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Esophageal hypersensitivity is one of the most common causes of noncardiac chest pain in patients. In this study, we investigated whether exposure of the esophagus to acid and other chemical irritants affected activity of thoracic spinal neurons responding to esophageal distension (ED) in rats. Extracellular potentials of single thoracic (T3) spinal neurons were recorded in pentobarbital sodium-anesthetized, -paralyzed, and -ventilated male rats. ED (0.2 or 0.4 ml, 20 s) was produced by water inflation of a latex balloon placed orally into the middle thoracic region of the esophagus. The chemicals were administered via a tube that was passed through the stomach and placed in the thoracic esophagus. To irritate the esophagus, 0.2 ml of HCl (0.01 N), bradykinin (10 microg/ml), or capsaicin (10 microg/ml) were injected for 1-2 min. Only neurons excited by ED were included in this study. Results showed that intraesophageal instillation of HCl, bradykinin, and capsaicin increased activity in 3/20 (15%), 7/25 (28%), and 9/20 (45%) neurons but enhanced excitatory responses to ED in 9/17 (53%), 8/15 (53%), and 7/11 (64%) of the remaining spinal neurons, respectively. Furthermore, intraesophageal chemicals were more likely to enhance the responsiveness of low-threshold neurons than high-threshold neurons to the esophageal mechanical stimulus. Normal saline (pH 7.4, 0.2 ml) or vehicle instilled in the esophagus did not significantly affect activity or ED responses of neurons. We conclude that enhanced responses of thoracic spinal neurons to ED by the chemically challenged esophagus may provide a possible pathophysiological basis for visceral hypersensitivity in patients with gastroesophageal reflux and/or esophagitis.  相似文献   
Activity profiles of bacterioplankton in a eutrophic river   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1. The significance of microbial diversity in processing dissolved organic matter (DOM) is largely unknown. We investigated the range of functional diversity in the bacterioplankton from a eutrophic river by profiling extracellular enzyme activities (EEA) and substrate-induced respiration (SIR) patterns.
2. The EEA profiles consisted of assays for 21 hydrolases, measured using fluorogenic substrates arrayed on 96-well microplates. Commercially available BiOLOG® GN and ECO plates, which contained 120 different substrates, were used for the SIR profiles.
3. The EEA data were more dynamic than the SIR. Five enzymes, leucine aminopeptidase, alkaline phosphatase, alanine aminopeptidase, arginine aminopeptidase and β-glucosidase, showed consistently high activity; ten others were ubiquitous at lower activity levels; the remainder were detected intermittently. The SIR data showed less temporal variability. With one exception (citrate), the 20 substrates that generated the largest responses were all saccharides or their derivatives.
4. The EEA and SIR data did not generally correlate. Both methods were effective for ordinating bacterioplankton although, unlike the SIR, the EEA ordination followed a clear temporal trajectory.
5. Because the SIR profiles are based on a culture response, whilst the EEA profiles measure activity of the extant community, the latter appear to be more directly linked to the mechanics of DOM processing.  相似文献   
Finite volume ocean circulation and particle tracking models are used to simulate water-borne transmission of infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) among Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) farms in the Discovery Islands region of British Columbia, Canada. Historical simulations for April and July 2010 are carried out to demonstrate the seasonal impact of river discharge, wind, ultra-violet (UV) radiation, and heat flux conditions on near-surface currents, viral dispersion and survival. Numerical particles released from infected farm fish in accordance with IHNV shedding rates estimated through laboratory experiments are dispersed by model oceanic flows. Viral particles are inactivated by ambient UV radiation levels and by the natural microbial community at rates derived through laboratory studies. Viral concentration maps showing temporal and spatial changes are produced and combined with lab-determined minimum infectious dosages to estimate the infective connectivity among farms. Results demonstrate that neighbouring naïve farms can become exposed to IHNV via water-borne transport from an IHNV diseased farm, with a higher risk in April than July, and that many events in the sequence of farm outbreaks in 2001-2002 are consistent with higher risks in our farm connectivity matrix. Applications to other diseases, transfers between farmed and wild fish, and the effect of vaccinations are also discussed.  相似文献   
Anthropogenic activities on coastal watersheds increase nutrient concentrations of groundwater. As groundwater travels downslope it transports these nutrients toward the adjoining coastal water. The resulting nutrient loading rates can be significant because nutrient concentrations in coastal groundwaters may be several orders of magnitude greater than those of receiving coastal waters. Groundwater-borne nutrients are most subject to active biogeochemical transformations as they course through the upper 1 m or so of bottom sediments. There conditions favor anaerobic processes such as denitrification, as well as other mechanisms that either sequester or release nutrients. The relative importance of advective vs. regenerative pathways of nutrient supply may result in widely different rates of release of nutrients from sediments. The relative activity of denitrifiers also may alter the ratio of N to P released to overlying waters, and hence affect which nutrient limits growth of producers. The consequences of nutrient (particularly nitrate) loading include somewhat elevated nutrient concentrations in the watercolumn, increased growth of macroalgae and phytoplankton, reduction of seagrass beds, and reductions of the associated fauna. The decline in animals occurs because of habitat changes and because of the increased frequency of anoxic events prompted by the characteristically high respiration rates found in enriched waters.  相似文献   
The study of induced pluripotency is complicated by the need for infection with high-titer retroviral vectors, which results in genetically heterogeneous cell populations. We generated genetically homogeneous 'secondary' somatic cells that carry the reprogramming factors as defined doxycycline (dox)-inducible transgenes. These cells were produced by infecting fibroblasts with dox-inducible lentiviruses, reprogramming by dox addition, selecting induced pluripotent stem cells and producing chimeric mice. Cells derived from these chimeras reprogram upon dox exposure without the need for viral infection with efficiencies 25- to 50-fold greater than those observed using direct infection and drug selection for pluripotency marker reactivation. We demonstrate that (i) various induction levels of the reprogramming factors can induce pluripotency, (ii) the duration of transgene activity directly correlates with reprogramming efficiency, (iii) cells from many somatic tissues can be reprogrammed and (iv) different cell types require different induction levels. This system facilitates the characterization of reprogramming and provides a tool for genetic or chemical screens to enhance reprogramming.  相似文献   
For over 30 years a phospholipase C enzyme called alpha-toxin was thought to be the key virulence factor in necrotic enteritis caused by Clostridium perfringens. However, using a gene knockout mutant we have recently shown that alpha-toxin is not essential for pathogenesis. We have now discovered a key virulence determinant. A novel toxin (NetB) was identified in a C. perfringens strain isolated from a chicken suffering from necrotic enteritis (NE). The toxin displayed limited amino acid sequence similarity to several pore forming toxins including beta-toxin from C. perfringens (38% identity) and alpha-toxin from Staphylococcus aureus (31% identity). NetB was only identified in C. perfringens type A strains isolated from chickens suffering NE. Both purified native NetB and recombinant NetB displayed cytotoxic activity against the chicken leghorn male hepatoma cell line LMH; inducing cell rounding and lysis. To determine the role of NetB in NE a netB mutant of a virulent C. perfringens chicken isolate was constructed by homologous recombination, and its virulence assessed in a chicken disease model. The netB mutant was unable to cause disease whereas the wild-type parent strain and the netB mutant complemented with a wild-type netB gene caused significant levels of NE. These data show unequivocally that in this isolate a functional NetB toxin is critical for the ability of C. perfringens to cause NE in chickens. This novel toxin is the first definitive virulence factor to be identified in avian C. perfringens strains capable of causing NE. Furthermore, the netB mutant is the first rationally attenuated strain obtained in an NE-causing isolate of C. perfringens; as such it has considerable vaccine potential.  相似文献   
A novel pyridothiophene inhibitor of PTP1B was discovered by rational screening of phosphotyrosine mimics at high micromolar concentrations. The potency of this lead compound has been improved significantly by medicinal chemistry guided by X-ray crystallography and molecular modeling. Excellent consistency has been observed between structure-activity relationships and structural information from PTP1B-inhibitor complexes.  相似文献   
Blood-based protein biomarkers hold great promise to advance medicine with applications that detect and diagnose diseases and aid in their treatment. We are developing such applications with our proteomics technology that combines high-content with low limits of detection. Biomarker discovery relies heavily on archived blood sample collections. Blood is dynamic and changes with different sampling procedures potentially confounding biomarker studies. In order to better understand the effects of sampling procedures on the circulating proteome, we studied three sample collection variables commonly encountered in archived sample sets. These variables included (1) three different sample tube types, PPT plasma, SST serum, and Red Top serum, (2) the time from venipuncture to centrifugation, and (3) the time from centrifugation to freezing. We profiled 498 proteins for each of 240 samples and compared the results by ANOVA. The results found no significant variation in the measurements for most proteins (~ 99%) when the two sample processing times tested were 2 h or less, regardless of sample tube type. Even at the longest timepoints, 20 h, ~ 82% of the proteins, on average for the three collection tube types, showed no significant change. These results are encouraging for proteomic biomarker discovery.  相似文献   
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