y-tube olfactometer. DMDS at doses of 0.5, 1, 2 and 5 g showed a significant repellent effect on the psyllids. Cedar wood, lime, savory, thyme and tea tree oils significantly repelled adults over a wide range of doses tested (1, 10, 100, 500, 1,000 and 2,000 μl). The oils of clove and peppermint also had a significant repellent effect on adults at all doses except at the lowest dose (1 μl). The residual effect of 1 g of DMDS persisted for 10 consecutive days whereas five oils (thyme, tea tree, peppermint, savory and clove) remained repellent for the 20-day longevity residual trial.  相似文献   
The potato psyllid, Bactericera cockerelli (Sulc) (Hemiptera: Triozidae), is a serious pest of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) that can cause yield loss by direct feeding on crop plants and by vectoring a bacterial pathogen, Candidatus Liberibacer psyllaurous. Current pest management practices rely on the use of insecticides to control the potato psyllid to lower disease incidences and increase yields. Although many studies have focused on the mortality that insecticides can cause on potato psyllid populations, little is known regarding the behavioral responses of the potato psyllid to insecticides or whether insecticides can decrease pathogen transmission. Thus, the objectives of this study were to determine the effects of insecticides on adult potato psyllid behaviors, the residual effects of insecticides on potato psyllid behaviors over time, and effects of these insecticides on Ca. L. psyllaurous transmission. Insecticides tested included imidacloprid, kaolin particle film, horticultural spray oil, abamectin, and pymetrozine. All insecticides significantly reduced probing durations and increased the amount of time adult psyllids spent off the leaflets, suggesting that these chemicals may be deterrents to feeding as well as repellents. Nonfeeding behaviors such as tasting, resting, and cleaning showed variable relationships with the different insecticide treatments over time. The insecticides imidacloprid and abamectin significantly lowered transmission of Ca. L. psyllaurous compared with untreated controls. The implications of our results for the selection of insecticides useful for an integrated pest management program for potato psyllid control are discussed.  相似文献   
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