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In sports, the role of backswing is considered critical for generating a good shot, even though it plays no direct role in hitting the ball. We recently demonstrated the scientific basis of this phenomenon by showing that immediate past movement affects the learning and recall of motor memories. This effect occurred regardless of whether the past contextual movement was performed actively, passively, or shown visually. In force field studies, it has been shown that motor memories generalize locally and that the level of compensation decays as a function of movement angle away from the trained movement. Here we examine if the contextual effect of past movement exhibits similar patterns of generalization and whether it can explain behavior seen in interference studies. Using a single force-field learning task, the directional tuning curves of both the prior contextual movement and the subsequent force field adaptive movements were measured. The adaptation movement direction showed strong directional tuning, decaying to zero by 90° relative to the training direction. The contextual movement direction exhibited a similar directional tuning, although the effect was always above 60%. We then investigated the directional tuning of the passive contextual movement using interference tasks, where the contextual movements that uniquely specified the force field direction were separated by ±15° or ±45°. Both groups showed a pronounced tuning effect, which could be well explained by the directional tuning functions for single force fields. Our results show that contextual effect of past movement influences predictive force compensation, even when adaptation does not require contextual information. However, when such past movement contextual information is crucial to the task, such as in an interference study, it plays a strong role in motor memory learning and recall. This work demonstrates that similar tuning responses underlie both generalization of movement direction during dynamic learning and contextual movements in both single force field and interference tasks.  相似文献   
The kidney has an intrinsic ability to repair itself when injured. Epithelial cells of distal tubules may participate in regeneration. Stem cell marker, TRA-1-60 is linked to pluripotency in human embryonic stem cells and is lost upon differentiation. TRA-1-60 expression was mapped and quantified in serial sections of human foetal, adult and diseased kidneys. In 8- to 10-week human foetal kidney, the epitope was abundantly expressed on ureteric bud and structures derived therefrom including collecting duct epithelium. In adult kidney inner medulla/papilla, comparisons with reactivity to epithelial membrane antigen, aquaporin-2 and Tamm–Horsfall protein, confirmed extensive expression of TRA-1-60 in cells lining collecting ducts and thin limb of the loop of Henle, which may be significant since the papillae were proposed to harbour slow cycling cells involved in kidney homeostasis and repair. In the outer medulla and cortex there was rare, sporadic expression in tubular cells of the collecting ducts and nephron, with positive cells confined to the thin limb and thick ascending limb and distal convoluted tubules. Remarkably, in cortex displaying tubulo-interstitial injury, there was a dramatic increase in number of TRA-1-60 expressing individual cells and in small groups of cells in distal tubules. Dual staining showed that TRA-1-60 positive cells co-expressed Pax-2 and Ki-67, markers of tubular regeneration. Given the localization in foetal kidney and the distribution patterns in adults, it is tempting to speculate that TRA-1-60 may identify a population of cells contributing to repair of distal tubules in adult kidney.  相似文献   
DYF-13, originally identified in Caenorhabditis elegans within a collection of dye-filling chemosensory mutants, is one of several proteins that have been classified as putatively involved in intraflagellar transport (IFT), the bidirectional movement of protein complexes along cilia and flagella and specifically in anterograde IFT. Although genetic studies have highlighted a fundamental role of DYF-13 in nematode sensory cilium and trypanosome flagellum biogenesis, biochemical studies on DYF-13 have lagged behind. Here, we show that in Trypanosoma brucei the orthologue to DYF-13, PIFTC3, participates in a macromolecular complex of approximately 660 kDa. Mass spectroscopy of affinity-purified PIFTC3 revealed several components of IFT complex B as well as orthologues of putative IFT factors DYF-1, DYF-3, DYF-11/Elipsa and IFTA-2. DYF-11 was further analysed and shown to be concentrated near the basal bodies and in the flagellum, and to be required for flagellum elongation. In addition, by coimmunoprecipitation we detected an interaction between DYF-13 and IFT122, a component of IFT complex A, which is required for retrograde transport. Thus, our biochemical analysis supports the model, proposed by genetic analysis in C. elegans, that the trypanosome orthologue of DYF-13 plays a central role in the IFT mechanism.  相似文献   
Molecular markers closely linked to genes that confer a high level of resistance to root-knot nematode (RKN) [Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid & White) Chitwood] in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) germplasm derived from Auburn 623 RNR would greatly facilitate cotton breeding programs. Our objectives were to identify simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers linked to RKN resistance quantitative trait loci (QTL) and map these markers to specific chromosomes. We developed three recombinant inbred line (RIL) populations by single seed descent from the crosses of RKN-resistant parents M-240 RNR (M240), developed from the Auburn 623 RNR source, moderately resistant Clevewilt 6 (CLW6), one of the parents of Auburn 623 RNR, and susceptible parent Stoneville 213 (ST213). These crosses were CLW6 × ST213, M240 × CLW6, and M240 × ST213. RILs from these populations were grown under greenhouse conditions, inoculated with RKN eggs, scored for root gall index, eggs plant−1, and eggs g−1 root. Plants were also genotyped with SSR markers. Results indicated that a minimum of two major genes were involved in the RKN resistance of M240. One gene was localized to chromosome 11 and linked to the marker CIR 316-201. This CIR 316-201 allele was also present in CLW6 but not in Mexico Wild (MW) (PI593649), both of which are parents of Auburn 623 RNR. A second RKN resistance gene was localized to the short arm of chromosome 14 and was linked to the SSR markers BNL3545-118 and BNL3661-185. These two marker alleles were not present in CLW6 but were present in MW. Our data also suggest that the chromosome 11 resistance QTL primarily affects root galling while the QTL on chromosome 14 mediates reduced RKN egg production. The SSRs identified in this study should be useful to select plants with high levels of RKN resistance in segregating populations derived from Auburn 623 RNR.  相似文献   
We have investigated whether specific protein phosphorylation events are induced in Papaver rhoeas pollen as a consequence of the self-incompatibility (SI) response. Pollen grown in vitro in the presence of 32P-orthophosphate was challenged with biologically active recombinant S proteins, and pollen proteins were extracted and analyzed. The results provide strong evidence that the increased phosphorylation of a 26-kD protein of pl 6.2, p26, is specifically induced by the SI response. This phosphorylation event occurs in living pollen tubes and was observed specifically when pollen was challenged with S proteins that are incompatible with the S alleles carried by the pollen and not when pollen was challenged with compatible or incompatible heat-denatured S proteins. Further characterization demonstrated that p26 comprises two phosphoproteins, p26.1 and p26.2, that are found in soluble and microsomal fractions, respectively. Increased phosphorylation of p26.1 is implicated in the SI response and appears to be Ca2+ and calmodulin dependent. These data argue for the involvement of a Ca2+-dependent protein kinase requiring calmodulin-like domains, whose activation comprises an intracellular signal mediating the SI response in P. rhoeas pollen.  相似文献   
The effect of five constant temperatures (16, 20, 24, 28 and 32 °C) on the development, survival and reproduction of Tetranychus cinnabarinus (Boisduval) [=?Tetranychus urticae Koch (red form)] fed on cassava leaves was examined in the laboratory at 85% relative humidity. Development time of various immature stages decreased with increasing temperature, with total egg-to-adult development time varying from 27.7 to 6.7 days. The lower thermal threshold for development was 10.8 °C and the thermal constant from egg to adult was 142.4 degree-days. Pre- and post-oviposition period and female longevity all decreased as temperature increased. The longest oviposition period was observed at 20 °C with 20.4 days. Under different temperatures, mated females laid, on average, 1.0, 2.9, 4.7, 4.7 and 4.9 eggs per day, respectively. The maximum fecundity (81.5 eggs per female) was at 28 °C and the intrinsic rate of increase (r m ) was highest (0.25) at 32 °C. The results of this study indicate that T. cinnabarinus population could increase rapidly when cassava leaves serve as a food source. At the appropriate temperature T. cinnabarinus could seriously threaten growth of cassava.  相似文献   
Articular cartilage exhibits little intrinsic repair capacity, and new tissue engineering approaches are being developed to promote cartilage regeneration using cellular therapies. The goal of this study was to examine the chondrogenic potential of adipose tissue-derived stromal cells. Stromal cells were isolated from human subcutaneous adipose tissue obtained by liposuction and were expanded and grown in vitro with or without chondrogenic media in alginate culture. Adipose-derived stromal cells abundantly synthesized cartilage matrix molecules including collagen type II, VI, and chondroitin 4-sulfate. Alginate cell constructs grown in chondrogenic media for 2 weeks in vitro were then implanted subcutaneously in nude mice for 4 and 12 weeks. Immunohistochemical analysis of these samples showed significant production of cartilage matrix molecules. These findings document the ability of adipose tissue-derived stromal cells to produce characteristic cartilage matrix molecules in both in vitro and in vivo models, and suggest the potential of these cells in cartilage tissue engineering.  相似文献   
In Escherichia coli, efficient mutagenesis by UV requires the umuDC operon. A deficiency in umuDC activity is believed to be responsible for the relatively weak UV mutability of Salmonella typhimurium LT2 compared with that of E. coli. To begin evaluating this hypothesis and the evolutionary relationships among umuDC-related sequences, we cloned and sequenced the S. typhimurium umuDC operon. S. typhimurium umuDC restored mutability to umuD and umuC mutants of E. coli. DNA sequence analysis of 2,497 base pairs (bp) identified two nonoverlapping open reading frames spanning 1,691 bp that were were 67 and 72% identical at the nucleotide sequence level to the umuD and umuC sequences, respectively, from E. coli. The sequences encoded proteins whose deduced primary structures were 73 and 84% identical to the E. coli umuD and umuC gene products, respectively. The two bacterial umuDC sequences were more similar to each other than to mucAB, a plasmid-borne umuDC homolog. The umuD product retained the Cys-24--Gly-25, Ser-60, and Lys-97 amino acid residues believed to be critical for RecA-mediated proteolytic activation of UmuD. The presence of a LexA box 17 bp upstream from the UmuD initiation codon suggests that this operon is a member of an SOS regulon. Mu d-P22 inserts were used to locate the S. typhimurium umuDC operon to a region between 35.9 and 40 min on the S. typhimurium chromosome. In E. coli, umuDC is located at 26 min. The umuDC locus in S. typhimurium thus appears to be near one end of a chromosomal inversion that distinguishes gene order in the 25- to 35-min regions of the E. coli and S. typhimurium chromosomes. It is likely, therefore, that the umuDC operon was present in a common ancestor before S. typhimurium and E. coli diverged approximately 150 million years ago. These results provide new information for investigating the structure, function, and evolutionary origins of umuDC and for exploring the genetic basis for the mutability differences between S. typhimurium and E. coli.  相似文献   
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