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Age at maturity, a particularly important parameter in the life history of small mammals, contributes greatly to fitness. Social influences on age at maturity have been demonstrated for altricial rodents, in particular, mice. Nothing is known about such effects in precocial small mammals. Wild cavies Cavia aperea are born in a highly precocial state and mature early in life, briefly after weaning. We investigated whether the wild cavy C. aperea and the domestic guinea-pig Cavia aperea f. porcellus reach maturity earlier in the presence of adults of the opposite sex. Juvenile females kept in pairs without males showed first vaginal opening (=oestrus) when 59 days old in cavies and at about 40 days in the guinea-pig. However, in the company of adult males, cavy females kept in pairs reached maturity when about 30 days old, and guinea-pig females when 26 days old. Most cavy females experienced successful pregnancy following first vaginal opening. In cavies, female mass at birth and at first oestrus was not correlated with age at first oestrus. In guinea-pigs, birth mass predicted age at maturity only when a male was present. The growth rate from birth to first oestrus related to age at first oestrus. In the wild cavy, the presence of a male appeared to influence maturation more between days 25 and 30 than earlier in life. Male C. aperea matured and had fully descended testes when about 65–70 days old. All male cavies produced abundant motile sperm from day 75. First successful copulations occurred at about the same age. Surprisingly, the priming effect of the presence of an adult male on female maturation proved stronger in these highly precocial caviomorphs than in altricial rodents investigated so far.  相似文献   
In our study of the development of diving in Galápagos fur seals, we analysed changes in diving activity and body mass trends over the lunar cycle. Based on previously observed lunar cycles in colony attendance patterns, we hypothesized a greater impact of prey migrations of deep scattering layer organisms on younger fur seals. Using electronic dive recorders, we determined that seals dived less and deeper on moonlit nights than at new moon, and incurred body mass losses. These changes in foraging over the lunar cycle correlate with the suppression of the vertical migration of prey by lunar light. All effects were more pronounced in juveniles than adult females, with greater relative mass loss during full moon, which must (i) negatively affect long-term juvenile growth rates, (ii) lengthen periods of maternal dependence, and (iii) contribute to the lowest reproductive rate reported for seals. This underlines the importance of studying ontogeny in order to understand life histories, and for determining the susceptibility of animal populations to fluctuations in food availability.  相似文献   
Population substructuring is a fundamental aspect of animal societies. A growing number of theoretical studies recognize that who-meets-whom is not random, but rather determined by spatial relationships or illustrated by social networks. Structural properties of large highly dynamic social systems are notoriously difficult to unravel. Network approaches provide powerful ways to analyse the intricate relationships between social behaviour, dispersal strategies and genetic structure. Applying network analytical tools to a colony of the highly gregarious Galápagos sea lion (Zalophus wollebaeki), we find several genetic clusters that correspond to spatially determined 'network communities'. Overall relatedness was low, and genetic structure in the network can be interpreted as an emergent property of philopatry and seems not to be primarily driven by targeted interactions among highly related individuals in family groups. Nevertheless, social relationships between directly adjacent individuals in the network were stronger among genetically more similar individuals. Taken together, these results suggest that even small differences in the degree of relatedness can influence behavioural decisions. This raises the fascinating prospect that kin selection may also apply to low levels of relatedness within densely packed animal groups where less obvious co-operative interactions such as increased tolerance and stress reduction are important.  相似文献   
We have identified and synthesized a series of phenyl-tetrazolyl and 4-thiopyridyl indanones as allosteric potentiators of the metabotropic glutamate receptor 2. Structure activity relationship studies directed toward improving the potency and level of potentiation, as well as PK properties, led to the discovery of 28 (EC50=186 nM), which displayed activity in a rodent model for schizophrenia.  相似文献   
The positive relationship between sexual size dimorphism (SSD) and harem size across pinnipeds is often cited as a textbook example of sexual selection. It assumes that female aggregation selected for large male size via male–male competition. Yet, it is also conceivable that SSD evolved prior to polygyny due to ecological forces. We analyzed 11 life‐history traits in 35 pinniped species to determine their coevolutionary dynamics and infer their most likely evolutionary trajectories contrasting these two hypotheses. We find support for SSD having evolved prior to changes in the mating system, either as a consequence of niche partitioning during aquatic foraging or in combination with sexual selection on males to enforce copulations on females. Only subsequently did polygyny evolve, leading to further coevolution as the strength of sexual selection intensified. Evolutionary sequence analyses suggest a polar origin of pinnipeds and indicate that SSD and polygyny are intrinsically linked to a suite of ecological and life‐history traits. Overall, this study calls for the inclusion of ecological variables when studying sexual selection and argues for caution when assuming causality between coevolving traits. It provides novel insights into the role of sexual selection for the coevolutionary dynamics of SSD and mating system.  相似文献   
Blood chemistry and hematology were examined in 238 Steller sea lion pups (Eumetopias jubatus) to assess the health status of pups <1 month of age. Failure of juvenile recruitment (possibly due to nutritionally or physiologically compromised pups) into breeding populations has been proposed as a cause of recent declines of this endangered species in Alaska. To identify potential correlations with areas of high population decline, blood chemistry data were considered for three areas: eastern Aleutian Islands (low rates of population decline to stable populations), Gulf of Alaska (high rates of decline), and Southeast Alaska (stable to increasing population). Southeast Alaska pups showed elevated ketone body concentrations (beta-hydroxybutyrate,(beta-HBA)) and depressed glucose levels than pups in the Gulf of Alaska. Over 40% of the pups from Southeast Alaska had elevated beta-HBA concentrations suggesting they underwent longer periods of fasting than seen in pups from other areas. Hematocrit (Hct), hemoglobin concentration (Hb) and water content of the blood exhibited typical mammalian relationships. In summary, blood chemistry and hematology data showed no indication that Steller sea lion pups <1 month old from areas of population decline were nutritionally compromised.  相似文献   
Most competition studies between species are conducted from a population-level approach. Few studies have examined inter-specific competition in conjunction with intra-specific competition, with an individual-based approach. To our knowledge, none has been conducted on marine top predators. Sympatric Galapagos fur seals (Arctocephalus galapagoensis) and sea lions (Zalophus wollebaeki) share similar geographic habitats and potentially compete. We studied their foraging niche overlap at Cabo Douglas, Fernandina Island from simultaneously collected dive and movement data to examine spatial and temporal inter- and intra-specific competition. Sea lions exhibited 3 foraging strategies (shallow, intermediate and deep) indicating intra-specific competition. Fur seals exhibited one foraging strategy, diving predominantly at night, between 0–80 m depth and mostly at 19–22 h. Most sea lion dives also occurred at night (63%), between 0–40 m, within fur seals'' diving depth range. 34% of sea lions night dives occurred at 19–22 h, when fur seals dived the most, but most of them occurred at dawn and dusk, when fur seals exhibited the least amount of dives. Fur seals and sea lions foraging behavior overlapped at 19 and 21 h between 0–30 m depths. Sea lions from the deep diving strategy exhibited the greatest foraging overlap with fur seals, in time (19 h), depth during overlapping time (21–24 m), and foraging range (37.7%). Fur seals foraging range was larger. Cabo Douglas northwest coastal area, region of highest diving density, is a foraging “hot spot” for both species. Fur seals and sea lions foraging niche overlap occurred, but segregation also occurred; fur seals primarily dived at night, while sea lions exhibited night and day diving. Both species exploited depths and areas exclusive to their species. Niche breadth generally increases with environmental uncertainty and decreased productivity. Potential competition between these species could be greater during warmer periods when prey availability is reduced.  相似文献   
Young reptiles have higher relative energy demands than adults, but the proposed ontogenetic changes in diet to fulfil these demands were not found in the algae-eating Galápagos marine iguanas on Santa Fé. Feeding and digestion rates were investigated to analyse how young achieve higher energy intake. Daily food intake of free ranging marine iguana hatchlings (6–11 months old) was about one third that of adults, but relative intake (g dry mass · g–1 wet mass · day–1) was four times higher in the hatchlings. During feeding experiments, relative daily food intake of hatchling marine iguanas was approximately three times higher than that of adults (0.042 vs 0.013 g dry mass · g–0.8 wet mass · day–1), and mean gut passage time was two times shorter (5 vs 10 days). The hatchlings also maintained high body temperatures (36.7° C) even under relatively cool day-time air temperatures of 32° C. Apparent digestibility of algal food measured both during feeding trials and by Mn2+ AAS (atomic absorption spectrometry) for free-ranging iguanas was 70%, independent of body size and temperature. The red algae prevailing in the diet were high in protein (30% dry mass) and energy (12.1 kJ/g dry mass). Diving iguanas had higher rates of energy intake than intertidal foragers, but daily intake was less. Maintenance of high body temperature enabled hatchlings to achieve high digestion rates and, combined with high relative intake, thus achieve sufficient energy intake for rapid growth despite higher mass specific metabolic rates. Estimates of biomass of marine iguanas and their algal food are given for a section of coastline on Santa Fé.  相似文献   
Blood chemistry and hematologic reference ranges are useful for population health assessment and establishing a baseline for future comparisons in the event of ecosystem changes due to natural or anthropogenic factors. The objectives of this study were to determine if there was any population spatial structure for blood variables of Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus), an established sentinel species, and to report reference ranges for appropriate populations using standardized analyses. In addition to comparing reference ranges between populations with contrasting abundance trends, data were examined for evidence of disease or nutritional stress. From 1998 to 2011, blood samples were collected from 1,231 pups captured on 37 rookeries across their Alaskan range. Reference ranges are reported separately for the western and eastern distinct population segments (DPS) of Steller sea lion after cluster analysis and discriminant function analysis (DFA) supported underlying stock structure. Variables with greater loading scores for the DFA (creatinine, total protein, calcium, albumin, cholesterol, and alkaline phosphatase) also were greater for sea lions from the endangered western DPS, supporting previous studies that indicated pup condition in the west was not compromised during the first month postpartum. Differences between population segments were likely a result of ecological, physiological, or age related differences.  相似文献   
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