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Two main questions are important for understanding and treating affective disorders: why are certain individuals susceptible or resilient to stress, and what are the features of treatment response and resistance? To address these questions, we used a chronic mild stress (CMS) rat model of depression. When exposed to stress, a fraction of rats develops anhedonic-like behavior, a core symptom of major depression, while another subgroup of rats is resilient to CMS. Furthermore, the anhedonic-like state is reversed in about half the animals in response to chronic escitalopram treatment (responders), while the remaining animals are resistant (non-responder animals). Electrophysiology in hippocampal brain slices was used to identify a synaptic hallmark characterizing these groups of animals. Presynaptic properties were investigated at GABAergic synapses onto single dentate gyrus granule cells. Stress-susceptible rats displayed a reduced probability of GABA release judged by an altered paired-pulse ratio of evoked inhibitory postsynaptic currents (IPSCs) (1.48 ± 0.25) compared with control (0.81 ± 0.05) and stress-resilient rats (0.78 ± 0.03). Spontaneous IPSCs (sIPSCs) occurred less frequently in stress-susceptible rats compared with control and resilient rats. Finally, a subset of stress-susceptible rats responding to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) treatment showed a normalization of the paired-pulse ratio (0.73 ± 0.06) whereas non-responder rats showed no normalization (1.2 ± 0.2). No changes in the number of parvalbumin-positive interneurons were observed. Thus, we provide evidence for a distinct GABAergic synaptopathy which associates closely with stress-susceptibility and treatment-resistance in an animal model of depression.  相似文献   
Aleutian mink disease (AMD) is a chronic viral disease in farmed mink and the virus (AMDV) has been found in many free-ranging mink (Neovison vison) populations in Europe and North America. In this study, AMDV DNA and AMDV antibodies were analysed in 144 free-ranging mink hunted in Sweden. Associations between being AMDV infected (defined as positive for both viral DNA and antibodies) and the weight of the spleen, liver, kidneys, adrenal glands and body condition were calculated and the sequences of ten AMDV isolates were analysed in order to characterize the genetic relationships. In total, 46.1% of the mink were positive for AMDV antibodies and 57.6% were positive for AMDV DNA. Twenty-two percent of the mink tested on both tests (n = 133) had dissimilar results. The risk of having AMDV antibodies or being positive for AMDV DNA clearly increased with age and the majority of the mink that were two years or older were infected. Few macroscopic changes were found upon necropsy. However, the relative weight of the spleen was sexually dimorphic and was found to be slightly, but significantly (p = 0.006), heavier in AMDV infected male mink than uninfected. No association between AMDV infection and body condition, weight of the kidneys, liver or adrenal glands were found. Several different strains of AMDV were found across the country. Two of the AMDV sequences from the very north of Sweden did not group with any of the previously described groups of strains. In summary, AMDV seems to be prevalent in wild mink in Sweden and may subtly influence the weight of the spleen.  相似文献   
The transition to cooperative breeding may alter maternal investment strategies depending on density of breeders, extent of reproductive skew, and allo‐maternal care. Change in optimal investment from solitary to cooperative breeding can be investigated by comparing social species with nonsocial congeners. We tested two hypotheses in a mainly semelparous system: that social, cooperative breeders, compared to subsocial, solitarily breeding congeners, (1) lay fewer and larger eggs because larger offspring compete better for limited resources and become reproducers; (2) induce egg size variation within clutches as a bet‐hedging strategy to ensure that some offspring become reproducers. Within two spider genera, Anelosimus and Stegodyphus, we compared species from similar habitats and augmented the results with a mini‐meta‐analysis of egg numbers depicted in phylogenies. We found that social species indeed laid fewer, larger eggs than subsocials, while egg size variation was low overall, giving no support for bet‐hedging. We propose that the transition to cooperative breeding selects for producing few, large offspring because reproductive skew and high density of breeders and young create competition for resources and reproduction. Convergent evolution has shaped maternal strategies similarly in phylogenetically distant species and directed cooperatively breeding spiders to invest in quality rather than quantity of offspring.  相似文献   
Inbreeding mating systems are uncommon because of inbreeding depression. Mating among close relatives can evolve, however, when outcrossing is constrained. Social spiders show obligatory mating among siblings. In combination with a female‐biased sex ratio, sib‐mating results in small effective populations. In such a system, high genetic homozygosity is expected, and drift may cause population divergence. We tested the effect of outcrossing in the social spider Stegodyphus dumicola. Females were mated to sib‐males, to a non‐nestmate within the population, or to a male from a distant population, and fitness traits of F1s were compared. We found reduced hatching success of broods from between‐population crosses, suggesting the presence of population divergence at a large geographical scale that may result in population incompatibility. However, a lack of a difference in offspring performance between inbred and outbred crosses indicates little genetic variation between populations, and could suggest recent colonization by a common ancestor. This is consistent with population dynamics of frequent colonizations by single sib‐mated females of common origin, and extinctions of populations after few generations. Although drift or single mutations can lead to population divergence at a relatively short time scale, it is possible that dynamic population processes homogenize these effects at longer time scales.  相似文献   
Examination of adhesion ability using a quantitative assay based on radiolabelled bacteria showed that 10 Enterococcus strains exhibited adhesion ability from 2 to 4%. Enterococcus faecium EF2019 (isolate from rabbit faeces, deponed to Czech Culture of Microorganisms in Brno, CCM 7420) showed the highest adhesion ability (4.0 ± 0.4%). With regard to survival, all strains displayed good resistance towards 0.3% oxgall and HCl (pH 3.0). Pretreatment of strains with HCl (pH 3.0) significantly reduced their adhesion. Pretreatment of strains by oxgall significantly reduced the adhesion capacity of E. faecium EF2019, EF1839 and EF319 strains, while the adhesion ability of E. faecium EE3 (isolate from canine feed) slightly increased. Furthermore, addition of calcium (200 mmol/l) significantly increased (P < 0.001) the adhesion ability for all strains tested. The adhesion ability of the isolates from rabbits, EF1839 and EF529, as well as the isolate EE3 (strain from canine feed) increased from 2–3% up to 50–55% upon calcium addition. Despite, in general low adhesive properties, strains can survive passage through the gastrointestinal tract.  相似文献   


Polar bears (Ursus maritimus) are major predators in the Arctic marine ecosystem, feeding mainly on seals, and living closely associated with sea ice. Little is known of their gut microbial ecology and the main purpose of this study was to investigate the microbial diversity in faeces of polar bears in Svalbard, Norway (74-81°N, 10-33°E). In addition the level of bla TEM alleles, encoding ampicillin resistance (ampr) were determined. In total, ten samples were collected from ten individual bears, rectum swabs from five individuals in 2004 and faeces samples from five individuals in 2006.  相似文献   
The diversity of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) inhabiting the extreme hypersaline sediment (270 g L(-1) NaCl) of the northern arm of Great Salt Lake was studied by integrating cultivation and genotypic identification approaches involving PCR-based retrieval of 16S rRNA and dsrAB genes, the latter encoding major subunits of dissimilatory (bi) sulfite reductase. The majority (85%) of dsrAB sequences retrieved directly from the sediment formed a lineage of high (micro) diversity affiliated with the genus Desulfohalobium, while others represented novel lineages within the families Desulfohalobiaceae and Desulfobacteraceae or among Gram-positive SRB. Using the same sediment, SRB enrichment cultures were established in parallel at 100 and at 190 g L(-1) NaCl using different electron donors. After 5-6 transfers, dsrAB and 16S rRNA gene-based profiling of these enrichment cultures recovered a SRB community composition congruent with the cultivation-independent profiling of the sediment. Pure culture representatives of the predominant Desulfohalobium-related lineage and of one of the Desulfobacteraceae-affilated lineages were successfully obtained. The growth performance of these isolates and of the enrichment cultures suggests that the sediment SRB community of the northern arm of Great Salt Lake consists of moderate halophiles, which are salt-stressed at the in situ salinity of 27%.  相似文献   
Ecophysiology of abundant denitrifying bacteria in activated sludge   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The abundance of potential denitrifiers in full-scale wastewater treatment plants with biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal was investigated by FISH and various oligonucleotide probes. The potential denitrifiers were characterized as probe-defined populations that were able to consume radiolabelled substrate with oxygen, nitrate and nitrite as electron acceptor as determined by microautoradiography. The most abundant potential denitrifiers were related to the genera Aquaspirillum, Azoarcus, Thauera and Rhodocyclus, all within the Betaproteobacteria. They made up 20-49% of all bacteria in most of the 17 nitrogen removal plants investigated and were hardly present in four plants without denitrification. The ecophysiology of Aquaspirillum, Azoarcus and Thauera-related bacteria was consistent within each probe-defined group in the plants investigated. These three groups showed distinct physiological differences, with the Aquaspirillum-related bacteria appearing as the most specialized one, consuming only amino acids among the substrates tested, and Thauera as the most versatile consuming some volatile fatty acids, ethanol and amino acids. The coexistence of Aquaspirillum, Azoarcus and Thauera-related bacteria in a range of treatment plants with differences in wastewater, design and operation suggest that the populations ensure a functional stability of the plants by occupying different ecological niches related to the carbon transformation.  相似文献   
The life and death of T cells is controlled to a large extent by the relative amounts of Bcl-2-related proteins they contain. The antiapoptotic protein Bcl-2 and the proapoptotic protein Bim are particularly important in this process with the amount of Bcl-2 per cell dropping by about one-half when T cells prepare to die. In this study we show that Bcl-2 and Bim each control the expression of the other. Absence of Bim leads to a drop in the amount of intracellular Bcl-2 protein, while having no effect on the amounts of mRNA for Bcl-2. Conversely, high amounts of Bcl-2 per cell allow high amounts of Bim, although in this case the effect involves increases in Bim mRNA. These mutual effects occur even if Bcl-2 is induced acutely. Thus these two proteins control the expression of the other, at either the protein or mRNA level.  相似文献   
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