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Summary Brush border membrane vesicles were prepared from mussel gills using differential and sucrose density gradient centrifugation. These vesicles contained both the maximal Na+-dependent alanine transport activity found in the gradient and the maximal activities of -glutamyl transpeptidase and alkaline phosphatase. Electron micrographs showed closed vesicles of approximately 0.1–0.5 m diameter. Transport experiments using these vesicles demonstrated a transient 18-fold overshoot in intravesicular alanine concentration in the presence of an inwardly directed Na+ gradient, but not under Na+ equilibrium conditions. A reduced overshoot (10-fold) was seen with an inwardly directed K+ gradient. Further studies revealed a broad cation selectivity, with preference for Na+, which was characteristic of alanine transport but not glucose transport in these membranes. The apparent amino acid specificity of the uptake pathway(s) was similar to that of intact gills and supported the idea of at least four separate pathways for amino acid transport in mussel gill brush border membranes. The apparent Michaelis constant for alanine uptake was approximately 7m, consistent with values forK t determined with intact tissue.  相似文献   
M. Wright  A. Moisand  L. Mir 《Protoplasma》1980,105(1-2):149-160
Summary The precise geometry of pro-centriole formation has been studied inPhysarum polycephalum amoebae. The spatial references used were the posterior and the anterior kinetosomes which are unequivocally defined by the presence of the posterior para-kinetosomal structure, the microtubular array 4 and the microtubular arrays 1, 2, and 3. The observations made suggest that pro-centrioles follow a maturation process. A pro-centriole formed during the nth cell cycle becomes the posterior kinetosome during the (n + 1)th cell cycle and the anterior one during all the following cell cycles. Pro-centriole formation occurs late in the cell cycle. This observation disagrees with a role of pro-centriole formation in the regulation of S phase in contrast to what has been suggested in other eucaryotic cells.  相似文献   
Silicon accumulation and water uptake by wheat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Silicon (Si) content in cereal plants and soil-Si solubility may be used to estimate transpiration, assuming passive Si uptake. The hypothesis for passive-Si uptake by the transpiration stream was tested in wheat (Triticum aestivum cv. Stephens) grown on the irrigated Portneuf silt loam soil (Durixerollic calciorthid) near Twin Falls, Idaho. Treatments consisted of 5 levels of plant-available soil water ranging from 244 to 776 mm provided primarily by a line-source sprinkler irrigation system. Evapotranspiration was determined by the water-balance method and water uptake was calculated from evapotranspiration, shading, and duration of wet-surface soil. Water extraction occurred from the 0 to 150-cm zone in which equilibrium Si solubility (20°C) was 15 mg Si L–1 in the Ap and Bk (0–58 cm depth) and 23 mg Si L–1 in the Bkq (58–165 cm depth).At plant maturity, total Si uptake ranged from 10 to 32 g m–2, above-ground dry matter from 1200 to 2100 g m–2 and transpiration from 227 to 546 kg m–2. Silicon uptake was correlated with transpiration (Siup=–07+06T, r2=0.85) and dry matter yield with evapotranspiration (Y=119+303ET, r2=0.96). Actual Si uptake was 2.4 to 4.7 times that accounted for by passive uptake, supporting designation of wheat as a Si accumulator. The ratio of Si uptake to water uptake increased with soil moisture. The confirmation of active Si uptake precludes using Si uptake to estimate water use by wheat.  相似文献   
Summary Adult rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were injected intraperitoneally with capsaicin, substance P, serotonin, or a control of saline vehicle or bovine serum albumin (0.5 g/g body weight). Fish were sacrificed 30 min and 1,2 and 4 h post-injection, the gut was dissected out, and a small section of the upper intestine was processed for electron microscopy. A significant proportion of eosinophilic granule cells (EGCs) of the intestine were in close association with non-myelinated neuronal bundles in all fish (4 fish per treatment and time period), but there was no significant difference between treatment or time, suggesting that the association was unaffected by these factors. Close examination of EGC ultrastructure showed that fish treated with capsaicin and substance P exhibited limited degranulation of the EGCs in the stratum compactum and extensive crinophagic-like degranulation in the lamina propria. Cells of the lamina propria contained characteristic multivesicular-like bodies. The degranulation was reminiscent of both mast cell degranulation and endocrine cell crinophagy. EGCs of fish treated with serotonin or a control were unaffected, suggesting that the serotoninergic neurons, believed to be involved in gut motility, were not responsible for degranulation. It is apparent that EGCs of the trout intestine may be under nervous control, as has been demonstrated previously for mammalian mast cells.  相似文献   
Meconium aspiration syndrome is a major contributor to neonatal respiratory distress in infants and it has been sporadically recognized in neonatal animals. This investigation was designed to study the short and long term effects of meconium and amniotic fluid in the lungs of neonatal rats. Seven-day-old rats (n = 123) divided in three groups were intratracheally inoculated with saline solution, amniotic fluid or meconium. Rats were euthanatized on 1, 3, 7, 14, 28, 56 and 112 postinoculation days (PID) and the lungs were examined by light microscopy. Saline solution did not induce any change while amniotic fluid elicited only a mild foreign body response which disappeared by PID 14. In contrast, meconium induced an exudative alveolitis characterized by recruitment of neutrophilsn in the bronchoalveolar spaces. Meconium also induced atelectasis, hyperinflation and thickening of alveolar septa all of which had disappeared by PID 14. Starting at PID 7, neutrophils were progressively replaced by macrophages, giant cells, and some fibroblasts. There were sporadic foci of mineralization starting at PID 14 and lasting up to PID 112. Some mineralized foci became lined with cuboidal epithelial cells at PID 28. Meconium was slowly degraded but still evident by PID 112. It was concluded that inoculation of meconium in neonatal rats induces acute microscopic changes typical of meconium aspiration syndrome. The long term lesions induced by meconium consisted of persistent multifocal histiocytic alveolitis and bronchiolitis reaction with occasional foci of calcification.  相似文献   
Previous in vitro studies have suggested that surfactant protein A (SP-A) may play a role in pulmonary surfactant homeostasis by mediating surfactant secretion and clearance. However, mice made deficient in SP-A [SP-A (-/-) animals] have relatively normal levels of surfactant compared with wild-type SP-A (+/+) animals. We hypothesize that SP-A may play a role in surfactant homeostasis after acute lung injury. Bacterial lipopolysaccharide was instilled into the lungs of SP-A (-/-) mice and SP-A (+/+) mice to induce injury. Surfactant phospholipid levels were increased 1.6-fold in injured SP-A (-/-) animals, although injury did not alter [3H]choline or [14C]palmitate incorporation into dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC), suggesting no change in surfactant synthesis/secretion 12 h after injury. Clearance of [3H]DPPC from the lungs of injured SP-A (-/-) animals was decreased by approximately 40%. Instillation of 50 microg of exogenous SP-A rescued both the clearance defect and the increased phospholipid defect in injured SP-A (-/-) animals, suggesting that SP-A may play a role in regulating clearance of surfactant phospholipids after acute lung injury.  相似文献   
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