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Intracellular calcium buffering capacity in isolated squid axons   总被引:5,自引:7,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Changes in ionized calcium were studied in axons isolated from living squid by measuring absorbance of the Ca binding dye Arsenazo III using multiwavelength differential absorption spectroscopy. Absorption changes measured in situ were calibrated in vitro with media of ionic composition similar to axoplasm containing CaEGTA buffers. Calcium loads of 50-2,500 μmol/kg axoplasm were induced by microinjection, by stimulation in 112 mM Ca seawater, or by soaking in choline saline with 1-10 mM Ca. Over this range of calcium loading of intact axoplasm, the ionized calcium in the axoplasm rose about 0.6 nM/μM load. Similar loading in axons preteated with carbonyl cyanide 4- trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone (FCCP) to inhibit the mitochondrial proton gradient increased ionized calcium by 5-7 percent of the imposed load, i.e. 93-95 percent of the calcium load was buffered by a process insensitive to FCCP. This FCCP- insensitive buffer system was not saturated by the largest calcium loads imposed, indicating a capacity of at least several millimolar. Treatment of previously loaded axons with FCCP or apyrase plus cyanide produced rises in ionized calcium which could be correlated with the extent of the load. Analysis of results indicated that, whereas only 6 percent of the endogenous calcium in fresh axons is stored in the FCCP-sensitive (presumably mitochondrial) buffer system, about 30 percent of an imposed exogenous load in the range of 50-2,500 μM is taken up by this system.  相似文献   
Estimates of tag retention and tagging-related mortality are essential for mark-recapture experiments. Mortality and tag loss were estimated from 15 tigerfish Hydrocynus vittatus marked using Hallmark model PDL plastic-tipped dart tags released into a 1 730 m2 pond at Kamutjonga Inland Fisheries Institute, Namibia, and inspected bi-monthly for the presence or absence of tags. No mortality was observed during the experiment. All marked fish had lost their tags after 10 months and 50% tag loss was estimated at 3.9 months. The high tag loss rate indicates that PDL plastic-tipped dart tags are not suitable for long-term studies on this species.  相似文献   
The specific interaction of hevein with GlcNAc-containing oligosaccharides has been analyzed by1H-NMR spectroscopy. The association constants for the binding of hevein to a variety of ligands have been estimated from1H-NMR titration experiments. The association constants increase in the order GlcNAc-alpha(1-->6)-Man < GlcNAc < benzyl-beta-GlcNAc < p-nitrophenyl-beta-GlcNAc < chitobiose < p- nitrophenyl-beta-chitobioside < methyl-beta-chitobioside < chitotriose. Entropy and enthalpy of binding for different complexes have been obtained from van't Hoff analysis. The driving force for the binding process is provided by a negative DeltaH0which is partially compensated by negative DeltaS0. These negative signs indicate that hydrogen bonding and van der Waals forces are the major interactions stabilizing the complex. NOESY NMR experiments in water solution provided 475 accurate protein proton-proton distance constraints after employing the MARDIGRAS program. In addition, 15 unambiguous protein/carbohydrate NOEs were detected. All the experimental constraints were used in a refinement protocol including restrained molecular dynamics in order to determine the highly refined solution conformation of this protein- carbohydrate complex. With regard to the NMR structure of the free protein, no important changes in the protein nOe's were observed, indicating that carbohydrate-induced conformational changes are small. The average backbone rmsd of the 20 refined structures was 0.055 nm, while the heavy atom rmsd was 0.116 nm. It can be deduced that both hydrogen bonds and van der Waals contacts confer stability to the complex. A comparison of the three-dimensional structure of hevein in solution to those reported for wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) and hevein itself in the solid state has also been performed. The polypeptide conformation has also been compared to the NMR-derived structure of a smaller antifungical peptide, Ac-AMP2.   相似文献   
ATP hydrolysis is important for different stages of the protein synthesis process. A novel effect of this nucleotide was detected using mRNAs isolated from S. cerevisiae after phenol extraction of polysomes. When polysomal mRNA (pmRNA) or poly(A)(+) RNA were preincubated with ATP (approximately 3 mM, near physiological concentration), their translational activity in a cell-free system from yeast was stimulated 2-3 fold. This increased translational activity is specific for the poly(A)(+) RNA fraction, correlates with facilitated assembly of 80S initiation complexes, and is associated to increased synthesis of high molecular weight polypeptides. TCA precipitation assays of RNA incubated with [(14)C]ATP suggested an association of the nucleotide with the nucleic acid. The amount of [(14)C]ATP co-precipitated was dependent on magnesium (optimum at 5-6 mM), was partially inhibited by monovalent ions, and was maximal with poli(A)(+) RNA. Existence of RNA-associated kinases or ATPases appear unlikely since neither phosphorylation nor nucleotide hydrolysis were observed during preincubation of pmRNA with ATP. Another evidence of ATP-RNA interaction was an increased absorbance at 260 nm after incubation suggesting unwinding of the RNA secondary structure. Therefore, preincubation with ATP may affect the conformation of mRNAs and thereby facilitate the initiation of protein synthesis. This event could be part of an in vivo energy-dependent mechanism for translational control.  相似文献   
Culturable bacteria from the deep subsurface (179 m) at Cerro Negro, New Mexico were isolated and characterized. The average number of viable aerobic bacteria was estimated to be 5×105g–1 of sediment, but only about 0.1% of these could be recovered on agar medium when incubated under aerobic conditions. Of 158 strains isolated from this depth, 92 were characterized by cellular fatty acid profiles (FAME), 36 by analysis of partial 16S rDNA sequences, and 44 by rep-PCR genome fingerprint analysis using three different sets of oligonucleotide primers (REP, BOX, or ERIC). These analyses showed the majority of isolates (67%) were Gram-positive bacteria and primarily members of genera with a high %G+C DNA. The remaining isolates were -subdivisionProteobacteria (19%) and members of the flavobacteria group (14%). The diversity indices based on these different methods of characterization were very high suggesting this subsurface habitat harbors a highly diverse microbial community.  相似文献   


Orthology is a central tenet of comparative genomics and ortholog identification is instrumental to protein function prediction. Major advances have been made to determine orthology relations among a set of homologous proteins. However, they depend on the comparison of individual sequences and do not take into account divergent orthologs.


We have developed an iterative orthology prediction method, Ortho-Profile, that uses reciprocal best hits at the level of sequence profiles to infer orthology. It increases ortholog detection by 20% compared to sequence-to-sequence comparisons. Ortho-Profile predicts 598 human orthologs of mitochondrial proteins from Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Schizosaccharomyces pombe with 94% accuracy. Of these, 181 were not known to localize to mitochondria in mammals. Among the predictions of the Ortho-Profile method are 11 human cytochrome c oxidase (COX) assembly proteins that are implicated in mitochondrial function and disease. Their co-expression patterns, experimentally verified subcellular localization, and co-purification with human COX-associated proteins support these predictions. For the human gene C12orf62, the ortholog of S. cerevisiae COX14, we specifically confirm its role in negative regulation of the translation of cytochrome c oxidase.


Divergent homologs can often only be detected by comparing sequence profiles and profile-based hidden Markov models. The Ortho-Profile method takes advantage of these techniques in the quest for orthologs.  相似文献   
A combination of hydrophobic chromatography on phenyl-Sepharose and reversed phase HPLC was used to purify individual tRNAs with high specific activity. The efficiency of chromatographic separation was enhanced by biochemical manipulations of the tRNA molecule, such as aminoacylation, formylation of the aminoacyl moiety and enzymatic deacylation. Optimal combinations are presented for three different cases. (i) tRNAPhe from Escherichia coli. This species was isolated by a combination of low pressure phenyl-Sepharose hydrophobic chromatography with RP-HPLC. (ii) tRNAIle from E.coli. Aminoacylation increases the retention time for this tRNA in RP-HPLC. The recovered acylated intermediate is deacylated by reversion of the aminoacylation reaction and submitted to a second RP-HPLC run, in which deacylated tRNAIle is recovered with high specific activity. (iii) tRNAiMet from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The aminoacylated form of this tRNA is unstable. To increase stability, the aminoacylated form was formylated using E.coli enzymes and, after one RP-HPLC step, the formylated derivative was deacylated using peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase from E.coli. The tRNAiMet recovered after a second RP-HPLC run exhibited electrophoretic homogeneity and high specific activity upon aminoacylation. These combinations of chromatographic separation and biochemical modification can be readily adapted to the large-scale isolation of any particular tRNA.  相似文献   
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