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Candeia (Eremanthus erythropappus (DC.) MacLeish), a native forest species from South America, has garnered commercial interest due to its production of essential oil that contains alpha-bisabolol. This compound is widely used in the pharmaceutical and cosmetics industry, with approximately 80% of Brazilian production being exported. Since candeia rust (Puccinia velata) has only been reported in Brazil, little is known about its epidemiology and control. There is no methodology to quantify rust severity in candeia, justifying the elaboration and validation of a diagrammatic scale containing eight levels of disease severity based on leaf area coverage (0.25%, 0.5%, 1%, 2%, 4%, 8%, 16% and 32%). In a natural sampling of disease in the field, 95% of the leaves showed severity below 16%, with the remaining 5% showing severities between 16% and 32% of leaf area. Validation of the proposed diagrammatic scale was performed by assessing the results from 10 inexperienced evaluators, performing evaluations of three leaves with different severity levels. The evaluations were performed at 7-day intervals; in the first instance, severity values were assigned without the diagrammatic scale, and for the second attempt, the scale proposed in this study was used. The accuracy and precision of the severity estimates produced by each evaluator compared to the real severity was analysed by linear regression and by Lin's statistics. The reproducibility of the estimates was evaluated by analysing the coefficient of determination of linear regressions by pairs of evaluators. The scale provided adequate levels of accuracy, precision, repeatability and reproducibility, indicating the proposed scale was a suitable method for quantifying the severity of candeia rust.  相似文献   
The Mediterranean Basin is a global biodiversity hotspot, hosting a number of native species belonging to families that are found almost exclusively in tropical climates. Yet, whether or not these taxa were able to survive in the Mediterranean region during the Quaternary climatic oscillations remains unknown. Focusing on the European free-tailed bat (Tadarida teniotis), we aimed to (a) identify potential ancient populations and glacial refugia; (b) determine the post-glacial colonization routes across the Mediterranean; and (c) evaluate current population structure and demography. Mitochondrial and nuclear markers were used to understand T. teniotis evolutionary and demographic history. We show that T. teniotis is likely restricted to the Western Palearctic, with mitochondrial phylogeny suggesting a split between an Anatolian/Middle East clade and a European clade. Nuclear data pointed to three genetic populations, one of which is an isolated and highly differentiated group in the Canary Islands, another distributed across Iberia, Morocco, and France, and a third stretching from Italy to the east, with admixture following a pattern of isolation by distance. Evolutionary and demographic reconstruction supports a pre-Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) colonization of Italy and the Anatolian/Middle East, while the remaining populations were colonized from Italy after the Younger Dryas. We also found support for demographic expansion following the Iberian colonization. The results show that during the LGM T. teniotis persisted in Mediterranean refugia and has subsequently expanded to its current circum-Mediterranean range. Our findings raise questions regarding the physiological and ecological traits that enabled species with tropical affinities to survive in colder climates.  相似文献   
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment - Environmental product declarations (EPDs) are standardized tools based on life cycle assessment (LCA) to communicate and compare environmental...  相似文献   
In this work, we review the physiological and molecular mechanisms that allow vascular plants to perform photosynthesis in extreme environments, such as deserts, polar and alpine ecosystems. Specifically, we discuss the morpho/anatomical, photochemical and metabolic adaptive processes that enable a positive carbon balance in photosynthetic tissues under extreme temperatures and/or severe water‐limiting conditions in C3 species. Nevertheless, only a few studies have described the in situ functioning of photoprotection in plants from extreme environments, given the intrinsic difficulties of fieldwork in remote places. However, they cover a substantial geographical and functional range, which allowed us to describe some general trends. In general, photoprotection relies on the same mechanisms as those operating in the remaining plant species, ranging from enhanced morphological photoprotection to increased scavenging of oxidative products such as reactive oxygen species. Much less information is available about the main physiological and biochemical drivers of photosynthesis: stomatal conductance (gs), mesophyll conductance (gm) and carbon fixation, mostly driven by RuBisCO carboxylation. Extreme environments shape adaptations in structures, such as cell wall and membrane composition, the concentration and activation state of Calvin–Benson cycle enzymes, and RuBisCO evolution, optimizing kinetic traits to ensure functionality. Altogether, these species display a combination of rearrangements, from the whole‐plant level to the molecular scale, to sustain a positive carbon balance in some of the most hostile environments on Earth.  相似文献   
Knowledge of how animal species use food resources available in the environment can increase our understanding of many ecological processes. However, obtaining this information using traditional methods is difficult for species feeding on a large variety of food items in highly diverse environments. We amplified the DNA of plants for 306 scat and 40 soil samples, and applied an environmental DNA metabarcoding approach to investigate food preferences, degree of diet specialization and diet overlap of seven herbivore rodent species of the genus Ctenomys distributed in southern and midwestern Brazil. The metabarcoding approach revealed that these species consume more than 60% of the plant families recovered in soil samples, indicating generalist feeding habits of ctenomyids. The family Poaceae was the most common food resource retrieved in scats of all species as well in soil samples. Niche overlap analysis indicated high overlap in the plant families and molecular operational taxonomic units consumed, mainly among the southern species. Interspecific differences in diet composition were influenced, among other factors, by the availability of resources in the environment. In addition, our results provide support for the hypothesis that the allopatric distributions of ctenomyids allow them to exploit the same range of resources when available, possibly because of the absence of interspecific competition.  相似文献   
Media preparation for perfusion cell culture processes contributes significantly to operational costs and the footprint of continuous operations for therapeutic protein manufacturing. In this study, definitions are given for the use of a perfusion equivalent nutrient feed stream which, when used in combination with basal perfusion medium, supplements the culture with targeted compounds and increases the medium depth. Definitions to compare medium and feed depth are given in this article. Using a concentrated nutrient feed, a 1.8-fold medium consumption (MC) decrease and a 1.67-fold increase in volumetric productivity (PR) were achieved compared to the initial condition. Later, this strategy was used to push cell densities above 100 × 106 cells/ml while using a perfusion rate below 2 RV/day. In this example, MC was also decreased 1.8-fold compared to the initial condition, but due to the higher cell density, PR was increased 3.1-fold and to an average PR value of 1.36 g L−1 day−1 during a short stable phase, and versus 0.46 g L−1 day−1 in the initial condition. Overall, the performance improvements were aligned with the given definitions. This multiple feeding strategy can be applied to gain some flexibility during process development and also in a manufacturing set-up to enable better control on nutrient addition.  相似文献   
The composition of the skin microbiota of amphibians is related to the biology of host species and environmental microbial communities. In this system, the environment serves as a microbial source and can modulate the hosted community. When habitats are fragmented and the environment disturbed, changes in the structure of this microbial community are expected. One important potential consequence of fragmentation is a compromised protective function of the microbiota against pathogenic microorganisms. In this study, the skin microbiota of the amphibian Proceratophrys boiei was characterized, evaluated for relationships with environmental variables and environmental sources of microbial communities, and its diversity evaluated for frog populations from fragmented and continuous forests. In addition, the antimicrobial activity of this skin community was studied in frogs from both forest types. Culture methods and 16S rRNA high‐throughput gene sequencing were used to characterize the microbial community and demonstrated that the skin microbiota of P. boiei is more closely related to the soil microbial communities than those inhabiting water bodies or fragment matrix, the unforested area around the forested fragment. The microbial diversity and abundance of Pboiei skin microbiota are different between continuous forests and fragments. This community is correlated with environmental variables, especially with temperature of microhabitat and distance to human dwelling. All individuals of P. boiei harbored bacteria capable of inhibiting the growth of pathogenic bacteria and different strains of the pathogenic fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, and a total of 27 bacterial genera were detected. The results of this study indicate that the persistence of populations of this species will need balanced and sustained interactions among host, microorganisms, and environment.  相似文献   
Reconstructing ecological niche evolution can provide insight into the biogeography and diversification of evolving lineages. However, comparative phylogenetic methods may infer the history of ecological niche evolution inaccurately because (a) species' niches are often poorly characterized; and (b) phylogenetic comparative methods rely on niche summary statistics rather than full estimates of species' environmental tolerances. Here, we propose a new framework for coding ecological niches and reconstructing their evolution that explicitly acknowledges and incorporates the uncertainty introduced by incomplete niche characterization. Then, we modify existing ancestral state inference methods to leverage full estimates of environmental tolerances. We provide a worked empirical example of our method, investigating ecological niche evolution in the New World orioles (Aves: Passeriformes: Icterus spp.). Temperature and precipitation tolerances were generally broad and conserved among orioles, with niche reduction and specialization limited to a few terminal branches. Tools for performing these reconstructions are available in a new R package called nichevol.  相似文献   
This study scrutinized the possibility of finding toxicant or deterrent plant metabolites against the dry wood termite Incisitermes marginipennis (Latreille). Plant deterrent agents act as repellents or antifeedants to prevent wood decay and increase its useful life. The potential of the tree Caesalpinia coriaria (Fabaceae) as a biological source of molecules with deterrent effects against the dry wood termite was assessed by a phytochemical fractionation guided by repellence and antifeedant activities. The gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis of the leaf essential oil showed geraniol to be one of the major components and its repellent and antifeedant effects were determined. Geraniol had only an antifeedant effect without affecting the body weight or survival of the dry wood termite. Unlike the leaf essential oil, geraniol did not exhibit a repellency effect. An in-silico approach of the activity of acetylcholinesterase in interaction with geraniol resulted in an affinity energy of −7.5 Kcal/mol. Geraniol interacted with the amino acid tyrosine 324 located in the enzyme’s active site while citronellol (negative control) interacted with tryptophan 83 located adjacent to the active site. These deterring terpenes have not been implemented for the preservation and restoration of wood products exposed to the attack of the dry wood termite. However, they are an important natural control alternative.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to analyze the performance of Acaena elongata colonized by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) to different phosphorus (P) concentrations, as a measure of AMF dependency. A. elongata, is a species from soils where P availability is limited, such as temperate forests. Our research questions were: 1) How do different P concentrations affect the AMF association in Acaena elongata, and 2) How does the AMF association influence A. elongata’s growth under different P concentrations? A. elongata’s growth, P content in plant tissue, AMF colonization and dependency were measured under four P concentrations: control (0 g P kg−1 ), low (0.05 g P kg−1 ), intermediate (0.2 g P kg−1 ) and high (2 g P kg−1 ) in different harvests. A complete randomized block design was applied. A. elongata’s growth was higher under -AMF in intermediate and high P concentrations, and the lowest growth corresponded to +AMF in the low and intermediate P concentration. We observed a negative effect on the root biomass under +AMF in intermediate P concentration, while the P concentration had a positive effect on the leaf area ratio. The AMF colonization in A. elongata decreased in the highest P concentration and it was favored under intermediate P concentration; while the low and the high concentrations generated a cost-benefit imbalance. Our results suggest that the performance of some plant species in soils with low P availability may not be favored by their association with AMF, but a synergy between AMF and intermediate P concentrations might drive A. elongata’s growth.  相似文献   
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